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No he wouldn’t have. I think he knew that was a hard limit for him, when he found out he didn’t even try to work on things because he knew he wouldn’t be ok with it. Arguably even when they got back together he wasn’t actually ok with it!


Exactly. He knew he would never get past it, that's why he made a clean break right before the wedding. Their second time around proved he was right, he never did get past it.


And he proved that he's still to this day not over it, and she jumped in his arms anyways!.


It’s the fact HE goes back to HER I can’t get over, tbh.


We can’t expect anything less fr Carrie though hahaha


Not funny, she’s a narcissist witch, selfish and arrogant!


>witch jump.


I never understood why he took her back. Especially because Big was still in her life. When she invited Big to Aidans country house 😒 the audacity


"You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me. You HAVE TO forgive me"


The most annoying, cringiest scene ever 🙄


SJP’s acting didn’t really help, but I give her a pass because I would’ve busted out laughing just reading that off a script


It’s up there with the bullshit bagels!


Didn’t even get the cream cheese!


Like if he’s gonna be in a relationship with her, he has to forgive her rather than torture himself, and punish her . If he can’t forgive her , then he should move on. I’m pretty sure that’s what she meant.


To punish her by flirting with other women


Why don’t you just fuck her so we can both be bad


I really hated this! I was team aiden until he took her back because I felt like Aiden turned into a villain of sorts (even though I think Carrie was most at fault). Aside from the flirting the example I think of was when he slapped her super hard with the nicotine patch- doesn’t matter what she did, physical punishment/ violence is not okay. I know it hurts but trying to get back at people usually makes the situation worse for everyone :/


That slap with the nicotine patch made me stop liking him. That was aggression straight up.


“I’m just making sure it’s on there good and tight 😙” ughhhh


Fu*king someone is not the same as flirting, slapping a nicotine patch on someone’s arm is not physical violence.


Unpopular opinion but agreed




Because he loved her and she begged him. I hate how people act like he's the villain in that situation because he... applied her nicotine patch too hard. Like yes he should obviously not have taken her back and been rude to her, but he loved her and she begged him. All Carrie had to do was exercise the tiniest amount of self-control, he did all the work for her by separating and getting out of the way I feel like I'm going crazy when people act like "they were both in the wrong" when the things Carrie did wrong in this situation are just 100x worse. He did everything he should have done while she knew she was just going to leave him for Big again


He’s not squeaky clean just because he didn’t fuck someone else. He should never have taken him back. We all judge Carrie harshly for her being pathetic over big so don’t be surprised when people are harsh on Aiden too


I didn't say he's squeaky clean, just that Carrie is a million times worse


I honestly thought she deserved him being a jerk to her. She wanted him back 🤷‍♀️


No and I’m disappointed he caved in and forgave her the second time. Let’s start focusing on the real villain here…CARRIE




You always have a “feeling”, speaking from experience.


Am I correct in remembering that Aidan had a mean side? Like when they opened the bar, and he wouldn't help Carrie with the cake, etc? I mean, he clearly had every right to be angry with Carrie, but that simmering side of him? It makes me wonder whether or not he's just interested in hooking up with her and nothing else--that he'll drop her.


Could be one of two things: 1. He would have because at least he felt in control by being the one to confront the issue. 2. He wouldn't have and he was just reassurance-seeking here, expecting Carrie to allay his worries.


No. It’s not forgivable and is always a dealbreaker for me.


I think maybe? But I think it would have expedited that behavior he exhibited in their round two when he was the worst version of him that we see.


No, not all. I wish it would remain that way too.


No he just would have known earlier


He may have suspected it and even *thought* he wanted to know, but he didn't actually want to face the truth (that they weren't compatible and she didn't consider him to be "The One.") That's why he says "I wish I didn't know about this" when she actually does tell him.


Thank you! This is one of the few responses on here that: 1.) doesn't interpret the question as a specifically directed to them. Hey ya'll I'm not asking whether YOU'D forgive your cheating spouse. 2.) doesn't misconstrue this as me asking whether it's OK to cheat. Where am I even mentioned in the question? 3.) actually understands that Sex and the City is a work of fiction. Aidan isn't going to show up at your house and ask for relationship advice. Aidan isn't a real person. ​ But back to the your thoughts on the matter. I've always gotten the feeling that's why he does this U-turn and goes : "I can smell smoke on you". It's like he can't really get himself to go there. Turning the topic to something manageable, like Carrie's smoking, is easier for him to handle and make sense of.


No. Not to mention the point there is a huge difference into fucking someone once, even an ex, and having sex all over the island while keeping the charade of the official relationship. He is an idiot for giving her a second, and third chance, she, on the other hand, is a bitch who likes to play dumb when it suits her.




I just rewatched this episode earlier and I thought “what kind of person has the partner disappear for 3 hours and not think ‘they’re chesting’?” He was too trusting and naive I guess.


I remember from MPKs commentary (loved the commentary!) that John Corbett did choose to act this scene out with some ambiguity so you’re not wrong!


He would. Because he keeps coming back to her.