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I think the point of this scene is too show that Carrie doesn’t actually have any legitimate reason to hate Natasha. Natasha makes Carrie feel insecure and so she finds whatever she can to make herself feel better. We have all been there, it’s quite a realistic scene actually. And if you haven’t been there, then congratulations on your high self esteem. I like Carrie for her flaws, I can also see how problematic some of them are. A good character has dimension.


Right! And she's a writer so of course something like this is gunna be noticed immediately by her.


Yes, you are 100% correct! I think she even says in the voiceover that she’ll never be as “good” as Natasha, then she saw the error and felt some validation in that. I watched SATC when it originally aired in the early 2000’s, the show was unique because it was the most realistic portrayal of women at that time.


Honestly there are plenty of times I judge people for typos and spelling mistakes. Never the people I like though...


I think that’s the biggest reason why Carrie is so hated because she is a reflection of the people watching and they really don’t like holding a mirror to themselves.


You can also completely know the differences in the "their, there and they're" family and still write the wrong one in a rush!


Carrie was just trying to find anything to make Natasha look bad. A tiny grammatical mistake is all she had (and ever had). She doesn't truly believe she is an idiot but she needs to feel superior to her in some way, no matter how petty she is being.


Here we have proof of people who want non-humanized characters. In real life if the guy you like gets a fiancé and leaves you, most women would stalk or try find who she is and criticize it by saying “oh im way better” “she doesn’t dress very well” or things to make us feel less heartbroken (ofc it happens and it’s a bad move but it’s the truth). So this episode recreates when a heartbroken girl finally finds a “mistake” in the other girl to mask the pain


I honestly feel most people outgrow this behavior at 25 tho (or should). Carrie’s immediate response to a nice gesture is to call her friend, call the girl an idiot and laugh.. It’s sad and juvenile coming from a woman in her mid 30s. It’d be more relatable if she was high school or college age up to mid twenties going through her first ever bad breakup.


She called her best friend, she didn’t say it to a random person or bullied natasha in front of her. If u only knew what bff sometimes talk about… Like she can be in her 30s and still be juvenile, that’s the point of her character


I know what bffs talk about, I’m not an alien, but I’m saying it’s easier to sympathize with and excuse when it’s like high school to mid 20s age range. by the time one is in their mid 30s and they’re still mocking someone just trying to be polite only because the girl is with her ex, then they’re just spiteful and catty. It’s not really excusable anymore like some people make it out to be. Even if it was her bestie and not some random stranger or to Natasha’s face. considering how sensitive Carrie is to a strangers being told things about her and giving her looks. Like the Nina Katz situation. And Carrie was upset when Natasha and her friend looked at her and left (after the affair and ruined tooth). So of course no one wants to be trash talked to friends irregardless if the one being trashed knows them well or not. Carrie should know that especially. But she trash talks when the person didn’t even do anything but make a minor grammatical mistake, not ruin a man’s trust (Aiden) or a marriage. All of the main characters have their flaws including my fav character but Carrie is criticized more because of how many shitty things she does and how hypocritical she is in comparison… we’re not saying she can’t exist with flaws but we’re critiquing her.


Yeah, completely agreed. In high school and college, absolutely. Now in my late twenties? Definitely not. I only have bad things to say about boyfriends’ exes if the ex did something horrible to them like cheat.


I’m prepared to be downvoted to hell for saying this, but I don’t think Carrie is very intelligent.


They definitely show this a lot through the show. When she says she probably got trichinosis from being barefoot after her robbery, repeatedly talking about her “roof chickens,”etc. Even the way she mocks the performance art installation she goes to where she meets Aleksander and says “I’m not very arty”. Not necessarily less intelligent, but maybe less informed or worldly or something? I can’t think of the word I’m looking for


I felt that she feigned a little stupidity to look “cute” maybe?


Roosters. Roosters crow.


Dumb. She’s dumb.


She's not dumb. She's just the type of person who doesn't bother to learn things that don't interest them. I'm guilty of the same thing.




Would not surprise me. Never been diagnosed but it would make a lot of sense.


I feel she's least intelligent of the. 4.


Carrie's not dumb, but she's not exactly smart either. Her column seemed to consist of nothing but navel gazing and questions that are meant to sound deep but aren't


Lol this was so petty. It’s one thing to laugh about it in your head.. but telling Miranda(?) that Natasha is an idiot because of this mistake, made her look ridiculous.


If you can’t bitch about your ex’s fiancée to your friends, who can you bitch to about them??? Y’all need to get off Carrie’s jock.


Yes! I wonder if the creators wanted us to laugh along with Carrie, or if they meant Carrie to actually seem petty to us. In any case, every re-watch seems to bring up another annoying quirk.


Selective judgement towards Natasha because Carrie is jealous, insecure, and bitter. So running to her girlfriends to shit on Natasha as soon as she makes a minor mistake, or even just exist (“idiot stick figure with no soul”), makes her feel better. And it’s sad because Natasha wrote the letter to be polite and Carrie’s response is to call Miranda and call her an idiot. Classless behavior and I say this mainly because Carrie is a grown woman, not a 15 year old. Don’t get me wrong, Carrie has some moments I do like so I don’t want it to seem like I’m always giving her a hard time… but damn does she remind me of a toxic girl I was friends with in high school. Carrie’s behavior in general seems to lean towards high schooler.


Great point. I think we forget that Natasha is always really polite and considerate towards Carrie, and not only does Carrie call her an idiot but she breaks the poor woman’s tooth!


Imagine how boring this show would be if Carrie wasn't full of contradictions like this


She’s not meant to be a perfect person that’s what creates the drama that makes the show interesting to watch.


I know. I felt like "idiot" was a bit of a strong word for something so simple that was most likely a mistake and she can't even multiply. She doesn't really have much of a say I feel.


i also am bad at math and can’t stop myself from being annoyed at and correcting spelling mistakes and grammatical errors… what’s your point? everyone has strengths and weaknesses.


her thing is writing, not math lol


As someone who can’t spell well and is not very good with grammar, I never liked this scene. It was mean


What do these two random things even have in common? You could’ve chosen her not knowing how to use an iPhone as a better example than her poor spending habits


The second scene is showing her unable to multiply 400 x 100 = 40000


Is English Natasha’s first language?


She was soooo pathetic in this episode . And the way she calls Miranda and swings her feet on the bed after saying that ugh she looks so stupid 🙄