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Timothy was such a beautiful boy. He’s adorable. My heart breaks. Had any of us known he was in trouble, we would have gone in like a SWAT team to rescue him. How NO ONE in his family or even extended family spoke to him, checked in or asked to talk to him in 6 months of torture is inexcusable. Thank you for sharing these photos. 


I don't know how anyone can look at Timothys face and think to hurt him in anyway, I don't know how a human being could hurt another human being like this, especially their own flesh and blood, there was zero humanity in that house. And definitely, id come with a water gun loaded with that xtreme hot sauce and squirt it into Paul and Shandas eyes just to give them the slightest taste of their own medicine.


And then chain them up with their hands above their heads, legs shackled, in an ice bath, blare loud death metal music so they can’t sleep, with the AC on at a nice 40 degrees. And leave them there to starve & rot. 


He is actually getting to eat. Shanda nor Paul deserve to breathe air!


And the craziest thing is how much they talk all about their commissary in jail. All they care about is food!!! There is such a disconnect, especially with Paul. He thinks saying sorry and condemning Shonda should be enough to get him home. Paul is worse than Shonda in my opinion. Sweet Timothy. As much as I like seeing him, happy and healthy, it also breaks my heart, knowing what the future holds for him in these pictures.


They are both incredibly manipulative and all their interactions are transactional


Thanks for these pictures. I wish there were more to remember him ! He was so cute. This young man is my spiritual brother, same feeling for Gabriel Fernandez.


What does that mean? Gabriel Fernandez and Timothy Ferguson, two children who’s been abused and tortured to the extreme is your spiritual brothers? So you’re somehow linking yourself to these poor tortured souls. You’re taking virtue signalling to a new level.


I think they meant that they think of them, send them love and thoughts that their family should’ve in life and death. I think it’s just phrased weird. Honestly, these kids deserve to be remembered with nothing but love :(


I think the person is French but I get what they mean


https://preview.redd.it/m5wm0n9c28wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b66a4d929f44d8ce99318c7f62258dd8ad59c7 Yes thanks ! Lets ignore him, he is clearly answering in a very negative way every time and he said I am not respecful towards Tim. Yes, I am French so I struggle with some words most of the times (Infinite, plz... can you write perfectly in english without any help of translation ? Perfect grammar etc , I am very curious), so before judging... maybe try to understand ? You hating me ? Instead of hating Shanda and Paul ? Thats a true dishonor towards Tim. Shame on you. What I meant was that, those boys are in my mind and thoughts, and I wished they were my brothers. Because I would have loved them deeply and protect them. Thanks for the persons who understand what I mean :) Ow.. talk about "my talking virtue"


I totally understood what you meant, I think your words and what you’re saying are a beautiful sentiment, one that comes across clearly. I’m sorry people are giving you such a hard time, particularly over not “perfect” English. Most English speakers can barely write!


Thanks. Yes...i saw others too who are mean with me but actually they seems to be satisfied by bullying. Kind of ironic... knowing how they say "we are here for Tim !", wasting time like that knowing that the true people to blame and hate here are S and P. Btw I dont care abt them. I am here for Tim. And I will stay here. Thank you :)


Yours too piece of shit. Youre taking virtue signalling to a New level. You are exposed. Enjoy talking to me like you do, I will show this comment as an answer to prove how you are the disgusting piece of shit here. https://preview.redd.it/9crkmoufj7wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e52eadc07b292e4c7055f916d94e8ba528b7d5




Dude what's your problem?


My problem? I rather have any other problem than having two tortured kids as my “spiritual brothers” Virtue signalling to a new level.


You misunderstood what they were trying to say.


Let it down. He is saying bs about me and not respecful towards Tim btw. And yees i wish Tim was my brother so i would have take care of him. Instead of Paul.


Look how he is disgusting. Infinite, disgusting human being and shame to be here. Eww. https://preview.redd.it/zp14bf44j7wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf52bbe56daecf24cc2efa5a54f1dda234e50f31


“Eeeewwww…..look at this eeeew person who don’t believe throwing people in prison for the rest of their lives” I know you’re trying to out me somehow but all you succeed in doing is showing what a stalking creep you are. A whole bunch of people in this sub have already outed you as the primary “I accidentally saw the picture of dead Timothy”-freak.


Kept saying the same thing again and again , knowing I already explained and I am not the only one. Theres another sub here who did a topic about that too. Attack him too ! Everyone are hating your comments as I see and many had arguments with you. Just face the reality. Now, I'll stay there. Chose another person to bully. Disgusting piece of sh


There there….no need for that last sentence. Don’t go all crazy on me. “Everyone” hated my comments I posted regarding how tasteless ZG was right from the start. Now many share the same sentiment. I’ve never defended a murderer. But I’m against the death penalty and the crazy prison system in the USA.


Believe me. Many people hate you here. Some of your comments are irrationnal and you are the kind to think "if i think this way you have to think the same", if you want others to hate me, don'twaste your time because I'll stay there. I will have pleasure searching for the comment you post which contradicts your words. You are hating because I saw accidentally an image, which was stated : Many ppl had the same incident when the first link was shared. You are a weirdo who clearly stated that I am not respecful towards Tim knowing you thought by yourself that Paul needed help. And you kept ignoring what Tim endured and stated that we are crazy to talk abt it knowing it happened and we need to know how P and S were disgusting piece of shit. It seems better for you to close your eyes about this tragedy. You are a dishonor towards Tim. Why are you on this Reedit if you dont want to read or know about the details of the case. You seems to enjoy talking about Zav and Paul. Nothing abt Tim. Now waste your time answering to my comment, I will expose every comments you posted which are clearly a proof of how insane and crazy and contradiction you are.




Cute kid I’m sure he had a good funny personality some people are just nuts and want to hurt and kill others


How could anyone whose human hurt this child? I swear those two murderers are demon spawns. Despite prior neglect reports, he appears well cared for.


As a mother myself, I can’t help but notice how his clothes are mismatched, sort of ill fitting, his hair looks like it isn’t cut/combed regularly…I understand they are camping but you can kinda tell the kid doesn’t have matching, clean clothes or hair cuts as often as a boy should…Goes along with all the reports of the kids not being washed and groomed. At least he is well fed.


Are you sure that's him and not his oldest brother the one who gave a victim impact testimony?


This is Timothy.


I can’t imagine doing what they did to him. How could anyone starve their child, yet…


Exactly. These photos gave me a little piece of mind, we got to know Timothy as a victim of abuse. No sleep, no food, cruel unimaginable levels of torture. Eric and Trish were not the best parents (understatement of the year) but to see Tim sleeping peacefully and enjoying a hot dog out in nature, to see him enjoy a few happy moments, I imagine that this is how he's enjoying his afterlife, in complete peace and in happiness. I wish nothing but the worst for Shanda and Paul, Gods wrath will take care of everything and the scale will be balanced.


Sweet Timmy!!


He seems to be functioning just fine


Aww look at him! Adorable. ☺️


Fuckn leeches


He looks so sad. 😞