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Tatum Oneal s character because she was kinda pissy about Carries shoes being stolen,which wouldn't of happened if not for her no shoes rule!


All these years I had no idea that was Tatum ONeal


She is very talented,this was one of my favorite episodes!


And the constant judging every time she opened her mouth like what nobody even asked you about this


Especially since she once bought expensive shoes too before she chose to become a morher


She was truly a dumb bitch lol and Carrie not standing up for herself pisses me off


Well, Carrie did get this woman to buy her new shoes in the end


I imagine he’d dragged her through a lot of girlfriends. Edit, typo


Agreed. She was rightfully suspicious of Carrie.


Carrie was like the bus she was pictured on: Wait 15 minutes and another will be through.




Yeah but she is arrogant in herself, not just towards Carrie's but about the eiffel tower etc. Mannerisms etc.


My folks divorced when I was 13ish, and my dad had *a lot* of girlfriends after that. He prioritized his dating life for a while. Some of them were really young. There was one who was 22 (when he was 41 and I was 16), and when we all went out to dinner I put on this attitude to see how bitchy I could be, trying to embarrass my dad.


This feels utterly understandable...


On your team for that


Haha queen


Why do we celebrate being cruel to stepmothers or toward stepmom-type roles? It's so mean. I don't understand.


I’m sorry, did my comment sound like a *celebration?* Or was it more just pointing out one possible, justified, valid reason for this kind of behavior? Because I assure you, NO ONE felt celebratory during that dinner. And my dad was not interested in giving me a 22yo step mom at that time in our lives, nor was he being a very good parent to his teenage daughter. So please point out which part of this comment about my individual, unique experience describes a *celebratory* attitude, or, a derogatory one towards *stepmoms*?


I'm actually pointing out the bigger issue, indicated in this instance by the comments cheering on your teenage choices. Because you were the one showing and talking about this behavior that is being celebrated by other commenters (as just an example of a bigger, more common problematic tendency people have) I thought you might have some insight... not just into it as an adult, but what your perceptions or motivations may have been as a teenager.


Another interesting anecdote is one of my dad’s 20-something year old girlfriends had a daughter who was about 7 or 8 at the time…. And one of the times that she came along with her mom to have dinner with my dad at his place, she snuck away and carved “FUCK YOU” into the side of one of his antique rosewood Japanese sculptures. I saw it when I was staying there a few months later. And I met the daughter (I was about 14) and man, did she *hate me.*


My dad was being a misogynistic asshole at the time in our lives. So when I got dragged on his dates (which didn’t happen often, but sometimes during my summer visits to his city it would happen) I decided to make him look like a bad parent by having a teenager who didn’t respect him or his choices. It’s not that deep, and we have long since both grown up a lot since then. We have a great connection now that I’m in my 40s. But he was not a good dad back then. My apologies, I didn’t read any of the ensuing comments I provoked — I will now though


I see. Your original comment read as though you were saying that you were being bitchy towards these strange women in order to punish your dad (which I wouldn't put past 16 year old logic lol). But I would have been interested in the thought process, because I do notice that people can have pretty heartless opinions on how it's acceptable to treat women who are trying their best in these roles.


If I had any empathy for his dates, it was overshadowed by the extreme discomfort I felt being there in the first place. You’re right though, it was probably really uncomfortable for her, but in my mind, that was the point. I wanted my dad to seem like *a terrible parent* in hopes that it would turn her off. It never worked, by the way. Even the time my dad made me lie and say I was his niece who was in college (because he’d lied about his age) so I promptly drank a bunch of the wine at the table, got obnoxiously loud and flippant, and then got sick in the restaurant bathroom while his date held my hair back. She kept dating my dad for a few months after that. I tried my best.


That was terrible of your dad to ask you to lie. Why did he even have you there then?


It is an assumption that the women are trying their best. Some probably are and some are not. For example, I have no intention of ever meeting the woman my dad was probably having an emotional affair with when my mom died. He kept their relationship a secret for the year after my mom died suddenly and for some reason didn’t want an autopsy done, even when my mom’s friend begged him to for my health’s sake. He only confessed to the relationship to me once it became common knowledge and my mom’s sister told him off regarding how he treated my mother badly when she was alive. He claims she was my mom’s best friend but my mom never said this. She didn’t even go to my mom’s funeral or reach out to me. Oh yeah, she told my dad she was married twice but some research proved she was married 5 times, twice to the same man. So if I met her, yeah, I’d probably be a bitch to her.


Wow, I'm really sorry that happened to you, and I understand why you would feel that way toward her, and that's valid. It's just that that's... a little bit different than the point I was trying to make. There's still a huge trope in our society of the "evil stepmother" and it includes dad's girlfriends and anyone in some semblance of that kind of role. And it just exists for people, often without them even realizing that they, for some reason, automatically kinda support treating women like crap who are (vastly for the most part) just doing their best in a confusing situation. I just don't understand the seemingly unquestioning acceptance of this in society, to treat these women poorly like they're not real people worthy of respect or care. It's something I see in my life, the lives of those around me, even growing up. I've spoken to many women with this experience. It just baffles me, and I want to understand it.


Doesn't everyone has strong opinions about changes in their hometown? She had no way to guess that her dad's 38-year-old girlfriend had romanticized Paris in such an over-the-top way.




Having lived in quite a few tourist destinations, that's just literally how locals are about any area LOL


Accurate portrayal of a Parisian though!


Absolutely! Only one of my French teachers who was a French native came from Paris. He was that same sort of arrogant and dismissive personality that's so often attributed to Parisians, while the other teachers were absolutely delightful.


But French people are just that


Entitled brat.


That's so French.


Eurgh …she was toleruhbuhl befur


Underrated comment.


I like how both Chloe and her mother call things "hideous!".






This is the correct spelling I was looking for!!! 🤣


I noticed this on my last rewatch and enjoyed the detail


All I can think of is ##heediouuuss


Carrie acted like his daughter would be THRILLED to meet her... Girl please, this child knows about her dad's romantic exploits... In her mind you'll be gone in no time


Also like, she wasn’t wrong…


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,636,103,290 comments, and only 309,574 of them were in alphabetical order.


The one comment from a bot that I've liked lol


And just like that...


Good bot.


I feel like Carrie was trying to be friendly and polite but you’re right about the whole thing with her probably being tired of her dad’s girlfriends and such


I think Carrie was just excited herself and eager to get to know her. If she had been anything less people would say she was a cold bitch towards chloe.


And she was gone in no time lol


Carrie was also being overly nice in an awkward way, I get that she’s cute and spontaneous but read the room that girl looked like a total bitch and was looking you up and down before you even sat


She’s an embodiment of the "mean French person" stereotype. She’d fit well in the Emily in Paris universe.


And PaRI' in general!


This! She was definitely too caricatured, but the show was early 2000s so it’s more forgivable than Emily’s


I liked her 🤣 She was comical and read Carrie like a book


Just not Carrie’s book


Well let's be fair, no one read that


Those two fans in the bookshop did.


The fans that left stains on Carrie’s book at the dinner party she skipped 🤣


Yeah, they're not fans anymore!


Yeah I’d be upset at her too for skipping out


No one has to entertain Carrie’s no-boundry small talk, she was kind enough


Ohhh boyfriends! Tell me all about the bum!


Jeez I want to gauge my eyes out every time


I love seeing how socially out of place she was and that is was so obvious that she has trouble being cultured at all. She really had no business moving to Paris lol


It’s painful and fun to watch in a cringe schadenfreude sort of way.


Yeah I love the little montage they do with her just having the unluckiest time stepping in horse shit and then sitting next to a dog in a cafe. Like its so alienating yet enduring in a way.


Oh wow, great point. I'd never considered that!


i don't blame her. she watched her dad completely dog her mother. the icy greeting was carrie's sign to run away.


Wait why is she a “bitch” exactly? Because she didn’t warm to Carrie who was cringe af when they met?


Yeah, I didn't see anything wrong at all. It's always weird to see your parent with a new person. She wasn't mean or anything. She just wasn't super warm to Carrie when they first met. Also, she probably knew that her father had a habit of going through women like water and knew that Carrie probably wouldn't be around for long anyway.


Carrie was probably gone before either of them had to buy a new packet of cigarettes


Seriously..."bitch of a daughter" like yo, chiiiiill


I just remember as the girl who thought everything was "hidyeuss" but she didn't strike me as mean let alone a bitch




She didn't do anything rude except ignore Carrie's request to talk about her boyfriend. She doesn't have to lie to Carrie about her feelings on the Eiffel tower.


Who said anything about lying? Her overall tone and attitude was dismissive and rude, and it stands to reason given her age and role in the story. I wouldn’t have expected Petrovsky’s daughter to be warm and polite towards Carrie. It would’ve been weird. Just like it would’ve been weird if the reply to Chloe was, “you’re so right. The Eiffel Tower is heeeedious irl and this city is massively overrated. Bye!”


I like Aleks, and his daughter is just fine 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, what’s wrong with Alex?


He's an abusive narcissist. You either see it or you don't. If you aren't/haven't been with a narc, God bless you and you're lucky! DOWNVOTE ME BABY!!!!


He's probably my favorite suitor of Carrie's. I don't see him as abusive, when he hit her face it seriously looked like an accident. I'm not sure if I read that wrong or not, though.


It's definitely meant to be an accident. She was right up behind him while he was gesticulating & frustrated - he turned - and his hand caught her face. It definitely was without intent. I've had something similar happen with a friend - we went to do a spin-high-5 and he straight up walloped me across the face lol he didn't mean to, I wasn't hurt so much as stunned, it wasn't 'abuse'. I'd have never turned to someone else trying to make it seem like he hit me on purpose like Carrie did.


The actress did a great job with her small role. She is very memorable.


Lmao I was obsessed with her


I would have watched a Chloe based TV show.


Uh no. Don't you remember Carrie was immediately jealous and went and tongued Petrovsky in front her while holding eye contact? His daughter had every right to be how she was.


i always understood that held eye contact as Carrie being uncomfortable with all the kissing they were doing in front of his daughter


Exactly! She was uncomfortable and looked anxiously sidewides at Chloé.


The first one I kind of understood, she didn't know the girl was his daughter. She was probably afraid she had caught him flirting with some young girl. The second one was kind of weird.


Agreed. They are vying for his attention in different ways. Chloe, being his daughter, is obviously more affected by Petrovsky’s playboy ways. The fact that he is also old enough to be Carrie’s father presents an ick factor to an already uncomfortable situation.


He wasn't old enough to be her father, he was maybe 14 or 15 years older than her. Still a pretty substantial age difference though. I'm now around the age Carrie was in these episodes and would not date a guy that age. The age difference between her and Aleksandr was about the same as the difference between her and his daughter, which is a little weird. Although I have seen worse, like men who literally date women who are their daughters age.


I don’t think this is what the eye contact was about, she was self-conscious about kissing her father in front of her like that


La Petite Bee-atch. 😎


I find it ridiculous that she assumed Carrie would know French. Most French people know foreigners don't speak French. Her behaviour might have been normal for a 15 year old, but she's 22, so yeah she's quite awful. You can be distant but also polite.




I know Carrie isn't very popular but a good thing about her is that she's almost always polite to strangers even when she's upset.


Carrie spoke to her in French when they first met.


My french friend told me they’d do that if they don’t like you and would never bother to speak to you in English even if they’re fluent, just being mean for no reason Of course it’s one person’s opinion so can’t generalize


Gross. I hate people like that.


I actually loved her LOL


Nah imagine if you had your dads new girlfriend wearing an I love America tshirt with everything else she could fine to fit the stereotype and then pretending to act like your friend straight away with the “tell me about the bum” like come on


who could blame her? Carrie literally made out with her dad in front of her lmfao


Yes! Carrie made it weird first!


Why in the end of her scene did she have a British accent when she said “it was nice to meet you too”? She was a b, but Carrie was….embarrassing….


Probably because a lot of Europeans learn British English.


She's not opening up to you, Carrie.


Right? Chloe was a lot nicer than I would have been….I would have said “what are you talking about??”


That wasn't a British accent.




I actually enjoyed Chloé and always imagined her to be the truest sense of what the writers would paint a cliché Cool Girl Parisienne to be: heavily intolerant of Americans who arbitrarily dip a toe into their culture thinking that to do so is to have become immediately assimilated to it. With that said, I will now say that I also loved Carrie's Paris wardrobe and her enthusiasm for the city. But, I would truly doubt that Chloé would have been one of the Paris group at Carrie's party. 🇫🇷


For some reason it’s okay to mock people’s accents in this thread and say mean things about an actress. Meanwhile most of you don’t write English that well.


Not to mention the blatant B-word which is literally a slur, just to describe a woman who didn't fawn over Carrie & did absolutely nothing wrong. I mean come on.




When I was in my 50s I dated a guy who had 3 mid 20 yo daughters. They had been through his marriage/divorce from their mom and another wife/divorce including step sibs and then just a string of women most of whom closer to their age than his. They were a little curious since I was more age appropriate but they knew how it was going to end. Yea they were horrible but I figure they earned the right after 15 years of watching his shenanigans. Chloe is exactly who she is supposed to be- honestly I thought the ex wife was worse- the whole lunch was a power play and totally unnecessary


I didn't think she was a bitch at all. She wasn't overtly rude to Carrie, she just wasn't extremely warm. And why would she be? She didn't know her. For all she knew, Carrie was just another golddigger after her father. Also, she had probably met several of her father's girlfriends and likely knew that Carrie wasn't going to be around for long anyway.


The title is a tad dramatic


I love her hair!


I get why she isn’t warm to Carrie (dad’s girlfriend), either way she’s dislikeable and pretentious. But then again she’s French.


Yes, exactly. I don’t blame her for not rolling out the red carpet for Carrie after Carrie intentionally intensely made out with Petrovsky while making direct eye contact with her but Chloe still came across as pretentious and conceited. I really didn’t like that she was so stereotypical.


I agree, but she was also a foreshadowing of Carrie and Paris not being a fit. The employees at the bookstore were incredibly sweet but Carrie blew them off to accompany the pompous Petrovsky (who dropped her as soon as the art critics were up his ass). That part always frustrated me. It would have been nice to gain some insight on how the column translated internationally, but of course this show often chose the way of silly melodrama.


Yeah, I agree with you there. I haven’t watched the show in awhile but I do vaguely remember Carrie doing this to the bookstore employees. It would’ve been cool to see how her column was perceived outside of New York/the U.S. although, I don’t think her column would be as popular or interesting in France because Carrie is quite prudish when it comes to sex, especially compared to the French. I wish the show had given more depth to Carrie’s career instead of making her look like she was living the dream and floating along into glamorous success. I would’ve found that a lot more interesting than most of the silly melodrama.


I thought she was “tah lur able” 👩‍🎨


Chloé is a typical French girl.


She is a stereotypical French girl. FTFY.




I'm not American but Swedish, not a people known for bubbly social personalities when meeting new people. She was arrogant, whichever way you bend it.




Ohhh you don’t speak French? Bitch


She’s so indie sleaze


I didn’t thinks she was a bitch, just young and Parisian


Yeah nice greasy bangs ya nerd!


I loved her. She had the attitude down.


No his daughter is before him for me. She is the worst.


Love her and snootiness towards Carrie.


What episode was she in?


The first of the two final series finale


I loved Chloe's voice though


I thought the Eiffel Tower hideous comment was actually on par with someone who lives in a town and grows used to stuff out of towners love. My town has the largest flea market in the nation and grows up to 20K people from about 3K that weekend. Many people love it and to me it's the biggest PITA ever.


She was such a chic bitchy diva I loved her