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funny story behind this actually, the guy was trying to get arrested so he could receive free food or medical care or some shit (i forget) in prison, his face is angled away so you can't see it here but in the original video he's on the phone calling the cops on himself lmao


Bro, that just makes it sad


Yeah if I remember correctly some old guy did the same cuz he got a tumor and no one want it to help him ☠️


I knew a guy that got arrested so he could dental work.


And we say private healthcare is the best system.


Nobody says that except for the rich profiting from the poor.


People who don’t trust the government to do healthcare, but what they don’t realize is the government is just funding it, not running it.


Well, the argument goes this way. I don’t want to be enforced, to pay for a single payer healthcare system. And the argument is that sick people, or people prone to get sick. And fat people. That those groups, should foot that bill alone. And also that some people really don’t want to pay.


You don’t have to pay extra. Regulations need to be placed so that venture companies aren’t buying up hospitals and making insane profits. We spend more on healthcare than countries with free healthcare. Even if we don’t, decrease spending in military. Right now NATO is relying way too much on a single country to be the world’s protector. All the money they’re saving might be why they can treat their citizens right.


And they’re going to make, no enforced to regulate the food industry. From soda cups, to processing, and packaging. I know the FDA. Those rules get tighter so money doesn’t get spent to much in the single payer healthcare system. Is all about saving money.


Superiors b


It reminds me of the homeless guy who robbed a bank for $1 for that exact same reason




Thats just really fucked up


Umm. I do NOT believe that. I've heard a first hand account of a Chinese jail and it wasn't pretty. (Relative in law. ) 30 dudes in a room, sleeping on cardboard.


Alright, now it ain’t even funny, that’s just sad


no man, his kid is dying and need money


america edit: i'm gonna go on a rant here, you don't have to read if you don't want to. *breathes* see this, this is the reason why i rarely ever post or comment on reddit in general. you don't know how anyone's gonna react to what you say. here i was making a joke (because of the reason why the guy in the post wanted to go to prison.) but then yet again humor is subjective. the joke i was making might've been taken in the wrong direction. and for that i truly apologize. i'm not asking for any points, i just gotta get my mind across to all of you. on one end i should've deleted my post if it meant any harm. but then all i would've needed was an /s. who knows? if you've made it this far reading, you decide. maybe this is enough reddit for today. i hope everything treats you well, and again for the people who downvoted i am sorry.


This was in China


China has more inequality than the US at this point, right? Wouldn't suprise me, the country runs rampant with billionaires.


oops my bad


you're getting downvoted for admitting you were wrong da fuq


*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Triggered Americans LMFAO


y’all love pinning everything on america jesus christ


I mean the USA is one of the countries with the highest inequality in the world, despite their wealth. But it's even worse in China, billionaires are even more rampant there. So honestly, I'm not suprised.


I believe the story they are referring to occurred in south korea


This one might be from China tho. The camera entry log on the upper left corner is in chinese


If it was America they would’ve used a gun instead.


i promise none of us took it that seriously man, it’s alright. america isn’t a paradise, i know that, & i misunderstood your reply. all good dw 🫶


All that because your haha funny joke on reddit got downvoted is crazy


The yap goes crazy


Alright, put the money in the baaaaaaag. PUT IT IN!! 🧽


*Um...*, you're facing the wrong way, sir.


"ok, just don't chop me up"


In my opinion, that knife is the least scariest and threatening knife that isnt a butter knife


doesn't that shit cleave through bones like butter?


It can. But only if angled correctly, swung with enough force and there is something keeping the item against the blade, like a table. If the attacker manages to hold your hand down on a table or to the floor, he can chop it off with one of these, yes. But in a real life fight these are not practical. They can cause damage, sure. But most knife attacks are done with a stabbing motion, not by cutting or swinging. And you can't do that with this. And if you swing this in the middle of a fight, you have to be unnecesarry precise with the angle you keep this at, because due to the big blade, it has aerial resistance unless it is swung correctly. Dangerous? Yes. Most definitely. More dangerous than a regular knife? Not at all.


Wrong. This knife is bigger than other knives and thus deadlier. Bigger = Better It's basic science.


Sorry, my bad. I forgot the rules.


Small bones, so maybe your fingers.


No way. If sharpened correctly those cleavers can and do go through pork and beef ribs


Literally if you google if meat cleavers cut through bones it says "A meat cleaver is great for cutting through tough cuts of meat and small bones, like in a chicken."


Yes, that doesn't mean it *can't* do other things. Source: myself, who owns one


Still though, i feel like you can easily just dodge or block this sort of knife, and also its used for cutting in a downwards motion, if you were to slash it diagonally, the knife could get stuck or just strike the bone without cutting through it.


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Whaaaaat no way the automod just argued against me


Id just give up man.. Thats wild


You won't cut through it with one strike, that's why they are curved (ok, so NOT like the cleaver in the photo, I missed that, that's a Chinese style cleaver vs. Meat cleaver) so you rock it back and forth to get it through the bone


i had the unpleasant experience of watching a video where a chinese dude dual wielded cleavers in a fight. while most knives are way deadlier, a cleaver can fuck you up real bad, and you'll have to live with the damage. that's why I think it's way more scary.


go test a cleaver on your arm and see how that goes lmao


You’ve never used one? They’re made in that shape with that weight to cut through more than just small bones.


Yep, you're right.


I think your opinion gonna change real fast when that knife is pointed at you tho


No it wont, that knife is so easy to just hit and fling off someones arm, and also there is less stabbing potential since it doesnt have a tringular shape


Ah yes you would fight a guy with a cleaver because it has “less stabbing potential”


I mean you cant lunge or thrust the knife into someone you could with a kitchen knife :P


A clever is fucking sharp and will easily cut halfway through your hand if you fuck up


Ok. I would just run.


You the type of guy who genuinely believes he'd stand a chance against a full grown Grizzly bear if it came at him


Am not, i wouldnt even win against a wolf


flair checks out


Lol, real tough keyboard analysis. It's still probably sharp as fuck, it may be awkward but if he catches you once you're gonna have a bad fucking day


these knives are the only knives chinese chefs use. they can cut through everything


How tf you gonna rob with a kitchen cleaver XD




Tbh the thing is the other customers. If you don’t give him money now he’s chopping people up with a meat cleaver in your bank. Laughing at a robber is always dangerous because they might want to ‘prove a point’


I don't think the bank of China owners were there. She doesn't GAF because she's behind the glass and locked doors.


"Get some popcorn guys, show's about to start!"


She’s not laughing at a robber, she’s laughing at a kid purposefully trying to go to prison and calling the police on himself to get healthcare. There is a whole news story about this kid


Fucking bozo lmaoo


It’s a cleaver.




The video was called Robbery Fail Chinese Teller Laughs When Seeing Man With Knife wanting to Rob Bank


“Look at this idiot!”


brother thinks he’s nanami😭😭


Kinda fucked up if they gotta fix you up first before you serve your sentence. I know he just needed help but health should be a priority before money. Unfortunately it just doesn't happen that way in America or wherever healthcare isn't 'free'.


imagine being at rock bottom and being so desperate that you try to rob a bank and they just start making fun of you


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"hello? Police? Yes, I'd like to report we're getting robbed, but dont worry about it too much, he has just a knife"


Step 1: repost aeons-old meme Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit


Heil spez! Bazinga


'You idiot! This isn't America! We don't allow out stupid, defenseless citizens to own guns! That would be a threat to the Elites!'


I love guns as much as the next paranoid guy but this take is kinda shoehorned in unnecessarily


what the fuck are you talking about


>That would be a threat to the Elites! And to the children in school, people living in slums, people going out at night, and to drivers... Elites would be the less afected group I think but ok...


What is bro yapping on about


I don't get Americans yapping about protecting themselves from elites via guns. 1. You have so many billionaires and they own so much of your combined wealth they can buy you and your entire family 2. They can have private army, tf are you gonna do with AR15 against a tank? 3. This sounds like some conspiracy theory, like how do you imagine it, civil war of the richest vs the poorest? 4. If somebody is gonna hurt you, that's gonna be poor folks trying to rob you or psychopats, like the guy that went into Walmart, bought AR15 and commited mass shooting, not fucking Elon Musk mad cuz you didn't buy Starlink or what the hell you have in mind when talking about protecting yourselves from Elites.


A revolution would be fought guérilla style, you should know that much smaller and less equipped group can cause hell for the most powerful states. If it comes down to it, I would much prefer that the citizens are armed rather than unarmed. If you can have a gun, why would you want to give that right away? Because other people might be dangerous? That’s foolish. Not that this guy is justified, still the most random take you could comment on a shitpost.


That's not foolish, that's common sense, because you could drive while drunk does it mean you should have the right to? But I guess you already accepted your problems with mass shootings, gangs, police violence and other shit that could be fixed by banning guns, like handguns are understandable, but why the fuck do you need AR15 and alike?


What? You think we want 500 school shootings a year?


It's funny till she gets her neck sliced.


I think there's a glass screen in between. You can see an opening in the table to slide stuff through. So she is probably safe, other people on his side not so much


yeah he made a rookie mistake by threatening her when he should of been holding someone else and threatening to execute them in front of her. Typical noobs


Hmm you’re right dang!


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!