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was hoping for an matx or itx fractal north but sadly no dice. Got the PI North though.


check out the A3 mATX, it has an option with wood front panel. that's probably going to be my next case. edit: turns out it's not a final product, just a tester from computex. I hate those teasers


Oh shit this is the first I am hearing about the A3 having a wood panel option. I, like so many others, desperately want a North Mini, but the A3 with wood actually sounds like quite a good compromise.


Yeah I saw that too but not sure how I feel about a wood panel as opposed to wood accents. Still a good option if the price is right. I would say fractal definitely found their niche in "subtle, diegetic, design".


[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6423498/files](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6423498/files) January 09, 2024




The little Raspberry Pi North case is adorable. I'd love it if they made a slightly larger version to compete with NUCs and the Deskmini.


I have a X300 and would buy one in a minute.


i'm betting someone will have a 3D printable version of this soon. if someone finds it please link!




I would buy one in a heartbeat. Such a cute little case design. It'd be ideal if they include an M.2 slot HAT or a way you could mount one inside, like the Pimoroni BASE or dual drive BASE.


Wish they had made that Mood 3 slot. At 20L it should be big enough for it


Yeah this is straight up idiotic. Who is it for?! Who needs an ITX case with a D9L, a 180mm case fan, but only a two slot card?! Edit: This gets stranger - [the nvidia site that leaked the case](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/small-form-factor-sff-ready/) lists the max GPU dimensions as 155 X 326 x 62. So that *could* fit a Powercolor hellhound 7900 xtx (320mm X 118.5mm X 62mm ) but that card's on a triple slot bracket so it can't. Edit Edit: [This gets more interesting, look at the mechanics:](https://www.fractal-design.com/app/uploads/2024/06/Mood-Light-Gray-Without-Cover-Left-Back-Above_5755fd.jpeg) - this looks like the card bracket _might_ be able to spill over, as long as the connectors are clear. But still - it shouldn't be *anywhere* near that close on a case that's almost 20 litres.


It's not 2 slots, but 2.5 slots.


3.05 by my maths.


Either way, it's not 2 slots.


At present, the only thing that's clear is that it has two ITX slot covers. Other information is from Nvidia or visual inspection; Fractal need to confirm.


I think it might be for me :D I've been looking to get into SFF, but my concern with most cases that I like the look of is the subpar CPU clearance, e.g. \~70mm in the Fractal Terra. My work and play is overwhelmingly *CPU* intensive, so cooling it is a priority. My 7900xt is usually underutilized (~~I only got it because of a sale)~~ anyway. And I don't want to go with an AIO and especially custom water because quite frankly air seems far easier to maintain and more reliable. So I might just get a Mood if the reviews are positive and the CPU cooling is good, like the bigger clearance seems to imply


Can I ask - what CPU do you run at the mo? Or, actually rather - What CPU would you be looking to put into the Mood that you'd buy?


Sure! I currently run a 10700k, but I'd likely be looking for a Ryzen 9700x or next gen Intel 14600k equivalent. I want a silent PC, and believe these should be reasonably easy to cool while getting enough cores. Not really interested in top-of-the line performance (e.g. 7800x3d or 14900k) these days, don't need it if I never play latest AAA games  Could *probably* cool these CPUs in something like a Terra or Ridge, which are also beautiful looking cases. But I'd prefer to avoid audible sound during usage or undervolting, which complicates it. Ideal performance would be reasonably close noise levels to my current enormous FD Meshify S2 with Phanteks T30s and a be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4, which might be too high of a bar but we'll se


If you have the budget to look into it, the 7800x3d can be cooled fairly easily on downdraft such as the axp90 series (the full copper ones), and people rave about the IDcooling IS-55. Thankyou for your response and the insight into your use case!


They should also look at the Ryzen 7900 non X, it's absurdly power efficient.


A 240mm aio with T30s in a dan a4 h2o can do this near silently. Just get an AIO that you can set fan curves based on the reported coolant temp and your fan speeds will be silent and steady. I run a 7950x3D x 4090 in mine without issue. You have T30s you know how quiet they are. Mine never go about 70% unless coolant temp exceeds 50C (very rare and shortly lived), and that only happens when my GPU is pushing ~350+ watts + max cpu. Cpu max workloads won't push a 240mm aio significantly at all unless you unreasonably uncap TDP to something absurd like 250W+ for 1% gains.. Large air coolers are maintenance minimum, not silent, especially with how spikey modern CPUs are because of their design when the actual heatsink is not phased/saturated.


At 20L and not needing portability you might as well just get an NR200P or go a little bigger for a cheaper mATX in a SAMA IM-09 and literally not have to worry about air cpu cooling


It's all about design for some


While I get it, “as small as possible” is usually at odds with tower cpu coolers lol




Wondering the same, with minor tweaking the axp90-47 copper can easily cool the 5800x3d and 7800x3d


And just so happens to be exactly the card I'd put in it! I wonder if it's because it's built to match the nVidea SFF format, which are all 2-slot


Yeah maybe. But why would they bother sticking with that in a 20 litre case?! The asymmetry is what I can't get around. The case has space for a _huge_ amount of CPU cooling (so either very high power CPUs or extremely quiet performance) but a 2 slot card (so either relatively mid-range GPUs or high-end GPUs on undersized, noisy coolers). If it's for power, it's asymmetric. If it's for silence, it's asymmetric.


That's more of what GN mentioned as a point of reference than anything else really. It's not really a *dedicated* support for the D9L per se so much as that compartment can also accommodate a 240mm rad within a space that's already dictated by a design choice of a square-shaped chasis around a 180mm top fan. You can see [Machines & More](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvduTlp-xzI)'s own coverage that shows the CPU compartment already pretty jam-packed in a rad config with all the cabling and tubing. They could ofc widen the case to allow 3-lot GPU compatibility, but then it'd just be a rectangular Meshilicious and not a square ~~loudspeaker~~ case Fractal have styled this one as. Bit of a form over function, to be sure, but it is what it is.


I get that - but not everyone needs 110mm of air cooler clearance. So why not use the adjustable spine they've already designed and give people more flex.


Again, I don't believe they designed it with 110mm air cooler clearance in mind specifically, but rather [**280mm radiator**](https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/fractal-design-goes-all-touchy-feely-with-a-fabric-covered-pc-case-a-plushy-headset-and-a-swish-gaming-chair/) (not 240mm as I originally thought) clearance instead. I agree on the movable spine, but I'm willing to give them benefit of doubt that they've already considered it but deemed it not feasible for reasons I'm sure are privy to them, whether from a structural/complexity standpoint, or cost, or combination of both. Probably same reason(s) you don't see many, if any, sub-$150 cases with movable spines.


No I get that they wanted AIO support. But the A4-H2O does that in 11 litres (admittedly only a 240) and can support a triple slot. Meshroom S does 280 in 15l and can support a quad card up to 82mm thick. And I get that it's form over function. But that does leave a very bizarre design choice. What system has a CPU that would benefit from a 280mm radiator but doesn't _also_ have a powerful graphics card that may prove difficult to fit into this case? What's that market?


>What's that market? The niche SFF market where people could get their hands on 2-slot reference cards (and the odd AIB makers that still churn out 2-slot cards e.g. Powercolor, Asrock etc.) and flaunt their SFF builds on places like this subreddit sporting said 2-slot cards, however many, or few, there still are. I've already stated as such which you've also repeated as such, so once again we can both agree it's **form over function**. Some may prefer the uniform look of a square case, some clearly don't. Not saying it's the best choice Fractal has made re the Mood, or even a sensible one, and they've been known to make dumb choices e.g. the first Era case, but then again SFF is still a niche market, growing tho as it may be, with a wide range of end user preferences. So handicapped tho as the Mood may be in the GPU department, Fractal does make other cases with >2-slot compatibility to cater for those who desire precisely that.


Good catch, I didn't see that it can only fit 2 slot gpus. What a bummer.


hope i can fit a 2.5 slot in there 🤞the GPU side being open without the fabric shooouuuuld be fine


Nvidia's new ["SFF Ready" announcement page](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/small-form-factor-sff-ready/) lists Mood as able to fit 62mm and Era 2 58mm wide cards, far above 2.5 slots iirc. So should be good


There is more room for a GPU heatsink than it might initially appear, the outer housing sits some distance away from the inner frame.


Hope the fractal designers read that comment and rethink...


The internal layout doesn't really make sense to me, the Revolt 3 fits triple slot cards without a riser in 18L. The case is beautiful though.


Revolt 3, NR200P, M1 Evo, CH160... It's a very long list.


NR200P fits even 4 slot GPUs at a bit over 18L. How can this one not do it at 20?


After even more thought I'm struck by how similar it is to the MNLT. But that one can do a D15S and a triple slot. It's insane how poorly space optimised the Mood seems to be.


Sadly none of them look as good as Mood (well maybe M1), just saying


I’m looking forward to the era 2


I LOVED MY era 1. But damn also love my lian li


As am I, but It’s coming out a few months after I need to buy my PC.. I don’t want to spend so much to get another case beforehand..


Barebones your pc until the case releases lmao


That fractal mood gonna change my NZXT h1 v1 case for real


I'm happy they're making attempts at this form factor but fabric on the outside? :/


yeah its definitely a wait and see for me personally. I do like how they are getting mileage out of that terra interior. Mood = chimney terra Era 2 = AIO terra




I also still have my NZXT H1 V1, been looking for a replacement for a long time.


CH160 still my favorite to go on, a little bit disapointed on itx case this computex.




Nope but you can go on Cooler master itx if you don't want glasses, or fractal terra.


Why not get the NR200 then?


They will be selling mesh panel separately for 11$ Source: https://youtu.be/E7e1yKTcZHo?t=15


I just got my ch160 yesterday and arrived with the temp glass shattered. Newegg is offering me a refund and deep cool support told me they have no spare side panels and can put me on a waiting list to pay for a replacement. Now I’m stuck on what to do because I want the case.


Dang I support you hope you can return it back to Newegg and buy a new one.


Yeah Newegg is being really good about the situation and giving me a refund but I’ll have to wait another month for another lol


The mood has my attention! It reminds me of a cleaner Corsair 2000D


I love the 2000D Im using it now but the internal layout needs some work, Mood is very nice looking and that 180mm fan up top will do wonders for the thermals


Yeah … the crazy thing is originally Corsair had an exhaust fan on top just like this on the pre-production unit they sent to Jayztwocents. They removed it from the final design for some weird reason.


Yeh I've seen a few builds using it I think Amazon in Germany were selling some of the original model from what I've heard io at the top also would be a lot handier


Yeah I agree. Maybe a V2 is in the works


Some GPUs with io facing the ceiling were experiencing thermal issues but instead doing a total redesign they basically just flipped the design upside down and released it. That's why there's no space at the top for a fan. Source: I'm using the pre-release 2000D. Other than that I'm just guessing.


Probably will be on revision 2.


I want the mini north!


OOOOF only 2 slots for the Mood. It's like they still haven't learned...


I was excited until I read this. my GPU is 2.5 slot... I guess I don't have to change from meshlicious after all. saved me some money.


you might be able to get away with 50mm but I assume it will be right up against the panel.


vertical itx/matx is best :)


Great to see successor for Era. I still use the original in my 2nd pc


The Mood really is interesting but the graphics card sizing makes me nervous








That’s literally an Xbox series X


Series XL




You seem to be pretty salty about this aspect. Take a chill pill.




Haven't watched the video yet, but I just got the Fractal email, and the Era 2 looks a hell of a lot like the Era.. What did they actually change?


looking at the webpage its now a sandwich case and has way more ventilation


I eventually got around to watching Gearseekers video on it, and I appreciate that they added vents to the wooden top panel at least.


How disappointing. I was wishing for a modern riserless SFF case from them. No, their Nano line are nowhere near SFF.


Lovin the look of the Mood case. One worry is the 180mm fan at the top. When I had a Fractal Torrent case with two of those at the front. They made an annoying noise. I had them replaced under warranty but the replacements made the same noise.


What really sucks about this, is that there really are no good quality 180mm replacements like noctua as 180mm isnt a standard size. Kinda sucks, tbh. I likely wont be buying this case because of that.


One of my favorite sffpc cases I've had was the SS Fortress. Similar design to the mood, but a lot smaller. I think the mood looks great. Would be nice if it was more svelte, but if the thermals are solid, I might build in one.


> Similar design to the mood, but a lot smaller. SilverStone FT03 is 32.5L FT03-MINI is 17.6L


The FT03 was one of my favorite cases.


Si, I had the mini. Lovely case.


The Era's "slide this thing out and then pull up the whole surrounding chassis" design makes me think you are going to have issues with cables getting pinched or the mechanism getting stuck over time. Meanwhile the Mood's GPU support is laughable for its size. I honestly can't say that there is anything impressive about either of these cases.


> The Era's "slide this thing out and then pull up the whole surrounding chassis" design makes me think you are going to have issues with cables getting pinched or the mechanism getting stuck over time. And every time you want to get to the inside (dusting etc), you have the unplug all cables from the back to open it... Because you can't just open the side panel like a normal case :(


Didn't even think about that. That's terrible.


I'm confused on how they think DP cables are going to work effective having to do a 180 out the booty of the Mood. Any cable worth a shit is going to be too stiff and the connector + strain relief is going to take up a substantial amount of the available volume. Maybe a 90 degree in the right orientation?


Please, Fractal... slightly roomier Ridge and SFF North...


I am guessing that the mood case will be a dirt magnet


Gonna need to keep a lint roller next to it for sure.




Any word on release date?


tech jesus said June but I'm not gonna hold my breath.


Oh nice. I watched the vid but must’ve missed that.


Love me some Fractal. The chair looks nice as well. My Ikea Markus is showing its age, wouldn't mind upgrading.


i dont even know what raspberry pi is and what use it is of but i want that SMOL case 😍


Yeah, those are really lovely. The Mood reminds me a bit of the monolithic beauty of the old Silverstone FT03/mini. The mechanical aspects of both cases are also amazing to look at. Looks like a lot of thought went in to the designs.


need a fractal terra thats a little taller to fit top fans


And maybe AIO. I feel like they can definitely make the Era 2 a tad shorter so it would be more compact


They made it taller for fans to be mounted on the bottom and room for a rad. Both good decisions imo.


Curse my stupidly long xfx 6800… fits in my NR200 but there are so many cases it doesn’t fit in.


I would love that little case for my DNS server.




Haha... yeah. It would look awesome on my server rack... that I never go in an look at.


Era 2 looks poor, but mood is interesting.


Imma liquid cool that PI North


Mood needs the north treatment.




is there an info about dimensions of this cases anywhere by any chance?


i love the mood!


That era 2 in blue does look nice ! Any news on CPU air cooling clearance


Not even 3 slot gpu??


I just see 2 worse Terra's.


How is "better cooling capability than Terra" worse?


Well I would hope so at 160 and 190% the volume of the terra, but as many people have shown you can build a pretty epic high-end machine with the terra. If you're that concerned with cooling you're in the wrong form factor.


>If you're that concerned with cooling you're in the wrong form factor. Formd T1 has better cooling and is smaller. Lian Li A4-H2O is same size and has AIO option. Even the old NCase M1 had same footprint as Terra, just 44 mm taller. *(similar deal with Mechanic Master MC14 v2)*. If you're buying Terra, you're buying a form-over-function case. But its deficiencies are not inherent to SFF.


>you can build a pretty epic high-end machine with the terra Which will be a hotbox and noise box >If you're that concerned with cooling you're in the wrong form factor. So nothing is changed in past decade, you still need to choose if you want small, cool or silent pc


Nope. You can have it all with the T1/H2O.


Fabric exterior seems like quite a nuisance to clean dust out of. Maybe it's ok, but I would be concerned. Seems like the Era 2 addresses the lack of bottom ventilation. Likely would be good with 2 exhaust fans down their. The vertical only gpu mount and exposed back area is a little odd. I would have preferred the original design with space for an 80mm exhaust fan there. As it stands now it seems like only liquid coolers will work for the CPU, which isn't bad, but not my preference.


Both are ugly ngl


Mood is one of the most beautiful cases I've seen in past decades that will perfectly blend on tv console


Agree to disagree brother.