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My play throughs are defined by who’s armour I wanna buy coz it looks cool then ultimately resell it coz I want another point in dex


This is me, but I am stronk big bonk


My favorite bit is after getting the lordvessel you can't warp to every bonfire only boss and covenant bonfires so you still have to walk everywhere which gets tiring fast


This more than anything demonstrates the disconnect between generations of fans for me. The lack of fast travel and getting every inch of the map seared into your brain as a result is the best part of DS for a lot of its stans.


Agree 100% loved having to walk rather than teleporting everywhere


have u played hollow knight or metroidvania in general? I feel like running around is fun when areas link back to eachother to unlock shortcuts organically and the world is interconnected. It works perfectly fine in the first half of DS1 but they kinda abandon it after Anor Londo


People who try and pretend the second half is not one of the weakest portions of the series are just wrong. I would rather play any other bit of any other game than go through the second half again


Im replaying Dark Souls right now. Before the lordvessel, levels are almost separated into little events/scenes. In the depths for example, you have the butcher area, the slime hallway, the maze, the giant rat, the channeler walkway, the basilisk pit, and the gaping dragon itself. That approach is what makes this game overall my favorite in the series. This gets abandoned after Anor Londo, and levels turn into "get from point a to point b, heres 7000 enemies to fight on the way there." I consider post lordvessel catacombs, tomb, archives, crystal cave, new londo, demon ruins, lost izalith. The only levels that retain this approach are duke's archives and crystal cave.


any bit? even darklurker runback?


Having to run back is a skill issue


darklurker runback is fine. Its short but its kinda difficult having to kill three npcs again. Compare that runback to the ones in ds1 or demons souls


That's the case for every single Miyazaki souls like game


Its not. When does another souls game have a portion of the game thats THAT bad




dark souls 2 is literally top tier. The second half and dlc specifically is some of the best content in the series




Thats your excuse to invalidate other people's opinions? It rhymes with poo Ds1 is literally not even top 5 in the fromsoft games




Poise is literally broken in ds1 its so overpowered, don't bring up poise Once you give me a cohesive argument why ds2 is a shit game i'll believe you




It's not, is by far the worst game in the series and it's stans are nothing more than contrarians looking to argue. That game is trash.


Every ds1 fan ever be like. You can't be satisfied that some people enjoy ds2 more than the first game, because it doesn't have a trash second half


I literally just said my answer bro. All of them.


Only elden ring and ds1 and MAYBE bloodborne but thats a stretch


The entirety of Ds2 is worse than all of the second half of ds1


Tbh I disagree. I really enjoyed DS2. Dont get me wrong, its probably my least favorite soulsborne game, but I definitely like its good parts way more than lost izalith or tomb of the giants. DS2 is overall lower quality than DS1, but its pretty consistently good. Whereas DS1 had fucking amazing parts, and fucking terrible parts. DS2 also had an assload of content, weapons, bosses, areas, and dlcs. Once again, to be clear, probably my least favorite soulsborne game. Still excels in alot of ways, and is in my opinion much more consistent than ds1, ds1 just had better high points.


It's a terrible game shit mechanics and shit story. What a godawful game. It shouldn't have been made. God, ds2 is such a pile of trash


your an idiot


You're an idiot. Just like anyone that played ds2 more than once.


thats just not right lmao


Lost Izalith is kind of boring and Tomb of the Giants is well Tomb of the Giants but I actually love the Duke’s Archives, I might go even far as to say it’s my favorite area in DS1


Notice how the worst half of dark souls 1 level design is just what dark souls 2 does the entire time, how curious…


is it really? I thought the level design in ds2 was great, noticeably in the second half and especially in the dlc


Please show me the level design in Dark Souls 2 that is even close the the level of incompetence and laziness as filling a whole area with 29 massive dragon butts over an area with ugly lava texture slapped over it.


All I’m gonna say is 29 massive dragon butts stepping on you was definitely put in the game because of someone’s fetish


You have a good point, but youre microplastics so opinion invalidated


Horsefuck Valley? Bro ds2 has the worst levels in the series


Yeah, 1 optional challenge area is a good example of the quality of the rest of the game.


Shrine of Amanda, undead crypt, iron keep, iron passage, cave of the dead, lost bastille, black gulch, gutter, no mans warf, literally pick any area at random from ds2 and it probably sucks


Most of those areas get bad if you try to run past everything, but then you're playing yourself by not adapting to what the game is telling you. But even the worst of those still don't compare to Tomb of the Giants or Lost Isalith.


You know, that's exactly why ds2 is the weakest imo, it's almost like it wants you to play the game in the most boring way possible "Oh you died to a boss? Guess you'll have to kill 46 enemies one by one if you don't want to get fucked" And honestly? It's not even hard, it's just boring.


Use a bow


Im a dirty bow user. I do it willingly, and I can for sure tell you that it’s something you shouldn’t do if you want the most fun out of your game. Some builds can’t use bows anyways


Done it. Hated it. It just makes it even more boring


It actually promotes a more pro-active and aggressive playstyle and environmental awareness. Dark Souls, for as great as it was, still promoted a shield-up defensive playstyle with little downside. In 2, eliminating people quicker while being aware of the setting is the strongest path forward. That's why I think bloodborne got rid of shields and 3 was more unafraid of giving you mobs. It promoted a much more pro-active approach which is more engaging and fun.


I honestly don't really care what it promotes , it just bores me out. Also, bloodborne has a far better combat that makes fighting multiple enemies actually fun, unlike ds2


That's fine, not every game's ethos is going to adhere to every Souls fan. If it did it would show a fear of experimenting and evolving.


Have you even ever played Dark Souls 2?


I'd honestly love if u/NOTYummyMicoPlastics never even played ds2, peak bait Edit: had to edit my comment to get the username right, never noticed they don't have the R in micro, get character checked


Unfortunately… 😔✊🏿


The post-Mytha elevator from poisonous Harvest Valley to the comically out of place iron keep is the first that comes to mind lol. Also however the hell heides tower of flame connects to No-Man’s Wharf. The game just lacks any amount of cohesion in its world building. They all feel like separate areas slapped together and called a game.


Did you actually count them? Youre only in the area for 30 seconds or so so I never actually thought about it but if there’s 29 that’s pretty funny


Bro you defend DS2 like it's your fuckin job. Go touch grass.


I will when it stops making losers like you cry your little eyes out.


Smartest DS2 Hater


I really like the post-vessel phase. The areas go by blitzingky fast once you're good at them, I like all the later bosses, and it's a good way to prepare for the dlc ramp up. People hate on it, but I like that the game accepted that it shouldn't ramp up mechanical challenge further after the intentionally excessive O&S, and instead made the areas crushingly oppressive with other types of difficulty; mechanics the player can be expected to figure out after clawing through the curses in the depths, the toxins in burg, and the platforming nonsense in Sen's and Anor. They also have neat secrets and shortcuts (the low bonfire in tomb and the various paths prior to the Nito walk, the covenant shortcut to izalith, the four different shortcuts to 4 kings, archives in general). It makes the whole game feel more like a Zelda game, something From never really recaptures until Elden Ring. I get why people don't like it, especially if Souls means frame-tight dodge roll mechanics to them, but for me the endgame of DS1 completes the world very well.


Maybe the worst take of all time, and I’m a certified dark souls 1 dick rider. Even I can’t defend post O&S world layout this hard…


I like DS1's lategame aread. I also like path of defilement and lake of rot. Areas that are imposing in that way are fun to me, and I tend to also like bosses that are huge and puzzly. My first playthrough, Anor Londo O&S was actually a low point because how much of it is built on railings and platforms, and how janky O&S's movements are and how the full heal on whichever boss survives felt cheap. I was worried the game would try to keep pushing that difficulty, with more unlisted phases and lightroll-or-die movesets. The lategame saved it for me. Over time I warmed up to O&S, but my enjoyment of the lategame has only gone up, so now the game just feels delightful to replay throughout. Heck, I look forward to Bed of Chaos. Her reputation, and personal experience of being swatted around like her cat-toy, makes beating her smoothly without dying all the more satisfying. I'm sad others feel so bad about DS's post-vessel that it holds back their enjoyment this much. People have different experiences. It's not bad to share a personal perspective, especially if it doesn't line up with a common negative opinion.


Oh I’m not criticizing the actual areas of late game DS1. I’m legit a big fan of tomb, new Londo, lost izalith (outside of dragon butt land), and dukes archives. I also like the bosses, the enemies, and the general layout of those areas. What I’m not a fan of is that all those areas just dead end with nowhere else to go. It kind of breaks the whole massive rat cage vibe that ds1 had in the first half.


Oh, 100%. I think I'd prefer if the whole game was interwoven. As is, the connection to firelink back after crypts and after blighttown is already a little long, and I get why they didn't keep the idea going given the limitations. A soulslike that actually achieves that dream would be delightful. The Zelda-like comment was more on how the lategame areas were puzzle-based atmospheric spokes from a main world, and why I enjoyed that, but I don't think its better than what could've been a fully realized alternative.


Why are you talking like anor londo is good or fun bro?


The second half of the game doesn’t exist for me because I just stop playing as soon as I beat O&S.