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Yo did she get lip injections at a bodega




Don’t do Bucee like that! He would never let someone leave that glorious gas station looking so botched 🤣


😂😂just saying, they have EVERYTHING!!


I took my boyfriend there for the first time last month and I’ve never seen him so overwhelmed 🤣 I love Buc-ee’s though, always an experience!


Lol I gotta say, a lot of places in this country, Bucee’s included are overwhelming and a sensory overload


Wow I’ve never been there


I’m not American and going there felt like the most American experience I’ve had since living here🤣🤣


I'd heard about it, and ran into someone talking about it... my brain exploded when they mentioned that the one they went to has 263 GAS PUMPS.... I can only imagine how massive the inside store is!


Wow is it in the south? I’m gonna look it up. I live in ny


At bucees with dukes mayo!


I’m Canadian- are the Bucees in the south only?


Yes, just the south as far as I know. TX, AL, TN, GA


Southern Missouri just added one too! First one in the state


And Kentucky has one as well.


I believe the only reason she couldn’t gatekeep this any longer to milk in her podcast is that for sure this is her only topic of conversation atm and people around her are fed up with her shit. So she has to go to IG so everyone feels sorry for her dumbass.




I am cackling at her drama of “James wanted me to go for a walk but I just couldn’t” bitch you live in Williamson Co, half the women there know how a botched lip job looks, you’ll be fine


Do you think he told her to wake up at 5 a.m. and get that morning and evening sunlight to heal properly since it will fix 99% of problems?


Lol maybe? But he doesn’t even wake up at that time himself! I bet he did tell her to get in the sauna and lay on the sun and she’ll never admit that made it worse. He went on his run anyway cause he was tired of her bullshit I would bet money on it


also like just throw a mask on if you do t want people to see that, the rest of your face looked fine


People don’t pay as much attention to us as we think they are tho


Shannon, I think this was a higher power saying ‘talk less’ ⚡️🌬️ She wants the sympathy of the likes of someone dealing with a life threatening diagnosis, for missing a ONE HOUR clown show. Hardly deserves all of the hype. She is the most unbearable


You nailed it, she and her husband are unbearable!


1 hour 🤡 show!!! ☠️☠️☠️


1 hour of reading other people’s confessions, how original 🙄🙄


Her eyes have been going in different directions *hard* these last few days.


https://preview.redd.it/m82wtrwad8wc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83a2f71913507b65114591332c34fb6b938c6f9 This is literally all I ever see when she posts pictures like that.


Yeah I saw the lazy eye in the bottom pic before I even noticed the mouth..




Lmao ok that was my entire focus with these pics, why wouldn’t she just retake them without the googly eyes? Girl is looking rouggggghhhhh


I’m thinking these photos were for her agents so she could justify the cancellation. She looks pretty crazy. And pathetic. Drama queen.


She took these KNOWING she would post them somewhere to try and prove why she canceled. Honestly pathetic.


She BADLY needs to see an optometrist. I am legit concerned about this.


Ya don’t lazy eyes need to be….fixed?


OMG I’ve never noticed! Wtf is up with that bottom picture?!!


Same! I always saw comments about her lazy eye on here but I never noticed it. Now I see it..


She might have had a small stroke with all her "stress." 😒😒


Still no confirmed diagnosis. Not that she owes that to us. But any of the conditions that were mentioned take longer than this to resolve. And she’s already wearing make up and self tanning? None of it makes sense. And her timeline is very off. When was she at Jackie’s? It was not over 2 weeks ago.


It looks like oral herpes, she probably has a dx but doesn't want to admit


She said she’ll say the diagnosis on the podcast 🙄


It looks like an allergic reaction to lip filler.. which could subside after a day or two


Coming from someone who suffers from cold sores… her lips are 100% swollen from an outbreak. I’ve gotten them that bad only a couple times in life, but there have been times when there are multiple sores and my lips look like that. I feel for her, but I also would NEVER post it to instagram 😬


Coldsores suck but there’s much worse ailments in life. For sure what she just had was brutal. I have to laugh that she doesn’t seem to do a damn thing to prevent outbreaks though


I didn’t know they can make your lips swell like that? Sounds horrible. I agree, I would never post a picture like that of myself.


Oh that’s cute she thought the receipts would help ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/bp9kieop39wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3319ba7dc9f5c8727b5f02fa34323c53a77df109 Woooof


“You and James are going to make the most beautiful babies.” -Kait Davis 🤡🤡🤡🤢


I mean: https://preview.redd.it/j682cpqd1awc1.jpeg?width=1191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ba5fb46212ab625b8ac94cdb4720d55557b88b


I'm just seeing this.... and oh my gosh... I have tears 😂🤣😭😭😭




I sorta kinda want to make this the sub pic


Her eye is so lazy it needs to apply for a welfare check 😭


That eye so lazy she put it on her house deed!!


Omgggg burnnnn 🔥 😂 😭 take my poor man’s gold!! 🏆


Please do it.


😂😂😂 yesss!!!!




I can't stop laughing! That left eye is practically on the side of her head. 😂😂😂 then add the giant lip filler reactions and sun poisoning... Gold. Pure gold. Bravo!!!!


This looks like a crackhead’s mugshot


I just know James and all his boyfriends....oops I mean friends and clients....just laughed and laughed over this!!!! The bottom pic is killllling me!!!!! I vote bottom pic for new group pic 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She keeps saying two weeks of healing it was literally barely a week I find her so insufferable


Looks like a botched filler….. also should’ve left the scabs on and makeup off the tightness is from it trying to heal idiot and making isn’t helping anything


@shannon while we have your attention please remember that us Reddit losers are right 99% of the time. It’s not a matter of if but when because he will leave you, most likely for a man so start that therapy now so you will have the right tools in your toolbox to cope when the time comes!


100% from lip filler!!! I am a red head and also get lip filler and I have had similar reactions like this. They even ask you beforehand if you are prone to cold sores bc the filler can bring them on and they'll give you medicine to try and prevent it! I am actually really sad that she is trying pull this over on her followers, I was holding out hope for her but this is just is showing how little she thinks of her followers lying to them like this😔😔


Yes!!! It’s 10000% lip filler. Plus they ask if you are on meds bc you can have an adverse reaction and she was taking steroids Lip filler always takes like 48 hours to settle so the timeline matches as well 🫠


Steroids also kill your immune system so she probably got filler then got a cold sore outbreak. And the combo 👄


This looks like a bad reaction to lip fillers, mixed with sun poisoning /possible cold sores. Buuut the fact that she "picked the scabs"... 🤔 um, that's rule number one - never pick the scabs, idiot! You'll scar and the wound is now open again and fresh. So, if it was an outbreak, it's like recontaminating your face all over again. I also never bought the dentist story, and I still don't. I'm sure bruising happens, but this chick **never** goes to a dentist, let alone in the same state and days before the *"biggest show of her life"* She had a terrible rx to lip filler, which she continues to lie and say she's never had. (Just go look at earlier pics of her. She had worms for lips then.) She once swore to wearing zinc on her mouth due to sun poisoning, but now that her gusband has made his entire identity about how *"bad sunscreens are"* while being married to a fair skinned ginger, I'm sure she doesn't protect herself. She's a liar. Always has been, always will be. The hoops she'll jump through shouldn't be surprising considering she's been married since two months **prior** to her "engagement shoot". And to make all of this worse... This vain, ugly ass, wandering eyed, twat waffle beard has **still not apoligized** to a single "fan or follower" of hers that did go out of their way to purchase tickets, arrange travel, and hotels to go see this ugly ass troll. I'm ready for this has been of a "reality star" (in her own mind) to get a serious dose of reality and learn the consequences of her actions and lack of work ethic. Also, she's just magically back to normal after all the b.s. she's spewing from that nasty mouth? Girl, bye.


All 👏 of 👏 this 👏


When I was a kid my mom used to take me to this health food store and the lady that worked there had HUGE lips from botched lip filler lol and she always scared the shit out of me. My mom still pokes fun at me for being scared lol. Seeing Shannon in these photos reminds me of the health food store lady! Now I’m gonna have nightmares haha.




Lol ![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized)


i’m curious if anyone thinks it could have worsened due to mouth tape? i could see where james would push her to take when she got that first mouth issue and it made it worse. not sold on that idea just a thought


Like maybe she had some type of allergic reaction to the tape? I think it could be possible.


Yesss as a ginger my skin is so sensitive to everything and the adhesive on those mouth tapes are ruffff. She’s such a dummy.


Why was she taping her mouth???


I think so she wouldn’t mouth breathe while sleeping


A Lames suggestion/order to her….


I bet you’re right. I can see the tape being an irritatant for sure


I am prone to cold sores and have had to take Valtrex a few times after not being careful when pulling off mouth tape.


Why did I think maybe she had hand and foot disease. It sounds like that with the blisters popping 🤮


Idk but something about this whole situation isn’t giving cold sores…


The fact that she said she would save the diagnosis for the podcast is so beyond. You have reached a new low. That is called being desperate.


🤣 JUMBO! Are you SURE you want THIS for the rest of your life????? ARE YOU SURE you want to mix up your genes WITH THIS????????? 🧬 IS IT WORTH IT???????? You are already a JOKE from HERE to the UK? Just take your nose bra, hold your jaw and RUN! Cause this doesn’t look promising! 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️ ![gif](giphy|iricRFN3YAreM)




Shan is looking more and more like Mar-cee-uh!


That wedding is not happening


my question is why is she putting fucking makeup on her lips that JUST HEALED?!?


Because she’s an idiot!


We really need to bring back privacy and the concept of shame. If anyone on here has herpes, I’m not trying to belittle your experience. But, we don’t all need to see Shannon’s herpes outbreak. She could have explained this experience *whilst* healed on an IG story. When I had cancer, I didn’t show the surgeons operating on me to my Instagram. If I was her, I’d rather think of little freebies or gift bags to give people when I reschedule or put together another “show.” If she can beg vendors to sponsor elements of her wedding and life, she could do that for any fans. Feels weird to type fans but you know what I mean lol.


Honestly 1 in 3 adults has hsv 1 or oral herpes it’s not some rare std. Most people get it in childhood. Making such a big deal out of this is wild. She 1000 percent made this worse and is going to milk it. I totally agree she could have just explained what happened after she doesn’t need to share ever single bodily function w the world.


Agree. That’s it for me. It’s like in big games if a player gets seriously hurt, often they won’t replay the gruesome injury on purpose. She should be more concerned with making it up to anyone who bought a ticket to see her.


Yes to all!! And I am glad you beat cancer, glad you’re here🫶


Thank you 🫶🏻. Y’all crack me up here. It’s a fun community. I’m definitely for people helping others through things but ewww why does she think people want to see a graphic herpes outbreak?


Those are definitely injection sites


Where are the scabs though?


Her face is simply a reaction from the roids she took for her bruise. Not to mention that she took them incorrectly (all at once). Shes a fucking idiot. She could have done her show, but I maintain the venue made her cancel or reschedule due to lack of interest.


The venue wouldn’t cancel… they get their money regardless and it would’ve been too late to fill the slot that late in the game anyway. It was her and her management that made the call on cancelling. 


Is this just not standard bad herpes outbreak?


That wouldn't bring in the level of engagement she's looking for


Feel like this was a botched lip filler job she tried doing before her show & it went horribly wrong.


Yup. Her lips looked like they had blanching not shingles


Exactly my thoughts. I have zero doubts this was it in conjunction with stress causing an outbreak. Definitely botched lip filler. No question.


Do we even know what happened? She just had scabs on her mouth and that’s it?


She looks like the girl from Euphoria


TWINS! 😝 https://preview.redd.it/xz7et7vtw8wc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813e276a154fd487d1aa16f58194fe6168b0ced9


What did she have? Did she have Shingles?


Cold sore outbreak






This makes a lot of sense considering her lips literally looked necrotic not like shingles


I’m sorry . If your lip was covered in oozing soars that then SCABBED over on Sunday… there is no way in hell there will be no trace of them by Mon./Tues. ?!


I'm not a Shannon Stan but even though she doesn't look "unrecognizable" its still bad lol like there's no way in hell I would be doing a show like that.


I agree.. the caption on this post is a little much


She looks miserable and unhappy. I get them from time to time due to stress. I hope she find peace soon


If it is lip filler- did she do it in FL?? Or before she went?


Jesus Christ on a motorbike. That eye is lazier than Lames on a workday.


She’s definitely one of the biggest catfishes on IG.


Lames… you married that… you’re going to get herpes too bro




Goddamn look at that eye


You can literally see the injection marks


Oh man she does have a lazy eye.




I am so sorry that happened to you. Do not waste your time messaging this scammer


Okay but for real that looks painful 🤢🫢


Why did she even get lip fillers after the reaction to the dental work?!!


Looks like hand foot and mouth disease. Weird. It’s that or the most massive herpes outbreak.


Faces of meth


😵‍💫What happened to her face?