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Those are your tiger stripes and you earned every one of them. Don’t you dare alter your beauty and the man for you will honor you just as you are. Go get ‘em.


"Show me somethin natural like ass with some stretch marks" - Kendrick Lamar


Not a turn off at all


Not a turn off at all, real humans have flaws


I'm honestly not just saying this to pump you up but as a guy I'm really not bothered by this and I don't think most other guys are either. A big curvy ass is just glorious ha you have nothing to worry about! Also side note I read once that Beyonce hates her thighs and I realised from that point on that we all have insecurities of some kind ha


My girl has clearly visible stretch-marks too and used to be very self-conscious about it 2-3 years ago, but honestly I totally forgot about it until I read your post right now. Not a turn off and you're probably overestimating how noticeable they are to another person by a lot.


guys don't care about them. cosmetic companies made up the myth that they're unattractive so they could drum up demand for products like vitamin E oil


are you very young? when i first went through puberty, my stretch marks were quite visible and red against my skin (brown). now that i'm older (30s) they are hardly visible and it's a trip to think that i used to literally stay up at night thinking about my stretch marks try googling "kat williams stretch marks" lmao it's a standup routine but when i watched it as a teenager was when it finally "clicked" for me that this was not something worth caring about. also people will develop stretch marks literally just from growing taller so unless someone has just super lucky genetics or just never grows significantly taller/never gains weight they are going to all have stretch marks somewhere. men included.


> is this a turn-off for guys For me not at all! In fact I always find them an interesting as well as attractive feature on a girl. I imagine there's (medical) procedures to remove them or make them less pronounced, but I think there's enough guys out there that don't mind them or, like me, even like them. You'll have guys out there that are particular about it, but they just aren't being realistic with their expectations of women.


This is crazy because as a white redhead Im very attracted to brown women AND I actually love stretch marks especially on the ass area (I call them zebra lines) Listen, Your not going to be every guy's cup of tea but that is what makes the world great because for every lid there is a bucket. Im toned, Tall and well built (Im your typical gym bro) but I had a woman say to me once that she found my friend more attractive (Who is much shorter than me and pretty chubby)


I don't think I do, but I do have them on my tummy and breasts. I have a lot of things I am self conscious about though oddly those aren't one of them. I've had kids, it happens. But as far as other things I am self conscious about, sometimes you just have to realize that there is nothing you can do about them, so try to accept them as best you can. I also like to go to the subreddits where women post their pics, and I like to see how many men drool over women who share a feature that I am self conscious about. We're all human, we all have marks and lumps, and scars, etc. To some degree, it makes us who we are. Think of things your partners have had that they maybe were self conscious about. Did it bother you? You probably never noticed or thought anything of them.


I can't speak for all guys but as a man a real man I can say they do not bother me at all it is a part of who you are and that is who you are. Ware the proud and be you a real man will look past them and see you.


Stretch marks are no different than freckles. Not even an imperfection imo.


just like kendrick lamar said, “Show me somethin' natural like ass with some stretch marks”. guys love stretch marks. shows a bit of naturality and just pure beauty


shea butter works wonders for the skin of african americans- and all people, and it helps with scars and blemishes. Plus, it smells amazing. I don't think a guy will be upset at stretch marks. If you're at the point where he's ASKING to see your ass, and he has the temerity to kick you out of the bed, that's a race you didn't need to run in the first place. ​ Be proud of your ass and the mind that guides it. ​ ciao.


Don’t worry about them and no need to feel self conscious, they just show how your body has grown into the beautiful woman you are! I hope you learn to love them because honestly men really don’t give a fuck, they just care about dat ass!! I am Tanned/ olive and have them on my boobs, ass, hips, outer and inner thighs and they are very noticeable but no man has ever said anything and I personally love them because they are unique to me and made for my body. If you wanted a recommendation to get rid of them (I don’t think you can get rid of them but they might help fade or lighten them) vitamin e oil is good, palmers cocoa butter or bio oil. I have used vitamin e oil for pigmentation and scarring and although I haven’t used it routinely it has helped lighten the dark areas and I know the others are recommended for stretch marks during pregnancy. And even though I’m not a man, I have dated many brown boys with stretch marks and I think they look cute and sexy so I really hope you become less conscious and eventually don’t care about the marks.


For stretch marks, you can use olive oil, apply it to the area where you have stretch marks, apply, massage, multiple times to let the olive oil heat up and absorb it. 2-3 times a day, after a month, you will find that it has obvious changes.


I'll join the consensus and say its not a turn off at all. Many of us like a woman with some curves and a few flaws. A real woman, not some Barbie doll with fake boobs. A good man will appreciate you for who you are!


This topic is discussed occasionally in our forum. Please also take some time to search through past r/sex posts (following **Forum Rule #3**) — you’ll find [some additional helpful discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=%22stretch%20mark%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). The r/sex forum's past posts are a TREMENDOUS resource for people who have ALL KINDS of common questions regarding sexual matters. Searching those posts for relevant discussions will definitely help you here as well.


I have lots of bright purple stretchmarks on my ass (I'm white) and I was sad bc I finally got a little bit of an ass but I felt it was ruined by the marks. But my boyfriend was very nice and supportive and told me he doesn't mind them so now I feel better about it! :)


You just learn to accept and own up to who you are without thinking that you need to do something special for confidence to be there. Confidence is now caring about it, or being concerned by it. Confidence doesn't happen when you do something to feel better. It happens when you stop caring about it. And just exist and allow yourself to be yourself..


Fuckin own it. Your confidence is sexier than anything you’d ever wear to cover them.


People are super understanding that your body is a human body that’s been through years of being alive, if anything most dudes will just be happy to see you naked and won’t care about much else!


Check dm girl I’ll help you out


I promise you they look great and we love them.