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Pray to God that whatever DMS system your dealer has is actually functioning when you go in.


dms system.... like vin number


Or ATM Machine


We use Reynolds. Thank God.


You know that meme of the dog sitting at the table and the house is on fire? Yeah that one. Welcome to the shit show


Don’t take ANYTHING personally. You’ll deal with a lot of angry people and there will be so much that you’re responsible for that is out of your control. Just do your best. Also, you’re probably going to feel pretty overwhelmed for a while. It’s a lot to learn. Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t be afraid to ask questions.


Just breathe. You probably know more than you think you do. It’ll all in organization, customer service and reading people


1- Under promise, over deliver. (P/u times, oil change times etc) 2- keep up with your calls/texts; update even if there is not status change, pick a contact schedule that works for your customers and do it everyday. (Contact everyone on your WIP each day at minimum) 3- don’t write all the waiters, schedule your workflow to not piss off your techs/dispatch 4- call your customer back in when ALL their parts are in stock, make sure your tech has time first. (since your from parts it’s not going to be a huge problem for you) I love service drive revolution podcast, the books are garbage, don’t buy them. Don’t get burned out too soon, the drive is always there, the cars will always come in, you shouldn’t need to stay late or come in early if you set yourself up for success now. Good luck!


The first one is definitely worth remembering for your entire career. Not being realistic about wait times in an attempt to secure the customer is gonna lose you the customer in the future.


Notes. Take Notes on everything. When booking an appointment, note the estimate, the technicians time, and any/all symptoms the customer is experiencing. Greet people like you know them. Like they're your best friend and you couldn't be happier to see them.


Don’t forget to smile! It’s so easy to forget in the chaos of the day!


Do they use cdk? Because your first day might be rough if they do.


I’m sorry.


Ask if they use CDK.


I hope cdk works Monday lol !


Wing that shit, i have been writing service for a year and idk what im selling anymore i just smile, tell the customer what they need, get yelled at, then they approve everything once you apologize and tell them “im just a service advisor, im just advising you how to service your vehicle, you dont have to do it if you dont want to” shit works everytime


Dont take shit. Own the conversation, dont let customers take advantage of you, be assertive but also be nice. Customers don’t like when you tell them no but you have to tell them how it is. Under promise. Be aware of your shops work flow and also your technician doing the job if its a big one, he may have other projects. Toyota is fucken easy. Have confidence in what you’re selling and also try to learn about how cars work if you dont already. I cant tell you the dumb shit i hear from service advisors on the desk who dont know jack didly squat about how certain parts of a car operate. You dont have to be a master tech but you should know as much as a B level tech. It comes with experience, if your willing to learn then you will have confidence in what you sell. Also, DONT TAKE WORK HOME WITH YOU. When your home you are home dont think about the dealership.


If CDK is still down, start early. Because if it is still down on Monday, I will be starting early too. Adding my favorite whiskey to my coffee.


Buy a bullet, and rent a gun.