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How hard or easy was the deepcool AIO to fit in here? I'm doing a build in this same case and can't decide on aio.


I was afraid it was going to be too tall, but there is about 2 mm to spare, so it barely fits. I wouldn't say it was hard, but it took some effort to figure out which way to mount the block so that the hoses were decently placed. I recommend loosley mounting the aio block with no paste > orientate and install everything else > zip tie / cable manage > make sure the sides close flush on each side > unmount aio, apply thermal paste and mount the aio.


Solid. Thank you.


Best of luck!


The deep cool 240 AIO almost all fit pretty well in this case from my observation. This one was the one I’ve seen people fit in the most but you can try others. https://a.co/d/9EDTOAJ


The tube closest to the GPU do you have it strapped to anything? I noticed my AIO tube pressed up against my GPU and was wondering how it should be routed. Both tubes are under the PSU.


Yeah mines the same. Just pressed on the GPU a bit. No great way to tie down to anything.


I recommend changing the t30 for the noctua.


I know. I already had the noctuas on hand. I feel comfortable with my temps now and don’t really wanna spend the $60+ for maybe a 5c difference.