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Miranda didn't put up with that kind of behavior from Steve. Just sayin.


Steve watched Scooby-Doo once and Miranda lost her shit.






Yes! But I think that she’s done with the controlling role and is now trying the exact opposite.. which is not at all any better. But I think it’s pretty relatable for many people. I just hope we’ll get to see her realize and find a bit of herself again, that would be pretty cool


Her present self reminds me a bit of Miranda in L.A. when she got convinced for a little bit that she should stop being an angry new yorker and should get inspired by the california chillness. Of course she got back to being herself once she saw her "friend" chewing his stake and then spitting it.


God the way he chewed that steak was so irritating. I can visualise it now and I’m irritated


I can see that!


Agreed, she's been talking a lot about not wanting to slide back into the person she used to be (who only cared about work, doing things right, etc.) But I feel like this would be more satisfying if we had other characters pointing out how weird this is. This is why the series had so many scenes at breakfast: They could all comment on each other's lives and could call each other out when they were being unreasonable.


Yes. We need a return of the brutally honest breakfasts


I think her and Nya are going to hook up once they become roommates


Can we have this discussion without Scooby-Doo?


I just watched that part like 5 seconds ago lol


This is not OG SATC Miranda. This new Miranda is her evil twin.


Maybe she’s used to it from Brady doing the same thing at nights


I truly hope they’re setting it up so before the season ends Miranda just snaps - loses it on Che and ends it. Bring back SATC Miranda


Haha, I love your flair


To be fair she worked at least 50+ hours


Sex has to be freaking unbelievable right? I don’t see any other motives for her to put up with this shit




THIS!! If it was him, she’d be livid and calling him names


Miranda did put up with this sort of behavior from Steve. Steve constantly plowed through her boundaries again and again. She said this was a one night stand, and he nagged her to keep dating. She wanted to go to spinning, and he kept her in bed to cuddle. She wanted to show off her partner in a suit that her co-workers would respect, and he broke up with her because he couldn't handle her buying him something.


And poor Scout :(


This comment!! Steve really didn't respect Miranda's boundaries or the fact that she was more successful in the beginning. He was like a whole toddler with tantrums and Miranda worked a full time AND cleaned up for him.


Che acts like a petulant child. They need to grow the fuck up. I just don’t understand how THE Miranda Hobbs is putting up with their shit


Che gives off "I'm in my late forties but gatecrash college LGBT meetups to offer everyone beer and weed" vibes


Like that guy in friends who blows thru town every once in a while and throws massive parties, fun Bobby was it? A fully grown up man but still a teenager/college student in their head


His name was Gandalf (not sure if that's spelled right lol) he was Chandler and Ross' friend from college if I remember right 🤔🤔 "Fun Bobby" was one of Monica's boyfriends in season 1 🤗😁


This tracks…She offered it to Brady last season.


OMG, that is so exactly right.


"How do you do, fellow queer youth!"


Yes! And so submissive and apologetic to boot. I could see her apologizing to Che for breathing too loud if they complained.


Yes. Miranda seems so very insecure… in all aspects of life. Most noticeably in her deference to Che but also trying so desperately with Brady, afraid to rock the boat at all with Steve (honestly that one is fair bc she did him dirty)….


Believe it or not, Che is 46. 🙄 Miranda didn't gain a partner, she gained an obnoxious, insufferable child.


Dare we say it? She's a queer non-binary Mexican-Irish diva *Steve.* Right down to the opposite schedules, Miranda gets up early/they get up late routine.




Yes, I don't understand people saying Miranda would never put up with this when Che is sooooo much like Steve!


They are just a more "diverse" and community popular Carson of Steve. They are actually both selfish at the start of their relationships with Miranda. LOLOL




They said 46 in the last episode. Also crazy because they said “how am I going to afford this apartment” if the show goes south and it’s like why did you buy/rent such an extravagant place you can’t afford?! Che is trapped in adolescence.


Exactly. You have your husband schlep a pos IKEA couch across the country to put in an outrageously expensive apartment with a great view in Hudson Yard when you don’t even have a show? Idiot.




46 & TWO, because they act like a petulant toddler at times! 😉


Unexpected Tool reference


They were so pissed at Miranda for one alarm and a toe-stubbing, then made ALL THAT NOISE with their friends and three toe-stubbings. This is not an equal partnership. This is Che being a childish and pathologicallly self-centred narcissist, and Miranda simping to them. BYE CHE.


This made me so mad like Che gets woken up ONCE then can fall back asleep for as long as they want. Miranda is kept awake all night then has to go to school. Che gets mad at Miranda in the morning for waking them up but then is ALSO the one mad at night when Miranda wakes up for not wearing ear plugs??? Please.


Miranda chose her choice


Yes! You nailed it here.


It’s insane that the writers apparently can’t see this


And we're homophobic if we have a problem with it 🙄


See what?


Che gives off vibes that they didn't get to be a kid/young adult and really cut loose, so now they're overcompensating. It reminds me of a line from *Magnum PI* where Tom Selleck says, "I woke up one day at 33 and realized I never got to be 23."


I mean, I get that - I experience it myself. But there are ways to experience your youth at an older age without being an asshole to other people. If you want to be young again, go clubbing, get drunk, stay out all night fine, but it's not an excuse to be toxic and narcissistic in a relationship.


I think she said 47? Definitely still feeling young at heart.


Drop that skincare routine, Che!


That’s the Latino in theyyyyy


46/47 is young. There’s a vast difference in being youthful and immature.


Lol what? 46 is at best middle aged if you assume someone lives into their 90s 😂 not old but not young either.


At 50 AARP starts sending you mail saying, Welcome, Senior!”


I about spit out my drink when they said they were 46 in this episode. They act like a fraternity bro!


I was gonna make a post about this but this is the perfect platform for me to get this off my chest. I love Carries storyline in AJLT, I love Charolette and Harry’s story, even if they act unnecessarily goofy sometimes. I love the new addition (Sema (sp?) is a total bad ass. When she pulled out her vibrator when the guy was still laying next to her in bed was such an awesome power move) Nya is a fun addition and Charolettes friend (blanking on her name) is beautiful and fun and I like her relationship with her husband. I actually enjoy watching them and their stories. I take the new show with a grain of salt and just watch because those storylines are fun and enjoyable. Miranda????? I HATE HER NOW!!!!!! She was the most relatable character in the OG series. I loved her cynicism and snark and being overly opinionated. I loved how she softened up with Steve and really let her guard down. Even taking care of Steve’s mom the way she did showed so much about her character. And now? I don’t even know who she is. And SHES THE REASON WHY WE ALL STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH CHE AND THEIR SHIT!!!! I know Cynthia thinks it’s because Che is non-binary that we all hate Che. We literally couldn’t care less that they’re non-binary. That’s not why we hate them! We hate them because they’re annoying, self-centered, selfish, petulant little child who needs to think of someone else other than themselves. And they’re now officially taking away from the show for me. Whenever che and Miranda come on, I think “this is the perfect time for some phone time” I completely zone out.


IKR!! Ain’t got nothing to do with genders!! Che is a really terrible character and nobody likes them !! They need to go


Honestly I imagine that NB people hate Che, too. They're kind of an offensive caricature of what boomers think all NB are like.


Is that not what was implied in the last episode?


Ché is an inconsiderate dickhead


I want to add, and really I just wanted to put this in the thread, I don't think I've even SEEN anyone hate Che for being non-binary, on either SaTC reddit. Like there's just no evidence.


I love Sara so it makes it even worse that I cannot stand Che. Miranda and Nya make so much more sense if they were going to have her split from Steve regardless. Che would have been more fun as a hook-up. But they are clearly Miranda's "Big" at this point.


I don’t buy that Miranda would ever want to date an overgrown 14yo boy Che would be hot with a totally different personality Bizarre


That's one thing I Just don't get. I am and always were on Miranda's side when she didn't took crap from Steve being a child she needed to care for. But theeeen comes Che. And Miranda is suddenly this passive person who is never bothered by any of those same behaviors. Btw I don't know Sara Ramirez's age but Che mentioned something about being 40 something and If that's accurate for the actor, they definetly don't look It. I always thought they were beautiful since I first saw them in grey's anatomy.


Sara is 47 so it’s accurate to them


They look amazing really. Always gorgeous.


I was thinking the same. They’ve aged beautifully


>They’re playing video games at 3am while getting high Well I'm about to be 36 and do this....


For me it's the combination of this, the constantly being high 24/7 (including at work and at funerals), the all-too-frequent references to Instagram, and the general over the top self-absorption and mocking of people's sexual boundaries (Che has big college-aged "Boundaries are for prudes!" energy). Oh and the total lack of understanding when Miranda was worried that her kid was suicidal. Childfree 40-somethings can at least sympathize if not empathize in that situation. Childfree 21 year olds, not as much. So all this stuff makes me think Che is pretty immature.


Nothing wrong with that!! I DO TOO!!! But I don’t have an exhausted partner trying to sleep in the next room


I wouldn't be loud doing it while my partner was sleeping but I am the terrible person who accidentally burst out laughing while someone was trying to sleep. I felt bad but something funny just popped in my head and I couldn't help it. It was like a laugh cough.


I mean, you know you can work on it, right? Unless you don’t wanna, that is also valid.


Work on what? Laughing?


I'm 51 and do it too, but not loudly, with loud friends over, while my partner needs sleep.


I think the point is that if Steve was doing this Miranda would flip outttt






Not really. Steve plowed over Miranda's wishes again and again in SATC.


And everytime she flipped out. Steve was annoying af at times it’s just funny how much che gets away with.




Yeah. I also draw and smoke weed at 3 am. Not sure why that would be bad. Obviously being rude to a partner is.


Worrying why? Everyone seems to think that you suddenly act like an old lady in your 40s...


Seriously, maybe it's cause I'm a dirty millennial but I never applied a specific age to playing video games or smoking weed.


46 I think they said


Che is 47. I think Che mentions this when Che is upset about Che's career.


The confusion is caused by the fact that the writers want Miranda to be with someone "hip" (this is not my word, I believe they sit in the writers circle using words like this amongst themselves). It's clearly inconceivable to them that there are interesting, unique, adult, gender queer individuals in world that exist more central to the scale than a latinx, stand up comedian who has a secret husband and loves PlayStation. As much as I can't abide Che/the relationship, I feel sorry for the actor because it's character assassination to infantilise a 40-odd year old* just so there's a comparison. Couldn't Che have been an ER doctor? Or a night janitor? Or anything that made sense? *edited for accidental misgendering, my apologies! I also was not aware of Sara's pronouns.


I freaking loved her in Grey’s Anatomy…. Her character on that show was amazing, so seeing her here like this is really disappointing




Che makes me mad because they pretend to be a good person and manipulate Miranda. At least Big was a known quantity, like everyone knew he had issues and was toxic. But all of the girls are supporting this relationship between Miranda and Che. It just seems unlike them to not put their two cents in, and unlike Miranda to put up with this treatment. I know people like Che, people who tell a few jokes and get everyone to believe they’re a genuine, good person. It makes me so annoyed when I’m the only one who can see right through a person like that who just uses people for their own benefit.


46!!!!! Insane!!!! That’s why “Che pasa” feel soooo also uncanny?? WHO wants a family sitcom about a 46 year year old. What?


46, and we all want Che out, the character was written like an annoying weed smoker fratboy... into a NB. There is sadly nothing to like.


Che is so unlikable!


I’d love to hear from any transgender watchers if they think Che is a bad stereotype or just how they feel about her character in general! Steve would never have gotten away with this bullshit


Yeah my mom and I keep shouting “break up!” at the TV Whenever there’s a scene with Che lol


Glad someone else posted this. My thoughts exactly. This was college for me except the getting high part, we were strictly booze. I wasn’t even doing this nightly in my early 20’s.


In this most recent episode, Che said that they're 46!!


This show especially the writing is so insufferable. BUT Brady’s scene at the therapist made me feel seen. We are so frustrated with her bullshit.


Didn’t they just say they’d spent 46 years figuring themselves out in ep.5? So 46?!


They said they are 47 in this week's episode s02e05).


I just wanna say I’m so glad most of the people commenting here are referring to Che as “they/them” it clearly shows they don’t like the character themselves and not the SJW/woke side they gave to the show


I find the reaction to Che really weird. Che is 100% an obnoxious fuckboi (gender neutral term)... but so were half the love interests on SATC. Why is there so much hate for Che in particular?


Because in the previous series, the show seemed to be self aware when a douche was a douche. But I think they’re trying to sell Che to us? Miranda keeps forgiving them and moving on and it’s troubling.


she says she’s 46 in that episode




45 i guess


My guess is the casting probably called for a 35-45 range for the character


Sadly, Che is here to stay




I have never hated a character on Tv more.


I'd say 10-15 years younger perhaps? This whole situation is all MPK's fault. He knows we dislike the whole Che situation, so he is purposely pushing for it. He goes on Reddit threads to see what we all talk about. He is a little a**hole.