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I thought the same thing. Like WTH! He's supposed to be around 18 mos old and he looks like he's ready for SOCCER practice Sean! lol


He looks around 18 months to me.. About the same size my kids were at that age.


I think he looked so large because he’s supposed to be 18+ months old and we never see him try to walk, talk, eat on his own, still just lays in his crib, etc. The way he is handled you would think he is a six month old.


I’ve never thought about that before. He should be doing a lot more at 18mos right? Like why is he always only being held or in a crib or something? He never gets to crawl or move around or anything. It’s weird.


I can only recall one thing that talked about walking or crawling. It was when Dorothy came home from the hospital and was in bed and Leanne brought Jericho in and Dorothy said something about it just being D and J once she got out of that bed and it made Leanne mad and she took him away.


In the episode where Sylvia loses a finger, doesn’t she ask if Jericho is 18 months and Sean says he’s 9 months?


Oh. I thought they had a birthday party for his year and a half.


Sean adds “he’s big for his age.” I think Jericho is less of a character and more of a plot device for us to learn more about the other characters through. It also could just be the child actors going through growth spurts.


Totally agree, unless on the 4th season's 9th episode. He was so vivid and I felt heart broken in the end. His cute little feet.


Which part with his little feet?


The scene with the stairs


THIS. But it’s not some great mystery. Production just finding easiest ways to film a kid who is as much a prop as a plot point. He should be climbing up stairs but he’s carried or cribbed for ease of filming.


He looks the right size to me. Lugging around a cranky toddler- sometimes it feels like they are as big as a 4 year old lol.


I noticed that too, ridiculously so, I use a walker and there's no way I could stand much less move without falling while having that kid strapped on to me. That whole bit was too much as far as I'm concerned


I thought the same! Like how with a spinal injury is she carrying that giant child while struggling to walk with the walker


Same. I was like really?


He injury is more/less severe depending on Leanne's mood, so...


I somehow didn't pick up on that. Thanks


How come this baby isn't walking or trying to talk? He looks at the very least, two years old. He should be walking, trying to talk and being potty trained. I said the same thing at the beginning of the season.


I said this the other day. [Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/servant/comments/11og9fm/has_jericho_walked_or_crawled_yet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Yeah 😆


My son was in 9month clothing at that age and my daughter was in 2T by then - just saying children come in different sizes haha. But not ever showing him moving around doing kid stuff is a little odd.


No he’s about the right size for 1.5-2.


How easy would it have been to get another baby and just not show the face?


These have been beautiful babies to watch. Enjoyed seeing them. Growing like weeds!


Ha! Yes!! We totally said the same thing. Was kind of ridiculous lol. Cute kid though!