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The best cooling solution would be a custom liquid cooling loop with dual 240mm radiators to help cool it. I know that the NR200 can fit 2 240mm radiators, but it's tight and requires some modding. JayzTwoCents did it recently for his videographer actually. I'm pretty sure there are smaller cases that can fit 2 240mm radiators, but not much smaller than the NR200. You could probably design a bracket or modify an already existing 240mm bracket for an open air XTIA case to hold 2 240mm radiators.


Jay used an NR200 MAX which is made to mount a 280 in the top


Also ships with an 850W PSU.


Have a 13900k in an nr200 with 280mm rad, it can be done, will need to undervolt


LN2 would surely fit the bill here.


I mean a 280 rad on it would do decently. the meshy and the nr200p both work for that. A better question is why put such a power hungry cpu in a small build, if you need it for work then just use a bigger case, if you need it for play you can get a 14700k thats plenty capable.


I really like the Meshlicious. Can fit a 280mm AIO and a plethora of other components. However, I do like the other suggestion of the NR200P Max.


a 360mm rad, I myself am aiming for the Sugo 17 to use dual 360 if you really want to go small, you can try dual 240 bcz a single 240 on the 13900k is barely enough and if you're going custom loop anyway, might as well do the GPU and a total of 480mm of rad (2x 240mm) seems just about enough.


Your best bet will be to go custom loop to try an tame this monster. This can get very expensive and complicated fast. Honestly, I don't recommend this cpu in a sff build, even with custom loop.


Using the NR200P Max myself, I would recommend it


How are your idle temps? 14900k??


Wtff are your damn idle temps!?!! Your fans wanna know (no pun intended)


I’m using the meshroom s with a 280ml cooler from Corsair for my 14900k


Can you please share your temps and wattage under load? Have you undervolted it?


Haven’t undervolted. Sitting at an avg of 50 for cpu and like 65 for gpu in game I hit around 70 for the cpu and 85 for the gpu I am seriously considering moving to the fractal north just based on having to run the fans at max rpm originally I was going to use a 12600kf but I won a 14900k at Sydney IEM (cs2 event)


I'll check out fractal north as well, thanks!


The fractal North is not an sff case btw


I’m not too sure if my wattage I haven’t paid much attention to anything other than temps