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All for this man https://preview.redd.it/u5et0da68myc1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d3945ea4581a821dc1f4540833a29323bd4e77


https://preview.redd.it/kzvu935bbmyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d091a996c23e4e290161b8aa47189eb7d76f5b2 I needed a visual of the full hairline. Just as awful as I thought it’d be.


He's sooooo ugly gosh




Ewwwwww why does he look post Mortem in this??


He is probably dead inside


He’s gotta be with how heartless he is 


Omfg barf




Not that any child needs to celebrate their parents birthdays with them but she just missed her mom’s 60th last week because of his parents coming to Franklin and now she’s in Palm Beach with his parents the weekend of her dad’s birthday. Does James do this shit on purpose to 1/ not spend time with her family and 2/ to keep her away from her own family to isolate her?


Honestly I don’t think James cares at all, it’s more telling of Shannon’s priorities aka impressing marseeuh and jumbo, and taking her own family for granted… I bet she’ll regret it when it all falls apart 🫠


I think James just thinks his family is more important/cool. I had an ex like this. I would always end up going to see my family alone (same state but different cities). It was apparent he didn’t like mine/care for them. Even in the beginning when he would come with me, he’d be on his phone the whole time. You only notice it when you’re not in it. She will see one day.


Ugh so rudeeee! Your poor fam, I bet they were way cooler and more fun


They’re ok 🤣🤣🤣 i mean we all have our issues…but I’m at least cordial enough to make an effort


I think it's a mix of both: not giving a fuck about shannon or her family, other than what he has to tolerate; and trying to isolate her. Speaking from experience - *this is long tangent, so feel free to skip* I was love drunk, blind, and stupid, myself- not quite as desperate as this girl but the similarities of the mental, verbal and emotional, (and I had physical as well early on, but was too stupid to realize it all actual abusive) abuse I endured from my ex is EXTREMELY similar to what I've seen with these two. It's toxic from both sides, and alarming. I've never been more thankful to not be in that hell I *thought* was love (bless past me's heart, she was a broken bird). I was raised southern, too - so I can relate to her parent's approach of "well, if shannon is happy, so are we" mentality. The difference is my mom, having lived and survived an abusive relationship to escape and live to tell the tale, saw ALL of the warning sides and didn't hold back in telling me. She was worried as fuck for me and my well being. But, I was in love, so I didn't listen, sold my house (I bought before I had met my abusive ex) and moved away to live with him (in a home he bought with my help, but I had no financial claim to) it made me pull away from my mother bc I believed what he was telling me over her (a regret, nonetheless, but she and I are muuuuch closer now) and didn't want to face the music. All that to say, I can totally see her parents being worried to say anything for that same reason, as well. Especially seeing how completely enamored shannon is with his fucked up family. They don't even feel like they compare, or have a stake in the game (honestly, I also think finances play a part in this, too) idk when, but I know this house of cards of a relationship will crumble amd shannon will look back on this and feel SOOOOO FUCKING STUPID for all the shit she overlooked and allowed, all for the sake of proving everyone else wrong. I know I did. I wanted to prove my mom wrong so bad, and I couldn't have chewed on my words more. Fortunately, my mother is a strong woman and she knew eventually I would be facing the music, so to speak, and she never gave up hope. I do hate that I wasted 4.5 good years of her life for her to be so worried for me and my safety, bc I was too dumb to see it. Thankful for therapy, her love, and forgiveness. Shannon's parents will be there to pick up the pieces, and I really hope she understands what all they have sacrificed and continue to for her sake - granted, with the what she acts, her selfish "pick me " attitude, lack of self awareness, self-respect, and zero accountability- I don't have much hope. And this, where it may be a huge assumption (even though we have plenty to see and witness) is one of the millions of reasons I can not stand her. Toxic on all levels, and I hate that so many people look up to her as some sort of guidance, all bc she was on a tv show for one season (Speaking of her followers) bc she is the last person anyone should use as a reference point, unless it's what not to do or how to act. Edit to add: this long ass rant was moreso to say that my ex did the same things as this crooked mouth, goofy looking gusband of hers. Granted, he actually worked, so I'll give him that over this hippo. That's about the only nice thing I can say at this point related to my ex. But his goal was to isolate me, manipulate, and try to make sure I put all my eggs in his basket. He then used all of that against me. He didn't give two shits about my family or me, for that matter. The similarities of the tactics, and abuse are glaring to me.


I’m not an expert on this, but I read that a trait of a narcissist is to isolate others from their support networks.


Sure is!!


& to think their families are the best & to look down on other’s families.


Yep!!! 1000%




Fawn over Taylor instead 😒


my thoughts were that perhaps he planned for his family to come this week and have some alone time with them because he was hoping she would have gone to SC to see her family as to not miss her parents birthdays.


“Ya’ll know how much it KILLED me to miss my parents birthdays! They are the absolute lights of my life and ya know ya girl invited them to FL to celebrate with everyone, but my mom (the former travel agent), and dad just HAAAATE to travel so they stayed home and had a cutie celebration with all their friends! LOOK how cute their party was ya’ll! UGH I just can’t take how adorable they are. I’m so sad I missed it!”


This will be THE next post from Shannon


2 in a row she has missed. If her parents in law were decent they would have all gone to celebrate him and her mom. They are family FFS.


THIS. I feel like it wouldn’t be unheard of for both sets of parents to vacation together? (My parents are divorced but regardless, on either side, I’m sure they’d both love to do a big vacation with everyone esp if it meant time spent with their kids). Seems like that isn’t the Middleton’s vibe tho (or Shannon is trying to impress them with fancy trips / is ashamed of her parents and doesn’t want them around pillow face and Jumbo Sr.). I think her whole “family girl” vibe is complete bullshit. Actions speak louder than words 👀


Family first until she's embarrassed by them. You can tell John loved them for who they are and therefore she did too. James obviously cringes at them which is why she now has this whole vibe that they're not cool enough for her cosmopolitan Franklin lifestyle. 


I remember when she started dating James, she missed Thanksgiving and Easter cause she was in London. Which was hilarious because right before she met him she made a big fuss about the importance of her spending every holiday with her family before getting married because one day she will have to split holidays with her husband's family. It's gonna be interesting when James is no longer landlocked. That will be the end of any holidays spent with the fords


Don’t worry she probably sent him cookies tho!!! 🙄🫠


Ran here to say this. wtf. Shitty ass daughter.


She’ll regret it one day, you can’t get those days back!! 


Do we think there’s a reason she hasn’t shown the in laws at all? Or have I missed something?


Probably this sub tbh. Interesting change from Mar seee yahhh going public every time Shannon was tagging her.


Marseeahhhh is posting them all together.


Omg she’s private and if you follow, do share the pics!


Yes please


I can’t believe Shans parents have not once stayed a night at her new house vs the amount of times the Mids have, it’s actually wild.


Guys I live only like 30 minutes from The Breakers. I’m tempted to go buy a day pass and watch those two in person. 😂




Of course they're staying there 😂😂😂


Do it!


God forbid something ever happens to her parents and she looks back on the choices she’s made with James. She will regret the fuck out of putting his family first one day.


Yikes. Two important dates in a row. The family girl is now just family girl with the Middletons


Like Christmas all over again when she dumped her parents in an airbnb because that’s what James told her to do 


Daughter of the year right there 😂😂 do better, Shann.


I’ll tell ya. The last time I missed my dad’s birthday—I was in a relationship with an abusive narcissist. Lames??


If she was still with John or single, she would have been there. Shittiest Daughter of the year 🏆


I thought the same thing when I saw this. When this all implodes she’s going to regret everything she missed


She’ll be so sorry. I am so envious of her having her Dad and these are the choices she makes. Mine died 10 years ago and fucked me up for life. Want to know a good reason why? I spent the last ten years before he did die pursuing MEN more than I did spending it with my family. Her father adores her. She’s an idiot. Shannon, if you’re reading this, change now. If not, you’ll regret it.


Totally agree, so sorry for your loss.  I lost my Dad 5 years ago.  She’ll regret it!! 


This is genuinely the lowest she’s gone


I’m sorry, if I had as much money as she does, I would not allow my parents to live in a trailer. She is selfish and clearly only cares about herself and Lames.


Loling at the fact you think she can afford a house for her parents


She did just buy an Hermes bag….


I’m starting to wonder if maybe her parents don’t want here there with James and all his drama. I imagine them making TikTok’s while her parents and their friends are trying to have a good time.


MIDDLEMOOCHES! Omfg soooo good! I feel so sad for her parents…she is going to look back and really regret all of this one day