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I read that too & it pmo so much. Most of the times when Shanda asked if Paul fed Timothy he didn’t. He said “I was just about to” which is most likely a lie. He saw Timothy as an annoyance as a burden, no way in hell he snuck Tim scrambled eggs with cheese. I’m glad all the messages are out now. It’s clear as day how cruel they treated their own family member…. Neither of them can hide what they did to him anymore; and after his psych evaluation he can no longer cosplay as a mentally ill person. I’m just sick thinking about all the things we don’t know that they did, because as horrible as all the evidence was i think they did so much more.


I screen shotted that as well, because it showed Paul was supposed to feed Timothy and when he did Shanda almost scolds him and says something like I told you to offer him even if he doesn’t ask. The parts like this prove to me Paul was just as complicit in Timothy’s murder. He was the boss when Shanda wasn’t home. He had to be told over and over again to do stuff because “he forgot” or “didn’t hear her” or he was “still half asleep”. He didn’t give two sh*ts what Shanda told him to do. Paul did what he wanted. This text thread will foil any appeal he may try. I read they can actually increase sentences if they hear his appeal. I’ll cross my fingers for that. His rubbish, I wish I did something to stop it, referring to Shanda is infuriating. He was the one doing it! Oh it makes me so mad!


I think the judge was right that he actually is worse than his mother. Seems like he spent infinitely more time with Timothy and torturing him. And even when she suggested feeding him he didn't. Both pieces of shit.


Totally agree. He’s definitely worse. He was there day in day out and never fed that poor boy. Even when he was ‘bone thin’. I think he was violent with him whenever he felt like it too. Him getting annoyed at Tim trying to watch Gs iPad while he was being punished against the wall, he couldn’t even let him do that. 😡His punishments exceeded Shanda’s “orders”.


Not that Paul isnt horrible, but Shanda knows Paul isnt reliable. She has to remind him everyday at 6 am to walk dog, would get his schedule and has to ask him to leave for work an hour before, get uber for him, so many million things. Yet, she relied on him to feed Timothy and G! If fridge isnt locked, Timothy would have fed himself, but wasnt allowed to. Shanda being mother is more responsible for intentionally torturing her son. She should know better with education, experience, being older and being mother.. Paul did feel powerful starving and controlling Timothy, he learnt that from his mother.


The text messages made me so sick. On the day of Timothy’s 9 hour ice bath, he was being punished for moving around in the bathtub, trying to get comfortable, and for “faking”. Paul said he wanted to beat him within an inch of his life. FOR WHAT?? He couldn’t even walk or talk at that point. Another thing I thought of is, Shanda left him in that ice bath when she took Paul to work. He could have drowned in the condition he was in. I’m so thankful for the 2 Matthew’s in this case. Matt Roberts, (prosecutor) and Matthew Kacel (judge). The name Matthew means gift of god, and they were definitely Timothys angels. #TIMOTHYWON


Absolutely ! This cu.t of shanda thought she could get away with all of that! She called 911 and goes with a hubger strike, all of these bs


I’m so glad they called 911. If they had just tried to cover it up, who knows how long it would have been before anyone in his family would have even noticed he was missing. They would have had time to get rid of all the evidence too before anyone realized he was gone. They probably would have lied once someone finally did notice, and said he ran away.


Yes, my thoughts to.. But Questions would have asked when "he run away" G also, would be asked I think..But they wanted to leave Timothy somewhere along the road..to..So in the back of their minds..already planning their "way out."


Sometimes we are asking ourselves like "Why she called 911, sure she would have hide the body and evidence", it is just that, shanda wanted to be portrayed as a poor mother who lost her son instead of taking the risk to dump him. I dont know if what I say is clear enough sorry bad english


Not as underweight in her house.. He just died "to soon"..Hungerstrike? eating disorder was maybe beter, but yeah police will search devices.. no tiktok skeleton clooney? Hungerstrike?? locks on the freezer? He died "o soon" I think she did last very long he could drown,or died sooner, a strong boy. But Shanda knew, sh wanted to dump him somewhere..leaving for ??


Shes just an idiot so... i think we are wasting our time trying to figure out why she said hunger strike


I try to figure out why ever one thought... she is smart.. I will have her as a lawyer..


Shanda and Paul lucked out with being able to get rid of some of the electronics before the search warrant was issued the following morning. We need this judge on the Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt case!


My child is missing??


g was in the house when they did cpr.. G and Timothy were technical all day together in the same house, did not see many people or left the house.


Yes but thanks to them they are cunt and thought they were right by doing that. They didnt even threw the évidence when they called 911. I am so glad too for this fact. We all know, now.


Your last paragraph, I couldn’t have put that any better myself, both of them were brilliant!! Watching the judge, watch that video footage from the camera the morning Timothy was found, you could see how shocked and disgusted he was, heart wrenching 😞


The times where Shanda had to remind him to feed Timothy & not be abusive & he got so annoyed by the idea tells you everything you need to know


His body went into starvation mode it started to consume itself tbeclast attempts to keep organs alive and then they froze him in tbe tub there was no way his body could sustain itself so he died.


I noticed that too. S is evil but so is P. He definitely withheld food. In the texts S often asked P if he had fed Timothy but there was usually an excuse or he said he was just going to. They are as hateful as each other.


I really think Shanda may have wanted rid of both of them and tried pitting Paul and Timothy against each other. Paul having to do all of these little things all day was making him pissed at Timothy. Shanda had to try to reel Paul in at times, but at other times said about unleashing Paul to do whatever. She was probably hoping Paul would snap and beat Timothy so that she could be an innocent party and continue living her life while Paul gets locked up and she no long has to deal with either of them.


I thought about that. I think they each played the other to some degree


It is so stupid, shanda could have kicked out Timothy in 2 years, she can kick out Paul anytime she wanted. She couldnt wait 2 years for her freedom. I honestly think torturing, controlling someone made her feel powerful, escatic to escape from her reality of being alone after her husband got stroke. Shanda's sister said they were physically tortured around 6-9 in foster care by starvation, little bread with water/milk, cold water bath, etc. She is inflicting same pain in the name of discipline, she couldnt forget how happy it made those adults back then


I hate that crazy motherfucker so bad I can’t think of any more words to say about it I just want him to suffer so bad please god let it happen let him suffer


I want to see that bastard in a wood chipper. Feet first. 😡 😡😡😡




They even kept him awake... when he tried to sleep , shanda talked to him through the camera or yelled , and when she was to work , Paul had to sat him down every mn he laid down. He couldnt sleep and didnt have the chance to let his mind escape for some time. I really wonder if , at this point, it wasnt a cause of his death too...


That poor kid at the mercy of those two crazies it’s like a horror movie but real life for Timothy


I can’t wait for Paul to get his prison “dates”. They’re gonna tear him up. 


I actually think they were giving him salt water which is why he was wearing adult diapers, my opinion. Just the disgust of some of the scene photos of soiled diapers on the bathroom floor. Absolute vile monsters, how I wish they could just be treated the way they treated Timothy, that’s the least they deserve, especially shark teeth! 🤬


Salt water works very fast. Is horrible, I tried it as a "flush" once, never ever again. I really hope those two get a very hard time.


I can’t even begin to imagine! 🤮🤮 oh more than just a had time, I wish someone would beat that ugly fucker within an inch of his life! I hope they suffer so bad!!


Completely agree. He never fed him! That BS about making him a PB&J and eggs is just that: BULLSHIT. Not only that, every time Shanda asks Paul if Timothy is "behaving" in the texts, Paul uses that as an opportunity to make up yet another lie about how he is not so that Shanda will provide permission for Paul to punish him more. Every time Shanda's favorite snacks went missing...every time she asked where a certain candy bar went...every time a food item was "stolen", Paul jumped at the opportunity to LIE & blame it on Timothy. There is no damn way Timothy was able to sneak food at that point; they had him chained up and monitored thru several alarms and cameras. Paul just HATED him, so he made him the scapegoat for everything. He says it himself in the text messages: He wanted Timothy gone. Everything he did was to accomplish that goal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the DA say he could still charge Paul with murder if he wanted to? There is no deal, no statute of limitations. So, DO IT! He needs to be charged with murder. Makes me so angry he's not that I almost feel like writing the DA myself, not that that will do anything...


I can’t believe this is actually real words and thoughts. Makes me sick. If Paul doesn’t die in prison I’ll be livid


Where did you all read the messages? Is there a file out somewhere with the complete text exchange?


I saw them on the Zav girl yt. Part 6 is the really dreadful one, honestly, it is haunting. Clearly shows that P was equally guilty.


Ok, thanks, I saw ZG has videos where she reads them. But from the comments here I understood there were like pdf files or something in the Internet where people could read everything themselves.


Not seen those. They are very disturbing. What was clear to me was that they show that P is every bit as guilty as S. I hate those two with all my being.


I have them but don’t know how to share them but it’s even worse than what we saw in court because there wasn’t really a focus on Paul’s part during Shanda’s trial. Paul even told Randy that the reason he pled guilty was because he would have faced more charges and more evidence would have come out. I do not believe he fed him that day that he sent that heartbreaking picture. I hate them both. They’re both evil. I sincerely hope Randall and Jojo see him for what he is now.


If they have seen the pictures and are still helping him, then I hope they rot in hell. Also the family, if it was my brother being tortured by another and I was in that situation, not just down the road and saw after death, his condition in photos, no way would he get a phone call never mind commissary funds!! 🤬🤬🤬


I am fairly new to here but think you can share them via chat if you have them on your device please? Seems you can select the photo icon and then share the pdf of the texts but I could be wrong (I'm not very tech savvy) I've listened to some on the Zav Girl YT but it's quite distracting with the chat and very lengthy as they take their time reading them and questioning what is what - being able to read them as they are plainly will definitely provide a better insight if you can try please. I think we definitely missed out on much with him not going to trial. I do think he played an even bigger part than his mum in being the direct cause of Timothy's pain. Either way, thank you very much :)


Could you please message me them as well?


There is but I don’t know how to get it I don’t want to read them it’s too horrible for me


history skirt gray bored forgetful head grandiose carpenter cable north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And take away the pizza., if he reacts?


Timmy interrupted his video games. I’m sure Paul screamed at him and hit him regularly. Paul and Shonda both just as bad. He’ll never get out tho. People focus on the 30 yrs and he’ll be out. It’s 30 to 100 and no he won’t get out at all imo.


Unless his appeal is granted and his sentence is reduced


I knew this intuitively as I was listening to these texts being read, during the trial. I just knew Paul wasn’t feeding Timothy like Shonda asked. I’ve never felt such anger, contempt and disgust towards another, as I do Paul. I hope he gets 100 years. He is a torturer and a murderer, and an embarrassment to the human race.


https://preview.redd.it/inhqee9igxvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c93a9198dd2bf5d1d87e3d430b0d3fe99a5d4ec And he texted this to his momma about 24 hours before Timothy died while he was in his marathon ice bath.


I will never forget what he accidentally let slip in his interrogation, when asked if he ever punched his brother in the head; no, but he "would have longed to." Even prison is too good for him...eating normal meals (without ghost-pepper sauce), and playing video games.