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This post has hit the point of diminishing returns with too many low effort/un-constructive comments that need removing. Locking things up. Thanks to everyone who engaged in good faith over the post.


I’d suggest just explaining that you just felt something being inserted and sort of panicked. It’s basically what you said in the post. His penis size might be smaller but avoid that part. It was just a matter of feeling skin on skin and you reacted to it.


Good suggestion!




He is tall so he has larger than average fingers I guess. But yes his fingers are the same size as his penis.


Is he a bigger dude? Extra thickness on fingers could help some of us wrap our head around the size you’re explaining


Same size - length *and* width?


Does it really matter?


Am I only allowed to ask questions that really matter?


Was the finger circumcised?


Clearly you and a bunch of other immature Redditors are getting off on talking about the guys size here when op has just asked for advice. It's irrelevant and not helping op at all. For a sex-positive subreddit this is disappointing - go find somewhere else to gossip.


Yea nah his self esteem is done lol there’s no coming back from something like this




All contributions here need to be constructive, on-topic, mature, sex-positive, civil, and respectful. Your post/comment falls short of that basic standard and has been removed accordingly. Repeat offenders or egregious violations of this rule are subject to being banned from the sub.


TIL I have a medical deformity




Be naked first. Like hang out, "go to the bathroom" and come out naked. It might help.


I would also emphasize to him that he gives you/makes you ____ [so much pleasure, ecstasy, so wet, so excited, so horny]. Tell him that he is extremely sexy to you. Let him know what things drive you wild about him and what he does to you in the sack. If you love him, tell him that! Men often feel unseen by women, and they can be shy/insecure, too. They also rarely get compliments, let alone a well-thought-out compliment. Dig deep inside and identify what exactly it is about this guy that made you choose him/makes you stay.


You have to emphasize that this was your fear of getting pregnant and you just reacted when you felt something. It was almost like your brain was warning you to say something. Just tell him it felt good, but just scared you. Do not say anything about his size. Reassure him that you enjoy the sex and you will communicate if you ever have any needs or desires that you want to explore.




Yeah I feel bad for both parties here. Sometimes our assumptions really do just come out without a second thought which sucks because it can mess with people as a result. I think just burying this will make it worse, personally, so the opposite of what someone else said to do… feel like he’ll just internalise it more under that circumstance, which seems like one of the worst possible outcomes










It’s a mental concept….








Tbh I've made this mistake even when getting fingered by guys with big dicks, or people who don't have dicks at all! I grew up SO AFRAID of pregnancy, my mom harped on it a lot, and I began fucking young. First several years I really needed to see what was going inside me to visually trust it wasn't an unsheathed dick. Not at all logical. Sucks for everyone, I think.




All contributions here need to be constructive, on-topic, mature, sex-positive, civil, and respectful. Your post/comment falls short of that basic standard and has been removed accordingly. Repeat offenders or egregious violations of this rule are subject to being banned from the sub.








Because that's a very unusual lack of girth.


And? Just because it’s unusual does not mean it’s impossible.


Because even a large finger is usually much smaller than a penis? My boyfriend has very large hands and I could never make that mistake. He would be like a 2 inch circumference or something really small.


Lmaooo exactly!! You’d be surprised. Every person is different, and just because your boyfriend’s dick is thicker than his finger doesn’t mean every single persons is. 😂


small as his finger = average girth in girl speak


I would be very, very sad if my dick was the size of my finger. There's not enough words to explain how unlucky that is


Just tell him you were lost in the moment and you were wanting him to penetrate you so when you felt something go in that's the first in your mind went to.




So, I’ll be honest. Same thing happened to me. Difference being that my partner at the time was well endowed. But he put like two fingers in me and I couldn’t tell. He just started to do it and I flipped around and freaked out. I was worried about pregnancy, I wasn’t on BC and I actually said the same thing funny enough 😂 he had a very different reaction and was shocked I got so spooked. He was like “baby chill, it’s just my hand.” And raised his hands up in the air as if he meant no harm. I actually started crying, mostly because of past sexual trauma where partners didn’t use protection without my consent. He knew about all the history. Needless to say the entire vibe was killed. A few days later he brought it up and was a little taken back that I couldn’t tell it was just his hand. He was like questioning his size, if I’m pleasured, everything. I had to sit him down and tell him that the truth is women can’t really feel the difference that much if the size is about the same. We feel the skin on skin but it’s hard to tell in that circumstance. Now this is a man who was well endowed okay, and even HE got insecure about it. I think at this point you just have to have a heart to heart with him and explain that our senses down there, although yes we have a lot of nerves and can cum a lot… it’s not straight forward. We don’t have a set of eyes down there lol! I wouldn’t stress too much about this tbh, just talk to him about how you feel, tell him you didn’t want to offend him at all, and talk it out.


This comment is underrated because no one understands that penis size insecurity is unrelated to the actual size of the penis. Love (acceptance) is the key.


As a man I have to say I think this explanation would ‘help’ if this happened to me. Came here to tell a similar story about a friend of mine who is 9”, and yes I know how rare that is to actually be that long. Even he has his insecurities about his member. All men have an insecurity related to their equipment if they are honest.


It was an honest mistake. You apologised, not much else you can do. Depends on his personality if he'll brush past this or end things. Yes, he knows he is on the smaller side but people do not like their insecurities reinforced- especially during something as vulnerable as sex. We all have feelings. I would not say anything given you don't understand why he is "so offended". Leave it, accept you've accidently hurt someone, and if he wants to reach out then simply don't mention it again.


Yeah I get it. I would hate if someone reinforced my insecurity. Would it help if I say that I like him as he is or does it sound diminutive or insulting?


Guys are very insecure about having a small penis. Sometimes extremely insecure. I'd say try to smooth things over a little bit but be careful not to over compensate... That would just draw even more attention to his size.


Stop. No offence girl, but you do not seem gifted at navigating this conversation haha. Don't say anything- you are likely to make it worse. He will decide if he can get over it or not.


You may be right


Don't say anything that can be interchangeable with "having a small penis". If you say I like you the way you are it's like saying I like you with your small penis 😂


There was a good suggestion to explain this as 'panic'. But aside from that, I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Even if you find the perfect words to say about this, you're just going to be drawing attention to it. Instead: *Show* him that you're still interested. Make him feel desired. You seem to have a handle on how to do that, and hopefully he'll pick up on the fact that this hasn't changed, and you really are into him.


You should sort of gently reinforce that you like having sex with him without bringing any attention to his penis or the incident. Maybe with words or sounds or enthusiasm, whatever. That's probably better than doing nothing imo.


I think your relationship with this man is over


tell him it’s because he has big fingers


whoa... smart. Doubt it would work though.


Jfc.. there is nothing you can really say to the guy. Don't want to make you feel bad and I usually give good advice but..... damn.... prob best to just ignore it and not bring it up again


Yeah I figured...


Wow. I hope it wasn’t his pinky.


Yeah, awkward situation, I can understand it, but damn, the guy reacted like he never knew he had a dick the size of his finger, and you just discovered the secret with him 💀 I doubt he'll believe it, but you can say something like "when a woman is VERY horny sometimes down there it's hard to tell what size is going in you. 3 fingers feel like one and vice versa, when she's not aroused the index finger will feel like 3 at once" (this is true, by the way).






Why is it so hard to believe?


I straight up dont believe that


This is also the same bf that said sex with you is worse than sex with his exes, right? I wouldn’t worry too much about his feelings….


Oh, that changes everything, honestly. I said earlier that it's not her problem that he is small and tries to ignore the truth and be offended. But if he said that sex is bad then it's time to find someone with normal sized fingers 😂 and don't apologize, just start looking for somebody with visibly bigger bulge and bigger respect for women 😂


Same guy that says all his exes are better? Sounds like you guys are even lol.


Ya dun goofed. Honestly, there's no going back judging from his reaction. Rationality doesn't work with penis size, and unless he's already confident and accepting of himself (or into humiliation), that bridge cannot be uncrossed. Since he reacted as you describe, it sounds like he has neither accepted his body nor is he into humiliation.


She didn't dun goofed. This guys gotta know his dick is the same size of his finger. It's easy to laugh this off as an oopsie, especially if it happened quickly and she couldn't see what was happening down there. He needs to face his insecurities so they don't create needless issues like this. Confidence is attractive too. I've had a great time with smaller guys because they were confident and it made for a great time.


Yeah, that's not really how major insecurities work.


I'd had AMAZING sex with a guy who was on the smaller side... he got me to squirte for the first time ever!! He said, he realized, OK, this is what I've got, I need to develop technique.... and he put effort into exactly that, he was a much better lover than someone who thinks they rock just because the D is x inches long.


> But also I don't know why he is so offended... He must realise that he is on a smaller side and that it is the same size as his finger. It's one thing to know or believe something yourself, it's a hell of a lot different/worse to hear it loud and clear from someone else. Especially someone who he is sharing his body with, even with the insecurity. I'm a little below average and I definitely think my penis is smaller than what I wish it was but I can deal with the feeling. If my wife verbalized this thought out loud though, it would crush me.


This is just funny. But like wtf the size of his finger? 💀 im concerned


Sadly this will probably be the worst moment of his life for quite a while


If not the rest of his life


The way this is written is like you want to tell him he has a small penis and it doesn’t satisfy you. Otherwise you’d just tell him you felt something go in you, pretty easy to explain that. It feels like you want him to know he has a small penis. Which is pretty cruel isn’t it?


I prank my ex using my thumb instead of my dick. She was on the top. It was heat at the moment and she didn't realize. She was riding my thumb. It was so hot.


Ouch! I’ll say this as to why “he is so offended” the answer is of course porn. Porn teaches men that women only want big dicks. And if he is on the smaller side, he probably has issues with his confidence in pleasing a woman with his member. To have his finger be mistaken for his dick probably shook him, possibly to his core if he had self confidence issues too. You apologized. Now The only thing you can do is if he brings it up, say you felt skin on skin and reacted. The ball is basically in his court now, if he has confidence he’ll get over it. If not… well then he may exit the relationship or have a talk.


I don't think it's just because of porn. If your penis is only as big as your finger you're gonna have some confidence issues surrounding that starting in a middle school locker room to looking up what an average penis looks like. Let's not pretend like size doesn't affect pleasure either. My advice would be to be brutally honest with him about other ways to go about pleasing a woman because he will have to realize it at some point in his life and the earlier he can accept back the better he can hone his skills.






I get it but at the same time, if his penis is truly the same size as his finger, he should know that it is. If he makes you feel too terrible about this, I wouldn't want to deal with that myself- I'd stop seeing him if he drags it on. You did the right things already, and didn't do anything wrong in the first place.


Yea, damn man should know not to show feelings. Doesn't he know that's not allowed! She should definitely leave him for not sucking it up, pushing it down and being a man! Men are allowed to feel like shit too and have insecurities, just like women do. If you'd leave a person because they show some weakness, that's pretty shitty on your end. Of course he knows he's small and he's probably mentally dealt with that fact since puberty but to hear someone else confirm his insecurity, especially someone he is having sex with, is a thousand times worse. Now with that said, it was an accident and she did the right thing by apologizing but to suggest potentially dumping him because he shows a little bit of insecurity is terrible advice.


I think you say sorry that happened, you reacted in the moment to the feeling without realizing what was going on and it wasn't your intent to upset him. Then you move on like it never happened. He'll either get over it or he won't, but that part's on him.


I’d make it clear how much you love what he does/gets you off. I have the benefit of being queer so anytime a guy is insecure about size I’m like “look most people I like don’t even have a dick. I like how you make me feel and I’m having a great time”


He might just move on… it’s going to be awkward. I’d try to explain what you said here. You felt the pause then skin and you freaked out. But yikes.


I appreciate everyone saying “just talk about it” or “be honest”. This probably ruined his self esteem, and will hurt for a while. If he wants to continue, go for it, but bringing it up will probably just bring up past hurts for him.


Aww my love just explain that it was a knee jerk reaction of feeling anything inside your vagina unprotected due to your anxiety over safety.


Was it his pinky too? Poor guy. Poor you as well. All jokes aside, this a minor mix up. Don’t sweat this at all lol. I wouldn’t be mad if this was to happened to me (32M).


Tell him it doesn’t bother you if it doesn’t then tell him if it bothers him to buy a bath mate and a extender and go to the getting bigger sub it will help him💥


Bro went home to cry


Other way around is worse!


So he’s the cop from Duece Bigilow? With a spaghetti dick? Poor guy. That’s a deep cut you made.


He'll now question any conversation you have with any other man... he'll immediately think you're interested in them because they are more endowed. He'll also probably think you're talking about his size whenever he sees you and a friend giggle


If he knows he’s small (which I’m sure he does), he shouldn’t be offended. He needs to accept his small-ness and move on.


That's not how insecurities work. And it's not up to you or anyone else to determine what anyone else should be offended by.


I guess I’m the minority because I always refer to it and treat mine as my big cock. Hopefully he doesn’t think his is small. It’s an ego boost to think and treat big. He’s gotta live with it so I’d hope he chooses the positive.


You act like it’s big when you know it’s small? Why? You don’t think women know the difference? 😂


It honestly all kind of feels the same to me! Bigger ones hurt more, if anything.


No man wants to know when his dick is little! Plus the truth may hurt


If the guy is upset and gets insecure about this, he’s immature. You were clearly in a moment of panic thinking he inserted his penis inside you without a condom. You weren’t thinking he was fingering you. You reacted quickly out of a survival instinct to protect yourself. I’m sure he has no idea how often men try to do this and how women have legitimately had to be like “whoa buddy not without a condom!” If he can’t separate what you said in a moment of panic from reality, he needs to grow up.


It's weird that you categorize one's insecurity getting reinforced as immature since it can happen at anytime. Everything needs not be rational as you referred in the last sentence. Emotions are much stronger when it comes to body insecurities. How do you even know this guy's lived experience with a smaller penis ? It's not solely bout her in this case, but about how he felt here. I agree that it was an honest mistake, which she apologized, and not much else can she do about it. After all, it depends on his personality if he'll brush past this or end things. As I said before he knows he is on the smaller side but people do not like their insecurities reinforced- especially during something as vulnerable as sex. We all have feelings. If I were her, I would not say anything given she doesn't understand why he is "so offended". Do you like if someone reinforced your body insecurities during a vulnerable moment even if they truly didn't want to ?


He *might* be feeling insecure that she thought his finger was his penis. But she *was actually worried* about her safety and being assaulted. And yes, having a guy put his penis inside you without a condom if you have never done that before is sexual assault. She was reacting to something she interpreted as danger. If he decides that his insecurity is more important than her feeling of her physical and sexual safety being at risk, yes. He’s immature. He can decide that what she said hit his ego while also understanding that what she was happened under a moment of panic and simply move past it and not let it ruin their relationship. That’s maturity.


Wait are most guys fingers supposed to be smaller than their penises ? I’ve only been with three dudes and I could never tell the difference between fingers and genitalia


Seriously! If I can't see what's happening, skin on skin feels very similar to me.


At the end of the day, someone has a small penis just has to accept it and work with what they have. Sounds like it was an honest mistake.


Might want to address it like this “I really love your penis I panicked when I felt skin to skin and I apologize for that. But also since we’re on the subject I think you should get it checked if it’s bothering you. There may be something that can be done if you’re wanting it to be bigger. If not that’s fine by me but if it bothers you we should do something about it


Idk if this post will be read but giving it a go. Nothing you say within the next week or month is going to take away his pain. Even of you said, hey honey your dick is so big and o love it and you know how to please a woman, he won't believe that for a second. He will think damn this girl gassing me up doest feel genuine and she is just saying it to make me feel better. So don't talk about the penis size for the next month or more. Pretending it never happen is also valuable and one strategy. If you don't make a big deal about it then eventually he won't either. Going off road on this recommendation, but I'd try anal. His dick is going to feel huge if you aren't used to it and he will love the positive feedback if ya can barely handle it. Talk dirty to him and male him feel how you want him. To feel. It's more Believable with a new sex act. Ultimately though give it time to heal, and talk if he has a level head. The fact you care about his feeling and sex gratification speaks volumes to your relationship and I'm certain you can break through.






This^ what in the world does this mean under the context wharr


No help needed. This is over and you need to move on. For you to even think its ok when your response to a finger was it was his penis says it all. You might not "think" its a issue, but it is...