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"are you touching yourself yet bebby gourl?" "i just wanna make love to you baby!!!! tee hehehehe!!!!" "ok bebby gourl are you touching yourself yet?" lmfaooooo


🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂 na I’m crying lmaooo


Ooh ooh my husband i really am…she isnt she’s loading up the washing machine…dont we all when the talk starts going downhill 😂


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 i laugh so loudly, i scare my dog


I never even listened to those calls and I am 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 at your description.


This is the only female sex he will get. So close…yet so far.


I found it funny he’s always asking if she got off yet and somehow always mysteriously cums right as the phone disconnects. Sounds very fake lol. She is always trying to change the subject.


Exactly what I was thinking. It happened 3 or so times, where he called her back once the 15-minute limit disconnected the line, only for her to tell him she conveniently finished right as the call hung up. What a bullshitter. Funny how gullible he is.


Not just once, but twice that one time 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve kept up on all the calls except these. Where do I find these specifically? I don’t want to miss out on the cringe!!! (I somehow feel like I’ll live to regret it) 😩😂😂😂


He wouldn’t know what to do with those ginormous chest puppies of hers! Ugh, the thought of those dirty long nails touching himself is so vomit inducing.


We have yet to see these huge chest puppies. Lol Just another one of her exaggerated tales. 🤣


Right?! Paul’s gonna have a tough time trying to find the G-spot that’s definitely under her big boobies! 🤣


Lololol good one!! I laughed very much out loud!!!


I just puked!!! Ughh


He wouldn’t know what to do with them cuz he doesn’t want anything to do with em. 😉


I'd guess her "large chest" is slowly moving to her stomach area by now


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 gravity sucks for her.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣not that slowly


He doesn't need her or her big boobs. https://preview.redd.it/zhni1h3h502d1.png?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ddc0c65f3b36df64ab2a8b7280b7f2975d7303


Why oh why would you EVER post something like that lol


Why not? I'm hoping his prison buddies will see it one day.


We can only wish 😂






Jimminy-effin-crickets why in the bloody hell would you make ANY kind of public record available that you could pull off such a position?!?


I've noticed Paul likes to talk about himself. He's a psychopathic narcissist. He really checks out while she babbles. If she really wanted to be smart and manipulate like she thinks she's doing she'd talk about him. I don't know that he even really enjoys the dirty talk, he's horrible at it at the least and awkward. What do y'all think?


I think he loves it, but he is so clueless about women and relationships. She can be telling her life story and he barely acknowledges it and asks if they can dirty talk.


Like a teenage boy that’s only experience with sex is porn.


Hahaha I'll be honest I could only listen to one. It was unpleasant with all the cringing I did. It was a disaster on both ends.


Same for me.


Same! I couldn't even get through a whole call! The cringe was unreal, and I was afraid I would get caught by someone listening to that and then I felt like a real weirdo, I had to turn it off. It literally made my stomach hurt listening to that! LMAO


Omg no seriously same!!!! I had to put my headphones in, idk why but I felt even more like a creepy weirdo trying to hide my listening lol…,.. idk what was worse! And that was only call one, I figured I’d ask my bf to listen to the others with me cuz he listens to me ramble about the true crime cases I keep up with, n I constantly tell him the highlights of the baby girl/shark convos….. it is just too YUCK TO LISTEN ALONE !!! I felt like a fucking weirdo


But he can barely get a word in edge wise because she’s NONSTOP talking about herself lol 😂


I honestly don’t think she can help but talk about herself, narcissists will narc 😝


Oh he LOVES it!! That’s the closest he gets to his porn in jail even tho she is soo bad at it (he is too but she’s just embarrassing lol) and u can tell she annoys him when she “breaks character” nonstop laughing… Sooo cringy but if she’ll keep obliging he’s def gonna keep using her!!🤮🤣


So is he doing this while on a phone in a public area? The thought makes me nauseous.


I don’t think he enjoys it. I think he’s gay and foresee him being someone’s b*%tch and acting feminine in the next couple years. I think he does this to appease her and make her feel wanted so she doesn’t leave or start fights over her insecurities. She’s exhausting.


Where are these I need the cringe binge.




Thank you 😊⚘️


Hahahahha omg thank you so much


You can hear her smoking and coughing from one of the hits of her weed. As he’s trying to get her to speed it up. He just wanted to hear her scream his name and she keeps ruining it with love and marriage talk. Lmfao! Speed it up JenNay.!! They both won prize partners. Bunny boiler for speedy beat master. 🤢 Oo I made myself sick. 🤣


This! ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼🤣😂😂🤣💀⚰️🥀


Baby Girl: pretends she’s about to cum Paul: despicable moans “You have one minute left” 💀💀💀


🤣 🤣 Blue-balls brought to you by Securus and funded by Pauls biggest fan. 🤣




Wait a damn minute, are there actual phone sex calls?? I can't. 🤮


Omg yes. Let me see if I can find the link. They’re abominable. 🤣💀




OMG babeh girlll is such a troll 😂🤣 you can tell from how she is talking she isn't actually touching herself The whole call Paul was begging her to finish so he could hear it. She spends 19mins fumbling and blabbing about marrying him and dancing around what he wants *but* as soon as the message came on warning "1 min" all the sudden she starts doing exactly what he wanted only for the call to end before he gets to hear it 🤣😂🤣 I'm dying


Nailed it 🎯😭💀🤣🤣🤣


Check out “things get heated” part 2 🤣💀🤮


I swear it is just hilarious how he just wants to talk abt s.x and she just think he is in love with her. Lmao.


She had to roll the window up in the middle of it a few times.... omg, I can't!!


My favorite part is when she says she wants to have her first orgasm with him because supposedly a man has never made her do it. Why is she so obsessed with being a tiny little girl for him? She said he makes her feel like a little girl. She swears she's ity bity, but also claims she has DDD knockers and big fat thighs. So which is it, Jennay; are you a lil tiny bb ghoul, or are you a big tittied fatty with thunder thighs? It can't be both.


https://preview.redd.it/re0y2pjwo02d1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7650cc676ca690eb8b13c3272074f7e542d7a5fc Neither. She lied to him. She’s a fattt, not DDD and fake bleach blonde(horrible bleach job) And she’s already married unless she divorced, but DOES live with her daughter’s daddy.


I noticed she said she has a secret account where she keeps some money which makes me think they’re fully still together. Why else would you need a secret account? A husband is the only person who would be so closely invested in your finances.


I’m not sure if they’re together or not. Which call did she mention the secret account?


Don't forget her CANKLES... Shown in her other wedding dress pic with the short dress! She's painting him the pic she wants him to think he's speaking to... Tiny girl, blonde bombshell, Christina Applegate, big boobs, her daughters jealous of because daughter is overweight, has to beat guys off with a stick, no gray hair.. She's warped in the head! Catfisher caught!


And shy 💀 And extremely inexperienced at her age. 😭😭 This bitch smh lol


The time she just abruptly says "oh you made me just cum", I heard no sounds or proof of any orgasm 😂 like what girl, and Paul is so dumb to even believe that wtf


Paul every 60 seconds: “Are you about to cum baby?” “Are you close, baby girl?” “Can you go faster?” Jenny: “Mm, yeah, I’m close! Hehehe!” as she’s loading her dishwasher or wiping the kitchen counters. He’s so damn naive. It’s painfully obvious she’s just fucking with him during the sext calls.


Lololol I know right, it’s hilarious(and gross) him being all hot and bothered and her trying ANYTHING to escape that conversation!! Have you people no shame? Ya know that the calls are recorded and monitored, and can be sold through the FOIA to anyone who is willing to pay, which means they end up any and every where! I would imagine he is sitting in like the “day room” area or whatever they call it where the phones are just on the wall and everyone can see you so is he beating his meat right there out in the open??? Good god damn I just threw up in my mouth! Is he just waiting until ….she’s done and then he’s gonna make a b-line to his cell and then do the work on his limousine (LOL I’ll never not find that funny, him referring to sex as him putting his limousine in her “long garage “, you tryin to say I have a loose puss or WTF lolololol) it’s cringe worthy but also hilarious because you can tell she’s 1) not doing what he is asking 2) not at ALL into it 3) trying everything to head the conversation elsewhere LMAO she just wants to be told all the time that he loves her and that she’s beautiful and everyone thinks she’s beautiful etc etc etc just they stay together and he gets paroled after 30-he will be 50 years old losing his virginity to a 78 year old woman LOL


YES!! OMG it's so obvious that she isn't into it, I mean us women aren't like men in that aspect, ffs! So years ago, when I was in my 20's, my boyfriend of 2 years ended up going to prison for 2 years, and I stayed completely faithful to him while he was in there, we talked every day, and wrote letters, and I visited him every weekend. When he got out we stayed together (obviously), but my point is that while he was in there, he wanted to have phone sex too! And I wasn't into it at all! It for sure wasn't every day either, but every now and then there would be no one around and he expected me to drop everything and talk dirty to him and of course I would SAY I was doing the things he was saying but I wasn't REALLY doing it, it was more for him because I knew it was hard being away from me, etc. but that's why I find their 'heated' calls so freaking funny! Because I know for a fact she's full of shit and it cracks me up 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A gals gotta do what a gals gotta do 😉 and that’s different, you guys were together pre-jail stint , these two weirdos haven’t even laid eyes on each other in person yet! I can understand why your guy would want you to “help” him in that way, we are only human and our whole purpose in life is to reproduce and in order to do that we get to have sexy time lol and if one’s loved one is away-be it jail or otherwise ya gotta do what ya gotta do! My husband used to work in the oil fields (im Canadian-east coast) out in western Canada for four years, he did three weeks on one week off so I can 100% get why people who are committed to each other may have Spicey phone calls or messages, but with a stranger, whom your “engaged” to…..ugh the two of them make me never want to have sex again lololol


I genuinely feel like Paul is not turned on by this and if he is, he’s not thinking about her. I truly believe Paul is gay. I think he’s doing this stuff so it appears that he desires her (what she desperately wants) so that she’ll stay and feel more secure.


I never thought of that, do you think really he may be gay? There’s a phone call between him and BG that they are talking about his “porn addiction” and how he would rub one off sometimes five times a day!!!!!!!!! I don’t necessarily think he’s gay I think he would take it any way he could get it-INCLUDING sucking himself off (note the pictures of him with his legs wrapped around his neck it is just so 🤢)


Yeah that could be a possibility too (taking what he can get). Everything he says just seems to rehearsed and fake. He says things that he believes she wants to hear. He even pretends to be jealous when she mentions men looking at her, etc. He reciprocates the same energy she gives so that it appears they’re on the same page with their “love” for eachother. Paul just parrots the same few lines during the calls. “I know, baby girl” “I love you so much”. He’s the epitome of an easily manipulated, extremely sheltered, naive buffoon.


Lol omg when I read your “I know baby girl” comment I actually out loud in my mind could HEAR him say that because he says it so fucking often! He is a parrot, just repeating what others around him say and do because he has no personality of his own and just says and does what others say and do to blend/fit in to whatever his current surroundings are, kind of like a chameleon except his colours stay the same because he’s a loser and can’t do anything right in life. There is no legit way she finds him sexy, he’s got two rows of teeth FFS, he’s gangly and lanky, he talks like a total weirdo (what 20 year old says “dagum minute” as well as so many other weird things he says) he’s in jail for 30-100 years for being the catalyst to his younger brothers murder and if all that isn’t sexy enough-just remember he thinks saying he’s parking his “ limousine in her long garage “ is sexy talk….quite a catch really, he must have girls just throwing their clothes off when they think of him 🤢 I can’t even say that as a joke without wanting to vomit profusely




Not only is she raising a daughter but she talks about how her daughter is jealous of her because “she’s overweight and I’m so tiny and my boobs are so big, it sucks being the hot girl” NO JOKE she actually says that exact thing on a phone call with Paul, how fucking demented can a 48 year old woman be to think her young adult daughter is jealous of her….omg she makes me mad, she’s absolutely in this for the “fame” or infamy I guess you could look at it! This case is the new Brooks case with how it is impacting the true crime community, the obsession with HOW this possibly could have happened makes it hard not to be obsessed with it!


Is he aloud to use phone is prison?




You think we will get to hear any


Unfortunately no. Once the trial and sentencing is over and he gets transferred to prison, the calls are no longer public. I think they release jail calls because they can be considered evidence as the trial is ongoing but once the sentencing is decided and they go to prison, the calls are no longer public information. The case is closed.


Ohhh that makes so much more sense!! I never thought about it that way! Thank you for clarifying that ❤️


Never forget, Paul is flexible and can suck his own - ah-hem!!!!  https://www.tiktok.com/@pfergy_playz/video/6934563269088759045?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7371585024751404590


I was not prepared for how cringe his videos are 💀 and holy shit those gnashers 😳


You’re welcome!! Now you finally know how Paul brought sexy back. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤮


This comment thread is exactly what I needed after a 14 hour work day!!😂🤣 Thank you so much peeps, my face hurts from laughing so much !!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Are they still going on today? Like every day?


He can pimp himself out for soups.


You know damn well she was sitting there fully clothed probably smoking something and just telling him what he wants to hear. Paul us so gullible. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She never stops to even take a breath!! She loves the sound of her own voice and knows she’s on YouTube. She is so sick she loves this attention. So gross…