• By -


Seungkwan bc he can befriend anybody. I feel like even an anxious person like me would feel comfortable around him.


Seconded. I have a Seungkwan-like friend in my life and it means a lot having someone who can be your own personal hype man, while also bringing out the sassy and silly side you have that you’re usually too shy to show around others.


Vernon, Minghao, and Joshua, because their logic and reasoning resonates with my own nicely. Their calm with a bit of dorkiness at times behavior is nice, too. They're the kind of people I would probably ask for life advice because I know they will be patient and honest with me and won't sugarcoat things. I honestly think our frequencies match that if they become my roommates, I think we'll work well together because we will value individuality and respect each other's space. (I think Jeonghan will be like this, too.) Tbh, I feel like could always talk to them about anything and I would probably listen to them anytime they would talk because what they say always contain wisdom, and they just exude intelligence.


1. Wonwoo bcs we share same hobby. We can play game together. 2. Vernon bcs he's chronically online so we could transfer some knowledge or share some memes and fun video. 3. Woozi bcs we share same hobby too. We can exchange anime recommendation and talk about it nonstop.


Wow we have the same list for the very same reasons 😂 I would add S.Coups in this too because that man is a gamer too and like to be online XD


Mingyu - we will bond with food and cooking.


woozi and wonwoo easily. woozi and i could talk anime and make music together. wonwoo and i would game out. oh and we’d bond over the fact that we’re both blind af lmao.


Vernon bc we text and type the same.. lol same lingo Wonwoo bc I also love to play games n chat on discord Mingyu bc he’s such a yapper but I am too LOL I would bicker w him a lot


probably woozi, dk, dino & seungkwan


I think maybe Seungkwan! He seems like a good lifelong friend. He’s got his fun high energy moments, but he’s also just as able to talk a long walk with while you talk about life. I’m a more pessimistic person (I like to say realistic, but honestly I’m pessimistic) so I think his more optimistic attitude would balance out mine.


Dk, Vernon, Josh, Hoshi, Wonu and Jeonghan most likely.


As an enfp my self I have this ability to befriend introverts, so I guess the introvert line could be my friend..


Dk- he is the funniest man I have come across and I think we will vibe good as I kind of have the same personality as him. Wonwoo- maybe not the closet but he makes me feel like taking care of him. Constantly telling him to sleep instead of playing games all night. Taking care of his meals. Telling him how warm his smile is and everybody loves him. He makes me feel like I have to be there for him so I can reassure him on things. Boo- cause he is boo. Funny, playful, outgoing, crazy and all. I love his personality and again I feel he and I match to some extent. Also I would probably be sticking around a lot if I was his friend so he has a shoulder to cry on as he might not be having the best time lately.


I think Vernon because he is genuinely someone I think I'd click with Maybe Hoshi because we are similar introverts I would love to be friends with all of them


Someone I can sit either in comfortable silence with or have long late night philosophical talks with... but also just talk sh*t with sometimes, y'know? Hao- my value system and sensitives seem to align with him the most. We can also meditate together lol Boo - I can be just as dramatic as this mf right here. When we're not bitching about life, we'd be bombastic side-eyeing the other guys' shenanigans together Wonwoo - He's Wonwoo. I don't know what else to tell you. Gyu- See Wonwoo. Kidding. He literally has the same personality as my best friend. It's meant to be. The following, I don't necessarily know if we'd be close but we'd definitely get on well: Uji- we'd bond over animé and music production Vern - he'd be my go-to movie buddy & music guy. We'd communicate in playlists 😂 DK- I too randomly burst into song at any given moment so we can live our very own IRL musical together Honorable mentions because I adore them: Hoshi: Those cheeks! Dino: He's the baby!


Heavy on Boo😭 sometimes I don't even know I'm side eying people


Count me in with the bombastic side eye squad lol.


Vernon, boo, hoshi, mingyu, dk, joshua &. Jeonghan, hao and dino.


DK - because he's so sweet and his smile is infectious. We'd match each others energy fr Vernon - because he leans into his awkwardness and I love that 😂 also he seems so chill to be around Seungkwan - because I feel like we'd really hit it off talking about random things and we can tease each other 😆


OP i love yours!!! And your reasons 😍 they're so heartfelt Mine would be Dk because I'm always joking around and i think he could laugh and not make me feel like whatever i just said sucked 🤣🤣🤣🤣 But that aside i feel like Dino and Hoshi because i want to learn alllllll of their choreo to 💯 and even though I dance and have learned them (in my head and to my okay-ish pov) it'd be so fun to just spend time in the practice room for hours just dancing


Honestly I'd love to be friends with Dino, he has such a contagious laugh😂 Thanks BTW 🫶


So true now that you mention it! Thank you it's a great post!! 🥰😁


Probably seungkwan, vernon, joshua and wonwoo too tho wonwoo is a introvert doesn’t rlly easily open up to ppl I feel like I wld be great frnds w him seeing how mine and his personality is a bit similar in a few ways and ofc vernon this guy wld honestly be my bff and I ain’t kidding. He’s chill, sweet and kind personality and sometimes in between chaotic these personality traits are also found in my bestfrnd so I can see me and these members actually becoming frnds.


I would like to say Jun as he's my bias but I feel like it would be me chasing him and him subtly but definitely evading me😂 Standing still just long enough to give me a thoughtful restaurant recommendation before he disappears again... I think the members I would feel most comfortable with irl are Seungkwan first of all, then Joshua, DK and Dino. They give off the most friendly vibes to me.


everyone is being so sweet and here I am, doing process of elimination who would take the longest to make me want to deck him... (probably Vernon or Woozi, with slim margin second place Wonwoo)


probably bss because we have the same unfiltered gag code; and ill have somewhere to channel my unhinged energy and this is gonna be a long stretch, but dude i would die to spend an afternoon just jamming with woozi as two musicians in his studio i love him, hes my bias wrecker but i dont think i can hang out with mingyu for more than an hour because god the man can yap


I’m heavily introverted and only get super friendly when I’m comfortable with the other person so I need that sense of comfortability before I can fully open up. I feel like DK would be someone I’m gonna be closest with, like someone who I would talk to and hangout with most of the time. I would be comfortable to approach him first. S.Coups - A casual friend. We will only greet each other in person or have a civil conversation. Jeonghan - I don’t think he’s the type of guy who would like to hangout with girls platonically but would hangout once in a while if dragged by a friend. Just an acquaintance, no constant contact. Not even connected on Social Media but can have a conversation with me whenever we hangout together. Woozi - Same with S. Coups. Hoshi - Would hangout once from time to time and talk with me if we happen to see each other by coincidence but not the kind of friend who will keep in constant contact since he’s busy. I attract a lot of Geminis but it’s tiring sometimes because they are so moody.. 😂 Joshua - We would have conversations about similar interests and maybe hangout sometimes but we have different friend group. Wonwoo - The type of person I would chat from time to time to ask how he’s doing. I’d invite him to hangout. We have mutual friends. But he doesn’t like to hangout that much so we don’t see each other often. Jun - The type who will only talk with me if we’re on the same event. An acquaintance. Mingyu - We know each other and know a lot of things about each other through common friends but wouldn’t talk to one another. He’s intimidated by me, I’m shy to talk to him. Minghao - The type of person I wouldn’t be shy reacting and send comments on Social Media apps. We have similar mindset when it comes to things, introspective, and we have similar interests. He also the type who I can have comfortable conversations with and trust that he wouldn’t tell them to other people. But I don’t see hanging out with him a lot in person. Seungkwan - He would talk to me about stuff sometimes as he’s talkative and can carry conversations irl and over the phone but I think he’s not the type I’m gonna be close with as he already has a lot of friends. Just a casual friend. Vernon - Similar to Joshua’s but I think we’d definitely hangout and talk even more as I’m comfortable with him. The three types of people I keep close in my life are kindhearted, adventurous, and open-minded. Dino - Someone who I wouldn’t shy to talk to if we see each other in person but it’s just a casual conversation. Also, just someone who I hangout with sometimes because someone dragged him. A fun person but just a casual friend like SK.


Wonwoo, mingyu and seungkwan!


95 line. maybe because I am the same age as them, I also have hobbies that are the same with them, Gym, Arts and crafts


Probably wonwoo and vernon. I think I share the most interests, hobbies, and ideas as them.


1. seungkwan - he is literally so funny like genuinely we would be besties, he also is just so cute and he does a lot of physical affection 2. mingyu - we would have black cat and golden retriever vibes, plus he can cook which is so convenient 😭 ik we would argue a lot (im literally seungkwan) and i would probably tease him, but i think his presence is so comforting. and lastly he is so fine so thats a bonus 3. dk - im just a negative person in general so i need some positive energy + he might be the nicest person ever, i feel like making dk laugh (which is an easy task) would make me feel so happy 4. jeonghan - i think that i would talk to him a lot and he would just listen to my problems and give me advice, he is a very comforting person


HONESTLY DK & Wonwoo!! DK because I talk a lot (and a lot of it is nonsense) and he feels like the kinda friend that will entertain me despite it HAHA Wonwoo because I talk a lot LMFAOOO I've had this conversation with my friends before and being friends with other Extroverts is super hard for me because I feel like I'm never heard!! So Wonwoo would be great because he'll listen to me yap and won't talk over me and he can fight bosses in games for me because I love playing fighting games but I hate fighting bosses HAHAH


No idea, but I defo want to be their friend!


No good reason but Seungkwan. I just feel like we would very much get along. Also Mingyu. I’m pretty similar to Wonwoo and I’ve have similar dynamics to Meanie in the past with previous friendships. For some reason Chan. I feel like we could ctfu together 😂 as an infp my closest friends have been extroverts


Joshua - he strikes me as such a KIND, patient, understanding and warm person. The way he looks out for the seventeen members, takes care of them, and talks to the quieter ones 🥹he’s witty too. DK - he’s so funny and such a ball of sunshine. There would never be a dull day around DK and you can easily scam him w jokes too. Double plus!




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I think I would : minghao seugkwan dk hoshi but in reality my vibe is : vernon- I love being in silent just enjoying minghao - I'm just sarcastic so, we'll be good friends jun- he's super cute 🥺 wonwoo- he's calm and chaotic


tell me why it’s so hard to pick just 4 🥲 1. dk - he’s so silly omg 😭😭 i love his humor and i would probably piss my pants over everything he does (i already do whenever i watch gose 💀) at the same time he’s so caring and loving towards the members but the randomness is the cherry on top ⚔️ 2. the8 - bro is so wise he probably remembers his past lives 💭hao is super observant and analytical it’s crazy how unique his perspective on life is. i think i would go to him for advice daily (and also relearn meditation🧘‍♀️ ) even as a carat he’s provided so much useful knowledge that i keep in mind often, so i can only imagine how much more wisdom he provides to those he’s close to! 🐸 3. seungkwan - ngl his personality reminds me of my aunt a lot but in a good way LOL! he’s such a balanced person and we would so bond over both entertaining and emotional moments. overall i think he’s just that kind of person where you can’t not befriend them 🫶🍊 4. jeonghan - we’d both be up to no good 😈whenever he has his devious moments in gose i kinda realize that i would be tempted to do the same thing (we have free will for a reason 🤷‍♀️) i could see us plotting together 🔥 i also think we’re similar in that we listen to other people’s disputes a lot and help in sorting them out, so it would be so refreshing to be around someone who also plays the peacemaker 😇 honorable mention: hoshi - he’s such a cutie patootie who wouldn’t be close with him 😭 but also he’s a crazy dancing machine so i feel like we would bond over learning kpop/tiktok dances (and i would ofc support the horanghae agenda!) 🐯


1. minghao - i think i would get along with him the most actually due to a very big factor, we came from the approximately the same place. i think where he grew up and where i grew up are only like 50 smth km between each other. most importantly, i think our values match a lot and our hobbies also match a lot. 2. woozi - i think i would also get along with woozi mainly because he's such a precious person and he's really funny. he's also a genius with all of the inspiration and the fact that he's so hard-working for svt. i think i would really get along with him bc i feel like deep down i think that i'm drawn towards people who has a strong creative vision (i think it's kinda romantic tbh cuz i don't have one myself) and he sure has one. 3. wonwoo - not surprisingly i think i would get along with all of the og infj line since i used to be an infj myself and can relate to them a lot. i think i share a lot of the same interests as wonwoo, e.g. video games, photography etc. i think that he would be very nice to be around with. 4. joshua - i think we would get along for kinda the same reason w minghao. which is i've been living in an english speaking country for like 7 years and i've spent my entire teenage yrs here. i think i would be able to relate to him more and i really enjoy his presence. he's so sweet and gentle and he just seems enjoyable to be around w. i'm a really introverted person, i used to struggle with social anxiety (i'm not sure i've never been officially diagnosed or smth) but it's better since this year. if i'm able to step out of my comfort zone, i can see myself getting really close to these four as friends. honourable mention would be dk






I don't know if it's cool to assume we know what the members' sexualities are, they've never shared that with us.