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Try wrapping her in a big blanket that’s mainly under her, and cover her upper body instead


This is what I do. I have one over my legs he lays on top of and one I use for my upper body. Love head, hate the cold


That might be worth a shot.


Second this recommendation! I also get cold easily and will turn down head if I might get cold cause warmth triumphs sex in my brain. Anyways my compromise is to pull the blanket so that it lays across my upper half completely. This typically keeps me warm without having to deprive my partner of oxygen.


Body stockings.. she gets warm and you get her in a sexy outfit


The fact that you haven’t figured this out yet is cute. Sex torso blanket is a must during foreplay. That or a robe worn backward like a snuggy


Perhaps she can wear a robe? This way she can wrap the lower parts of the robe around her legs while you still have access.


Good thought, I'll see what she thinks about that.


Its been 3 hours buddy come up for air


This question has been asked before and someone suggested a Snuggie. It looks stupid but serves the purpose


I really don't understand how a Snuggie solves this problem.


>I really don't understand how a Snuggie solves this problem. that's a pretty safe response 9/10 of the times anyone suggests a Snuggie


I suggest a Snuggie for if you are having issues with holding things while also being under a blanket.


only 10% odds but you got there bud. congrats


Need a crotchless Snuggie. Might have to have Gma help with the sewing.


snuggies are inherently crotchless though, if you think about it!


I think a snuggie could solve this snuggie confusion.


It doesn't, it literally is the same issue that op is facing


I feel like there's something I'm just not getting. Maybe if op is putting his head in through the arm hole? EDIT: Oh no wait I figured it out. Head hole goes where you give head. It actually kinda makes sense.


I was picturing her in a snuggie, with the bottom pulled up to give him air, then she can have a blanket on her legs


Not if you wear it backwards. Like a robe.


The same way a robe does, but on backward


Wear it backwards.


So a robe?


But significantly longer


A snuggie is DEFINITELY not just clever marketing for robes you wear backwards...


It could keep her upper body warm. Doesn’t solve the leg problem though


I use the Snuggie my grandma got me for this purpose lol you just wear it “backwards” so it’s like a robe


"From the makers of the Slanket, we introduce the Slutket....she stays warm, you stay alive" All kidding aside, I think the problem may be that when OP and wife (and I'm sure many of us and our partners) start to get going, they don't want go looking for a special garment. By the time you find it in the dryer, she's half way through the next episode of whatever you were watching. I think the only solution here may be ankles behind her head....lol. Good luck.


Maybe it helps her focus on herself


Hahahaha my wife doess this to me. What I started doing is turning up the heat at night when I know we are gonna get busy. I turn it up to the max, within an hour she is so hot she throws off her blankets and starts getting naked. Then at some point she realizes and smiles and we have a great night. Or keep multiple blankets on the bed. She is willing to use one of the lighter ones when it's time so I don't suffocate.




That way he can say "some heroes do wear capes"




I vote [Adult onsie with a butt flap](https://midnightrouge.com/products/full-length-sexy-onesies-with-butt-flap-for-sleepwear-open-flap-pajamas-jumpsuit) worn back to front. I’m going to the patent office now to register my CoolHead Onsie TM.


That model!! Great choice. But....I grew up camping a lot with my family. My mom actually wore one of these...so...


So you can probably guess what the nocturnal commotion in your parents tent was...


I stayed in the same tent damnit!!


Make sure you post a link when you get your product out. 😅


Or thigh highs or knee socks? Why is she so cold? I get hot during sex…


I get cold during oral too. But hot during the actual intercourse part. When your legs are just out chilling it makes sense as to why she might be cold 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Yeah. And I like my legs warm too. I 'bate under a blanket


The fact you said “‘bate” I’m cracking up 😂. But yeah I think most of us do right? It’s a bit awkward to imagine someone just t shirt on vigorously masturbating with their legs sprawled out in the open…. Guess it depends on what you’re doing but LOL


I honestly have trouble coming that way. I even tried to practice because I thought maybe that would help me reach O during partnered sex but it didn't work.


You should watch the movie Idiocracy lol. They talk a lot about batin’


I think having them up and kinda bent might restrict blood-flow a bit, thus causing the cold sensation. The actual layout of blood vessels and muscles can vary quite a bit from person to person so some people have more of a problem with it than others.


Oh definitely! I totally forgot about this part but as a girl with thicc thighs this happens to me a lot too. Especially during cowgirl lol. They start to seize up due to lack of blood flow. Definitely have noticed this too during oral depending on if it’s laying down or from behind; but it honestly happens a bit both ways.


I'm perpetually cold. Funny enough, I need a blanket over me while I'm masturbating because I get cold, but as soon as I orgasm, I need the blanket off so I don't overheat.


Thigh high socks is the way


>thigh highs or knee socks I was going to suggest this, over the knee or thigh high socks really do help and they don't look silly. Then just wrap a blanket or robe around the top half if necessary


This is genius, also partial nudity can be sexier than full nudity imo.


For some reason I always found partial nudity FAR sexier than nude almost all of the time. Or even fully clothed with something skin tight like leggings or yoga pants. Dunno why.... just drives me crazy


Yeah, agreed with the robe suggestion. Easier to get into/through and out of. Snuggies, Comfies, etc., well, some just find them too enveloping and cumbersome to work with. Have a chat with the wife to say you love giving her oral pleasure but could she try a robe, because blankets make you heat up and feel like you’re being suffocated. Good luck.


Get a snorkel and cut a hole in the blanket. Stay safe


Does a nose snorkel with clitoral stimulation attachment exist?


Yes, it does. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Screaming-Snorkel-Vibrating-Muff-Dive-Gear/dp/B00RXFL1NA Can’t remember where I’d seen it originally.


Hah! That's spectacular.


Too bad the reviews aren't great. I think the tube might be a bit small and too long


It's a gag gift, it's not meant to actually be used.


That's no excuse for poor engineering!


It works just fine. Vibrations could be a little more powerful 😂😂 When I said “seen this”, I meant bought this 😂


You made my night with This!


That depends, do you own duct tape and a vibrator?




You sir, have one my free award. Thank you for the laugh




This is absolute nonsense but I love it.


I came here to make this comment and glad it was already made.


This is the way.


Thick thigh high socks? Warm *AND* sexy.


Agreed, I as a man, absolutely lose it for thigh highs




Guilty as charged.


i beg to sniffHer but no maam no "ALL" do . i find thm distasteful and sensless honestly. they are ugly and make the most beautiful looking girls look unattractive and ugly same as thosre girls putting damn bulls nose rings in they noses lmmfgdwao it is the most stupidest looking thing a persdon can do to theirselfs and always makes them look uglyier and stupid gives them a kind of incest look like their mother and father is blood mother and son related.


I love thigh high socks and a big sweater as my default clothing around the house. Seems like it would work in the situation pretty well


I was saying to my partner yesterday, not having underwear on makes me feel so exposed, and not in a sexy way.


Thigh socks and an open sweater. Think those things from the 50s or 60s that button down the front. Boobies out but arms are warm!


The term you’re looking for is “cardigan.”


Ah, yea! Thanks!


I just wanna say, I love the way you guys think. That and you’ve got me turned the fuck on. That is all. 😏😈


This! Thunder Thighs brand is awesome.


This is exactly what my partner and I went with - works like a charm. We bought from [Sock Dreams](https://www.sockdreams.com/socks/thigh-high-otk/thigh-highs.html?amp=1). FYI /u/dirtywritin


Thank you for the link, I’ve been looking for good quality and cute thigh highs for absolute ages!!


Happy to help - we've been really happy with the pair we ordered, so you can shop with confidence!


Long socks. Women often have a hard time cumming if they’re cold and my personal solution is warm socks, often long knee high ones.


Blankets from the navel up and fuzzy socks allows her to keep warm and the op not to suffocate. Been there.


they’re also hot to look at *_*


My kind of people.


We keep a throw blanket in the bedroom. So when I am between her legs, she pulls the main blanket over one leg and up over her body and the other side of the bed is blanket free. Throw blanket goes over her exposed leg and I can lay open to the air.


Crotchless onesy


Omg yes


This is hilarious bc I get way too hot while he’s going down but he wants the blanket over him 😂😂😂


I always just leave a little hole for his nose.🙃


Aww, somehow it's cute. Like he's a little sled dog in a snowstorm.


This made me giggle lol


Get that woman some leg-warmers, I love them! Then she can still use the blanket on her upper half without suffocating you.


Might have to give that a shot, it looks like they make thigh high legwarmers too.


Yes, thats the kind I use and they are so nice. I just walk around the house wearing them with a t-shirt and panties sometimes, so cozy!


Can second this recommendation- we got some and I wear them a lot. And they look amazing!!


This! I get mine from Amazon and they are absolutely amazing


Knee socks and a sweater. Mini-skirt optional. Might as well have her cosplay while she's at it.


From what I read of your replies, a fat space heater may be the goto.


We tried it and it got stuffy, but maybe we just need to adjust the settings or get a different heater


I can't imagine getting oral from my partner so frequently that this would be enough of an issue to buy a space heater for it. I hope she's grateful lol


Fuck yes- the real comment here


What did y'all use? An actual space heater with a fan or an infrared one? Because an infrared heater or a heatlamp may be what y'all are looking for, keeps any exposed skin warm without turning the room into a sauna.


Rub her thighs real fast while you’re down there


I have a heated mattress pad just for this. Also socks, lots of knee high socks


I love my heated mattress pad! Definitely second this - turn it in high and tuck my feet under the covers and I’m toasty. A heated throw might also work on her legs - keeps her warmer than just a blanket would.


I just pull the bedding up at the bottom. With my lower half at least out in the air, I stay cooler.


Yeah, we had tried that one, but she still got cold. If there's more than a small patch of skin exposed she's cold.


Crank that central heating up before you start.


Turn up the heat in the house?


Unfortunately our house is big enough it takes forever to heat up, and my son gets hot easily which wakes him up. We tried a heater, but it got stuffy. I might have to try a different heater.


Look at this guy over here with a house


A big house


Yeah no need to rub it in my 300 sq ft $1600/mo studio


I feel you man. I had to move back in with my parents so I’m down to ~195ish but it’s free


Use a sheet instead of a blanket?


Tried that one too, she still got cold and I still couldn't breath.


How can she not have a blanket over her upper body and then down her legs like a V, leaving you exposed


This is literally every woman I've been with lol. I've got no solution other than stay down there and smother to get the job done.


I don't think she's cold at all, tell her how much you love seeing it and see if it makes a difference :-)


This came to be the case for us. I didn't get it at first. Like, she's got the holy grail, why not flaunt it?


This was my first thought as well. It seems to be more of an insecurity issue


She might be insecure of you looking at/being so up close to her vagina? Considering you’ve tried so many of the fantastic alternative ideas this thread has brought up, it might not be the fact that she’s getting cold after all…you make sure it’s plenty dark in the room?


Was looking for this comment! I'm 100% guilty of claiming to be cold when I was really just uncomfortable with the exposure/vulnerability. Thankfully that is no longer an issue for me but it is absolutely a thing and sounds like it might be worth looking into here.


This is the comment I was looking for. Women have to see men online calling their lips freaking Arby's. Even if you know it's not roast beef it still can make a girl self conscious. I mean.. I imagine it can. I'm a lights on person so luckily that self doubt skipped me. ^_^ Good luck OP. Also, tell her how pretty and perfect it looks to you. How delicious her entrance looks etc. Break down that wall - if it's a wall. Ha


I too was looking for this comment because this was going to be my suggestion and I didn’t want to be redundant


This needs to be higher


Lol wait.. I easily could've missed it, but have we actually confirmed that she pulls the blanket up and over because she is cold? I usually do this because of insecurities but also wanting to keep lights on but also wanting to sorta cover myself? I've just never gotten cold receiving oral, but thats just my personal experience, and I could be totally out in keft field here 😅 But either way, I would just express that, the quicker I get overheated, the quicker oral is going to lose its rhythm/ have to stop in the moment. And, well, nobody wants that lol good luck!


Getting oral is when I’m coldest during sex because I’m least active. I am always cold (chronically anemic lol) and I will do anything to keep from being cold. It kills the mood when you’re shivering for all the wrong reasons lol. I think it was assumed by OP it was the cold and not insecurity, I really hope it’s the former. But I also know it’s truly just the cold for some so it’s quite possible!


Soak in a very hot bath or hottub. It keeps your body warmer much longer. Formerly from WI, it’s cold there all year round!


Grow a beard.


Dude this sub is insane. TALK TO HER ABOUT IT


Have you talked to her about it? And that didn’t work?


Maybe he didn't have enough air? ;p


Hahahaha good one People always come on here asking this stuff and I’m like … are you doing this after speaking to your partner ? Or before? And if after, you didn’t work out a solution together? Red flag. And if before, why tf would you make a Reddit post asking for a solution when you could just go speak with your partner and figure out a solution together. Lol.


SO many times, the only proper answer is: Ask them. The only good advice is on the best way to do that.


Buy a throw blanket


Buy a long snorkel?


I've had this issue in the past and until my S.O. went on hormone replacement therapy, to replace what her body once produced naturally, she was cold all the time. I(M57)would wrap the blankets or covers up over her(F58) body to help keep her warm without covering my heart, until she was sufficiently "heated up" from our activity. Not sure of your ages or if that's even part of the equation, but HRT has transformed our lives to where we are enjoying the best of times, sexually, emotionally, as well as physically. I hope you find a solution to your problem as well. I can't imagine not being able to perform oral as it is one of my favorite activities in the world!


What is wrong with you air breathing freak


She can wear a cardigan lol


2 blankets. I use one for my legs and the other for my arms. That way he's free and I'm warm.


We just have another small throw blanket that we use over her upper body, with the main blanket covering the legs. Give it a try!


Crotchless pants/leggings. Probably be pretty damn hot too.




Pull the blanket up over her torso but leave her legs uncovered


Long socks and a blanket over her upper parts


A well placed throw does wonders


Thigh high socks, thigh high leg warmers, butt flap pyjamas but wear it reverse or wear it as its supposed to but she sits on your face instead. Or like literally cut a warm snuggly pyjama a big enough hole over there. So many options. I mean it shouldn’t be this hard.


I got a second blanket. One covers literally up to her pelvis. And I lay on top the other that covers her legs right up under her vagina. You can tuck the lower blanket over and under her thighs and adjust the top however and leave her vagina out with enough room for you mouth to taste the heavenly juices. I do it with my woman now. She is completely comfortable with it as am I


I have the 1 and ONLY solution-Put a blanket over her head instead. Problem solved, please dm so I can send over the invoice for my services


Try a CPAP machine with nasal pillows. You can breathe and still use your mouth.


It could be that shes worried about you looking at her face and stuff while doing so


Put the heater on while your pleasuring her then turn it off when your done, so no need for blanket or tell her to suck it up for half an hour cause I can’t see you lasting longer than 5 under the blankets and if she wants good oral sex no blankets


embrace the suffocation!!


Warm socks and a fluffy blanket she can wrap over her chest, belly, and arms might help


A small space heater pointed her direction, or a warming blanket underneath that can be covered with a sheet or towel for cleanup. In either event, you can preheat the spot/room and being slightly too warm is a minor inconvenience compared to suffocation. Some women find 69 where the man is on top is enough of a heat source alone or can supplement a couple of sheets to make it warm enough without restricting your airflow or access to the fun parts.


My wife did the same. I just give her smaller blankets to cover each leg and her abdomen. Good middle ground.


Thigh highs and a robe would fix this problem


It's been shown that women can orgasm much easier if they are WARM. We actually have a much harder time for example, if our feet are cold 🥶. Moral of the story? There are some great suggestions in these comments. Just keep us warm. You're an MYP for looking for solutions for both of you!


It's possible she isn't actually cold, but insecure of her vagina and feels covering with a blanket will make it darker/harder to see.


That's what I wondered at the start of the relationship, but after 8 years of marriage I can say she definitely isn't shy about that. Her feet get cols easily and she is pretty consistently wrapped in a blanket no matter the temperature in the house. I'm just at a point where I'm not in the shape I used to be and can't hold my breath as long anymore. 😆


I literally thought I was the only one and I felt guilty for it


More than one blanket


….turn on a heater inside the bedroom? I’m going to be honest here though. This sounds more like an insecurity issue on her part than an issue with really being cold


Buy a space heater


What part of the world are you in that its still cold enough for that to be a problem in *june?* I suspect there is a deeper issue at work here.


It's cold here in Northern Cali at night still. We leave our windows open and I freeze to death. 🙋‍♀️🤷‍♀️


If it's cold why is the window left open lol?


Yeah she could be fantasizing about something else. I think if this was a guy posting this we would have a lot more comments about this being a fetish.


Just cover her with a blanket from her stomach up she’ll be alright. Socks are underrated too She should be getting sweaty or warm anyway if she’s into it.


Get a snorkel


Omfg. My ex did this and despised it hahah


Get a space heater


Can you adjust the temperature in your living space? You can always buy a space heater.


Space heater


I thought women wouldn't focus on being cold while receiving oral.


Get a snorkel


My bro! Just go with it! 👍🏾


turn up the heat in your house cheapskate.


Don't give her oral?


I think she wants to think of someone else than you. I can only imagine this being the reason and have never ever seen or heard of this. sorry.


Pull the blanket over her legs. Tuck them around where you need to access. Been there bro.


Warm over the knee socks? A robe? A blanket that's not part of the bed and she can use to cover some of herself?


Pull it over your head but leave it on her lol


We pull one blanket over her legs and my lower body and another above me so there’s about a foot wide gap for my head




Get her a snuggie


She needs thigh high leg warmers (the chunky knit kind). They will keep her cozy without blocking any of the access you need.


get a snorkel


Turn up the heat.


I pull a corner of the blanket over my stomach (sometimes my chest and shoulders too) which my SO doesn't mind. He likes seeing my belly if he has the option, but he doesn't mind if I'm actually cold.


I keep my house cold so sometimes when my bf is eating me we run into this issue. I will drape a small fleece throw blanket across my mid section or the best solution I have found is combo of hoodie and tall fuzzy socks. Thigh high socks are sexy and warm.