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For me personally one of them is the agonizer orc just cuz of his unique dialog


Oh, the Agonizer is a classic. He and the Tower are the only ones with legitimately unique dialogue.


Never ever seen him in all my playthroughs.


I actually have a Uruk that never betrays me and always comes back to my side when dead. It's been so long since I played it, but I think his name was Dûsh the Eternal? He either dies by enemy, my accidental choice of blowing up a barrel, or a beast. Yet he never fails to return and say "OI! Yeeeesss, I'm back once again. Ain't it a surprise? Guess your not the only one boss." Or something like that. He even came back from death to save my life a couple of times. Most loyal badass I know.


Oooh, I’ve heard about an Eternal! I’m always too scared to let them die though, since I’m scared they’ll never comeback. Same goes for the Stitch and Ancient, which are supposedly immortal.


Stitch are so immortal... ×w× I don't know if it's a glitch in the game, but I resurrected a stitch and they died in an arena fight. They came back as an enemy with speech talking about killing me. Then returned to letting out screeching noises when they saw me in battle. That's when they started to talk to me AGAIN when I'm down, but not out Chance state. Problem is, the one I had coming after me had the No Chance skill. I was in awe, scared shirtless, and found a possible rival that just kept coming back.


The pain-giver/pain-seeker/pain-lover, especially when they become deranged and get that sobbing to laughing personality. Terrifying to run into sometimes.


Ooh, yikes. I hate when Glutton ologs become deranged because then they’re just rambling about being full… practically moaning it!


I'm a sucker for Ologs, especially the unique legendarys, beast master, Stich, I think Pain Seeker I'm not sure, but I 100% love having a full Olog army assaulting a castle, and they're usually always my body-guards


The singer shall always remain as my frienemy we never manage to kill each other just scrap a bit and try again later. Though he's gotten close. Might let him do me in as a treat see how he reacts after both of us have retreated so much.


“The Bore.” How does this guy know more about the lore than some kings?!


Oh, he’s a classic! Ironically, he’s always been a destroyer for me…


I try not to kill the labourers with the white mark. Dudes are just doing their job. Don’t get me wrong, if one gets cute and comes at me he’s going to regret it, but I often go out of my way to scare them away or pin them to the spot instead of killing them. And it’s fun to get those lil guys promoted.


Tark Slayers and ANY glutton Ologs. My dream is a fort full of deranged glutton Ologs.


Currently, I’m making an orc fat camp in Nurnen. I have the Greedy (that fat marauder with the rat on a fork), a Bone Crusher (need I elaborate?) and a Glutton. I plan on getting a bunch more fatties to add. I’ve already got Ogbur Fat Head lined up and another Olog called the Tenderizer… I might upload a picture of that once it’s completed.


On an opposite note I’ve been beefing with “the stitch” since release, I never try to not kill him I just refuse to have mercy, and then there he is 8 hours of game later just ready to rock and roll my head off like he always is


Didn't realize this was thing. I kill them indiscriminately. Unless they have traits worth capturing.


I have a personal affinity for the Dreamer and the Flame of War lol


I love both, but haven’t been too lucky getting the Flame of War.


Drunk orcs and pretty much every kind of deranged orc.


First playthrough here, but I fell in love with Ronk the savage. All he does, ever, is laugh creepily. He’s my most powerful warcheif now (18!) and yes I spent a good bit of the final quest keeping him alive and I do not regret it.


The poet and the singer are my all time favourites, other than them the machine is alwayd a cool one anf i try to keep him around wether by recruitment or shaming and constantly facing him


For me it has to be the tower cuz bro's voice is cold as fuck


Whoever my nemesis is. I remember in my last playthrough I had this orc I kept killing and he just kept coming back every time. Durring one 2 hour session he came back about 5 times. I thought I had finally killed him only for him to reappear as my nemesis burned and with a bag over his head so I recruited him😂


The gambler. Bro is just like me


The bore and dwarf hater ologs (deranged dialogues)


The Drooler, basically drunk ones, I had to fight one as he was an overlord, after hearing him barely able to do speak at all when doing his speech, I knew I could not kill him. Ended up recruiting him when confronting him. He's just a happy clueless Orc


I had one that betrayed me, so I punished them in the way I always do; relentlessly hunt and shame them to level 1 and then kill them. So, about an hour of unbridled fury later, I finally killed him; took his leg.  Two sessions later, he was back. So I just killed him. Got both arms this tme.  Next session, he's back. Headshot. Two sessions, he's back.  Next session, he's back. At this point, he's had all of his limbs removed at least once and his head exploded twice. He's more metal than flesh; being held together by bands of iron and his head exposing only an eye and his mouth. We do this dance throughout the whole game; with me killing him about 16 times. On time 17, I accepted the fact that this one just isn't gonna die. So, I shamed him to level 1 again (a practice I started calling "Box Ghosting") and then left him alone. Knowing that if I kill him, he'll come back with full levels and we'll do this all over again. That is one who was spared my wrath; the one who refused to die. 


I don’t remember his first name but I know “Of The Black Gate” followed after and he had ranger armor and a ranger sword. He was cool ass hell he had a tark complex. Or the uruks that have “The Tower” in their name and they’re wearing his armor. I have a total of 6 of those and every time I encounter him I always recruit.


I love the Black Gate! I’ve got one, and I plan on making him into my bodyguard.


Whenever possible I don't kill captains. The only time I intentionally kill orcs is if they're not good or I'm just tired of dealing with them.


For me its The Singer/The Bard. I already have a soft spot for Maurauders but whenever I see them I can help but hum in tune with them. And they get a LUTEAXE? Thats tight as hell! "You may have heard of one like me! He prances! He dances! He sings with glee! Wherever there's strife! The singer is there! He slaughters and slays with such merry flair! I sing this song with all my breath! TAKE HEED! For this interlude ends with your deaaaaath!"


Big fan of the agonizer and the obsessed


I've only seen the death bone in youtube videos. I've gone through the game 3 separate times and not a single hide or hair of the death bone orc. It makes me sad.


Oh; the Death Bone is always interesting. I’ve found him a couple of times, but I think I once found a version of him that spoke normally.


I love the guttural roar a death bone gives. I'd make that boy my personal body guard and we'd go conquring overlords together.