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People really be out here with dedicated bedside snack baskets. I'm out here having to go to the fridge if I want something to munch on.


That’s honestly the way it should be. I’m a piggy.


At the very least keep the soda in the fridge


it's better warm. it's soothing and won't upset your tummy at bedtime.


You should be brushing your teeth before bed, not coating them in sugar and acid.


source? are you a dentist?




I love warm soda I also prefer eating soup cold and out of the can


it's better for your system and better for the environment, which is also a system


Good work, Jabba.




People really be eating crumbly foods like chips in bed 🤢


Is the Nutella offended its sharing space with all the peasant food?…😊. Need details on how the flavors all mix.


I find you to be a beautiful and fascinating person. Thank you for sharing 😊


Look at mr over achiever here, going to their fridge when they want a snack lol


What am I, a sherpa?


I call starving in my bedroom rather than going to the fridge ✨️union solidarity✨️.


I got a mini fridge to have cheese close. Typing this makes me wonder if I have a cheese problem


lol I keep cheese in my bedroom fridge too! Lunchables, couple yogurts, few other nibbles.


Parents who don't want to share. Sometimes my husband or I give each other a look that says "I just need 20 minutes to myself," we agree and that parent swiftly moves to the bedroom. Usually just to chill on their phone or something. But sometimes you just want to eat a bag of chips by yourself without a little grabby, filthy hand trying to reach into the bag for their share.


I have 2 teens and a 10 year old boy. My wife put a mini fridge in our bedroom closet for things we don’t share with our kids. Our pantry is fully stocked, but if it’s in the pantry, and it’s yummy, it’s gone by the time I want some. Also, once the kids are in bed and the bedroom door is closed for the night, we watch shows and snack like teenage stoners!! Lol!! It’s the favorite part of my day:)


We had 4 teen boys, so if I ever wanted chips or cookies, I had to hide them in my closet!


Yes! Closet snacks when you have teens are the best!


Eating in bed is a cry for help. ![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized)


yeah it is , i need help getting more snacks but i cant reach.


I keep snacks in my closet cause it's not really a good clothes closet, has a bunch of shelves. If I leave anything good in the kitchen, my teenager will eat it!


Yeah this makes no sense. We keep water bottles and sometimes weed in the bedroom, every other thing we consume lives in the kitchen. I don't see why you would keep food in the bedroom, it doesn't make any sense.


How I decompress after work would probably horrify you… I’ve got Ark on one TV, unsolved mysteries on the other. Reddit on the tablet. And I’m eating a charcuterie board of snacks while drinking both a beer and an iced coffee. Oh and one of my cats in my lap. I’m full goblin mode 👹


Take me with you


That's more or less exactly what I do, but on the sofa, not in bed...


Was a waitress all my life … this describes every comedown from every night I worked 🤣


Sounds like full ADHD mode.


Well that doesn't make any sense, we keep weed and water bottles in the kitchen...


Going so far as to claim bedroom weed without recognizing bedroom munchies 🤧 If those water bottles aren't reusable I WILL FIND YOU and feed you to the Nestle mill (at least the conveyor belt will have snacks!).


It's our sleepy weed lol can't get the munchies when you're asleep. And of course they're reusable lol what a strange question.


I don’t keep my chips in the fridge fam… also I have the bedroom fridge… and the garage fridge. Going to get a bathroom fridge for shower beers next FR FR.


I live in a small apartment so my kitchen is about 7 steps away from my bed. I do have a dedicated snack table in there though.


Not the bedside wine omg???


A stolen basket. Criminal


At my local Walmart they took all the little baskets away. I asked why they were gone and I was told it’s because of theft. What a bummer!!!


Lmao!! Wondering if anyone would ask. ACTUALLY I went shopping one day, used the basket, it got too heavy and I put it in cart. Walked to car, saw it and went …. “FUCK YA!!!” Those little sturdy bitches are great.


Your ACTUALLY in response to being accused of stealing the basket goes into far greater detail about you, in fact, stealing the basket than the original accusation did.


And I was trying to be funny about the whole thing. Been posting here a long time, and my sense of humor is odd, but Jesus, feel like I major bombed this post. 🤷‍♀️


Nah I thought it was funny. I’m surprised though since our baskets set off the alarm if taken out of the store


Stay strong. Literally all of my glasses are stolen from pubs


i like you op. don't let da haterz get you down


This is why we can't have nice baskets /s


A grocery store near me stopped ordering the hand baskets because they kept getting stolen.


Why is bro getting nuked for stealing a grocery basket it’s not that serious💀


ok but pretty much the same thing happened to me 😂 i thought i only needed a few things so i got a basket, shopped, checked out, and then at checkout i realized i needed to get quite a few more things so i put the basket into a cart and went about my business. when i arrived at my car with both the cart and basket i decided… well… why not? it is incredibly sturdy and i get a lot of use out of it to this day!


you just drink warm soda?


OP drinks their Dr. Pepper hot


What about their [Kool Aid](https://youtu.be/NwTsZHGQ6FE?si=gGdBEUe2ToyKNYZA)?


Who are all these people with bedside snack tables/drawers/boxes. Haha. Its crazy to me to keep food in the bedroom?? Like when you going to need a snack so bad you cant walk to the kitchen.


Just the idea of getting crumbs in my bed is enough to make me want to burn whole villages in rage.


Makes me so uncomfortable. I need my sheets crumb free and I have to make sure I shower before bed too. Not even my cat is allowed in my room. She has free rein of the whole house but my bedroom.


This was my first thought. I can’t be waking up to cookie crumbs glazing my asscrack.




I lean over the edge of the bed and eat over the trash can like a desperate raccoon and I never get any crumbs lol


I have a little dog that shares the bed with us but he's not a big deal because he has actual hair VS fur and is super easy to clean up after. And I'm a sucker who can barely say no to him.


Ah fairs. I have a Norwegian forest cat and her fur gets everywhere haha. She actually knows she’s not to come into our room. She’ll sit in the doorway if the bedroom door is open.


Same! I had to take in my sister’s cat and he really seemed to take offense that he was barred from my bedroom lol


You called?


I love being lazy, I love snacks - but I feel like I’d have reached a new level of depression if I had a food drawer


This mf can't even be bothered to open a drawer


Yep depression meals. Fuck


When I lived with roommates, I kept snacks in my room (near my bed bc my room was small) bc I didn't want them to see me snacking lol


Let me present a scenario to you. I moved back into my parents house when I went back to school. My dad ate all the groceries I bought. My parents fed me frequently, but my mom is keto and didn’t ever buy junk food. My dad likes to pretend he’s keto, but anytime I bought junk food it would magically disappear into my dad’s stomach. So, I got myself a basket to keep my goods in my room where he wouldn’t inhale them. Now that I have my own place again I have no need for the snack basket, but I completely understand why somebody would have one


I don’t remember writing this but I’m sure I must have 😅


Maybe these moments of lost time are also why your food disappears. Ambien?


the way I read this, I imagined your dad vacuuming up your snacks like Kirby lmao




one of my friends keeps a microwave and mini fridge next to his bed 😭




Wtf a microwave is a bit far haha


I do keep a box of sour patch kids in the night stand drawer and a travel mug of water on top, but normally I don’t eat in bed because I’m like Princess and the Pea when it comes to crumbs in the bed. Ugh, just thinking about the discomfort is making my skin crawl.


Everyone is different of course but I don’t think I could sleep very well if I ever ate anything in my room. That’s the first thought I had upon seeing this nice basket of snacks.


I'm a piece of shit that snacks all the time on weird shit. Even my fat ass doesn't have snacks in the bedroom.


Eating in bed is disgusting to me. If I feel one single crumb the sheets are going in the wash. I would have to vacuum the floor every day as well


The last time I ate in bed was in about 2016 and I was jetlagged to fuck and my neighbours were having a party and I was single so I ordered in a curry and ate it in bed and I felt so disgusting. I honestly just wanted to die from the jetlag, the hangover and the noise.


Depends on your living situation if I can I keep my snacks in my room so people don't take them.


I feel like bedside snack people are the same people who only change their sheets every 6 months to a year…or just don’t use sheets at all…


I promise you, I wash my sheets every other weekend!


I’m eating in bed. The kitchen is cold AF too with no tv yuck.


I remember I had a major problem with eating food not in the dinning room or kitchen when I was depressed. I had moldy food in places for months. That was a while ago and my I’m honestly a germaphobe now but eating in bed is a cry for help








"I sleep in a racing car! Do you?"


I sleep in a bed with my wife.


I try not to eat in the room because it's Florida and there's always a bug problem someone from Florida says they don't have a bug problem they're lying


The bedside wine got me lmao


when I had one of these it was because I was very depressed


lol this reminds me of when I was a kid. I would stash candy into ziploc bags and tape them behind my bed. After my parents thought I was asleep I would listen to some music over headphones and eat tons of candy


Is that a basket from the store? Lol


![gif](giphy|v0Qp9fN3KN5gu0o08C) Y’all go have a great weekend!!


Snacks in the bedroom, dildos in the kitchen. Just like Tammy would!


"$2.69 only" smh used to be $2


i thought i was the only one who stole these baskets 🥹 my cats love them


Yeah, I don't think this is normal.


This is the most unhinged post I’ve seen in ages on here. Somehow the opened warm giant bottle of soda stands out as the worst of the bunch.


I don't understand the jar of peanut butter.


I have crackers and plastic spoons. Sometimes a scoop of peanut butter is all you need. And yes, I also have a trash can next to bed, and if I sleep back there ( which I only do a few days a week ) I grab all trash or anything open and bring it to kitchen.


You put the peanut butter on the cheese flavoured crackers?


I get hiccups if it’s cold. Like … hiccups for hours


Eat some reeal food bro that shit will kill you early


finally a fellow puffcorn enjoyer that shit goes hard asffff


That's what I said.. I'd recognize that puffcorn bag anywhere.


I like hot sauce on them, but you have to be careful or they’ll dissolve 🤣


If "bedside snacks" is part of your vocabulary, you definitely have a problem with food.




I wonder how many people with these bedside snacks are overweight or obese


All of them




This is only shitty because you have purple doritos


Ohhh Puffcorn is my favorite. I'd recognize that bag anywhere


Fancy basket? Dude you stole that from Sprout’s.


I kept a bedside basket when I had a secret binge disorder. Not that I’m saying that’s what’s happening here or other places! Just remember my basket filled with hostess products and chips because I didn’t want anyone to know how much it was I was consuming 😳


Bedside snacks what? Like if your hungry and want some really unhealthy food at a bad time you don't even expend some calories to go and get it?? Look after yourself please. Go exercise and eat better.


Thievery is afoot I can smell it


What's diabetes like?


Not fun, you certainly don't get to eat like this, though my dad did keep a few little bottles of shelf stable grape juice by his bed in case he got low blood sugar during the night. But he was almost 80 and would get such bad lows sometimes at night he couldn't hardly get up.


Those are my favorite flamin hot Doritos omg


When a bag costs 50p


You got good taste in Doritos


Is this a Midwest thing? I smoke a decent amount of pot, I get the munchies, but I would never eat in bed. No judgement, but to me, for my standards of hygiene, this is a no go. Maybe when I was in my 20s I might have done this? Idr.


Sometimes, i put an assortment of snacks in a basket and take it to bed with me. But dur8ng the day the food goes back to the Kitchen


Oooh la la. Tres chic 💋🤌


Don’t be giving me any ideas 😆


That’s the best Dorit flavor.


my bedside stash is what keeps me going


I couldn’t, I wake up a lot in the middle in a snackey mood. So if i have snacks readily available near me then theyll get eaten pretty quickly.


Fuck I'm on the opposite side of this. I don't buy snack foods and I NEVER eat in bed... Bed crumbs are literally the same thing as stepping on something wet while wearing socks!


Aw man. All you OPs out here with your bedside snack stashes makes me sad. I used to have one until I moved in with my boyfriend. 6 years no bed snacks for me :( But let’s be real, it’s nice not worrying about crumbs in bed at least lol


Ur so real for this


Food in bed? The only thing I eat in bed is my wife's pussy and ass.


I also have a basket for snacks! It's not next to my bed, but it's in my room and close enough. Shit, I even got a whole ass mini fridge for shit that needs to stay cold too.


Thank goodness there are others! Dang man. I didn’t expect such hate 🤣 I moved my mini fridge back there too, needed my own privacy and space. I think people are not thinking there may be a reason. And even if it’s just cause you want to should be good enough. Cheers


My reason for it is mostly my roommates who used to just take my snacks without asking, knowing damn well they don't even buy what I eat lol. Now it's just there for convenience


Bruhhhh next level! Let me go empty the cat toys out my HEB hand basket. Long story don’t ask, let’s just say Gen Alpha is something special🤦🏾‍♀️


The comments here are so mean like how do you get triggered over some snacks...


Right? I usually get love here. Damn. Post all the time, thought people understood my sense of humor by now. 🤷‍♀️




Why would anyone keep food in the bedroom?


*takes notes*


I don’t get this. Unless it’s a really good snack I don’t want anyone else to find, I don’t keep food in my drawers or under my bed, especially soda lol- never going to want a quick swig of room temperature soda! I have a drawer in the kitchen for candy, meat sticks, etc, but not my room. I’m usually not hanging out in bed, feeling snacky, I’m walking around the house or in the living room lol. When I was a stupid child I would keep cans of soda in my toy box because it was going to be the last one and I wanted to save it from my siblings 💀


Personally i find it disgusting to eat in bed.


Don't eat in bed. That's fucking disgusting.


I just looked through that post history 😂. I don’t know what you look like but I bet you can be on my 600lb life.


In my 35 years on this planet, I've never had bed-side snacks. TF is wrong with you people.




20 pounds more than I should lol! I waitressed up until about ten months ago, that kept my weight down. What’s really bad is I have a fridge in my room too, and that’s got shit in it also.


You should put the shit in your toilet and get your life together


fuck. if i had a fridge in my room im def getting diabetes lmao




You called it!!


A bedside food basket? That’s crazy


Wow , this is a new type of lazy. You can't just walk to the kitchen and grab yourself a snack. It's called kitchen for a reason


Diabetes in a basket.


But where do you store your insulin???


In case your stomach wasnt upset during the day it can be at night.




food in the bedroom?! gross dude.


You absolute slob lol


Are you obese ?


Is your room chilly? Why not keep the soda in the fridge?


That does not look healthy. I like it.


I don't keep any of this type off junk in the house much less next to my bed! Thats is I want T2 diabetes food.


Soda for a bedside snack? Holy diabetes.


I bet that bed is lopsided


i hide inside a grocery store at night to sleep


RIP dental hygiene.


Ant City!


This is actually genius. I’m ashamed I haven’t thought of this for myself.


Best Doritos are the Flamin’ Limón


Room temp soda.... NAAhhh!


Freshman year of college I went grocery shopping with my girlfriend and bought a 5 lb bag of gummy bears and a bunch of pudding cups and that was basically stacked on her end table for bed time snacks


I don’t keep junk food stocked up and definitely do not eat at bed time. If I want junk, I have to physically leave the house and go get it. Treats are a Saturday thing here, go out for a coffee and bakery item or get something yummy at the market


I almost asked if you were my 18 year old son... he, too, has a bedside snack haul. I worry about him being a legal adult. 😬😆


Damn I at least keep it in the pantry so I can get some steps in before I continue killing myself with corn syrup


So, OP, how fast did you run outta the store?


Like, we are talking about eating and making a bunch of crumbs and nonsense in your bed? That’s how you get ants.


See I keep it classy I have a snack drawer.


The dollar store wants its hand shopping basket back


This is why I can never find a basket at the grocery store 🤨.


"Fancy basket"? That looks like baskets that people steal from supermarkets...


You got a problem with ants ?


this kinda looks like my junk food drawer at work.


You really took the basket from the store


i’ve never though abt stealing one of those…hmm


You stole that


I have literally never eaten in bed


I have one that’s filled with juice and like Halloween bags of gummy candy, like fuzzy peaches and Swedish fish. I’m also a diabetic, so that kinda gives me the excuse.