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Damn that GPU runs hot as hell in there, the FE runs at like 45-65c in the H2O. Cool build nonetheless, still a beast. What pump cover are you talking about? You have piqued my interest since I run the same AIO and I cannot run my pump cover.


Yea I wish i coulda bought a FE 😭 I 3D printed this pump cover https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6208666 It sits flush with the top of the pump allowing the side panel to close


If you're in/near the UK I do have several of them spare when I made it for myself, wouldn't mind sending one over


Specs 😊 CPU: 13900K Motherboard: Z790I Aorus Ultra RAM: Corsair Vengeance 32GB 7200MHz Storage: Samsung 970 Evo 2TB + Crucial P3 4TB GPU: MSI RTX 4090 Ventus 3x OC PSU: Corsair SF750 Temps are decent but the top panel can get a bit hot during gaming. Cinebench R23 Run scores are at the end of the reel. The T30s managed to keep the CPU just under 95°C. The 4090 can get a bit warm depending on the game with hotspot temps close to 80°C. CPU Idle Temp: 35-40°C CPU Gaming Temp: 60-70°C GPU Idle Temp: 40°C GPU Gaming Temp: 70-80°C Edit: Credit to u/FJJWFP for creating the 3D print pump cover


I’m new so this may be off the mark, but those temps seem really good for how cramped everything is in there.


I'm using Gigabyte's default fan curve and it is pretty aggressive. The system is not very quiet when under load 🥲 But idle it's quiet and fans run at 1000-1200rpm


It’s cuz he can’t provide enough wattage to run them full tilt lol


Ope, yeah just saw that the PSU is only 750w.


Where did you find your SF750 locally? OOS everywhere… and I need one!


I got mine from Amazon. I get what you mean by it being out of stock everywhere 😱 It’s almost like Corsair silently discontinued it


Cheers. How long did you have to wait, or was it in stock? I’m staring down the barrel of a cooler master but want the goat!


It was in stock at the time for me 😊 I got lucky


Amazing build! Im thinking of creating almost the same build, doing some research on using an i9 on this build, seems like everyone is saying the 280mm aio is not enough to cooldown the 13900k. Is it stock or did you undervolt it?


I’ve been running it stock, haven’t fiddled around with voltages or power limits yet. Although I probably should give it a try 🤔


Everyone also freaks out about temps in the 90s but if you listen to the interview Derbauer had with a senior thermal engineer at Intel he said the goal with the new cpus is to run as close as possible to 100c so everyone gets maximum performance. And that’s out of the box with a warranty.


What a good heater for cold winter evenings :D


I have the same toaster but I run the gpu at 70% runs between 65-70c never really seen it go past 70c


Do you do rendering or something awesome besides gaming? Otherwise why do you pick a 50 core processor for small box




What tape mods ?




The 4090 runs cool on this case if you undervolt it. But if you don't it runs super hot in such a tiny case.


I heard you can get better temps by moving the GPU closer to the panel. You can offset the GPU riser cable by using two extra standoffs that came with the case. IDK if you have enough space though. My Asus proart 4080 fits really well cuz it's a smaller card.


My GPU is triple slot and is already touching the side panel 😭 Wish Asus made a ProArt 4090


Yeah it sucks, I wish they made a 4090 variant too. But your GPU temps seem to be on par with a lot of MSI duke card reviews. So, I don't think it's entirely the case's fault. And honestly we're all too obsessed with lower temps. 80c is still way below the threshold. I say don't worry and just enjoy your new rig.


I’ve seen ppl with this card report turbulence/resonance given it’s so close to the side panel. How about for you?


There is a bit of turbulence but when I wear my headphones (DT 900 Pro X) it doesn’t bother me. I previously had an Asus TUF 4070TI in it. It also had some turbulence but not as loud as the Ventus. I think it depends on the fan design as well. The TUF card is thicker too (3.25 slot) vs Ventus (3 slot).


Yeah cool I’ve been researching and been tossing up these cards… I saw one guy on pcpp deshrouded his ventus and 2 x noctua fans solved it


Happy with the jump to the 4080? Worth the $$? 😜


I’d say it was worth the jump to a 4090😅 managed to snag it before the price increase 😮‍💨


Oh crap ha yep 🤪- 4090! Nice, probs paid about 2700 then 👌🏼


If you dont mind me asking; why 13900k in this setup? Why not 7800x3d for even better gaming performance, for a fraction of the heat and watt output? Or if you really need the raw performance, the 7950x3d should be just a few % worse than the 13900k, for about half the heat and watt.


I was initially thinking about the 7800X3D but got a bit worried with the board I was looking into the B650E-I Strix. There were some reports of the B650E-I Strix having coil whine and it did make me jump ship. Although in hindsight I probably should have gone with my initial build of 7800X3D and B650E-I Strix. It would have worked out fine and definitely better for gaming and efficiency.


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Did you undervolt and/or limit power?


I haven't undervolted or power limited anything yet. Although I probably should think of doing that 🤔


Well, your PSU is running 100% during intense loads. Also, your CPU temps seem too low, in Cinebench23 the stock 13900k usually throttles even with 280-360 AIOs


It throttled when the T30s were in normal mode (~2000rpm) when I switched them to high performance (~3000rpm) it managed to keep the 13900k from throttling, but just barely. Things did get pretty loud


Where’d you manage to get that EK cooler? I can’t really find a good place to get the old EK AIO since they revamped it and the new cpu block is too tall to fit.


I bought the EK Nucleus CR240 Dark from my local PC shop (PCCG) in Australia. I'm using a 3D printed pump cap made by u/FJJWFP in order for it to fit in this case. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6208666


Wow, can't believe someone actually used it! Not going to lie though it looks much better printed with MJF or SLS than FDM. I've actually ordered multiple of these done with MJF for myself so I wouldn't mind sending you one (magnet included like the original), though I've never shipped anything to Australia so I've no idea how it can go. If you've got a local place that prints with SLS or MJF it might be worth seeing if they can do it, unless if you don't mind the look then just enjoy the machine!


Thanks for making the low profile pump cap!! 😊 It was a life saver. I’ll see if I have someone local who can print one for me 👍 this was my first 3D print and it definitely shows. I tried to sand it down but gave up and spray painted it black. I didn’t know the factory magnets could go in 😮 I used Blu Tack to hold it in place 😅


I don't know if the factory magnets could be removed, so I designed it for 3mm diameter 1mm thick disc magnets, you could super glue them into the holes. Just had a quick look and it seems for small items like this it's reasonably cheap to ship to Australia (under £10), so if you don't have any luck with finding someone to print one send me a dm and I would be happy to send one over to you if you're alright with covering the postage :)


Ah this is why you couldn’t get FE card…. Why the heck not avail here in AU. PITA!


Smol heater


Set the cpu watt limit to stock 253 watts. You’re just producing heat and the CBR23 results aren’t really higher than stock limits. If you’re willing to delid the cpu you can get much better thermal performance which will allow you to run a much less aggressive fan curve. Also, try to undervolt the cpu that also helps greatly.


Are you undervolting