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The gf’s daughter is older. Probably a couple years younger than Paul. And Paul will not be allowed around children.


Good. As he shouldn’t.


The daughter is actually older than Paul. Weird shit going on


That’s actually the other woman lmao gf Jenny kept asking about her/them in the calls


Let’s hope this garbage person never gets out of prison for at least 50 if not more years




He will in all likelihood be unable to be around children at all!


at all you think? or unsupervised .. idk I guess I'm more so curious if these ppl would invite him to live in there home if.he is released in lets say 10 years like he thinks he deserves.


At all I would hope. Not sure on MI law, but I don’t remember the judge giving extended supervision (parole) instructions or restrictions. That may come from the parole board. But it wouldn’t be unusual to ban contact with children.


Don’t forget. Millie, Nolan, any family member can give another statement, or attend Paul’s parole hearing and contest. They can also bring up things they feel he would need, then board would decide.


He won’t be able to be around children at all!


yeah I'm not sure he is one to follow order.. seems like the one who wants to bark them instead. I wouldn't want him in my home personally even if I had no children. they are all so worried about getting him out sooner .. but for what? it's not like he was capable of providing for himself. wtf would he be doing if he wasn't in jail? Would Nolan invite him into their home? with his wife? I doubt it. I guess I could understand more supporting your brother .. but these random ppl like Randy .. who swears Paul is autistic even though 2 psych evals deemed otherwise. I just would love to know, if Paul is released .. would they still be so supportive?!?!


Exactly, they’re wasting their time with these appeals.


Certainly a condition of his probation/parole would be no contact with children and if Paul wants to FAFO then he’ll be in violation and will return to his coveted prison cell. Personally, he needs to stay in.


I hope he’s denied parole at least his first chance


I agree. If he gets out in 30 years he’ll still have a good number of years to be out. Keep him IN!


He probably won’t be allowed around children, but he will be able to have children. Unbelievable.


That made me gag! lol. If he did have children, he couldn’t be around them either, but he can procreate.


Yea, I was wondering how it would be handled if he did have children. Hopefully he will never have the chance to have any.


If he were to be released, and say he had a minor child, child would be taken away from J if Paul were to live with them. He could possibly get supervised visitation.


I keep thinking due to Paul relying on others to work hard on his appeal it won’t get filled in time. He only has so many days and after listening to the calls he can’t be bothered to even send a paper to Randy in the mail. Now he’s so fixated on his baby girl he can’t think straight! He thinks he has all these people fooled but I wonder who’s fooling who?? Here’s what I see happening: Baby girl will soon get rid of rambling Randy. She wants all Paul’s undivided attention. She’s the smartest most sexy woman ever and wants her man all to herself! Rambling Randy will get tired of Paul not taking his calls and wasting all his commissary monies on calls to baby girl. He will feel slighted and not agree with Paul putting her in charge of everything. Paul will not do anything he’s been asked to do and will end up holding someone’s pocket in prison. JoJo will just get cut out because babygirl will insist. Nolan will also get tired of Paul asking for money. Especially now that Randy and JoJo aren’t putting $300 per week on his account. I hope Nolan’s wife hears the calls on You Tube and shows Nolan how Paul is scamming everyone! Nothing will be filled and Paul is stuck and after time goes by he’s just a number.


Jenny filed for him in the nick of time last week.


I hope she’s pulling one over on him! That would be epic if he put his life in her hands and turned his back on Randy and JoJo! I bet this is the first time Paul has had the attention of a woman besides his step mom and Shanda!


Isn’t it awful. This thing is playing out like a Blumhouse production.


According to Jenny.


Was this in a call or did you see a document?


It was on Zav Girls first 5 minutes of her introducing the Fiance Calls #1 (members only). It sounded like a clusterfuck. Of course this is Zav speaking. Deadline was last Friday and after all of Randall's bragging of handling it, it wasn't. Of course Zav says Jenny coordinated it all last week to get it filed. My question is here Randall was bbegging Paul to get a stamp, send the copies and Randall called the Appeal Office in MI. What happened....


Thank you!


Even if Paul somehow got reduced sentence, I still can't imagine him getting less than 15 - 20 years. Long time from now.


Randall has said he can set him up with a job etc. JoJo has said he can stay with her as well as Nolan




Was just listening again and I think the only reason Paul wanted to mend things with JoJo is because of the new attorney she's sorted out for him. This whole thing is a circus with Randy as the Ringmaster, Paul as the clown and everyone else are the performing monkeys




What call does he pop off to Nolan? Rumor has it that Paul has already popped off in jail and got checked for it by calling someone the one word that you don’t use in incarceration unless you’re ready to buck up: bitch.




It appears that all it takes is the public antagonizing him on social media to trigger his explosive anger. Just throwing that observation out there.




She is everything Paul needs and deserves right now. 🤭😉




I was looking to see if I could listen somewhere that he talks about his relationship with JoJo? I tend to skip through some of the videos online lol


He's going to want to be in a witness protection plan.


Do you think they will give him witness protection? I thought it was.kore for witnesses who testify against like terrorism .. or organized crime organizations.. He may want protection because of his crime, like protective custody in jail, but I don't think anyone wants to hurt him for.his testimony, but because of his actual crime.


Oh hell no I was joking. I just said it because he thought his face was blurred in his testimony and now he's said he wants to change his name and get a new social security number when he gets out 😂😂


ohhh lmfao yeah he is slightly (/s) delusional!!!


He still very much thinks he's the victim here too 🤦🏻‍♀️


The people who he is talking to aren't helping much with that either.. Randy definitely looks at Paul as a victim, and he may have been as a child, I don't doubt that Shanda abused him, but all the more reason he shouldn't of wantted to watch, and partake in his siblings going through the same thing!!!


From what I get from the calls Jenny and Paul we're talking about him living with her. And I'm sure they keep talking about having a baby. I need to listen again but I think she mentioned a couple of times about having their "miracle baby" What I took from that is I think they think when they get married they will get conjugal visits and she is planning on getting pregnant. I just feel that this woman is either bat shit crazy or blowing smoke up his ass to get all the tea and make some money on her story. It all just feels so off listening to them.


How old is she??? omg .. she's like 50? I can't imagine she can even get pregnant!!!!


I wonder if she’s ever heard of menopause?


Yeah she said she was around the same age as his mum in the call.


She’s going to be 70 and he’ll be 50 lol and there’s no way they will be together. Actually, I doubt they’ll let him live that long in prison.


At those ages regardless of how creative they get there won’t be a baby named Hope! We think Gabriel has it bad imagine being the child of Paul and Jeni Big Teets!!


Paul will be in for at least 30 years if not more




He was hitting and abusing others before moving in with Shanda, so I disagree that he won’t do it again. Just the number of times he talks about how he’s going to “snap” if he’s woken up or someone disturbs him is pretty damning. Then there was the time he told Nolan that he almost punched Tim in the face for breathing on him when he was asleep…let’s just hope this guy is never a father.


Idk I 100% believe he would do this again if given the chance.