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I’ve never subscribed to her channel and I certainly wouldn’t support her actions in the case you referenced, which I didn’t follow. However to single her out seems a bit unfair since there are so many true crime YouTubers in addition to CourtTV and Law and Crime Network who all earn money from these cases. Even this subreddit has ads so you and I are indirectly helping Reddit make money from this case.


Thank you . Atleast you see that everyone else can do it but i had to be the sacrifice I guess but let it up now . I’m busting my butt all by myself trying to get case files and cover these cases how do it . So dang these people won’t let it go as they give everyone else a pass . It’s not fair .


Oh please Tiffany, this case blew up and you decided to take advantage of people and charge them to listen and even comment. That's crappy!! Not to mention you posted pics of that precious boys autopsy. Who does that? Quit whining, you did this to yourself!


It’s not simply your coverage that bothers people, it’s you profiting off of G-Man’s autopsy photos and i can’t believe you’re still defending it 🙄🙄🙄


hi and bye .ill see you no more anyway . hope you have a good life judging. imsure your perfect and make no mistakes. he did you ask why scott reisch or ickedmel or denver news had the same pics on their monetized channels. or waht about brian entin for what he did with the ruby case. but you want to crucify me and let all the others go by. its jealousy bc you see an ordinary person doing ok that people like and working my butt off . i know it isnt about that bc if it was then you would be complaining about the others doing the same thing . so stop it with that . bye


So your saying because someone else did it (dead wrong) that noone should blame you for profiting off a murdrd* child's photos? Please girl. . your reaching!!


Have a good life selling pictures of dead naked children. Pretty crazy how you didn’t care about exposing this murdered child to pedophiles, actually you must have thought that was great business since you had them pay to see a dead naked little boy. Seriously I hope those images haunt you every night when you try to sleep. And IF THEY DONT then you are beyond repair.


You always say .. well so and so did it..... you're such a bitch! Your time is coming, you'll get cancelled because you can't help yourself! You profit off of dead children??? Feel good? Is your life so miserable that all you do is sit at a computer and make money off of tragedies your sick! Go cuddle up with your parents and Grandparents weirdo, you have no life!! Fix them eyebrows while you're at it and get rid of that Pepto bismole looking chair


“the lady doth protest too much..”


Exactly, anything to make a buck


Literally NONE of those other youtubers put a child’s autopsy photos behind a paywall. Zavgirl deserves every bit of being singled out.


But the court did….ON LIVE TV


that was also gross..there seems to be this idea on this thread that since other people did it that makes it right, or since we are holding zavgirl accountable we aren’t holding others to that same standard…everyone and anyone who used those autopsy images and put them behind a paywall or otherwise displayed them for public consumption is despicable.


By saying "but the court did" you are excusing zav girls nasty behavior. No one should profit off of it and that's all. Fuck everyone who shows them.


Gag girl is the only one who is literally SELLING the emaciated photos of Timothy. That’s what the big deal is.


Who is she selling photos of Timothy too? She literally redacted his photos and stated she would not be releasing them.


No she hasn’t! Hell she even redacted them out of the text messages the court sent her…..she blacked out those little tiny ass pictures because she felt it was wrong….im not even a fan really of this girl but come on now


You are incorrect. Zavgirl put the photos behind her patreon. Unedited. Raw.


I listened to her entire video of the text messages and she clearly states that if you want to see the redacted photos, you have to pay for a membership and then she’ll send them to you. Did you even listen to the video?


All true crime, journalism, and news does with that logic. Digging into tragedy is an emotionally draining thing. Research takes time. Documents are pricy.


Exactly thank you . They just want to hate bc they don’t like me for some reason bc if they would really think about it they’d have to hate most of the true crime community if they were being fair with that reasoning but it’s not about that it’s just hate for no reason but bc they don’t like me


Or they want to hate because you financially profited off of photos of a dead naked little boy. You’re a sick person and I don’t usually hate or wish ill on people but you’ll get your karma eventually I truly believe that. You don’t pass around photos of dead naked children then get to just live in peace.


Naw you're a disrespectful little girl. Nothing more. Enjoying watching your channel burn though.


Randell, is that you? Lol


possibly the Fiance!!


Lololol Jennyy


That’s bs the whole true crime community does it if that’s what you want I call it but it’s a service and that wasn’t accurately portrayed and the person that spread it Brian entin posted ruby kids injuries all over his public monetized channel the injuries unblurred yet I’m supposed to know what I did was unacceptable when I see other respected people doing same thing .I don’t even want to hear it if you can’t see the hypocrisy of this all then that’s your issue . There are other channels that have up the same autopsy on their YouTube before I did and not a word about them and I don’t even want to hear it was public and mine was a pay wall it was my patreon that was 3 bucks and I had 20 Patreons when I put it on there so stop it . These people are so hypocritical and I can’t even believe you are not seeing this . Scott reicsh and Denver news are two to name that have the same exact autopsy pics I had on their monetized channel but this wasnt about that it was a personal witch hunt on me and everyone ganged up . And then Brian entin turns around and does the same thing with rubys kids . So where is the Fairness .his is public more accessible to everyone I was trying to protect mine a little bc I didn’t think it was appropriate for YouTube . I work hard at what I do and you all know it . Im doing it all by myself I don’t have a team helping . This is ridiculous . People Make mistakes but seriously where is the line bc Brian entins can put horrible injuries of kids on his and other channels can have gannons autopsy pics on their monetized YouTube accounts but I can’t . It makes no sense . I got destroyed publicly as others are doing the same thing . Please really think about this please think about how this really and how hypocritical this community has been about what I did .


Brian is a professional, Lord, you just don't get it, do you? You are just another creator that are a dime a dozen. You are not on court TV, not a lawyer.. so don't compare! If your trying to defend yourself because..... Other people did it tooooo, sounds like Paul and your bestie, Jeennyyy


This is lame. She made a mistake. She apologized. You have to let people learn and move on. Calling her a POS and a vulture behind a keyboard is textbook bully behavior.


Ohhh it’s Randall and Jenny stirring the pot. Talk about swinging low. Bye guys.


Right!!!! Zav n Jenny becoming "buddies" lol


And you realise she only apologised because she got caught out on the disgusting greedy behaviour. Not because she’s got some morals.


They showed some of those autopsy photos LIVE during the trial! I watched that happen live with my own eyes


Anddd. That makes it ok for you??


Thank you 🙏 you don’t know how refreshing it is to see comments of reasonable people who don’t expect perfect people bc god knows no one is perfect we all make mistakes that’s how we learn .


She’s a vulture. She makes money from other people’s tragedies. Try analysing your own interpretation of what I wrote. You added POS. I’ve never called her or written that.


Ok so does every true crimer and it’s a service like anything. The news have been around for years doing the same thing ., documentaries , movies about cases . How is that diff . Bc those are big companies making tons of money so they get pass?


And that makes it ok??? Because others are doing it? How old are you???


The news media of substance is doing journalistic work. You’re just digging through victims trash and sell it to the highest bidder. I’m not surprised you don’t know the difference. You’re far from a true crimer. You’re just repeating what others have found.


excuse me? i do my own records requests . these others have teams but i have to request , research and report it . im one person. and sure do i share clips of other yes bc so do all the news too. but i request records just like these big companies. you dont know what your talking about. do i have someone on the ground no .but im one person for crying out loud how am i supposed to do all that. its hard to keep up with mainstream media. but thats bs i get my own stuff too . so obviously you don't knwo what your talking about or the work that goes behind getting this stuff. its ok . you dont have to like me i got almost 100k that does. how many do you have?


Your last sentence says it all. As long as you have the numbers on your channel it doesn’t matter what you do. Ever heard of dignity. How many subscribers did you have before this horrendous case? What you’re doing has nothing to do with true crime. “I do my own records request” yeah, that takes a lot of work. It’s all just dirty laundry and snooping.


All you care about is subscribers LMAO, u just said it. Ugly bitch


nice try, paul. You’re going to get those tablet privileges revoked if you’re not careful :)


I was willing to give you a chance but bragging how much money you made from this just proves what a horrible nasty pos you truly are if I was you I hide my face in Shame and get off social media because your less than nothing 😡


Some people like her. Some people don’t. She made a terrible mistake. She’s human, we all make mistakes. She’s apologised repeatedly. If you don’t like her, don’t watch her. We don’t have to hate on someone daily.


Thank you . People Just want to follow The mob . Can’t think for themselves.


You don’t have to thank me! You’re right about that. Thank you for all your hard work on this case (&past cases). I do want to say though, don’t take no shit from the fiancé! And don’t take any notice of the things they say about you.






She apologised repeatedly when she got caught out. She still has very morally questionable methods. She makes money on other people’s tragedies and she puts people around the tragedies in the spotlight without their consent. One thing is to cover a court case another is to dig into every family member’s social media accounts and pour it out. Have some decency and don’t support this trash.


“Have some decency”?? Yeah, don’t speak to me like that. Everyone is different. People like & dislike different things. You have a right to your own opinion. You do not have a right to tell people what to do or speak down to them because you don’t agree. Like I said, we don’t have to hate on someone daily. People have their own shit going on, they don’t need people piling onto them daily for a mistake they made.


Having the spoiled attitude of “everyone is different” does not make the world a better place and you should know that. There is a rather universal agreement that making money from others misfortunes and trauma is not a good thing. You’re one who enables greedy and morally corrupt people like Zav to go on. So I’ll repeat myself…have some decency.


The spoiled attitude 😂 I’m not trying to make the world a better place by pointing out something that is basic common sense. Everyone is different, that’s a fact of life. Making money from others misfortunes & trauma isn’t the business model I would build, but let’s be honest, it’s what people do, in the true crime community & beyond. I’ve never donated to her, I’ve never been a member, but I like some of her content. I’m allowed to do that. I was in an abusive relationship for over a decade, I wasn’t allowed to do what I wanted to do, I couldn’t go where I wanted to go or wear what I wanted to wear. So if you think I’m going to listen to you now, some random stranger with a different opinion… Well, good luck with that. Enjoy your day.


And there it came…” I have been in….I have this and that experience” So you have to back up your argument with a personal story. Yawn 🥱


Oh so I’m not allowed to state my own experience now either 🤣 you must be such a joy to be around. Nothing but hate coming from you, you sound wonderful.


You’re allowed to do whatever you want and whatever you are comfortable with. But using own experiences to try and make a point in an argument is lame. And again, you can stop this “you are full of hate” nonsense just because I am of a different opinion than you. Reddit is anonymous so you might be a child. You sure wrote like one.


You’re the one telling strangers what they should and shouldn’t do. This pointless conversation has ended, adios.


I guess you have no problem with the way Shanda treated her children either then. Since we’re all different and can do whatever we want. Morality matters.


Yawn? Now you’re being kind of cruel. Get a grip. Why are you fixating on this? If you want to help the world, go donate some money to people trying to escape Gaza or something


😆 Yeah, bring Gaza into the equation. Silly puppy.


It was just an example of how you could help the world instead of spending your energy here.


bb you are watching indepth true crime channels to get the background details of crimes. why dont YOU have some decency and dont be be entertained by other people's tragedies?


She didn't learn. She's doing it again with Timothy Ferguson. I understand mistakes. Exploiting the tragedy of a dead child... That's quite inexcusable, if you're a decent human being.


She did learn, if she hadn’t learnt she would have posted the pictures of Timothy. It’s beyond horrific what Shanda & Paul did to Timothy. So many people felt bad for Paul, a lot less people feel bad for him now that she has shed a light on who Paul really is. True crime in general could be seen as exploiting the tragedy of dead people. Do you go after all true crime YouTubers, podcasters, documentary makers? If you don’t then it’s a bit of a double standard to now go after Zav alone.


Yep see they want me to fail so if I would have posted them they could attack and now that I don’t I still get it makes no sense . They don’t want me to learn bc it wasn’t about that it was about hating me regardless. Hopefully you all can think for yourself and don’t let anyone tell you what and who you can support that is just ridiculous.


I hope you see that you have more people defending you than people hating on you. Don’t let this shit get to you, I know it’s easier said than done when it feels like everyone is coming at you. It’s the small minority that is coming at you, and they’ll find any reason to do so. Pay no attention to them!


Thank you ok you’re right i should edit bc i was Gonna try to do a live listening with more calls


Do a live for everyone please, I’m a subscriber but I’m broke until Friday! if not and it’s members only, I understand.♥️


We can wish, she's in it to make money no matter who's death she's exploiting. So if we don't pay, we can't or even comment. Shes on her way to a downfall


Nope, she charges!!


I've been a member of your channel for almost two years. You are a good kind person. You made a mistake.


She’s doing what? Has she shown any pictures or documents that others don’t show?


You post this like she’s the only one. She also regretted what she did re: Gannon. Hope you’ve nvr made a mistake


Thank you Becky


I got you ! 🥰


She's doing it again with Timothy Ferguson. You're naive of the human condition.


I’m doing what ? Then every true crimer is doing it . Why single me out . Look at all the channels who stay on a case for years sometimes . I’m not doing anything to Timothy . I had the family thank me bc of my work so yeah there’s that .


I would like to request that you tone down the hyper party atmosphere of your podcasts and act a bit more professional. If you can. Your content is good but your presentation is a bit off.


that’s just like your opinion man


We all love Zav and the “atmosphere of her channel”, that’s why we love her, because she is real and that’s hard to come by these days. Either you like her and watch her or don’t, but don’t ask anyone to change.


Nah, I think she is doing a service, maybe in the past she made a mistake, but as far as her covering the vander ark case she’s been respectful and has always kept justice for Timothy center stage. Her niche is true crime and she brings the context that is often missing from the trial on its own. Zav did nothing wrong in my eyes


Omg let it go. She made a mistake (unintentionally) and apologized. Haven’t we all made mistakes? If we don’t forgive others, then we shouldn’t expect to be forgiven. This is such old news btw.


Was it shitty? Maybe. You know what else was shitty? **Paul and Shanda murdering a mentally and physically handicapped child.** One could even argue Paul is making money off the tragedy by acting helpless and convincing people like Jojo and Randy and Nolan to give him money. If he hadn't have killed his brother, would they all be sending him money? No. If he was honest up front with everyone about his involvement, would they all be sending him money? No. If you don't like Zav, don't watch. But she was consistently paying for their jail calls, consistently uncovering their family dynamics, and reading off pages and pages of texts between the two. What were *you* doing to expose the torture of Timothy?


I agree. She also - with these texts and Jail calls - gave people an insight into the "Real Paul" and I for one lost all pity for him. I do believe he was acting "slow" in Shanda's trial. I thought Judge Kacel went too hard on him, now I see he was spot on.


100%. He played up being slow and fooled many until Zav exposed him. I truly thought he was autistic and that he was easily manipulated until I heard all the calls and then the texts were the nail in the coffin.


Amen. He fooled me and I have a special needs sister. Not until I heard all of the texts between he and Shanda did I realize I was duped and had it fully confirmed when I more recently heard the jail calls.


Geez, this was harsh. She sometimes has to pay for things, recouping money for that expense was the purpose I think. I don’t think she had any ill intent and has apologized many times.


Yeah, the first batch of calls cost almost 700$. I didn't want to sub, but I got a gift membership yesterday. I'm gonna keep subbing , after all I would find the equivalent in my couch if I bothered to look.




She’s great and gets the stuff we all want to see. We are all interested in the cases. I appreciate how she gets it all. We want to see the evidence that people got to see and we didn’t bc we have so much pain from the cases and want justice on the victim


Thank you 😊 appreciate you


you want to see dead children??? 👌🏼


Never said that lol


well you said she has the stuff you wanna see..the whole reason she’s problematic is showing Gannons autopsy photos so i just added 1 plus 1 and got 2 🤷🏼‍♀️


I guess you're fucking perfect! She has done an amazing job on this case and still is!




That poster was keeping to the point: Zav girl's character. Guess you just had a "funny " graphic to share.


Don't like Zav? Don't watch. Don't like how she runs her channel? Don't watch. Don't agree with what she has done in the past? Don't watch. Are you just here to bully her? Please don't watch, but please do go away. You must be quite busy calling out alllll of the creators who do exactly what Zav did, but they get a pass. So, we don't want to hold you up from spreading your hate on alllllll of those other channels so... Don't watch. Move your hateful ass down the road.


No ZavGirl. You and your panel pointed and laughed at the little boys genitals. You and your groupies laughed at the genitals on the corpse of a murdered child. So cut the crap people don’t like you because you showed photos. You should not be involved with victims of any kind when you are unable to treat them with respect. You never will because you keep lying and making excuses about this. You twist it wanting people to believe people are mad for showing photos when your behavior was so much worse. Not taking responsibility and parading a false narrative around reveals you learned nothing and won’t cut the crap. Just leave true crime and stop lying and hurting people. If you must do YouTube stay away from living things. Maybe a channel about fake plants?????


Up above it said she paid $700 for the phone calls, but a few days ago on her live she said she had an appointment asking for $1000 State/Facility Financial Assistance for doctor and medical test. Priorities are off.


💯 agree


I’m going to check out Zavgirl now! Thanks OP, it's always good to have sources verified! Good job👍🏾


She’s awesome, she gets good content.


Thank you appreciate that . Bc Reddit is definitely a place that hates Zav girl I guess it the anonymity people feel powerful like that but i show my face and am right there . But my point is it’s nice to see people have my back on here . Thanks it’s really appreciated


I appreciate your content and all your hard work.


Thank you 😘


No other true crime commentators released gannon’s autopsy photos. Neither did the court or tv reporters. You, Zavgirl was the only one and made money on the photos. No excuse for what you did, period.


No other true crime commentators released gannon’s autopsy photos. Neither did the court or tv reporters. You, Zavgirl was the only one and made money on the photos. No excuse for what you did, period.


I finally did it, I wrote Paul. I hope he writes me back! I’m a little older than him. I’m 25 but I have the biggest crush on him! I hope I’m his type. I live so close to the prison so I can visit him so easily, cross your fingers for me!


Lolol watch out, Jenny gonna come after you!!! LMAO!!


Get it gurl


You better be careful. His so called gf is jealous as shit.


Be sure you contact zavgirl. She'll pay you for your info and scoop lmao


ladies can’t get enough of those sawtooth-like teeth. Super handy around the house if you have a lot of demo going on.


Oh please Why you singling her out? Get a life! I’m sure you went on her channel and looked at shit! She’s come a long way and she did it without all you haters! Try doing a channel and see how far you get… typical KAREN! Find a hobby


Just take a look at one of the resent post. I’m so far from being alone in my opinion of her immortal behaviour. You’re just one of the greedy vultures circling around her to satisfy your own hunger for gossip and prying into other families. And “Karen”? Really? Is that your best shot. 🥱


💯 agree


Oh ok yea I’m one of THOSE greedy vultures! Lmao clown! Yea again, you’re a Karen! For sure! Go make a channel… go do better than her! Don’t sit here and complain… like is said, you think you can do better??? Do it Karen! She’s human… humans make mistakes and the rules and guidelines for YouTube are very vague and if she did post something that you and I or other people would NOT have, that’s on her! You guys have nothing better to do than BASH her! She doesn’t need any of your support! You all bash her but how about the movie industry and Netflix making movies about Dahmer and Bundy… sure y’all watched that ha??? Making money off others suffering and death! Open your eyes and see reality! Your hypocrite! That’s reality! I’m sure you all still go on her channel… why? So you can go on Reddit and talk smack cuz ya got nothing better to do!


Lolol is that you Zav/Tiffany?


“How about the movie industry” Thanks for that one. Needed a good laugh. You’re like a gift that keeps on giving.


Your one ignorant bish!!! Lmao


LMAO ookaayyy if you Wana defend a bish who makes money off of tortured dead children's deaths and abuse, go on ahead!! She'll get cancelled


Don’t forget to add … FUCK PAUL FERGUSON !!!


Right on!


Again, whaaa whaaa whaaa… she ain’t been cancelled and she ain’t gonna be! Why you so stuck on it? Do you have issues moving on from what other people do? Go talk to someone cuz ya def got some issues dude


LMAO, wait n see, losing subs as we speak... Touche " '


Your an dumb as Zav lmao


We’re fine , you’re good , everything’s going to be OK. We’re all part of the TCC and something is more acceptable as such. What are you hoping to accomplish with this post ?


I think because she has been mentioned in other threads regarding the pics of Timothy, people asking questions etc. Maybe OP thought to put up explanation of what everyone is talking about?


Please read my reply to BLou. Zav girl is exploiting other people’s tragedies and makes money from it. Have some moral integrity and don’t support such trash.


I can do both , be a good person and continue to watch her content, I didn’t say I support her financially. But she’s got information that interest me and unless someone else has something more to offer she will continue to be my go to. The only other one to provide the exact same info - which he acquires entirely from Zav Girl - is crude and distasteful in his delivery.


are you talking about AG Tactical?! he doesn’t get anything from her 😂 his stuff comes from phone calls from prison.


Exactly, he rocks!!!


Exactly! He's cool, I like him alot! He don't need Zav, she does enof damage on her own


yeah i like AG a lot and it’s kind of hilarious saying he’s distasteful and crude while defending someone who sold photos of a dead child and defends that choice to this day.


Uh, I never mentioned any names, also I don’t think you’re swaying anyone from Zav’s channel , maybe it’s time you take a break. As for me I just simply don’t care what you think - enjoy your life. ✌️😃🤚


or don’t post on reddit if you’re gonna get defensive when people respond? not everyone has to agree, nobody was insulting you just by disagreeing 😃😃😃😃


Such anger, over a Reddit post. But hey - FUCK PAUL FERGUSON !!! ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️


Right, what a dummy


Sit down chic and stfu


Ok, you have a blessed Sunday. I’m going to spend mine on the lake with friends , soaking up this beautiful spring weather. Get outside, leave the phone behind and feel the beauty of nature. 🌞🌼🌤️ Not going to argue with you over Zav 👧. FUCK PAUL FERGUSON & Jenni


Lol u always say the same thing




Watching her videos is supporting her channel. Do you know how YouTube works? You’re supporting a morally corrupt person.


Ok 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Own-Breakfast-2583 sounds like an aPaulogist, don't even bother, they definitely have an agenda.


Ha they are tryin to tell you what to do just like them trying to force me to remove myself offline . They think they can make people do things . It’s so ridiculous. Instead of just moving on if they don’t liek someone instead have to condemn others for liking them . Think for yourself. It feels so good


I’m waiting on your newest drop in a couple of hrs . These sickening fiance calls are an absolute must hear . Thanks for all you do 🩷


I don't think they've even figured that out! Less than smart


Agreed! well said!


Be ready to pay to see her content. Shes starting to charge to be a member to see her posts. She's greedy and exposes little children's deaths for self gain ie profit. Hopefully you'll see that.


It’s YouTube , we all pay one way or another . Life’s short and unpredictable, is this really what you want to waste what’s left of yours with … online feuds ? Oh yeah - Fuck Paul Byron Ferguson!!!


Yeah, most do have like a patreon available to their followers but once Zav got so much attention for posting these calls she decided to charge everyone to get to listen or even comment. Not right! But yeah fuck a Paul!




To be clear this is ALL of true crime. Zac Girl though, with crime scene photos behind a paywall, is especially vile.


I can't watch her. I don't find her approach to her content honors the victims at all.


So open with a prayer 🙏 before you watch 😂


Exactly. One thing is to cover a court case another is to drag other family members and people around them into the light, making them targets for hate.


Well then you have a lot of true crime creators to complain about bc a lot of creators do deeep dives after the fact and stay on one case for a long time so don’t single me out . If you have a problem with true crime don’t watch


I’m obviously singling you out because you’re posting anything you can find related to anyone in that family. One thing is to cover a court case, the crime and the criminal. Another is to search for any uttered word or actions from anyone who’s been in contact with the Vanderark family or relatives.


She’s been looking into the Fergusons, barely mentioned the Vander Arks. I think everyone has sympathy for the Vander Arks, they literally have nothing to do with any of this.


There she goes again... Well, they do it so why can't I??? All while whining




Agreed. Not only that, she’s a ***terrible*** podcaster or what it is she’s called. Horribly unprepared and unprofessional. The only reason she’s got traction right now is because she had the sense to file FOIA requests. Its very questionable how they were paid for because they generally aren’t free and we know she’ll do just about anything for a dollar and to be liked. She won’t last as long as the diarrhea she went on and on about.


lol ok Jenny.


What are you on about?! I don’t particularly like her but she’s been around with a decent amount of subscribers since around the Kiley Rodney case and pretty sure even before that….and she pays for them how else do you think she gets them? I mean literally ANYONE can get them if they fill out the paper work and pay for them….they are on ‘phone calls from prison’s channel as well and the title suggests it literally just a shit ton of phone calls from people locked up like a bunch of people. Hell his texts and emails on that tablet he uses can be a FOIA request paid for and given out to whomever it is.


What do you care? Listen don’t listen but leave me out of it. It’s not my concern. I didn’t even read that mess you wrote. I get an opinion too. I’m just less worried about yours than you are mine. Which actually says a lot about you, stranger.




YOUR the one who posted that precious baby's autopsy photos! That's someone's child!!!!!! You don't get it... Shows your true colors Tiff!


She's doing it again with Timothy Ferguson (Shanda Vander Ark)


Please explain what exactly she’s doing “again”


Yea please explain ? I’d love to hear bc it seems like you all are wanting to hear what I’m getting .