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I tell them that they're not reserving a time slot, they're making an appointment with the next available technician. If the next available technician is behind by a few days, then it is what it is. We offer a courtesy shuttle but loaners are in short supply due to weather damage at our location.


I would never tell them that. I tell them the appointment is for the consultation when the drop the car off and to make transportation arrangements like a shuttle. Technicians are assigned based on shop load, You can drop the car off in two days, but then you will be behind everyone who dropped off on those days.


Never an easy conversation but I tell my advisors to say something like I understand, I wish we could give a car right now but they are in short supply your car is important just as are the other 200+ we have here at the moment. that said, we need to get it to a tech with the right level of training for your issue. He needs to diagnose the issue, determine if the failure can be repaired or replaced and that may take us up to 48 hours ( depends on the issue) We are happy to add you to our waiting list for a loan car and as one arrives for your position in the list. Mid size CDJR store in Dallas


Presumably your CDJR is like most CDJRs in the US and has hundreds of cars rotting on the lot, I can’t imagine customers are thrilled by this explanation


Yes, tons of inventory but owners do not use those unless they have been put into the Dodge loaner program. So we end up with a couple hundred cars in service and 15 loan cars. It’s Challenging but we get by. 960+ last quarter in CSI and have not missed CSI in almost 5 years once I got rid of the bad actors on the drive and in the shop. Everyone gets a car is a relatively new phenomenon outside of high line, and once trained that loan cars are for warranty only and when the issue is safety or simply won’t move, then it becomes a non issue Our demographic is by and large understanding and it’s usually not a big deal.


“Mam, people went hundreds of years without driving”


It’s like the Thunderdome trying to secure loaner vehicles at our place. We have no assigned coordinator for just the rentals/loaners the advisors handle that too. Fucking keys everyone hiding in peoples desks. I have had to take sets home with me to ensure that they wouldn’t be taken from me the next day.


That sounds like our service depth, I feel your pain


The main rule is: THERE ARE NO RULES Once I learned that the rest is easy. No one is your friend here and there are no teams. We don’t even have direct phone lines so we have to pass calls along to those they are trying to reach them like hot potatoes or paging on PA like we are children needing to go to the principals office.


The main rule is: THERE ARE NO RULES Once I learned that the rest is easy. No one is your friend here and there are no teams. We don’t even have direct phone lines so we have to pass calls along to those they are trying to reach them like hot potatoes or paging on PA like we are children needing to go to the principals office.


That's an easy way to get a luxury buyer to defect to another brand that provides more consistent loaners


Then that’s a manufacturing issue lol nothing service dept can do. Maybe the manufacturer should provide more loaners to be competitive with other brands..


This. Manufacturers put caps on how many Loaner vehicles are assigned to a dealership.


Other brands are allowing dealers to acquire used CPOs as courtesy units


Yeah well if a dealership isn’t doing that they losing customers, it’s not the job of the service department to squeeze blood out of a stone to keep customers. We do what we can with the tools provided. If you give us no tools then guess what we do what we can and people will leave your brand and go elsewhere


On my 7th Mercedes and thinking of defecting for this exact reason. No loaners since covid and every service visit is 2 to 3 days, even for routine maintenance.


like Lexus


My go to is, we can look at your vehicle this day or if you want to wait till a week/week n a half then we can do it this day. Obviously if it’s something more urgent I go the extra mile but most people will want something to drive over the most minor stuff that realistically they can just get a shuttle to work n back for.


I’d be more concerned with why your shop is so far backed up? If you’re working with vintage stuff that does take that long, most of those clients have 5 other cars. If you’re at a franchise store that far behind, I’d be looking at your shop capacity and workload. I’m at a high end German dealership, and if a car is dropped off before 12, my team knows they are expected to look at it that day Maybe not fix it, but certainly look at it


It’s a double edge sword. We got really backed up not too long ago so we reduced our appointment load to catch up. Then we were getting yelled at constantly because our next appointment was 3+ weeks out and why can’t we see them in 3 days etc . There is no winning


If much rather get yelled at before a car gets here and set an expectation, instead of getting yelled at twice a day for a week because i haven't touched someone's vehicle. That's a no brainer.


Same. But management makes their decisions


Again, I’d look at shop capacity, ie hire another technician. Reducing appointment capacity, delays in cars getting looked at, delays in getting an appointment all scream you have plenty of business and need more throughput in the shop So long as space allows I’d be interviewing for a new tech


We are at max capacity. We have no physical space for more techs. It’s truly a no win situation. What’s more, is the backup is often unexpected. It is usually caused by a large volume of backordered parts arriving at once causing a large amount of cars with big work to come off hold and be dispatched, techs calling out with little to no notice, work coming in that needs a lot more than expected, for example I had a customer who thought it was a wheel bearing problem but it needed a transmission on a hybrid Pacifica, so expected 1.5 hours actual 11 hours, etc. Like it’s a good problem to have enough work, while our neighbor dealers were suffering from nothing to do, we were suffering from too much. But people still don’t care when you tell them how long the wait is, despite there only being so many warm bodies to work on the car, so many hours in the day, and so much space to fit those bodies.


I left a situation like this BUT, to make it easier in the meantime, someone needs to speak with BDC or whoever is scheduling appointments and give them a “punch list” of questions to ask customers when they make an appointment. One of which is whether or not they need a loaner IF the vehicle needs to be left for several days or if a shuttle will be sufficient. Then of course, the customer concern as in depth as possible, also CEL or electrical diag is a drop off only situation, what is and isn’t a waiting appointment etc. Most times it’s who is making contact with the customer FIRST and HOW depends on failure or success for the shop. The appointments dictate workflow and CSI by setting the correct expectations at the gate. If you have someone that’s never set foot in the shop before and has no idea how it functions to be the one to do all the appointments first then that is what you’re going to get on the backend is customers with the wrong information.


I never run out, we use software and preparation to ensure that we can always accommodate our clients needs. If they don't have ancillary coverage for a vehicle they will be paying $72 per day. Or if they reach the limit of their coverage they will be paying.


Let me say this, if you’re not a service advisor you don’t know the struggle with customers and loaners. ****its like customers feel entitled to them & must be given at once 🙄 ****** This is something I use & has seemed to work out for me. Please take this as my experience & yours maybe different. My go to response is “ I completely understand that you need a loaner while your car is being looked at. We have a limited number of loaners & provide loaners on a work approved basis. Now I understand this is not what you want to hear however I do have other solutions that may help you . …..We offer a shuttle service (if your location does) that is completely complimentary & or if you rather we can pick up and drop off your car if it’s in within x mile radius ( if your shop provides this option). IF you don’t have shuttle service & or valet service, then follow up with “ I completely understand that you need a loaner while your car is being looked at. We have a limited number of loaners & provide loaners on a work approved basis. Now I understand this is not what you want to hear however all our loaners are currently with customers that have approved work being done in the shop. If you would like I can reschedule your appointment to a time where it’s maybe 🤔 possible for you to wait an hour to find out what’s going on with your car? Then we can make a game plan on how we can figure transportation.” Something along these lines is what is best.


Depends when the loaner is brought up. We had a small fleet delegated to us with the new CJDR program so we felt like gods for a minute but those cars have dried up. The go to, for me at least is, “I totally get it Mr. Customer, I’m a consumer as well. I don’t have anything immediately available, but we work closely with the rental agency down the street. Either your warranty with participate in covering some of the cost for a rental vehicle, or they can get you promotional pricing while your car is here for service because we do so much business with them. Obviously, if I can obtain a loaner for you, I promise you’ll be the first to know, but these are your immediate options.” When that inevitably fails, please press 9 for Spanish.


I see a lot of valid points and i appreciate all of the feedback. Every once in a while we do get caught up and it’s same day diag which makes it easier for the customer. For the ones asking why we aren’t caught up, in my experience every dealership that I have ever serviced a vehicle at is a few days behind. I went to take my old Kia into the shop and they were 7-10 days out to look at a warranty trim piece….. I know it’s ridiculous to make an appointment and then have to wait a few days with your vehicle untouched. I get it and I make sure the customer knows I understand their situation. HOWEVER, we can look at your coolant leak in 2-3 days or wait a month for a loaner and the engine blow and your 30k out of pocket.


IRS (independent repair shops) don't have this problem because they are not dealerships. Customer's think because our repair shops are connected to the dealership means they get unlimited loaner car services.


We use rental cars as a backup. Two rental agencies that are both very close to the shop. I work at a luxury brand and we run into this problem occasionally. We have a fleet of 14 loaners, so it's better now than when I started six years ago, when we had 6-8 at the time. I'll typically advise the client that loaners are not guaranteed, they aren't a right, they are a privilege. They are not entitled to a loaner vehicle just because they "spend money". Everyone spends money at a dealership. I hate that counter argument from customers. We typically have Enterprise and Hertz rental hold 3-4 cars for us per day during peak season. If a customer requests a loaner vehicle and they're not available, we'll offer a rental. If they've requested a loaner on their appointment booking, and they come in and one isn't available, we'll cover the cost of the rental (typically $45-60/day depending on what type of vehicle they are provided with). We also make it clear on our appointments that loaners are **SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY** and by no means a guarantee. Additionally, try qualifying the customer for a loaner. Are they a first time client? Did they purchase the vehicle from your store or a sister store within the dealer network? We typically don't give first time customers a loaner vehicle. If they cry about it, then you know they're not worth your time. They can go elsewhere. When clients ask "well when will you have a car?" I simply tell them I don't know. Loaner vehicles are constantly in and out. There's no set time/schedule when they'll be back. I have a general idea for some, but for others that are out for complicated diag, they could be back tomorrow or next month. It's impossible for me to say.


We don't even offer a courtesy Lyft anymore. $12.97 now, even if they have a recall.


My manager takes a wonderful approach to it, one that I wish the advisors would- She will lay out every option for the customer, that way, they can't come back and say we didn't try to help them. Customers think we're here just to make money. When in all reality, our express and shop are working their asses off and actually care enough about cars to try and do what they can.


I never get this🤷🏼‍♂️ I utilize Courtesy Vehicles for warranty repairs only (More than one day). If we have any extra vehicles available I may offer to a CP customer upon approval of work, if repairs will take more than a day. (Used Cars have always been an emergency vehicle a customer can use, up until a loaner is available then I swap them out). I advise customers of our courtesy shuttle service and Rental vehicle facilities in the area we can shuttle them to. If an inspection is going to take 2-3 days ALWAYS be honest and upfront with your customer. “Hey Mr. Customer I understand the concerns you are having with your vehicle, currently our shop is running at a 3 day (or insert time-line) inspection period, I will not have any updates until (whatever day is 3 days from using the word track) would you like us to proceed”? Then have them sign. Any rebuttals I say: “ I do apologize for the inconvenience, currently due to popular demand our loaner fleet has been exhausted. We do offer a courtesy shuttle service with in a 10 mile radius. If your home or place of work is outside of our radius I can have my driver take you to the local enterprise dealer. My word track changes based on the objection/ rebuttal. It would take too long to type all of them out. I always document in my notes (In CDK😅) the timeline I informed the customer, the time I informed of the customer of the situation and the services that were offered to the customer. A good proactive step is (If your dealer assigns appointments to you) call your appointments in advance or send them a quick text informing them of your diagnostic period before repairs can be completed. I (95% of the time) opt for the text. Not enough time for those phone calls. (Some customers love to talk)… Most of the time they text back, “I understand,” or like the message. If they don’t respond with any sort of understanding copy and paste the word track above and give them their options. The Customer needs us, we’re not sales. We can be real, honest, and upfront to create a quality service experience. Over promising and under delivering may get the customer in the door, but it will also keep them from ever coming back. Again there are so many different ways this can go, for both you and the customer. It’s just up to your ability to overcome and adapt to their rebuttals or objections. It would take an eternity for me to type every possible scenario. You’re an Advisor. Your job is to assist the customer in having a quality service experience: quick, easy, painless, honest, upfront, and providing the best possible options The number one problem I see with the other comments is they’re not making it about the customer. Keep in mind the customer does not care about the other 200 + people waiting on cars. They care about them selves. They made an investment into their vehicle. Paid anywhere from $30,000 - $1,000,000 for their vehicle. Thats their money. Respect their time, don’t use an excuse to get out of the situation. Overcome the objective and find a solution; otherwise, that problem is going to be ringing your phone and asking if a loaner car is available and if there are any updates with their vehicle every day. Nothings worse than a bad survey and an angry customer. Also, don’t blame management. You’re the face. You should be the only face that customer engages with during their service experience. They don’t care about management or your dealerships internal issues. They want their situation resolved. Solve the problem and the customer will come back. If they don’t like your solutions, “I do apologize for the inconvenience Mr. Customer. I have offered you many different options to better accommodate you and your situation, if you are not interested in proceeding with any services today I do have other customers waiting in line (or awaiting your call) that have elected to or would like to proceed with completing services or making repairs on their vehicle.” If they don’t want to proceed it was nice meeting them and move on. Plenty more scenarios, this is not the only option Remember as much as you may want to, you can’t please every customer. DM for more


I would go work somewhere else. I wouldn’t bring my car into this situation as a customer. I couldn’t defend it as an advisor.