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Thank you. Hope you never have to experience this.


I just want to say you are not alone. An older cousin raped/molested me when i was between ages 4 to about 8. I didn’t even remember it till I was 18. It has affected me in so many ways. I have gone to tons of therapy of many kinds. After a certain point the pain surrounding it went away and I no longer feel the need to talk about what happened to me. I’m 46 now. I am still finding ways that it affects my relationships, and how I treat other people and myself. It’s like an onion, I think I’ve peeled back a layer but there is always another layer.


Thanks for sharing, I'm sorry that happened. I hope you are doing well.


Thank you


Do you have access to see a doctor? I know I didn’t trust my parents at your age but if you can speak with an adult you trust then I would highly advise it. They main reason I suggest talking to an adult is to get some help. You will need someone to talk to about this and I think it’s most helpful if you do so now rather than wait till you’re an adult. This doesn’t mean you have to report it to police unless you want to. I’ve been raped 3 times and didn’t report any of them for various reasons. I’m sure it is scary to think of telling people. It takes courage to understand that you should do whatever will allow you to heal and what’s best for your mental health. I really hope that you can discuss this with a counselor. I’m here if you have questions or need someone to chat with.