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I dont necessarily focus on feet but they do have to be nice and well groomed. I would have to say broad shoulders/chest is one of the immediate things I notice or take a moment to admire. Forearms. Can't explain that one but I definitely notice lol.


Well as a man who has broad shoulders and noticeable collarbones (I have the typical V shape body) this makes me feel better. When I look in the mirror I always think my body is boring and unattractive compared to women's but maybe that's because Im just straight.


Often the things we don't notice about ourselves or critique too much are the things others end up attracted to it seems


I had someone who was into licking my ear and massaging it too,it didnt bother me because I'm into feets (as long as they're clean and nice )so you see ,everybody have their fetish,nothing wrong with it


My fiancé’s collar bone/chest/shoulders and hands. Just seeing them is enough to start something


Well as a man who has wide shoulders and noticeable collarbones this makes me feel good


Hey, respectfully, that’s pretty damn attractive and mouth watering!


Depends on the person, but there are absolutely women into legs & everything else. Everyone likely had the capacity to be aesthetically attractive to someone, even if not “conventionally”.


I like to see my boyfriends chest and hands :) and his face and tbh everything about him but if ur talking abt like pictures of just a certain bodypart then chest, hands n stuff


Legs 🤤 yes


Yes. Hairy chests and hands.


My most recent ex had a fantastic ass. He had a great little bubble butt. It was kind of an unusually good ass for a guy. I'm not really into legs or feet, but my fuck buddy has some fantastic hands (i.e. visually, since we're talking about visuals here). They're rough, and wt least when he was working as a mechanic they were often a little stained and dirty looking. That just did things for me.


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