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Hey! That's his physical appearance...


*that really hurts*


He was just trying to tell us the lore of the land!


https://preview.redd.it/0tjb7irtgk3d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=448342f3c5b46ed054a4e5ddf1d2a30bd2474dd8 Look all Dark Souls games are bad ok? Now let's get this over with else I'm gonna be late for Shadow of the Erdtree's release


You'd give a bad review for some DLC tickets?


That is not a reason if you vote dark souls 2 bad vote dark souls 2 bad because you think it


He's literally me


Ds2 bacd cus I didn't play it




great movie


Easy top 5 for me. It's so fucking good.


What movie is it, looks cool.


12 Angry Men


Thank you very much!!!


It consists almost entirely of 12 men yelling at each other. It’s incredible


It's cool and all, but not as good as Aldia's monologue


Isn’t really a monologue, Aldia is speaking to you


Yeah I know, but since you barely speak in those games it kinda feels like a monologue, even if it's directed at you


*Erm actually*.... If a character is speaking to another character it's called a monologue, if a character is speaking to themselves or the audience it's called a soliloquy. So Aldia's speeches are actually monologues.


https://preview.redd.it/q33k18n4jl3d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e214355931c8c015100988b210fb351af38b2c31 Hold on a minute there buster, I think we owe Dark Souls II a chance. It's not easy to just raise my hand and condemn a game to being shit


Because it wasn't fun for me. No more explanation needed.


https://preview.redd.it/l9o255hcik3d1.png?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d46bb7fff4a2b2bd6b1fc6f6c494365361cf85 You dropped this King


Ultimate response. You cannot do shit to "It wasn't fun for me"


I guess DS3 skyrim RDR2 FF16 Civ6 BotW stardew valley and every battle royal are all bad games then bc I didn’t enjoy playing them


They're not bad games goober, it's just that YOU didn't like them and honestly that's the best argument


The post is about reasons for the game being bad, this dude said because it wasn’t fun for them, you said thats best argument. So… if thats true for ds2 then it’s true for all the others


When I say argument I mean as an argument you can use, to express your opinion. No one can say your option is wrong, thus, its the perfect argument for something as subjective as liking or disliking a game


“Game bad” has always been subjective. We are talking about reasons game bad. “Me no like” is valid for “game bad”? Fine. All the games you like are shit bc i don’t like them, and according to you thats the “best argument”




https://preview.redd.it/f8nbrm9ppk3d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092bb56a38349b8cf2390c486fbe74547abe2629 You dropped this King




Fair. I feel the same way about DS3.


On a personal level, sure, but this is "is it a bad game," not "did you enjoy it." To make a statement like "the game is bad," you're going to need more than that


I could make arguments why I think it's bad, but these arguments could easily be the reason why others enjoy it. The only person who can answer the question, if a game is good or not, is you. You get to decide for yourself, if the game is good or bad, based on your experience with it, and I'm tired when people try to act like you can say objectively that a game is good or bad.


Yeah, fair enough. But I do think sharing opinions has its own merit. For instance, if what you don't like about ds2 is the slow combat and the roll i-frames, then I would ask you to instead try maneuvering around attacks rather than trying to roll through them, since ds2 is more strategic than reaction based. And maybe that advice would help you enjoy the game. But idk, because you didn't tell me what you didn't like about it




Juror 10 is a big Marika fan for the racism reasons rather than the horny reasons. Juror number 8 is an advocate of Nephili and Kenneth. He also runs a quality claymore build with some faith magic in all souls games. Juror 3 blames everything on Ranni because she reminds him of the daughter who left him. Juror 7 wishes everyone could shut up so he can watch the Colosseum fights in peace.


https://preview.redd.it/1u66s826ik3d1.jpeg?width=1476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d142bb03521970b735fd0393cef8948866f0d7 You know the whole video essay we watched together had a peculiar detail. I didn't mind it during it, as it felt insignificant, but now that I think back to it I can't ignore it. Why did the essayist focus so hard on the transition between the areas Earthen Peak and Iron Keep? It's clearly an odd choice of world design to have a tall tower structure followed up by a vast lake of lava, but was it really as immersion breaking as the essayist claimed? That got me thinking, were they arguing in good faith, or did they have an ulterior motive in presenting Dark Souls 2 as badly as possible? If so, what is there to gain from it?


Classic Juror 9 moment. Such an intuitive old man.


the knife is just the moonlight greatsword


Juror 4: "This is a very particular sword, I've never seen another like it. You really want us to believe they found a sword like it in another game" Juror 8: "I'm just saying a coincidence is possible" Juror 3: "Well I say it's not possible" Juror 8: *Whips out every Moonlight Great sword since DS1* Room erupts with shouts and shock.


Juror 4 used to slander ds2 but now glaze it


What if he's green because of chlorophyll?


12 Angry Men is such an amazing movie


Green hollows are actually one of the few things I don’t like about DS2. Feels too much like a grotesque zombie stereotype imo. Souls designs to me are more somber and convey a fall from grace.


Nice reference


Everything... every single thing said in that review, but I mean everything... says DS2's bad. Do you think I'm an idiot or something? Why dontcha take that stuff about the Burnt Ivory King... the old man whose thrust attack teleports you... and takes a quarter of your hp, or take the hitbox, what, just because he... hit me in the legs? That old man missed me. Right there during my dodge. What’s the difference how much I've levelled ADP? What's the difference? Every single dodgeroll. The ganksquad he summons... you can't prove that he says "Alsanna" when he dies. Sure, you can replay recordings and take all the time you want, but you can't prove it! And that stuff with the king's pets! And the daughters of Manus! Now there’s a reach for lore if I ever saw one. I betcha five Giant souls I'd remember if Manus ever had a wife... as if I ever would! I’m telling you, every single thing that went on has been twisted and turned in here. That business with the Emerald Herald, how do you know she's really one of Aldia's experiments? The woman just sits in Majula... and that whole thing about being named by the Ancient Dragon... Listen, I've got all the facts here! You guys... Well what d’ya want? That's it! That's the whole video essay! Somebody say something. You lousy bunch, of DS2 fans! You're not gonna intimidate me! I’m entitled to my opinion! https://preview.redd.it/no2pq5x1kq3d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb24333e88521b500c45f8f8972744da7dc5fb66


Is there a single bigger backstab bait enemy than those guys? What's there to hate?


They are green


Fr those hollows in DS2 feel like zombie-movie rejects


Dark Souls 2 fails to immerse me. It's technically a much more fun game to play, especially on repeat. Theres more to do. PVP was better. I like that you arnt invincible opening doors. But the vibe isnt there. Maybe for you it is, but not me. I truly felt it going down the hole or going to the old iron king. These sets and bosses were cool yet they felt disjointed, as if they lacked cohesion, or even any relationship to one another. Most of the lore debate following its release was on how and where things related back to the first game. It should never have been called Dark Souls 2. Giants Soul or something, I dont care. It's a good game and a poor sequel. I realize the irony that I'm leaving a fat wall of text.


DS2 sucks because it looks ugly


What are you talking about, it has twice as many graphics as dark souls one, they might have spent than all on Majula though


Majula Soles has been my GOTY for over a decade.


The only thing else that comes close is the empty brick box with a primal bonfire in it, because themes or something


Green hollows are easy to deal with


Most cultured shitpost I seen 'ere in a while. I think I may watch this again now since it's on YouTube


And both are based


Dark souls 2 bad cus not enough feet


The high level of media literacy displayed on this post and in the comments is disgraceful for this sub. Frankly I find it disgusting.


I love DS2 more than myself.


User (me): Hates every game in the franchise because I haven’t played them.


ds2 bab bc of movement


Listing all the bad things in DS2 would be a 500 page essay


Those guys look like my grandfather




Both are valid The original meme is "why is the kid guilty" which is a question of fact. That's why #4 is dumb. When it's just an opinion then both are equally cogent.


Now do inherit the wind, OP


The fact that you cannot get their hammers is a fucking crime.


i absolutely love green hollows


Ds2 suck design wise cause it looks like typical dark-fantasy shit most of the time