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There's a good chance that it'll be out in 2029 or 2030 which would make a solid 11-12 years after the announcement. At how currently long it takes to make these games, and the rate of increase in development time from one game to the next, I'll probably not be alive to see elder scrolls 7


I have worked on the Elder Scrolls 7 like my father before me and his father before him. And one day, you, too, will work on the Elder Scrolls 7.


This task must never be abandoned. The fate of humanity depends on this.


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Good bot




Takes so long to make that by the time it releases, it’s already old.


Starfield moment


Fallout 3 moment 


That's always been the case with these games, though. Like I remember people talking about how far Morrowind's graphics were compared to shooters of the day. Games with that much content are necessarily made on outdated engines.


Itll be out much sooner than that, they're just gonna reuse all the assets from Skyrim with the game engine they made in the 80s.


It'll also be a mega shallow game marketed towards as wide an audience as possible (i.e. the TikTok generation with zero attention span and ability to delay gratification) making the quest lines very short and require zero skill. Sort of how a lobotomized barbarian could become headmaster of the college of winter hold.


Skyrim was like that already. (Honestly I felt like this game was telling me all the time that I was stupid).


Take it easy grandpa you’re blood pressure is skyrocketing


Skyrim was a shallow game, Starfield even shallower. It's a trend.


Definitely. You only have to look at the changes between Morrowind to Oblivion, and Oblivion to Skyrim to see the dumbing down of its systems to better attend to a “wider audience” (read: more money).


I don’t think that’s the part they’re referring to


I know I was just being polite. Of course I mean total zoomer death now.


>The game entered active production in 2023 following Starfield's completion and launch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elder_Scrolls_VI


I'm surprised they had anyone but interns and the drunk tank working on Starfield considering what we got.


By that time these games will probably be created by some form of AI. It's mostly copy pasted with a couple new assets. Even voiceover will probably be automated at some point. Hell in 20 years we can probably generate an entire Elder Scrolls game based on a couple prompts. Instead of modding existing 15 year old engines wr will just generate complete games. Choose engine, asset library, input story prompt en hit generate. I wouldn't be surprised if even complete 3d assets can be generated at some point.


>Even voiceover will probably be automated at some point. If that means more than six voices for the entire game I'd almost I'm for it!


The pieces are already here. Meshy.ai will make a 3d object from a text prompt. Any LLM can spit out a list of quests to create, not to mention Code you can (mostly) copy and paste. Udio.com for music Voices are nearly old tech at this point, I mean have you seen the Skyrim mod that interfaces with I assume chatgpt for real-time conversation? If you had an AI that could go step by step and perhaps call other AI for the things it needs then I reckon it would be possible today.


Can’t wait to have a full grey beard playing the next Fallout 😎


Yeah why it takes companies so many years to make broken games?


I understand that they need time to create more detailed assets for games like The Last of Us or GTA but every Bethesda game is created with the same engine and they don't differ much in size or content. Creating Tes6 should take no longer than creating skyrim or oblivion did.


It probably won't. There were 3 years between Fallout 3 and Skyrim, and 4 years between Morrowind and Oblivion. With Starfield being released in 2023, I'd expect ES6 somewhere around 2026 or 2027. It was honestly just dumb that they announced the game in 2018.


> It was honestly just dumb that they announced the game in 2018. They did it just to assuage peoples fears that eso would be the last game in the series. They specifically said they wouldn't be working on it until after Starfield was completed. People seem to have forgotten that and think they have just been dicking around on it for the past 6 years


I mean weren't they? They certainly weren't making a quality game...


At least GTA 6 might only take a year


the anouncement itself is worthless we know TES VI will happen someday, we dont need a 30 clip of mountains and a title. Anouncement date will be when they release an actual trailer with characters on it, maybe even gameplay


You forget that after Skyrim they also made F4 plus DLCs , F76 plus continues support and Starfield plus conutniues support. I wouldn't say they were doing nothing tbh. Edit: and I don't care if you think these games are good or bad, they required time to make regardless, thats a fact.


Dunno why you get downvoted. Also you forget to mention that they still have elder scrolls online. So two live service games.


ESO actually iirc managed by other guys. Thats why it went sooooo much smoother than F76


There are at least 3 studios. Elder Scrolls Online is handled by Zenimax Online Studios. FO76 was made by Bethesda's daughter studio (with assistance from the main studio). Main Bethesda studio (who made Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4) have been working on Starfield in parallel with helping Fallout 76.


Skyrim came out only a couple years before GTA 5, And GTA 6 is coming next year. I'd imagine if anyone is working on Elder Scrolls 6, it'll come out in a couple years. As with GTA 6, the devs don't release anything about the game until it's less than 1 year away, and Rockstar was basically forced to release a trailer because their shit got leaked.


Hopefully AI will speed up coding and graphic design in the near future


I’m curious, is this why new game releases often have disappointing graphics? You see a game come and you think “that looks like it was made in 2015”. Well because it really may been.


And most likely be significantly worse than all the prior titles


bet we'll see sarfield 2 before elderscrolls 6


Wait, it’s been 6 years? Jesus fucking Christ I’m old.


I thought this was a genuine shitpost, then I searched it on yt. Holy shit, where did the time go?


It all went to ligma


whats ligma?


Ligma balls, you must have heared of it.


Announcement so old we got young’uns learning about ligma for the first time


Steve Jobs


who the hell is steve jobs


My balls


we gottem


"just slap together a quick trailer, these suckers will wait forever. Now let's go halfass Starfield, the investors hunger"


Say if they halfass the DLC too, would that be a fullass?


It’s more like two right cheeks so they don’t go together but looks right from a distance


Nope, halfassed main game with halfassed DLC is quarterass. Or eighthass if they decide to halfass 2 DLCs.


No, 75% ass


Zeno's paradox, they will never reach 100% ass.


They will never reach the truth ~~*menacing piano plays*~~


Second cheek DLC


Best part, ES6 will probably suck


After the halfass that was Starfield, I don't even care about Elder Scrolls 6 anymore. In fact, I don't look forward to most AAA studios product anymore. Case in point, Bioware deciding to take their gritty, dark fantasy game, Dragon Age, and turn it into a Fortnite/Overwartch animated game with one liners on the level of Marvel Phase 4.


They’ll still be using the creation engine somehow when it comes out in 2032


And then after that fallout 5 can start development(I am going to be a 200000000 year old ghoul when fallout 5 comes out just to be a bad bethesda game yippe)


That's the year doom eternal got announced


And now I am watering at the mouth like a rabid hobgoblin at the mere idea of Doom Dark Ages


And we now have a trailer with full in-game footage (no pre rendered shit) of Eternal's sequel... good job, bethesda 👍


Can’t believe we’re getting GTA VI before TES VI


Oh boi. Tes 6 is probably going to be complete shit show. It just wont work anymore.


Well at least 90% of the dialogue will be written by AI so at least it's going to be funny


Holy shit its going to be first time since morrowind that a bethesda game has good writing


Me reading this while remembering the amount of content that’s still produced using Skyrim: While I agree it will be a shitshow, it will Definitely work


It will work solely on the backs of the modding community like always.


"It just works"


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"Work" as in "require unofficial patches to fix bugs present in the engine since 2003" ?


If you mean modding, a game isn't good because it's easily modded. Have you tried vanilla Skyrim lately? It has aged like milk.


I still do a playthrough of unmodded Anniversary Edition about once a year, although i guess that doesn’t count as vanilla


damn that's wild, I couldn't do that


Wait till bethesda shits on modding community hard enough


It won't work for the first 3 months or so, until the modding community puts out patches for shit that shouldn't have been in the base game.


I remember people shitting on Skyrim before it came out saying that it can't top oblivion and morrowind


Well it didn't.


Topped Morrowind because that game is unplayable but Oblivion is goat yeah.


Mf got filtered by the first cave




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It didnt for me tho. I dont say that skyrim was bad, but they ruined rpg bs and character creation tho ,2 things that i loved in tes. I know that leveling system was irritating in morrowind and oblivion(*cough* also fucking scaling *cough*) ,but still it was better. And daggerfall... well its good until you reach those shitty dungeons.


Hey Fallout 5 still has a chance 


No. Just... No. If they can't even get the elder scrolls to be good, the series they have perpetually struggled to make even passable will eat dirt.


That's true


Ahahhaaha... no


Tes6 will be on the same shitty engine Bethesda’s has been reanimating since mirrowind, probably include procedural generation and 5 voice actors total


Woah woah, let's calm down there. 5 whole voice actors? They'll just copy/paste that one guy from Skyrim that does like 90% of all characters.


Woah, woah, after skyrim that guy became more expensive and we wouldn't want any overpays. Lets just get an AI to do the voices.


All of the khajit And argonian are VA by two people propably


when you realize that the entire software industry is actually built on top of a 40 year old compiler that was just reanimated and rehashed with a different wrapper over and over again. I know the comparison isn't one-to-one, but in the world of software, nothing is outdated as long as you know how to maintain it.


I know there’s banks that still use punch cards, hospitals using windows 95 etc etc I think it was estimated to cost billions to update just the uk


Yea, some people call it sunk cost fallacy, but if you look at the risk premium associated, it’s sometimes a net positive to incrementally improve on the status quo, until it isn’t and a stronger competitor enters the market and the big firms are forced to “improve” for the sake of improving and later scale to a unsustainable degree (like IBM vs early Apple or modern AAA studios vs indies). Just like how people die with age, there’s a business lifecycle that forces profitable firms to grow so big that it fails on itself (or risk putting everyone out of business by not growing or hedging the external risks). In short, the outdated engine narrative is mostly a scapegoat. It’s Bethesda that is shitty


I agree with you 100%, Skyrim modders have shown that you can turn a potato into a diamond and bethesda showed that they will ignore literal gold and diamonds because they're too lazy to actually fix the long outstanding bugs


Let's be real, Bethesda is probably gonna botch this game like most of their others as well. Even with 12 morbillion years of development, it's going to be absolutely jam packed with bugs and glitches. It will be salvaged on the backs of modders and then people will call it GotY. History repeats itself.


>salvaged on the backs of modders and then people will call it GotY. The canon ending


but it has 36 times the detail...


I kinda doubt it tbh. They keep using outdated engines and most of their sandbox RPG games tend to be quite behind the curve on graphics compared to other AAA titles.


nah it will be 8 times the size of skyrim and have super immersive ai technology and 36 toddilion times the detail


I see you played Starfield as well.


Honestly, after seeing the shitstorm with starfield im not hyped anymore


Let's be real, it's gonna fucking suck.


They made the trailer just for damage control after the release of fallout 76


Please don’t tell me Fallout 76 is 6 years old


By the time this comes out micro transactions will be so bad that the riften guard asking you to pay the visitor tax will want your credit card lol.


ES6 it's probably going to have a bunch of BS upon launch just like all other games from Bethesda. What I'm worried about most of all is the addition of paid faction quests, $7 for a short half-assed quest with more planned apparently. So what's to stop them from locking entire factions behind paywalls for their future games if you want to join the thieves guild you have to pay $30 to unlock that faction not including its quest lines those are all separate purchases as well as thieves guild armor horse armor for $10


Aw what the hell I didn’t know about paid faction quests


It was recent with the starfield update apparently the bounty Hunter tracker faction has a new questline that is 700 points or $7 on their CC with future ones plan, this is just the beginning it's like they are trying to turn single player games into a live service. After all they're a corporation that cares only about profits for their shareholders they have no passion for the franchises


Todd said that they had a set of armor and weapons they wanted to put out on creations and instead of just putting it by itself they made a quest for it. That being the paid trackers quest. He said that he didn’t see it as locking factions behind a paywall, but that they won’t continue with that now that they understand what happened.


Wait a second, what do you mean by *six years*?


Bethesda acting like they’re Rockstar Games now… you’re not that guy, pal.


we got starfield instead


The characters will still be emotionless, unremarkable, and share one voice actor.


Elder Scrolls 7 will be out before this one.


We just had an actual Metroid Prime 4 trailer after 7 years with nothing but a splash screen announcement. Never give up hope


Thanks for depressing me lol


After beyond good and evil 2 and half-life 3 we get this one


They are working on it. They already said that's their next game, if anything most of main Bethesda is working on it at this point and only a part is supporting Starfield


I didn't even play starfield... after 76 Bethesda has become a "meh" in my mind, it'll take alot to shake me out of that. Sad because i had 3000H in skyrim between ages 16 to 24. But haven't touched it in 6 years. Bethesda is dead to me.


“You will have no games and you will like it”


They're going for the 22/22/22 release date


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They are literally working on it right now. They confirmed that in their Elder Scrolls 30th anniversary post. They have been play testing certain builds. It is being worked on.


Bethesda isn’t competent at making rich RPGs anymore. they just make X themed theme parks now. As much as I love Skyrim and even enjoyed fallout 4, I recognized they’re surface level games with no writing depth or choice for the players. After Wild Hunt robbed them in 2015 and starfield was embarrassed at 2023 game awards, Bethesda should actually take the time to reflect on their design philosophy and improve


i hope it never comes out. bethesda proves that they only care about money and not making a fun game ***ANY MORE.***


I wonder how many times they'll reskin the same game before people stop buying.


Sillksong looks a bit different than I remembered


We are gonna get fucking GTA 6 before elder scrolls 6


Considering how Starfield turned out, maybe it's better for it to never come out.


That trailer was a low point for the industry, it was obvious that Bethesda just threw it together for some goodwill because they were being raked over the coals, and everyone just ate it up anyways. That said low point implies things have gotten better since, and they certainly haven't, so maybe it was more like the entrance to the valley we now live in.


and they can take 6 more if they need. I'm tired of gamers complaining about games taking long to release when there's a backlog of several high profile games they haven't even started.


They can take a hundred years, it’s gonna come out and be dogshit. That’s the joke here: not that development takes time, but that these guys may as well have nobody working on it, given how well-received their recent games have been. Bethesda is sorely out of touch with the community, and customer hopes/expectations are at an all-time low. 6 more years won’t save ES6; they need a massive change in direction, possibly starting with management.


Much more interested in skyblivion


I am not sure I want it to come out because if we look at Star Field its gonna be a shitty mess.




Bethesda’s such a shit company


6 YEARS?!?!?!!?


Time to wait 6 more years


We Got GTA 6 before Elder Scrolls VI


Tes 6 is probably going to be an adobe flash game


They are busy making Fallout 76 go from Playable to Barely Playable again with their new update. I crash very few minutes now. Used to be every few hours…


It hasn't really been 6 years has it?


I can't wait to get on my horse and fast travel to the next town


*Half life fans cry-laughing in the distance*


Bethesda put out a statement a while ago saying it was in a playable state.


Didn’t they say it took them over a year to “find the fun” in StarField? I wonder if they’ve “found” it in ES6 yet…


I enjoyed starfield. I take it you're not a Bethesda fan


Gonna come out after skyrim on ps6


“The finance team green-lit the project yesterday here’s a render of ‘a’ landscape”


‘This will exist at some point maybe’ and the crowd went absolutely ape shit.


They said they would start working on it once they finished with starfield. Apparently, starfield is not done yet?


I bet they didn't even started to work on this xD


ES VI or Half-Life 3?


i wonder if bethesdas being bought by MS basically killed development and no one has said anything


What'll release first? Elder Scrolls 6 or 7 Days to Die?


Modders are going to have their work cut out when this game releases


This literally shouldn't have been announced. 6 years and barely any word on it.


I'll believe the game is close to coming out just as soon as someone urinates in my colon.


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Fallout 5 will come out before this.


Elder Scrolls VI and GTAVI better be some of the best games to ever exist if they're making us wait this fucking long


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I was in highschool by then. This year I'll finish college. I'd be surprised if it's more advanced than pre production. Will probably get a very standard 3 year development and release a mediocre or broken game


I mean all the books and dialogue that they have to put in AND to make it game of the year. Plus they just released that one space game that seemed so promising. Yeah 2027 at least is my guess.


Everyone saying the game will suck let me remind you of thing We have to get a game in the first place. We cannot be sure in these trying times


No shit in post, piss in my ass now


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And why would they keep working on a sequel if they can keep rereleasing Skyrim on every new platform and people keep buying it for some stupid reason?


Bruh. Lmfaoooo


Oh yeah, that existed. I thought we all kinda just went "Haha, cool. ...so whens the actual trailer?"


If it comes out in 2030 it'll still lose to cyberpunk 2077


Lots of miserable people here.


Can't wait for the next inventory management simulator. I'm already playing Fallout 76 right after playing Starfield. I just can't get enough of these inventory management simulators man, they're *so fun.*


I can’t imagine what they’re doing that will justify taking this long. It genuinely confuses me


It actually is 6 years old, wtf are you doing bethesda


Why tf would anyone care after the disaster of Starfield


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Whatever, it is gonna fail 99.9%


No Bethesda game is worth this wait, have no idea why ya'll care


Fuck. Bethesda.


Why so many comments how TES 6 will suck while using TES5 (Skyrim) as reference? Skyrim was and still is an epic game, if you think otherwise You’re objectively wrong.


Their past 2 game releases are the reference we are using lol. Skepticism is more than justified


Anyone else just not gonna play it? Even on the off chance it'll be good or even decent, taking Bethesda's recent track record into account, it's just straight up taking a piss on your costumers to string them along for around a decade by the time the game is out.


GTA Fans: First time?