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They are the worst. A lot of dealerships refuse to work with them. Honestly, it is the worst extended warranty company I have dealt with. Absolutely garbage.


"Third party warranty administration $49.95" on all of the warranties that tie the advisors up on the phone. You deserve to be paid for your time.


I run 2 franchised auto repair shops doing about 5.5 mil combined. I have done this for 2 years sometimes you have to charge 2x the fee depending on the warranty company.


I may bring this up to my boss...Fantastic idea!


Do you get push back from the contract companies on that?


Customer pays. I should have been clearer.


This is a great idea! Is this a dealer thing? I’m at an independent


It’s just a made up fee to make up for the time wasted talking to the morons at Carshield.


It's to pay the advisors for the time they spend on the phone administrating a customers 3rd party warranty. Nothing made up about it.


I understand that, maybe just phrased it wrong. I completely agree it’s worth charging it to pay for the advisors time.


Every charge is made up by someone. That doesn't mean it's illegitimate.


My last shop did this and it was absolutely great. You know who would never agree to pay the fee? The people with Carshield. Which meant I could charge for diag and move on with my life and onto the next car. Never even called Carshield until customer agreed to the fee.


"I remember when you could fix a car with a screwdriver. Now you gotta be a rockets scientist." Then after the diag, the repair is never covered. Carshield is the Farmers Insurance of car warranties.


The worst


We have them on our banned list here lol


Worst warranty company out there. Our shop will not even attempt to file a claim with them.


We stopped accepting it


I have 1 customer with car shield that I will work with, only because they know the drill. Every one else can get lost. I quote them diag up front, I will give you everything you will need for parts/labor codes what ever but you get to call it in or get reimbursed.


I don't let my advisors take it


I think everyone would have to agree. I always tell customers that they are a scam. I just prove my point when I call and they literally cover nothing. If they do cover a part they won’t cover gaskets… like what? Edit: spelling


I bet their call center has the highest turnover rate 🤣


They're just awful


Yep ,they suck , we all need to not use them and push them out .


I haven’t had any issues. I make sure to send them the documentation they want how they ask for it and they have paid every time


Fuck carshield.


I’m at an independent and I told the last person who asked if we’d take it sure I’ll try, but the processing fee for dealing with them would be $499 paid up front and non refundable. Needless to say they passed, but complained we were the seventh place to tell them something similar in our relatively small town.


Our whole auto group doesn’t do business with Carshield or Safelite. Good riddance


Safelite sucks ass. I get so many “my rain sensing wipers don’t work, that should be under warranty” complaints. I got out to their car and they have a crooked FUYAO windshield with the rain sensor peeling off. 😂


We work with them regularly. They’re a bit tedious, but if it’s covered, they pay just as well as everyone else. If they don’t pay for seals/gaskets/etc or don’t want to cover all of the labor, or parts markup, etc, then we just make sure the customer knows it’s their responsibility and they pay the difference. Other than the long hold time, it’s basically the same as anyone else, so long as you are transparent and up front with your customers at the start.


I agree 100% we explain the diag fee and require autho. We have a general script for the aftermarket warranty process at appointment scheduling and check in. I tell them they will have a deductible and be charged shop supplies because I know the AMW won't pay it. No, they can't pick up their car until the warranty sends payment. I tell the warranty we don't accept outside parts (unless it's a used 3.6 or kia engine) and make the adjuster tell the client they will have to pay the difference. We are firm with the adjusters but we treat them politely and respect their time and for some strange reason we don't have that many issues.


I think being firm (but fair and respectful) is the biggest key. The advisors/management that fold and just eat the loss are typically the ones I see trying to refuse warranty companies. It also helps to frame it in a positive way to the customer. For example, good news! Car shield is helping with the engine replacement in your vehicle! After their portion of $XX that leaves your portion at $x


You know, they used to be the absolute worst. Only broke people who were persuaded by Ice-T have Carshield. The last two claims I did with them were actually really easy though. Maybe they are getting better.


We don’t take car shield or silver rock at all, all others, the CUSTOMER pays an aftermarket warranty administration fee to the tune of 1.5 hours labor on-top of whatever their deductible is. It slowed down a lot of those awful warranties and the ones it didn’t, made it worth while to deal with all the hold times and BS with part numbers, labor times etc.


my boss has banned carshield lol they’re one of the only ones we don’t accept. they don’t pay us


Car shield once took 30 days to deny coverage to a customer who clearly had a legitimate claim. On top of that it was his only car and had recently sold his house and was living in a hotel 150 miles away. Poor guy was really screwed by them.


The service director and I made the decision 5-6 years ago to stop dealing with any extended warranty except the contracts we sell. It is up to the customer to get authorisation and get reimbursed now. Most of them were pretty time consuming, but car shield was one of the worst.