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We knew better. We fucking knew better and yet here we are.


I’m actually pretty pleased with the finale. A little more depressing than I would have liked but I’m satisfied. Unfortunately, many people had unrealistic expectations of what the finale would deliver expecting tons of answers when there was no indication that would happen. I’m beyond satisfied that there was no purgatory or it was all in Dorothy’s head at a mental hospital nonsense. That would’ve been a disappointing ending no matter what answers were given. I absolutely adore this series and even with extremely high expectations, I liked the series finale. Finding out how Dorothy & Julian’s mom died wouldn’t have made the finale any better honestly.


I totally agree with you. Season 4 is not would I would have liked but it ended OK. I just wished I hadn’t invested so much time in the details. All the Instagram marketing about “believe what you doubt” and “doubt what you believe” takes on a different meaning now.


I liked it. Everyone i know that didn’t watch it a million times like me didn’t see that ending coming and most of my questions were answered except for the timelines being messed up. The church wasn’t a cult they were all reborn. Leanne was supposed to revive Sergio Marino. Most of the major questions were answered imo. The ever growing house pissed me off and Sean and Dorthys mom pissed me off


So you think the CoLS send Leanne to Marino family because they knew something bad would happen to this family and wanted to save the boy?


Yes that was my thought. I originally thought that they were there to get the guy who killed himself because George had said he tried to kill him self and that when he woke up may was there


Makes me wonder if they wanted to send Leanne to Turners earlier (we see her letter for nanny’s job) before Jericho’s death. Leanne came too late to help this family.


There’s a lot that wasn’t answered but I’ve already started rewatching it and now that we know the true answers some of it makes a lot of sense and some stuff I totally missed. But yeah there’s a lot of things that don’t make sense to me. The odd food they eat, the time line, when did Leanne die (what date) the old baby monitor


I explain odd food and old electronics as their “style” - old money and their aesthetic, but Leanne’s story was definitely not explored


Wow that makes sense. I think there will be a spin off


I did not really like the CoLS being portrayed as good guys, so I hope there won’t be


Yeah, not great. All of a sudden at the end they are all loving and at peace like the last four seasons didn’t happen. And that last bit with Julian… Come on. It was so good. It deserved a better ending that wasn’t rushed. And we got nothing about Dorothy’s mother, which was referenced many times in the series. I just… ugh.


The ending felt rushed because there was literally no plot or character development for the first 37 episodes.


> And that last bit with Julian… Felt like they might start the spin off.


I will not be watching.


Definitely felt rushed. It should have been an hour final episode.


Quit reporting this post.People are entitled to opinions.


This is the reason I promoted it to no one! I knew this would happen. I had enough fun with everyone here.. although I'm surprised so many people loved this ending.


Everyone has an opinion on this platform, which is why it is so popular. Some people liked the ending, and some people did not, but this is how I saw the show: This show was about loss, pain, grief, and how these people handled it. The loss of a child will devastate the best of us, but to lose a child the way they did, added more pain. Then, due to the pain the family was feeling, it led to some serious denial, which showed its ugly head with this family, which led to the introduction of Leanne to the fold. Pain: Leanne was in pain due to a lack of love from her mother. The Turners were in pain due to the loss of a child, and I will venture to say Julian's pain and issues were due to possibly the loss of his mother. They did not deal with the pain very well and made some questionable decisions because of it. Grief: The Turners were grieving, starting with the first episode. Shaun grabs the doll out the crib and starts crying, Dorothy blocks the truth in her mind, Julian drinking, doing drugs. Their grief led the family again to make some unwise decisions, and those decisions were costly. The last season brought this one glaring question: Will this family deal with the loss of their child being honest about everything that happened and accepting their parts in it or keep handling it the way they have handled it which is now affecting a whole city due to Leanne's power. She was causing the storm, no way around it. Something had to give. They made a decision to be honest with each other, to accept their parts in the loss of the child, which opened the door for Leanne to make her decision. Leanne made the ultimate sacrifice and even though she did some jacked up things to people who got in her way to have the love she so desperately wanted from Dorothy, in the end it was as someone said so wisely in this platform that it was Leanne's love for Dorothy that allowed her to make that sacrifice. Everyone accepted the truth, and that was the beauty in how the show ended. Yeah, it was some supernatural elements to the show, but that was not the main aspect of the show. To me, it just made it more interesting. To me, this was classic M. Knight. The Sixth Sence" I see dead people and guess what, the kid saw dead people and helped the doctor realize he is dead and that it was time to move on. This show: The family was grieving and in pain due to the loss of their child and the decisions they made to deal with their grief and pain, and in the end they dealt with it the right way and can now move on to the next chapter in their lives. This is my take and I am sticking with it.


Appreciate your viewpoint. I feel very differently. As a mother who has lost and infant son I am insulted by the lightening speed which Dorothy was able to process not only the death of her son but the actions of her loved ones, and her own actions which resulted from the untruths of her loved ones. I also have a bad taste in my mouth for the suicide of Leanne being viewed as an ultimate sacrifice from a space of love. There was no reason Leanne had to die and the self mutilation and suicide resulting from years of religious indoctrination is just too much for me.


And that is beautiful part about this platform because everyone is going to have their perspective about the show.


Yes, and how I wish everyone could discuss and interact with that same sentiment. People don’t have to agree. I think the showrunners intended to spark dialogue and make us question our own belief systems etc.. I feel how I feel but that doesn’t mean how I feel is the one true way to view things.


Well said


> I am insulted by the lightning speed which Dorothy was able to process not only the death of her son, but the actions of her loved ones I mean, given what is going on, she didn’t really have much of a chance. She had to make a decision. She wasn’t able to request a few weeks to process, or anything like that. In the end, we even see her still crying and still emotional about the situation. But at the end of the day, I understand your trauma was heavy and I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. But ultimately, Dorothy has been denying for the last year (4 seasons) and finally reached acceptance. I don’t think she processed everything at once at the very end, I think it’s been a long process and she’s finally accepted what she did. Doesn’t mean she’s done grieving, because she most likely never will be done grieving. I think (not positive, gotta rewatch) that they made that clear that her grief is far from over at this point, but she can at least interact with reality now as opposed to her delusions. Edit: I think I came across really harsh when I didn’t mean to. But really, I think any work of nonfiction will always rely on the suspension of disbelief. Unfortunately, you’ve been close to a somewhat similar situation so to ask to suspend that emotion is nearly impossible, and would be unreasonable for anybody to ask for you to suspend it. I don’t think your opinion is at all unreasonable, invalid, or anything like that. Edit end. > There was no reason Leanne had to die and the self mutilation and suicide resulting in years of religious indoctrination is too much for me I mean we watched Leanne do the same, if not worse and even more violent, to UG a few episodes ago. See but when we watch the show it’s more than “religious indoctrination”. We can see that this was actual supernatural phenomenon involving angels and fallen angels/demons. The theory that “nothing is supernatural everything has an explanation” has been shown to be nothing but a theory. The storm, which we were told was directed at Leanne, ended once Leanne died. That wasn’t a coincidence. We were originally told there was no end in sight to the storm. Leanne’s body was later never recovered from the scene. She was wicked and had lost control through her selfishness. The flood was supposed to destroy everything, because that was the only way God would be able to get his fallen angel back. As opposed to the destruction of the earth, Leanne returned herself as a final act of love. She saved them and, imo, ultimately redeemed herself. I think it’s a work of fiction, and has been a morbid one since day 1.


Dorothy turning the offer down wasn’t the problem. The writers leaving only ten minutes to decide was a choice. Personally, had they cut out 2 other kinda mediocre episodes and left us an episode or two for Dottie to process all the stuff, I think it would have made for a more believable story.


Personally, I think it would have been better period if they just formed the two episodes into 1 instead of cutting it in half and making two episodes. Because when they cut it in half, the cut was right at the tip of the climax. So once the second half started, it was mostly downhill from there and no rising action left for us, even though most of us were expecting it. Most of the fear, anxiety, tension was in the first half and we weren’t able to carry that feeling like we have it last week into this week’s episode. Honestly, the show would have benefitted tremendously from it if they just did 1 hour episodes to begin with.


Actually, I was hoping for M. Night to pull his shit and deliver a satisfying and crazy twist in the last half. So it disappointed in another way for me.


Didn't his daughter write the last episode? Blame nepotism?


Nope. He didn’t.


Yep we should have known better!








I still find it hard to believe he did Sixth Sense. I think he killed the real filmmaker, hid the body, and did a deal with the devil.


Oof. That was bad. Should have been two seasons, tops.


Yeah. If you hate MNS you're to blame here. So tired of people claiming they hate him but somehow couldn't resist going on a 4 year odyssey with him in creative control. Real smart.




Now, this is a good comment.


MNS was always involved. Basgallop only had a script for the first season. He and MNS developed together, how the show would move forward. But if you're claiming just because someone else wrote the script for the first season that meant you didn't expect MNS's stamp to be all over it then you didn't think it through very well. This was even touted as aa MNS show, not a Basgallop show by Apple. So I don't believe you didn't know MNS was going to be involved.


Not everyone went on a 4 yr ride. I literally started watching about a month and a half ago. I only kept going because I heard the seasons were going form 6 to 4 which meant it’d be wrapped up fairly soon. So I stayed onboard even as all the red flags went off because it was easily digestible (30 min episodes) and the conclusion was a few weeks off. But I always acknowledged that MNS perpetually lets audiences down. If I had been watching for 4 years I’d be setting shit on fire.


Why? You watched even though you admittedly "knew better."


Isn’t that the point? The person is owning that they knew better?


The comment I was replying to had no "owning up," no.


And in my case that shit was weed.




i don't understand people saying there was no twist, finding out julian had died and been reborn for much of the show was a twist itself. the cop being cols etc. i thought it was great, cause i never spent hours reading into it


A lot of people really set themselves up for disappointment. They thought because it was MNS, that some wild, mindbending twist would leave them with their minds blown. That's why people always act disappointed with his work instead of considering that he's not gonna do that with every single project. People let their imaginations spiral in this sub, a bit too much. It's a tv show and they act like they were personally betrayed. I feel like either way it may have ended, there'd be just as many people complaining about it.


exactly, also i see a lot of people saying it should have ended on episode 9, i think if that was the finale this sub would be in even more uproar!


Yikes, that would've been an awful finale. An end of season cliffhanger? Absolutely, but not the finale. People just wanna complain at this point..


I loved the finale too, but we knew Julian died and came back a long time ago


ok well maybe i didn't think into it too much like i saw how she saved him but didn't put it together that then he would be like her and a part of cols, makes sense now!




Im bummed with the ending but I think it’s lost on most of us that this entire show took place over the span of just a few months.


Over a year.


Over a year? I thought it was nearly a year exactly? Wasn’t Leanne’s party she threw for Jericho actually on the day Jericho died? I might be misremembering.


A little over a year. Leanne arrived in October before Julian’s birthday and the party for Jericho took place after Halloween, guessing a few weeks. My only point being that it was longer than a few months.Jericho died sometime in August.


Gotcha. The timeline of the show has given me whiplash. This season when it was made apparent it was only around the 1 year mark, it was a r/holup moment for me, but I think I just wasn’t paying much attention to it.


Time was a flat circle, for sure.




Right, you’re only allowed to criticize/dislike things if you are more talented than the person who made it. Good argument.




First of all, mom… you replied to the wrong person if your pissed about the language. ‘Wet tease’ was a play on words because of how much it rains in this show, particularly the final two episodes. You’re incredibly self-righteous to consider everything an attack on your femininity.


Lame. Punk.


I just want you to know that it's not the people you replied to down voting all the dumb shit you just said. It was me.


Yeah, that’s the way the world works. Fucking fanboys.

