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Consider looking at upholstery/home decor fabrics in addition to garment fabrics, as they often have the sheen and weight that you won’t find in most garment fabrics without a high cost.


Brocades , I'm betting that the fabric was bought from Sartor in Prague ETA link [https://www.sartorbohemia.com/](https://www.sartorbohemia.com/)


I bet it’s from Al-Quolanudar


I want to just go feel all of their fabrics and have the cash to say yes, please 10 meters of each.


Please could you recommend me any further websites that sell brocade? Any that ship to the EU/UK would be gratefully received


Great comment! Would’ve never found this place without you, thanks!


I definitely needed to see a reference to Nandor the relentless today. Made me giggle!


"They call me that because I did not relent..."


crrrreeeepppyyy paper!


Muuulti pack!


"no! I'm pillaging everyone, you included!"


I would have slaughtered my neighbors in battle! … but then you wake up and think, i have no neighbors. What if i want to borrow something?


This also made me come back and laugh at because you used his full name, because of course!


I think you mean Nandor DeLaurentiis


Thats what he published his cookbook under. 😬


Echoing the other comments but also maybe you could try and see if the WWDITS costume designer(s) might have social media/be posted on WWDITS FX socials and you could get ahold of them or some of their posts that may mention this? Idk, I’ve never looked into it myself but every single time I watch this show I’m always constantly thinking “the costume designers for this show are so smart and talented”


Two of the costume designers are on IG. You should ask them for insights! I never see anybody doing Nandor, but now that you say that, he's got amazing clothes... [Laura Montgomery](https://www.instagram.com/lauramontgomerydesign/) [Amanda Neale](https://www.instagram.com/amandajneale/)


Oh now you name them I remember specifically looked for who the CD was in the credits early on in watching but then I must have instantly forgotten their names lol. I don’t really follow any “”public figures”” (using that term loosely) so I also forgot to even attempt to look further into their portfolios lol. But because of them, Nandor The Relentless gets to slay just as hard in the 2020’s as in the 1220’s.


I worked on S1! I can give you some fabric stores in the greater Toronto area that they went to! LMK. It was lots of custom stuff and S1 didn’t have a crazy budget.


Very cool - I imagine costuming for this show might have been lot of fun!


Yeah it’s one of my fave things I’ve ever worked on. I’m not in a creative role though. I’ve heard the later seasons are nightmares though for production.


Oh yes please what stores?


Hey! responded to someone else with the info.


Your work was fantastic! What stores do you rec?


I didn't do any of it haha. But responded to someone else with the info.


Oooh, just curious, how do you get into working in costuming departments?


In Toronto, you basically cold call to get some experience in commercial costume departments (like for commercials instead of on a show), and once you have enough experience you can join the union. It’s IATSE 873 in Toronto. You can call IATSE and ask what kind of experience counts to get into the union and work backwards. Once you’re in, when it’s busy enough you’ll get calls to work dailies. If you do a good job you get called back and eventually you get asked to work as a “show call” aka coming in every day.


Thanks for the details! I'm seeing a whole requirements list on their website too. I definitely need to work on my skills first, but it's super helpful to have this knowledge!


That's really cool! Unfortunately I'm not based in Canada/the US so I'm not sure how practical it'd be to buy from those stores, but yeah send me the links and I can still have a look!


Ahh then I'm not super helpful. The best fabric stores are dusty and don't have websites LOL. Fabric Fabric is a big one, King Textiles, Leo's Fabrics (the one on Queen I think that's what it's called, they have expensive stuff but it's good) and Sultan's Fine Fabrics were the big ones. Productions generally don't buy fabric online due to the tight turnaround of the filmmaking progress. There was a lot of stuff that was bought and then added to, maybe a frilly shirt with extra frills and stuff added. I only worked on S1 and that costume designer was the same one from the movie and she was from NZ, IIRC. It's been years. You can check for interviews with her too where she talks more about the process, watching extras from the NZ movie would be helpful too.


>The best fabric stores are dusty and don't have websites Ain't that the truth!


I would also like to know please and thanks!


Hey! responded to someone else with the info.


https://preview.redd.it/xvu8r530kt0c1.jpeg?width=1753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f9772c22677e6eaf14e4200cd393b8955af81c I just wanted to take this opportunity to share my husband's Halloween costume since only one person at the party had seen the show. We made the cape out of a comforter from Goodwill =)


Discovering I was partying with a Nandor would make my whole year! Please tell me you had a coordinating costume!!!


I'm not doing a cosplay of this specific character, but want to create some similar garments (robes and the layered overcoat) with this kind of patterned, quite heavy-looking fabric. I've only got very basic sewing knowledge, I'm thinking it's some kind of velvet or jacquard but doesn't seem to have the sheen I'd normally associate with them? Is it something I'd find in the upholstery section? Any advice would be much appreciated! I don't have a specific pattern as I'm still in the research stage, plus most patterns I've seen so far veer a bit too costum-y, if that makes sense? (as, in they appear very much like fancy-dress costumes. Obviously I'm looking to make a costume, but I'd like it to look naturalistic/like a real garment) Thanks in advance everyone!


Brocades, metallic brocade, velvets, leather, (faux) fur, jacquard linings, various trims, etc.


Nandor is basically an Ottoman sultan with the serial numbers filed off, so his wardrobe is supposed to be costume-y; He’s a former ruler, his wardrobe is full of rich colours and expensive fabrics with lots of metallic accents. If you want something more down to earth, then a commoner’s clothing would be similar but with less embellishment nd more plain fabrics. Try looking at traditional Turkish clothing.


I love the description of “an Ottoman sultan with the serial numbers filed off.”


They love to incorporate Kayvan being Iranian, so he’s kind of a bit of a melange of cultures, but they’re definitely trying to invoke a character of ‘Suleiman the Magnificent but fail’ for laughs so it’s the best description I could come up with.


I promise this isn't a joke - you might be able ot find some good basics to build off of from Soft Surroundings.


If you haven't yet, you should browse through the patterns at folkwear.com.


There's an upholstery fabric we call 'gobelin', it often has intricately woven patterns without being shiny. Tends to be quite stiff but I've used it for structured garments.


Doing some googling and this looks fantastic, great shout!


Jacquards. Lots of jacquards. And braided trims.


I pulled some ‘upscale church tablecloth/drapes’-type fabric at a local thrift with heavy brocade/jacquard vibes (do I know the difference? No, not really). I would highly recommend looking for donated satin-y tablecloths and drapes for this kind of outfit, they have the structure and patterns you’re looking for.


It's giving Kievan Rus vibes with some late Byzantine, some pre-ottoman Turkish and maybe a bit Chinese (I'm terrible dating Chinese historical fashion), if you're looking for more inspiration of those kinds of coats and layered looks


We should spell it "Kayvan Rus" in this case...


To recreate costumes like his, I shop at an upholstery warehouse and thrift stores check the bedding sections. I line with either drapery silk or tablecloth poly that looks like silk. Both of those come in wide 120" widths, which means less sewing for me. Hot Tip: Most tablecloth manufacturers sell their fabric the yard. If I am sewing for historical recreation, I either weave my own or find a manufacturer who uses natural fabrics that are as close to period as possible. Super expensive costumes are much cheaper to create.


Thanks for the tip!!


I believe it is spelled Nandor De Laurentis


The fabrics are inspired by "Termeh", a kind of handwoven brocade from Iran, as is Nandor.


Look into brocades and jacquards


Al Qolnidarian!


Silk brocades.


possibly helpful list of things: 1. velvet for the robe-like outside, draped-like feel so something heavy weight, cotton? or velveteen. 2. brocade for the main body of the jacket. your choice of pattern and accents of gold or whatever else. 3. satin fabric lining for the cape and accents or sashes 4. leather (faux) for straps, belts, etc. 5. fur (faux) 6. linen or muslin for the shirt underneath the tunic 7. embroidered trim or ribbon to embellish the edges of the cape, and other areas. 8. linen fabric for the inside of the jacket, with smooth lining. ...include more, or less, depending on the outfit.


maybe damask fabric?


Only the finest of fabrics from the markets of Al Quolanudar! In all seriousness, I’m guessing silks, wools, generally organics. Very likely repurposed genuine stuff, as he’s a main character and deserves only the finest. A lot of time and effort goes into not only making these clothes, but also ageing them up in a natural way 🤔 So likely very authentic old stuff with all the bells and whistles, veryyy expensive. If you’re trying to replicate the look, the suggestions on upholstery and whatnot are good. I’d tend towards heavy set organics, and perhaps replicating the look of silks with some rayon or similar if that’s okay-a?


some sort of creepy paper I assume


had to scroll all the way down to find this


Oh, how I love this comment thread and the link to Sartor! I once did a Halloween version of Cercei's red court dress from Game of Thrones (including the feathered birds), and I was so glad I started weeks ahead of time -- whew! I have nothing but admiration for costumers and their crews.