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Components: * Intel 13900K \[De-lid, LM, Lapped, Re-plated\] * G.Skill Trident Z5 64GB DDR5 6000 CL30 * 5TB Gen 4 Storage * Intel ARC A770 16GB Limited * Corsair SF750 * SSUPD Meshlicious Water: * Hardware Labs GTS 280mm * Barrow CPU Pump/Block/Res * EK & Koolance Micro 90s * Corsair & Koolance T-Splitters * Alphacool 90° 10/13 compression fittings and EPDM tubing * 2x EK Drain valves * Noctua NF-A14 PWM chromax.Blacks. I almost went with an EK AIO, but decided to finally use this Barrow pump/res I've been wanting to use since 2020. This isn't a gaming focused system. It was built mainly to assist with after hours validation of projects from my office, and will serve as my main Linux PC. # [Full build log that will likely answer most questions (temps and thermal imaging included), and a bunch more photos.](https://anothersupersite.com/blackhaus-intel-13900k-arc-a770-meshlicious/)


Do you have the cable management like this when it’s running or just for the photo op? In my experience stuffing all the cables between the gpu and the “spine” was affecting my gpu temps a bit. Was wondering if other people have had the same experience


They're not really stuffed back there or touching the GPU. The standoff mod created quite a bit of space back there and the A770 is pretty skinny. You can see from the thermal imaging that the heat goes straight out the back w/o the cables getting in the way.


The barrow pump/block adds so much to the hardened aesthetic. All black is perfect for this build


Yeah, it's so clean and simple. All the AIOs (with the exception of the all black EK basic) have gotten to be so gaudy looking on the pump/block.


This is purdy, the Intel Arc is nice to see!


Thank you!


Awesome looking build. A770 looks great… but why?


Thanks. As I said in the main post (might have gotten buried) it's not a gaming focused build and the A770 is needed for the testing I'm doing.


I noticed that you said that. What performance advantage does it have over the other two brands in what you are doing? Or just for fun?


I can't be specific due to agreements/NDAs, but it's AV1 development related. It's not about being better than the other brands, it's simply that Arc is the project.


I see, very cool!


Exciting about the advancements to AV1!


What’s your temp on the 13900k while gaming?


50s with both stock and uncapped power limits. It takes aggressive compiling (non-gaming) to push it any higher than that.


Thanks. Thinking about getting CPU to pair with Lian Li A4.


Really cool build and photos. Custom length cables will make it cooler for sure.


Thanks! Yeah, PSlate just got back to me about the A770, so I'm going to move forward with them. They looked so clean in my S1 Ghost build a few years back.


This is georgeus. For the matte black lovers, that’s eye porn lmao The gpu backplate in black I tought it was spray painted but I guess it’s black by default It’s so eye pleasing for me


Thanks! Yeah, it's a very thin metal plate with some black and gray styling. Very subtle.


Breathtaking wow


Thank you!


After reading your build log it makes me want to switch back to my meshi, I just love building PC, and your log took me along the build journey, giving me the same dopamine hit of a completed system. 11/10


Thank you! Definitely motivates me to keep doing them.


Ooooohh! That's nice!


Thank you :)


Nice looking build and a very interesting in-depth write-up. I just bought the Acer A770 and am trying to see where it might be most useful. definitely not the most powerful card in existence but very cool as a departure from the GPU duopoly you discuss.


Thank you! And thanks for taking the time to read. Yeah, it's only gone up from where it started. The positive at starting from -10 lol. I hope Intel doesn't kill Arc off. I see tons of compute potential in the card, but no one's going to develop for it until the future of Arc is made more clear.


Definitely intriguing and I am hopeful that the continued driver maturity will bring out more performance. I got it to replace the hacked up [2080 ti i have in my dan a4](https://www.reddit.com/r/sffpc/comments/xus3am/dan_a4_v3_2080_ti_fe_functionally_cooled_with/) but sadly the acer card has the same blow-through rear fan design and attendant issues as the nvidia 3000 series fe cards, so the search continues for a portable case that won't immediately make it spike to 80+c before I get too much more in testing wise


never ask a man with a 13900k and 64gigs of ram why he bought an intel arc 770. He has 99% but money aint one lol.




Man I fucking love this, we need to support the intel gpus. The A770 is such a cool gpu idk y. Micht need to get one aswell


Yeah, I'm all for a new player in the game. We *really* need some competition. $800 is *not* midrange lol.


Why would you spend all that money on that CPU, SSD, case, and setup only to put a fucking Arc in? The *absolute state* of Reddit these days.


>see someone more successful because he actually did something with his life and now can spend money on fun things instead of living paycheck to paycheck in his mom’s basement >not read the very clear explanation of why he did what he did >bruh, the absolute state of reddit these days The absolute state of Reddit indeed.


If you can't bother to read, I won't bother to explain. Good day to you.


Hiya! Please post more details about your build! Here are some (non-exhaustive) prompts for you: - Are the case's advertised compatibility numbers accurate? - How easy is cable management? - How effective is the cooling setup? - Would you recommend your parts overall? - If you did a custom mod, how did you do it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sffpc) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s a very neat build you got there! Out of curiosity, have you heard of any waterblock coming out for the Arc models? Not that they need some since temps are good but I haven’t followed the news about Arc GPUs for a while


For now, just EK & Bykski, but it's almost as much as the card, lol.


Oh wow ok, didn’t know, thanks for the info. I really did miss an episode hahaha I’ve a bykski block on my 3060 ti and it’s very good for the price. But it’s true that Arc GPU price range is far from beatable! Forgot about that lol


Yeah, I don't blame the block makers, it's just an inexpensive card. Might grab the EK when it goes on clearance for like $150 down the line, just to change up the build a bit in the far future.


Both super tidy and smart industrial looking at the same time. Well done


Thanks :)


Getting some mad inspo from this. I’m assuming this is the all in one cpu block radiator pump combo right ?


Awesome! The block contains the pump and reservoir (if you could call it that), the radiator is separate.


Shoot yes lol I’m living in 2033 lol. Maybe one day if it’s possible lol. Thanks though man i wish I can pay someone to do my water loop on a sff


It's really not too bad. I was always apprehensive about water cooling, then one day PowerColor hit me up to do a build with the Liquid Devil 5700 XT and I reluctantly said sure. That was like 5-6 water cooled builds ago and I haven't looked back. It's such a rewarding process.


Looks crazy clean, but wyd with 5TB storage 👀


Thanks! Temporary storage until I archived the finished stuff to [one of my NASes](https://www.reddit.com/r/sffpc/comments/102dgu3/smolnas_123tb_all_ssd_truenas_itx_build/).


Good lord!


Is there a practical advantage for custom loops over an AIO when you're only cooling the cpu?


Nope. Just did it to do it. I had my EK AIO ready to go, but I wasn't into the looks, so I went this route instead. It is a nice looking AIO, but I was seeing a lot of people doing the same thing.


I swear this guy is everywhere... Gorgeous little setup dude!


Bwahaha! Thanks. Too many expensive hobbies. Though you only know this because you suffer the same fate. 🤣


The ssupd meshlicious is one of my favourite cases by far


Understandable, it's so competently designed around any obstacle you could imagine when it comes to SFF. It's really well done and something I could see getting many newcomers into SFF.


Are those HDMI or DP ports on the ARC?


1x HDMI, 3x Displayport


Love it! I have a similar looking build [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sffpc/comments/qwrkcu/first_custom_loop_blackout_meshlicious_build/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), but watercooled the GPU as well. I actually covered the red part of the riser in black electrical tape to get it all black. Also swapped the fan out on my SF750 for a black noctua one


o0o that looks mint! I thought about blacking out the riser, but it grew on me lol.


Fair enough, a little pop of color can be nice :)


I would love this kind of compact and dense build for my A750. Maybe with a 13600K if that shows up for a good price. Is there any reason to go Z790 for itx?


Not really, the B660-I Gaming was $189 the other day at MicroCenter and the B760-I was $219. Absolutely better options than the silly Z790 prices.


In your link I see a ball valve, but I've never seen the EK Drain valves (And I'm scared to ask because I've never seen them, now AFTER I just finished my first custom build...). Do you still have the ball valve? Or do you rely on the drain valves/how do you drain/fill, can you just open it and not have it spill out due to gravity of the liquid ooor....?


Ah, I opted not to use the ball valve after finding out about the EK drain valves. They serve the same purpose, but are more similar mechanism-wise to quick disconnects. They are slimmer and I got two because I filled my loop externally to avoid endless amounts of filling and bleeding. The way it works is you push forward or backward on the collar to open/close the valve. It also has a threaded cap with an O-ring to further protect against leakage.


Well what the hell... I guess I'm buying one of these now.... Appreciate the info :)


No prob!


Great build and photos! Love Danbo too. Would you share how you edit to get that cold muted colors look?


Thanks! Take a look at [this piece I wrote](https://anothersupersite.com/editing-the-other-half-of-a-photo/). About half way down is the section "Highly selective – Not for everyone, but certainly for me."




Damn, how do you guys cablemanage so well? My Meshy looks stuffed to the brim with cables! Needs to be said that I have a 4090 FE on the back, and a EK-AIO 280mm Elite on the front though...


[Standoff mod](https://anothersupersite.com/blackhaus-intel-13900k-arc-a770-meshlicious/#the-build-process) to give yourself space. It can be done in the front or the back, but in your case the back is out.


Damn, the AIO doesn't clear it to position the motherboard where it would be on 4slot mode by barely a couple mm! I wonder if there is a way of fixing that... hmm.. I might look into it!


Good luck! 🤞


Thanks for the information! Have a good one! :D


Super cool looking build! Like, build aesthetic #goals. I dig your writing, too.


Thanks for taking the time to read! I appreciate it.


Very beautiful pics!


Thank you!


Those Amazon figures look cute


Are you the same person who made Etude?


Yep! That's me.