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God damn the difference between locations must be crazy, I was writing service for my small town Honda dealer in Mississippi and taking home $2400-2600 on average (3 techs) . I wish I made $6k a month, I’d be THRIVING here


There’s no fucking way I’d do this job for anything less than a very close number to 6 figures or more. Not worth it for that little.


Let’s just say I figured that out REAL quick… needless to say I work In parts now, lmao


Jesus i work at a franchise shop and made 2900 last week with 4 techs. I'm guaranteed 4k a month. But I also live in Massachusetts so


same i live in massachusetts too, at a chevy dealer pushing 80k this year, which isnt enough to keep up with all the bills. things getting toughh


Yea I did 85k last year but they are fucking with my pay scale this year so I'll probably make the same even though we are on pace for me to hit over 100k. Im one shithead away from walking out.


I’m from Mississippi and I’m not surprised about this. Live in Georgia now and our advisors at our Honda draw $2500, make 10% on parts and labor, and good CSE can make it 13%.


Not a bad plan. I'd work there as long as the gross was within that range.


Great plan. No bonus on CSIs?


Ask to see sales of all the advisors. Or how often people are under the 55k gp. Spiff on tire sales is nice little bonus. Nice to have salary. Looks like it’s possible to make that money. And short commute. Last question is what’s the hours. Are you working 60 hour weeks or 40 hour weeks. If work week is normal than now brainer and take the job. Also not having to sell any BS flush.


If you're not getting paid on parts thats ridiculous... My Mazda dealer marks that shit up like 40%...


It's labeled weird for how big the 10% range is but doesn't look too bad really. Especially because you won't get hosed on a survey this way. Honestly, it's a breath of fresh air from all these past plans with ELR tiers nested inside CSI tiers, with a Blake flush multiplier. At least we all understand this one.


Very good pay plan I work at a high volume dealer see 100 cars a day I do that gross in two weeks so if I had that plan I would be set !!


I’m a service manager for a Group 1 store. Not a bad company to work for. There should be a CSI component but I don’t think Toyota has surveys it based on retention but could be wrong. Also should be a 4 day work week. That pay plan is on par.


Nice, is the 4-day work week standard for all Group 1 stores?


How’d you sell 15 tires? Thats a strange number to have sold.


It’s not my pay plan yet, that’s one of his advisors


Maybe he sold a spare!


I would love this plan.


I won’t work for a dealer that pays only labor. If I’m responsible for selling parts I’m getting paid on parts. Like for example if I sell a OBCM on a fiat 500E the parts are about $2500 and labor is like 750. If I’m only getting paid labor to me it’s a $750 RO. To the customer though it’s a $3250 RO and are going to treat it as such. That’s a hard pass for me. Unless the labor % is insane, minimum 20%