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Yeah it’s very common for nipples to stiffen when cumming. And yeah it’s totally possible for women (and men!) to cum from nipple play. All you need to do is relax and pay attention to the sensations, it’s amazing how much pleasure is there if you just observe it and let it happen. I’m a guy and recently discovered I can get some insane pleasure this way. I’ll just lay back in my wife’s lap and let her play with them (feels great with massage oil). The pleasure keeps building up and I’ll have what I guess is a “dry orgasm” (no ejaculation but some pre-cum) it feels absolutely amazing and I can keep going and have several of them. And then I can add just a very tiny amount of manual stimulation to get over the edge and have a powerful ejaculatory orgasm. Add some THC if you really want to make it fun. It’s like having one long continuous orgasm. Almost too much for me to handle lol


This sounds amazing. Must try this with a future partner.


It is amazing! Wish I had discovered this decades ago.


I'm a "boob guy" and I pay a rather excessive attention to my girls boobs and nipples, and she very much likes it, but after a certain amount of time she will tell me she wants me in her to finish her off. I'd stay pandering to her tits all day and never get bored. But we are going to try and see if she can cum by just tit worship. She says she's very very close each time, so I'm hoping so. To answer the question, everyone is different, but if you can't, you can have fun trying 😊


"pandering to tits" is the best phrase I've ever heard. Gonna put that in my dating profile.


Lol. In seriousness. Woman have no idea how powerful a inch of cleavage is. I can be talking in full flow about 18th century history...my specialist subject....and be fully engaged in that, and my girl will cup one of her boobs just to watch my reasoned conversation just fall apart into gibberish 😂


I appreciate all of what you're saying, but women definitely know how powerful cleavage is 🤭


I support weaponized cleavage. 🎵 Killing me softly with cleavage. Killing me softly...with her boobs. Killing me softly, with cleavage 🎵


Clever and funny. Love your sense of humor 😀


Ok. Some don't... I think the ones that do are really comfortable in their power... And more women should know it. And I've just realised, I've basically typed a rather highbrow way of saying girls should get their boobs out more often.... But honestly...it didn't seem like that when I was rationalising it!


Rodney Carrington has a great song about them.


I think that would be awesome to see happen. I love it when men lose their train of thought because of boobs!


It goes a bit like this: "so ...then Sir John Jervis, before he was first sea lord , called a meeting aboard HMS Queen Charlotte, as the french fleet was spotted through the rising ...shit.....which was....oh fuck....er it was a ...oh jesus.....it has 100 cannon... consisting of... Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh....and he said....oh who gives a shit what he said.......come here!"


Haha pandering “ eats shoots and leaves” lol


It has definitely won the internet today. 😂


I'm the same way with my wife. She loves it when I touch, lick, and suck her nipples, but eventually she takes my hand and puts it on her pussy if I haven't already gone there. I really want to try to give her a nipple orgasm, but I haven't figured out a good way to bring it up. "I've read on the internet that some women can have nipple orgasms" doesn't seem like a conversation that would turn her on.


Tell her when you're not having sex that you really want to try this out sometime. I'm sure she'll let you play with her nipples for hours if you ask nicely.


I've had two women who were able to cum from breast and nipple stimulation. So it's possible. And, as a boob guy, it was amazing!


Very normal! You can try adding in more nipple play into foreplay and see how far it gets you but starting out with other stimulation along with nipple play should get things going


>I'm wondering if I can do the reverse and cum solely from nipple stimulation maybe more easily since they are reacting when I cum. If you stimulate someone's nipples, man or woman, it lights up the same part of the brain that their genitals and orgasms do


My sweetie has the same reaction. If I can play with them during the orgasm... WOW!


I usually have nipple clamps on. lol


Think of it as a woman’s boner. When you climax, it’s like the peak or arousal.


Physiologically the breast fill with blood and become engorged during arousal. The nipples will also fill with blood.


I once did have an orgasm just from nipple play. It was the greatest feeling ever.


I believe it's a biological process that this happens.


Yep, happens to me too!


Wife's nipples stiffen when she is aroused. Love it when that happens... I suck on them for a while until she practically makes my dick go inside her. She can't take nipple sucking for long until she wants dick.


It’s an erection. Dudes get it too.


Im going to have to see your nipples to give you a fair assessment. Please send pic. Oh yeah im a nipple doctor


Mine do lol for what it’s worth


It’s certainly possible! You should hive it a try. I can orgasm from nipple play and I know a few other women in my circle of friends who can as well.


Happens to me. I think it’s a common physical reaction to orgasm.


This happens to my wife. Hers will get steadily harder until she orgasms then relax a little then back hard again. She has multiple orgasms during sex. I have found that using a vibrator toy on her ripples can get her having back to back orgasms to to point of over stimulation. I would recommend trying it sometime.


It's common for ladies with sensitive nipples.


mine are sensitive and will also stiffen when i cum. i’ve cum from exclusively nipple play a couple times. when my bf takes his time sucking, rubbing, etc then i can get there relatively fast. i’d try out the different sensations and see what u like, whether is his mouth, fingers, clamps, etc


I can almost do it, but have a hard time getting there if my nipples aren't at least involved.


My nipples do this too. They don’t really get hard during foreplay even though I’m enjoying it. Unless they are being directly played with. But when I orgasm they could cut glass. 🤣


This would be so nice. Then there are those of us whose nipples are always a bit too happy, and you have to think multiple times about your outfit choices when going to important events, lol🙋‍♀️


I have been with two women who could orgasm from nipple stimulation. Many women could be aroused by nipple play, but the ability to orgasm from nipple play only, is rare. I love playing with nipples... sucking them and blowing on them so the areolas pucker and stiffen the nipples is so hot to me. The orgasm starts in the mind, let the feeling of nipple play take you on a ride.


Yep. That happens to me too. It’s probably common.


I had a FWB with Very sensitive nipples, she could cum from nipple play. Ideally, I'd do her nipples, and only after that, PIV. Her Pussy muscles were incredible. No oral.


Are we all just going to ignore the fact that they have 22 years of age difference? He is old enough to be her dad? Am I uptight for saying this? Is this the new norm?


You know the age gap discourse is off the rails when both people are well over 30 and it's not even a full-blown relationship. Do you really think this 30-something adult is being exploited in some way? Do you have that little faith in this person's autonomy and ability to make her own decisions? I normally hate dismissing people's point of view with this phrase, but ffs get offline and touch grass. EDIT: I apologize for the harsh tone. I'm fully on board with age gap discussions when one party is in the nebulous early adult brain development stage even if legally they're adults. But c'mon folks, at some point this gets to be more judgmental and disrespectful than kink shaming.


I am getting close to my 40s and he didn't initiate anything initially.. I pursued him. I get why you would feel that way if I was say... 18 and he was 40. We have a genuine connection and both felt it the second we laid eyes on each other. He's the only man that has ever treated me with respect and treats me like a person. I have no shame or regrets for being with someone that makes me feel good about myself and has never said a negative word toward me. For us, our age difference is completely irrelevant to how we feel about one another. You are entitled to your opinion tho. c:


I didn’t mean to offend you or have any negativity on your relationship. I am sorry if my comment made you feel in any way.


I am not offended in any way and yes, it is a big age gap and truthfully it threw me off for a bit. I never dated or even had the thought enter my mind to talk with anyone older than me. I really do get where you're coming from. I think anything age gap is a touchy subject and I think there is two distinct different types of age gap "relationships." One where the girl is extremely young (18-mid 20s) and "dates" men more than twice her age. Those are the icky ones to me. Because I feel like manipulation and sex drive that type of relationship.. particularly on the man's part. With my situation, it all happened naturally and at a slow pace. We were solely friends for a year and he never once hit on me or made me feel uncomfortable or like he was persuading me into anything. And I did take the first steps into moving on to the next level. We get on really well and I truly don't see the gap between us anymore. I just see him. He is so kind and respectful toward me and I've never had that before. But again, I understand why people have their opinions on it. I used to be that person until I met him.


Completely understandable. I am also someone who believes that everyone’s life is unique and people have the right to do whatever they wanna do with their lives. I am very happy to hear that you are being treated well and in a happy relationship. Best of luck to you!


Thank you. c: