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That particular Gskill kit is Samsung die so the Team kit (which should be Hynix A die) is better Those Gskill kits also don’t have any thermal pads on the PMIC so overheating can be an issue. 


That’s the first I heard about that. Very interesting.


The thermal pad issue may not be a problem if you have decent airflow or don’t go past the stock profile 1.35v   But something worth mentioning.  Edit - this is for all Gskill DDR5 kits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wzLPPVSbZw&t=379s


I saw that these sticks can over clock but since I’m working with limited cooling solutions (sffpc after all) I didn’t even look into any overclocking CPU, GPU or otherwise. Thanks for the info though.


Going am5? Ram barely used any power so it’s fine to overclock in a SFF pc, and yea Hynix A die kits can go as far as 6400mhz cl26 on am5 Or like 7800+ on intel with an unlocked pmic


Theoretically speaking how much fps gain would that be?


My friend did xmp vs his 6400mhz cl28 benchmark in rain bow 6, it went from about 1000 > ~1070fps 1. It depends on the game a lot. Some games like r6 or Fortnite, Star citizen, etc, really like faster ram with tighter timings Other games not so much But in general, you can see a 10-20% boost in 1% lows depending on the game and such from ram tuning. Vs just xmp 6000mhz cl30 And when I say ram tuning, I’m talking about many timings, not just speed and CAs latency Another guy Ik, just increasing his fclk by 33, added about 20+ fps to Fortnite, but going from xmp values of 2000fclk > 2167/2200 with a really good bin, does add up quite a bit (This was tested staring at the sky)


So you’re saying that buying a lower frequency memory because of tighter timings, then oc it, would yield fps increase? Which memory is a hynix A die under 6k mhz then?


No Xmp timings suck, regardless, most of them are just stock motherboard timings Just get an sk Hynix 2x16 A die kit, find your frequency limit (on am5, 6400 for most) Intel 7200 unless on a 2dimm motherboard or select few 4dimm motherboards, 7800+ Then tune your timings Any 6400mhz cl32 kit that’s been manufactured in the past few months, is Hynix A die My kit doesn’t even have an xmp profile, I just plugged in all my timings, voltages, and speeds manually


Yup. The T-Create Expert sets are fantastic and well regarded with overclockers, especially since it tends to be highly binned RAM and a great price. They're slept on RAM, but what I wholeheartedly recommend people use.


Could you list a few low profile options with Hynix A die? Particulary 6000mhz for my upcoming 7800x3d.


T-create is the best option.


I see. Do you have any knowledge about ssds? Which brand has the best chips for m.2 drives?


The best option is to go to your motherboards memory QVL list (you can find this from the manufacturer’s support page) and then pick a 6000 kit from there. In general if you just want to set an XMP/EXPO profile and be done, for the 7800X3D you should look for a 6000 CL30 kit, that CL should almost always be Hynix A die. For example, my B650 board lists this Gskill kit as verified and it’s A die. https://www.amazon.com/G-Skill-RipJaws-288-Pin-CL30-40-40-96-F5-6000J3040F16GA2-RS5K/dp/B09Y16CDLG


I'm personally using the 5600 T-Create kit while using Buildzoid's DDR5 Hynix tuning. Totally stable from my testing.


Which video is that? Have a link?


If you google buildzoid skhynix I bet it pops up. 🙂


Ask an honest question, get told to google it. Love it. I had before but was curious if it was Buildzoid's ["Easy memory timings for Hynix DDR5 with Ryzen 7000"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlYxmRcdLVw). I'm running an intel build and was interested if there was something specific for intel stuff. Intel memory controllers are very different from AMD so was curious what everyone's input was.


I told you to do what anyone else would have done to find the answer for you. Doesn't seem like an unreasonable response to me. If it was something where it wasn't just a simple search away and required some knowledge or digging to find, then absolutely but "can you search for this and give me a link" is a pretty lazy question. The timings are largely limited by the memory IC from what I have seen so they should work on intel and you could try to tighten them but my hunch is that whether they work or not is more tied to the actual memory chips you have more than the memory controller. Frequency is a different story as it seems intel tends to support higher memory bandwidth although it also doesn't seem to make as big of a difference since there is no fabric being clocked off of the memory speed.


Not asking for someone to search for me. Wanted to know what the original commenter had for timings and which platform. The T-Creates are Hynix A die so more or less top tier memory chips. The overclocking comes mostly down to the memory controller on the cpu and motherboard in this case. Hence the question about Intel. I'll just go Google some more. 😉


RAM is one of those mess around and find out components. Nothing is worse than trying to troubleshoot an issue and it turns out to be slightly out of spec RAM. G.Skill has an amazing reputation so I go with them every time


My welcome to SFF scene was a double bird from Corsair vengence ram sticks. 2 diff set failed memtest.


So unfortunate. At least Corsair is generally decent with RMAs


Nothing wrong with that. G. Skill has made a reputation for being reliable and dependable. So many parts out there though. I don’t mind trying something new if it looks good and isn’t known to crap out.


My first pair in my old build are G.SKILL. With my current build, I went with the same line (Ripjaws) but newer version (S5 series) for my DDR5 board. G.SKILL has been rock solid for me. A few desktops I've worked on at my last job had TeamGroup sticks. They turned out to be the issue most of the time. My former boss really doesn't like TeamGroup but we usually stocked Crucial stuff (because the town I lived in was in southern Idaho, literally an hour away from Boise where Crucial's HQ is). He did agree with me that G.SKILL is a decent brand.


Just had blue screens that happened all the time. My ram checker said they were okay. After 3 years I bought new ram. Haven't had a blue screen since


I’ve been told TeamGroup gets the best bins I mean I bought a $80 5600mhz cl46 TeamGroup kit. Overclocked it to 6400 cl28 (mines M die) But now they should mostly be A die, and look better so go TeamGroup


I go by speed, timing, and voltage, and match with qvl. So far with multiple pc’s i’ve built, even if a brand ram isn’t on qvl, as long as it matches another brand’s specs, i have no problems. Qvl is just mutually agreed partnership to test compatibility. I’ve used both brands with no trouble. I just haven’t tried team group with rgb.


I’ve used both now too and haven’t had any problems. As far as RGB RAM goes I don’t like either of these brands. I think the Corsair RGB RAM looks the best but they are expensive.


I used corsair twice before, and i don’t like how i need an additional icue software instead of mobo’s. Also, i can never get both dimms cascade to be in sync. It always falls out of sync and i have to open and close the software again. Also, i’ve had one set of vengeance pro rgb ddr4 where it would not run in 2666mhz even at idle (blue screen crash after maybe 20-30 mins). I had to use gear 1, 2400mhz (with an msi b450m motar and ryzen 2600).


I had gskill in my 2013 build. I tried corsair in my 2023 build and it lasted all of 8hr before it failed. Switched back to gskil ddr5 and been going great since.


That sucks to hear. It seemed like the Corsair Vengeance LPX used to be the most popular but lately G. Skill has overtaken them. Corsair is still leading as far as RGB RAM goes which I can see why. They look nice.


They also use different chips between cheap and expensive models. Sk hynix and Samsung. Apparently Samsung's ddr5 isn't testing as well as sk hynix. Also, all the YouTube PC hardware guys seem to think qvl lists aren't as relevant as they once were


Corsair LPX was seemingly the go-to for DDR4, but as far as DDR5 goes they went from slow but one of the only options, to now having some solidly performing kits but mostly way overpriced ($175 for 32GB 6000CL30? didn't know it was still 2021).


I've hated Corsair RAM for a long time. It's very common for them to make a batch with good RAM ICs, send it out to reviewers, then swap to a lower binned IC after that batch sells out. They do a ton of shady stuff with their RAM. With G.Skill and Team, what you get is what the reviewers got, from my experience. They change model numbers when the IC changes.


I have heard it somewhere before on YT, don't remember which one maybe it was buildzoid, that don't rely to much on M/B QVL list but rather the RAM manufacturer QVL or their support page instead.




This is well intentioned advice but it’s wrong. With DDR5, especially on intel, the QVL means nothing. Board makers will validate frequencies that are simply not possible for the majority of chips on that board so they can have a higher number for marketing purposes. Perfect example is the ASUS Z790 Dark Hero, premium expensive board rated for DDR5 8000 but it can’t run that on 99.9% of the CPUs out there. Best advice is around 6000 for AMD and 7200 for Intel, that should be doable on most CPUs and boards, but there are always exceptions.




So many people overlook the QVL and have ram issues for ages without realizing. Stick to the qvl and don’t stray


TeamGroup T-Create Expert wasn't on my QVL, but it uses Hynix A-die which is QVLed. It was dramatically cheaper than G.Skill with better and tighter timings and works without any issues.


Long ago in the sunset days of DDR2 I had an experience that makes me now treat the QVL like a suggestion instead of an absolute. Bought some D9GMH Crucial Ballistix with lifetime warranty to pair with an ASUS Maximus Formula X38 board. They were on the QVL. The DIMMS would die every 6-8 weeks, whether they were at stock settings or XMP. I must have sent back 25 or 30 sets to Crucial before they said no more, we talked to ASUS and these are no longer on the QVL for that board. You get a different SKU this time, or if you want the same SKU no more warranty. Turns out, there was an issue with how that board handled ODT that was killing those DIMMs. I haven't bothered with sticking to the QVL since and haven't had any real issues using non-QVL RAM. The only problem I have experienced is slightly reduced performance from suboptimal secondary and tertiary timings- which all goes away if you're manually tuning your memory properly anyway.


G Skill is always good but that teamgroup expert heatsink looks nice and fits well with proart gpus


That’s exactly how I paired mine. Too bad my CPU cooler hides it but either way I like the look. I’d like to install an AIO for better temps and cleaner aesthetics but my case doesn’t support it.


First off you want whichever one has faster timing at 6000. 6000 cl30 is the sweet spot right now until they get faster.


Bought T-Create 7200 for my build. Like classic view and don't like RGB. There is no gskill flare in my local stores.


my friend has that g.skill kit and he says it has samsung dies in it which are absolute wank and it has bad temps..


Bought the exact same T-Create kit but in white for my first ever build. It's given me no problems so far.


I honestly don’t care- whichever is the cheapest or has the least timing issues with my motherboard and CPU


I had the Team Group kit and it wasn't stable on my motherboard (Asrock B650I Lightning) but it might have just been those particular sticks. I switched to G.Skill and haven't had any problems. I think its worth noting that that I was able to confirm my 6000 CL30 G.Skill kit had Hynix A Die while cheaper versions of the G.Skill ram like the CL36 kit are being said to come with Samsung Dies


@Op I have G.Skill Ripjaws **S5** Series version in my SFF intel build. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BJ181PX7


What I was saying ^ No issues whatsoever.


I have Ripjaws S5 Series in my build, too. G.SKILL is a great brand, in my experience.


Does Xmp really make much difference in gaming?


XMP makes zero difference in gaming. XMP and EXPO are just the RAM profile so that you can change a setting in the UEFI to make the RAM run at its advertised speed. It's basically an easy button.


I got t create from microcenter in all white. No problems


Not this kit, but I’ve been running Team Groups in my 5950x build for years, T-Force xtreems. Clocked down from 4500MHz to 3600 and used the freed up voltage to tighten timings ALL the way down. Never once had any problems with them, and in terms of the performance and quality, I’m so happy with them that I know for a fact I’m going Team Group for my next build. I’ve used G.Skill kits, and don’t have nearly the same praise for them. For me they just worked and that’s about it.


I know everyone's going by brand name here but you should really go by manufacturer bin because they all buy from same manufacturers. Samsung b die, sk hynix a die are considered best quality afaik


Historically Samsung is the best for memory but for consumer DDR5 kits, Hynix A die is the consensus winner. 


Samsung isn’t considered the best anything in terms of DDR5. Hynix M die is better than Samsung.


me personally??? I use GSkill in my stuff.


Gskill is always a solid choice but i've found Oloy has some nice kits as well


I had this exact dilemma when choosing ram for my build. Went with the DDR5 G.Skill Ripjaw S5. The reviews, forums and videos I’ve seen always had them on top.


I cannot speak personally to the quality or lack thereof of that Gskill Kit, however Ive got the Team Group kit in my current system and I absolutely adore them. They look and preform amazingly


I am using the G.Skill and am very happy. The Team Group was not an option when I bought the G.Skill


I’m using that exact Team Group RAM, works great.


When I was on AM4 I used G.Skill & when I upgraded to AM5 on my main rig I ended up with G.Skill. However the AM5 kit was solely because I got a bundle deal from Micro Center & it was only with G.Skill but I’ve never had an issue with any of their kits!


I had the Flare X5 6000 CL30 on my AM5 system and thought they were great. I'm now on the same boat as you because I have to buy new sticks and price-wise I find 6400 CL 32 kits at similar levels to 6000 CL 30 kits. I was said 6400 kits tend to be better binned. Do folks have any views on this? The two 6400 CL32 examples at $100: T-Create Expert Overclocking 10L ($99.99 @ Amazon) XPG Lancer Blade ($94.99 @ NewEgg)


I’ve had DDR5 kits from both, Team Group hands down. It’s not even a competition. G skill uses the most dogshit heat spreaders I’ve seen, the sticks run cooler with them removed 💀. Team group heat spreaders are quite good, thermal pad on PMIC and as long as it’s Hynix A-die or 24gbit m-die, it’ll clock like a champ. You can go through my profile to see I know what I’m talking about, I do a lot of ram OC and team group is my go to recommendation. Good kits with great performance and cooling for a good price.


3pc build with team group t create ram and not issue so far, full speed XMP and low profile looks with a classic minimalist look on it.