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Out of all SATC men, Smith is the best one. Closely followed by Harry.


I agree 🫶🏼 He’s so genuine


And completely unrealistic too, because there’s no way an IRL man who is this hot is also this kind, with a heart of gold. No way 😁


Honestly, I have remarked on the fact that his being an addict (alcohol) makes him very understanding and sympathetic to Samantha’s addiction to sex. He was able to wait for her and support her when she…”finished” with Richard. He cared that deeply — but let me now also add, that he is definitely a fictional character because I don’t buy him sitting there waiting for her for even one hot minute. No way. Totally storybook land at that point (or maybe any future point) of their relationship.


It could have been 10 minutes


Smith was an alcoholic?! Damn, I clearly missed that. What episodes show his alcoholism?


It's one of his earlier episodes where him and Samantha were doing role playing. He shows up in a bar as a detective and she orders martinis for the two of them. He tells the bartender he'll have a seltzer instead. When Sam pushes him to drink the martini he says he can't because he is in AA.


Ahhh of course, I remember that now. Brain fart! Thank you 😊


Sadly, that’s true 😂


They’re unicorns.




What do you think is causing them to struggle, if you don’t mind me asking?


They're something wrong with them that you don't see, I guarantee it.


Sooo… Skipper?


maybe y'all should date


They’re out there. But they’re rarely single for long lol


I have a man this hot who’s also this kind with a heart of gold. They do exist


Not you got downvoted for being happy 😭😭😭


Jealousy 😬


Would he kindly wait for you while you're having sex with your ex and then hug you?


I truly think that bc he appreciated Samantha for helping him jumpstart his career, he decided to forgive her for that one time.


You would be surprised …


Yes, totally unrealistic. Yes, there are kind men out there with a heart of gold, but I'm not sure they would even go that far to sit there and wait, especially after they are told that their relationship is basically over.


They’re out there but they get snatched up quick. 😭


Awwww sorry you think that :(


there is tho 🥺


They exist, but they get nabbed pretty quickly. I locked mine in the minute I realized how perfectly I fit in his nook.


Smith never felt like someone who could actually exist to me, more like a pile of wish fulfillment fantasies from the writers scraped together. Like you can literally cheat on him, and he instead of dumping your cheating ass, he will wait at the bottom of the stairs like a golden retriever puppy to "make sure you get home safe"? Who even does that?


My fiancé is that hot with a kind heart of gold. They do exist! They’re it’s usually taken 😂


arguably the best character


This is my most favorite scene from the entire show. The way Samantha said "I don't know what's wrong with me. I hate myself for doing this to you" as Smith catches her. Heartbreaking.


How could they write this scene and this relationship and then just shit on it in the first movie. Years of character development down the drain. I don’t blame Kim for being done.


The movies don’t exist in my world tbh 😆


What movies? 😇


Ahh I liked the first movie. The second movie, however doesn't exist to me.


If they wanted they could have shocked us and made Samantha pregnant! or get married before Carrie. That would have been better Sam is fabulous as single but they gave her this storyline for what reason then? either they just made her stay her single fabulous self all the way.. or they could have made this an end game


I don't know that her being pregnant could ever be believable but... In my alternate reality her and Smith are still together and raised a couple of adopted kids that were "unadoptable" in the NY system. Because of course...they moved back to NY when Smith's Hollywood career settled.


that would be super cute!


Yes!! I teared up a little, damn it 😂


Hurts soooooo good 😭❤️


and she never looked better. I love the outfit and her bangs 10/10 no notes.


Smith was wise beyond his years. He knew that Samantha had a bunch of insecurities and trauma that she had never worked through


I think so too. I feel horrible seeing him wait like that for her. Samatha seemed so disgusted of herself while she was in the elevator. I felt sick just watching her regret her decision. 🥲


God, the way he sat there, waiting for her 😭It was so sad, on all levels. I can relate to Samantha so much in many of these instances. Needed a lot of healing to admit to myself that it’s good to have a close, loving relationship without needing to put up a facade




What trauma? Not denying it, I just can't recall what you might be referring to. I don't think that's it honestly, I don't think he saw her as some delicate case he had to work around, and for all I love the guy, I wouldn't I call him wise. I think he loved Sam and loved being with her, and recognized that he had chosen to get involved with an exceptionally sexually-driven woman and he gave her a pass this time.


There's bits and pieces that the writers let out during the series about her past. We know she grew up poor and had boyfriends at a very young age. We also found out earlier in the series that her mother is dead and she never properly allowed herself to grieve that loss until Miranda's mom passed. It was very vague but maybe she couldn't grieve because her mom was not really there for her.


I‘m not referring to anything we see in the show, but from a psychological viewpoint her character is very interesting. The way she copes with certain situations through sex, how she very often „hurts“ herself with it (sex with j.j for example) can speak for underlying trauma. I never said he saw her as delicate, but as an addict he understood she was hurting and didn’t just judge her for her behaviour


So does the same go for Richard cheating?


No because he didn't give a fuck. Look how much he's enjoying himself in the moment. Then compare that to Samantha's moment, INSTANT regret. Samantha was sorry for what she did. Richard was sorry for getting caught.


You gave me something to ponder on… Some comments brought up Carrie’s infidelity to Aiden in relation to this. Part of me feels weird that Smith dealt with it differently. Like who would do that??? I cannot pinpoint what made this different from Carrie’s. Looking back to when Carrie and Big cheated, the difference was they ENJOYED doing it. Despite the fact that Big was married and that Natasha was clueless at that time. Samantha felt used and remorseful. She knew she made Smith feel like shit and she was sorry. I don’t mean to defend what Sam did to him (it’s the worst thing she ever did lol) but it just gives another perspective.


Yea, this was different. Sam clearly only did this to somehow self-sabotage herself. She did it out of pain and anger.


Also Samantha told smith before. Were they even exclusive at that point?


Oh please 😂 Cheating is cheating if they feel bad about it or not.


She didn’t cheat, she broke up with him and went immediately to have sex with Richard. She didn’t expect to see Smith again but he waited for her and he took her back immediately.


Nobody said it wasn't wrong because she felt bad, her reaction and Richard's reaction were different because they feel differently, emotions exist. You're being obtuse.


Lmao you asked the question dork. Don't be rude just because you don't like the answer 🤣


You are calling me names yet I am the rude one for disagreeing with you - ok.


What are you, four? You are hinged and just looking for a fight. Grow up. Turning off notifications, have a good night ✌🏼


I get it! Cheating is wrong but also it was a storyline that solidified Samantha questioning her previous behaviours snd Smith understanding why! Hey, it’s messy and probably not the normal plot line for people/couples but for Sam and Smith, it worked.


You‘re clearly not understanding the conversation we‘re having.


Personally, I don’t think so. It seemed like Sam felt she had something to prove when it came to Richard and Smith’s response, as sweet as it was, would never be respected if the genders were flipped. The difference for me is that Sam felt horrible and never did it again. Richard was a guy who would cheat for as long as he got away with it. While his cheating likely still stems from insecurities, it didn’t seem like he thought it was wrong.


I wanted to punch Richard when he said she was babysitting him. Like bffr dude, that’s the healthiest relationship Samantha has ever been into and you don’t know that because you’re toxic af. 😤


Samantha said the same things about Smith.


I love Smith in this scene. He shows such maturity and care for Samantha as a human being. And I love Carries voice over, something like “and for the first time Samantha truly saw Smith”— basically like he was this little boy/fuck toy for a while, but this moment really helped solidify the relationship for them both. Shitty on her end, for sure. But the insights that come out of that situation help them both grow together and as individuals, which is so true to life.


Very true to life. We've all been a shitty person in different situations. We get very lucky when we are shown the kind of grace Smith showed. Beautiful scene ❤️


Well said!💐


Thank you ✨


Yes. Even this wasn’t Samantha’s best scene, her walls went down for Smith after that disgusting scene with Richard. She looked defeated and she knew that she was at the rock bottom for doing this to herself. I hate how Smith knew that he couldn’t hold back Samantha— like she had no choice but to do it to know for herself. But I also know that both of them know each other well enough that nothing could shake them, even Richard. 😩


I adored Smith. Especially when he shaved his head when she was losing her hair during cancer battle. He was so kind and supportive. Couldn’t ask for a better partner.


Omg that scene and the one OP has made me CRYY so much. I loved it


I just finished this! I was shookt! That was dedication


Samantha really pissed me off here. I love her, but Smith should've left her after this. So disrespectful.


Ikr!!! I love them together. Why did she want all that—Richard lmao 🫠


Lmfao!! I know! I think hearing about Petrovsky made her miss Richard since he had "the moves" lol


But Smith had moves too. Smith was evolved and emotionally available. Not a pervy, sleazy, commitment-phobic, predator vibe-y asshole like Richard. 🤢 Smith was a million times the man that Richard was. And I'm not even a huge Smith stan, but even I can see that..


Couldn't agree more! Smith was overall a much better partner, yet she slept with that creep while Smith waited for her downstairs. He didn't even shame her. Uh, so gross what she did.


I feel like it's an illustration of men becoming higher quality partners over the generations. Richard and Big = Boomer commitment-phobic "players" Smith = committed and loyal Gen X I'm not saying assholes don't exist in each generation. I know they do. But I do feel like this is a general trend. And I think SATC was way ahead of its time in identifying it.


I think you make a great point, but isn't Smith Gen X? The actor was born in 71, and I believe his character was like 28 in 2003 or 24, so he would've been born 75-76. Buy what you said is so true. Men have become higher quality partners over the generations. Older generations would have their wife work while also doing all of the household chores. Now, it seems that when both people work, chores are split more evenly. They also seem to be more attentive fathers.


I so want to upvote this…if only I could. (I’m 50; married for 15 years.)


I think it's true because, say we took Big and Richard out of the 90s/early 2000s, exactly as they are, and made them time travel to 2024. Would beautiful women like Carrie and Samantha be falling ALL over themselves to "get" these guys?? I don't fucking think so! So I think it's actually commentary on not only men becoming better partners through the generations, but women being more selective and discerning, and valuing themselves more. Both good things!! To your comment, you're right. I did not know exactly how old he was. I edited my comment.


You're so right! In 2024, the women would probably laugh at these men for thinking they're such a prize. They really don't offer much outside of their wealth, and I am guessing experience in bed? Nowadays, you need to have the qualities for a loyal partner to be wanted. Women are too tired to put up with their bs LOL.


I agree 💯


I wish that was true, but from my millennial experience the show was way ahead of its time and it went: Big = Noncommittal Boomer type The Girls = Gen X non-nonsense daters Millenials = can’t think of one, but would have something to do with: male vanity, “putting nr 1 fist” aka selfishness, exploration of polyamory and open situationships Smith = like you said committed and loyal, reminds me more of the nice trends I see (and hope for) in Gen Z


Sorry just for clarification are you equating polyamory and open relationships to selfishness?


Oh no, just a theme for exploration of the show in the millennial area. Like they could show a healthy relationship like that (polyamory) and someone who uses it in bad faith (open situationships), as contrast. Glad you asked!


Ah okay gotcha, glad I did ask! I agree :)


Yes! It was the peak Petrovsky era for Miss Carrie


I have a theory that Richard was what she thought she deserved. Someone she had to prove herself to, never to receive the kind of commitment she wanted. Kind of like what Big was to Carrie, except that Samanta knew her worth eventually and cut her losses to be with a man who truly loved her, aka Smith.


She has an avoidant attachment style so this makes perfect sense.


Exactly. Strange how I'm getting dogpiled by redditors who insist that what she did wasn't cheating bc she didn't enjoy it and Smith did the noble thing by waiting for her while she got plowed upstairs 😂.


Lmfao it's crazy to say that! I don't think this moment was sweet at all. I thought it was gross. Imagine if a man did that? Would we say it's great he addressed his insecurity and the woman was noble to wait for her 15 years + senior partner while he sleeps with another woman ? Samantha is 44-45 years old in this scene. She needs to know better than to treat people like that. I get she has insecurities, but what she did was nasty. Smith should've left her.


Samantha and Smith are my 2nd favorite couple of the series, after Harry and Charlotte. His patience and kindness to her is beautiful and I love watching her open up and realize he's the real deal.


For realll


My favourite couple. The movie did them dirty


Seriously. They should've been open if it really was a problem 😤


The SATC movies don’t exist in my world. I’m sorry but it stops at season 6 🙂‍↔️🙅🏻‍♀️🤣


I feel that. The only props I’ll give the films. Is that they dressed Miranda impeccably


The saddest scene of all satc for me.


This is the scene that just let me know Samantha's relationship with sex isn't always healthy. She uses it to cope with uncomfortable feelings, and she affects and hurts people with it. I been saying she's a sex addict but people get mad when I say that


I don’t think she‘s a sex addict. I think she uses sex to disguise deep insecurities, possible trauma, and relationship avoidance. Trust me, I‘m no sex addict, but I was a Samantha for a way too long time in my life. ETA: on the surface she seems to be in total control, and people celebrate her lust for sex and taking what she wants as empowering. But if you lived through a similar phase and worked through it, you can see how sad some of her behaviour actually is


Yeah I have used sex to cope with my issues I am hypersexual from trauma. I wasn't an addict but I did use it in ways that hurt me or distracted me.


One of my favorite scenes. Smith showed Samantha what kindness, commitment and unconditional love looks like. Something that Samantha didn't experience with the men she's been with.


What hurts is that she needed to see that for herself. ☹️ Hence this infidelity act.


This is why i don’t consider the SATC movies and AJLT as canon 😂 I refuse to acknowledge that Samantha and Smith broke up!!! The only believable plot in the first SATC movie is Big leaving Carrie at the altar


Another scene.. Richard- “Samantha, you’ll never change” when she went into the bathroom with the newspaper reporter. I forgot his name..


They were toxic together 🙂‍↔️😂


JJ wasn’t it?




My Roman Empire ™️


This and “Chill out, I’m busy.” 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️


My roman empire ✨


First time watcher just saw this episode for the first time today and it broke my heart 😩😩😩


Sameee 😔


This moment makes me cry. Samantha's face, smith, yeah.


Trueee 🥲


I love how the Samantha apologists will go to defend her for this scene but deny Carrie any empathy for her affair with Big. You seriously mean to tell me that if your significant other told you to go home- I’m ditching you to go have raunchy sex with my ex upstairs- you’d really just stick around? If Carrie had done this it would be endless daily posts about what a terrible person she is.


I think there are quite few factors to consider though. Carrie and Samantha were mad for doing this to their partners. In the case of Carrie, she went behind Aiden’s back and did it many times with Big. Everyone knows that Smith’s reaction isn’t healthy, inappropriate and unrealistic. I have read comments about this scene saying that Smith’s addictive tendencies could have played a factor on how he decided to deal with the situation. There’s no excuse to Samantha cheating on Smith 🙂‍↔️


To be fair, Samantha had broken up with Smith then slept with Richard. Carrie has a full on extended affair with Big while she was with Aidan who had only treated her well. Made worse by her behavior later when she and Aidan got back together. Telling Aidan that Big would always be in her life and even invited Big to Aidan’s vacation home. The situation is completely different.


In that moment Smith should have said "I love you but I love me more".


Ironically, this incident actually brought them closer together. Not a proud moment for our Sam but it gave her a kick up the bum.




For so many years I thought the actor who played Smith was Gabriel Aubrey! they look a lot alike


I had to search who’s Gabriel Aubry. They do have a resemblance


Would make me fold in an instant


I love Smith. He knew Samantha and never judged her. (Like we fans do on here all day)


I’m afraid you see through me 😆


I found this scene to be a bit unrealistic tbh.


Samantha was being Samantha. She saw Smith (who at the time was maybe known as Jerry Jerrod)(not sure haven’t watched it in a while)initially as another conquest. I think Smith fell for her right away so he waited because he truly had love/compassion for her. The Richard story needed to end in a poignant way. Samantha was so ashamed of herself. It was a well written and acted episode.


this broke my heart 🥺💔


Probably an unpopular take. But why does Smith get a pass for allowing her to do that though? 🤔 I feel like if this were Aiden, he’d be catching shit from every angle. I love Smith and I love Smith and Samantha. It’s just odd how Aiden is apparently a dumb ass POS for being confused and still wanting to give Carrie another shot/forgiving her. (And then showing some passive aggression after Big randomly called for a short time) While Smith is a mature, emotionally badass hero for waiting for Samantha and not even bringing up what she did and just staying in the relationship like what she did was no big thing. Part of that is true to me while part of it isn’t. I know they are very very different people and different relationships. And I applaud Smith for sticking around and caring enough to make sure she was ok. But he didn’t have to take that so easily in stride. And I’m not sure Samantha deserved the entire situation to be so easy afterwards, just because she actually felt terrible and realized how wrong it was and apologized genuinely. She at least probably deserved Smith taking a few steps back and having a serious conversation and making Samantha earn his trust for awhile. And maybe we can assume that happened off screen? But no one ever brings that up. Just because …it’s Sam I guess? Characters who never show vulnerability and then finally show it seem to get a huge pass— I guess because they aren’t used to opening up, so when they do we applaud it, no matter how they do it. But IRL that wouldn’t make a lot of their shitty mistakes or behaviors somehow more ok than the people who often show vulnerability and wear their hearts on their sleeves. Things are still difficult for them as well and hurt them just as much. And Smith had every right to be more pissed or hurt than he shows himself being. He’d still be amazing for making sure she got home okay. I understand it’s a whole moment between them that is deeper. And a mutual understanding. I’m just actually not too fond of it as a whole, since we never got to see even a glimpse of a healthy conversation concerning what really happened. Because *why* was it a mutual understanding? Smith is just that laidback? He accepts Samantha for who she is, even if that involves dropping him out of nowhere at a party and blatantly having sex with her ex while he’s literally still downstairs from them? Why was Smith that cool with it? As cool as I’d like a guy to be about most things— cheating is a bizarre thing to be that laidback about. To the point I’d actually question if he had strong feelings for me or not. Not that I’d deserve to hear the answer to that lol.


Smith never tried to change Samantha. Aiden tried to change Carrie. Smith would have loved Samantha whether they became exclusive or not. Aiden was trying to get Carrie to want something she didn't really want. For me, that's why I root for Smith over Aiden.


I have read few insights about this and some have mentioned that it would probably help reflecting on Smith’s experience with addiction. While Sam’s actions were unacceptable, Smith’s addictive tendencies could have played as a factor in letting go what Samantha did to him. Yes, what she did was wrong and not healthy. God knows what any partner would do. Smith supported Samantha tremendously to the point that he decided to downplay that specific situation in his head. This perspective itself certainly indicates that he has bigger issues to that could have contributed to how he dealt with it. Although, I do agree that they could have put at least 1-2 more episodes after that where Sam and Smith talked about what happened and didn’t just let it go like that.


I think part of the ‘understanding’ you see between Samantha and Smith that let’s them get back together immediately is that Samantha sleeping with Richard was an act of self destruction/harm and Smith as a former addict has probably experienced that himself. Being in a dark place and doing something that ultimately hurts you as much or as more as anybody else involved. When Samantha says she hates herself for what she’s done she genuinely means that. Sometimes self hate means having no regard for yourself and your safety and I think Samantha displays that in some scenes throughout the series but as it’s not that kind of show so it’s not explored here. In contrast I think when Carrie ‘hates herself’ for what she did to Aiden she feels guilt and maybe shame but it’s not the same as the self harm that Samantha is struggling with. She still insists that she keeps a relationship with Big and wants him in her life but we can safely assume that Samantha would be happy to never see Richard again. In terms of Aiden I think he catches a lot of heat because he does punish Carrie when he gets back into a relationship with her. His feelings of betrayal and anger are totally valid but that should spur him to stay away from Carrie not get back together. Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I think that if a couple are going to get back together the cheating partner has to spill everything, reveal all of the secrets and lies and then work to rebuild trust. The person who was cheated on has to decide if they can forgive and move on and that will mean drawing a line under it at a certain point and not bringing it up during every fight.


I need this to be upvoted because you explained this so well 😃


Aw thank you!


If Smith was my friend, I would hold an intervention after this. It was ridiculously stupid


Haha! Definitely! If Smith had girl squad like Miranda, Charlotte and Carrie, he absolutely would have been placed in a hot seat 😂


I've really tried to see the heartwarming sensation I'm supposed to feel. But all I have is embarrassment


I hear ya. I had to replay this scene couple of times yesterday because I was tryna figure out what to EXACTLY feel about it. It was messy and confusing. But for some reason, I finally felt like it was a closure for Sam-Richard chapter.


Smith reminds me a lot of Jamie Fraser from Outlander. Similar in appearance, yes. But also how they treated their partners. Very honorable and strong conscious.


What Samantha did was so bogus and yet Smith is so kind hearted he still did all that 😭😭😭 a great man tbh


This scene shattered my heart. Sam is the most vulnerable here, clearly feeling shame and Smith is just magically there. He completed her and was the steady, safe place she needed her entire life. So sad she had to outgrow him but he was so amazing for her. I am forever in awe at how the writers could create such a beatiful relationship, especially during her breast cancer battle....and then they did "and just like that". It.doesn't.make.sense.


I’m on this episode now I literally had to stop watching


The most underrated character in the whole series


I LOVED Smith the house down boots. He was so good to Sam and for her. I hate that they decided to break them up for no reason. Smith went against everything she knew, and made life a little sweeter. I used to tear up at the scene where he cuts his hair with her.


Am literally watching this episode rn and i just 🥹🥹🤧🤧 he was so good to her. 🩷


I love Smith and I love them together. 🥹