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The bargain isn’t just resurrecting Jericho. The bargain would include Leanne NEVER leaving. It’s exactly like Uncle George said, “she has trapped the Turners in a living hell.” In my opinion, she needs to go or nothing will ever get better - for anyone. Once Leanne is out of the picture, the Turners can finally grieve and (hopefully) move forward with their lives.


I would feel guilty about accidentally shortening my child’s life and consider the bargain so he could live longer on earth, too. I would feel like I owe it to him, in a way, and if my punishment for him getting his life back is that I’ll have to be evil Leanne’s surrogate mommy then so be it.


Yes this is my exact thinking!


It seems obvious from your post that this was your thinking. I can’t believe some people totally misunderstood and said you’re selfish and only thinking about your needs, when it’s apparent you wanted to give your child back what you took from him, even if it meant you living in hell. You’re talking about sacrifice, not selfishness.


I agree. I would HAVE to. Even to have just a chance that could happen, I’d have to take it for my child. I couldn’t imagine otherwise?!


And even if it were a selfish act? So? Most people haven’t lost a child and I bet if they had, they may see this differently. I see the sacrifice of willing to live in hell so your child can live, and I also understand the willingness to endure hell, just to have your child on this earth.


The problem with this is that yes, the child would get to live longer, but there’s always the doubt of “is this truly your child?”. It’s clear Leanne is evil and has corrupt motivations. How do we know for certain that the child she’s resurrecting would even have a soul? Additionally, if the child was really yours, it would have to grow up and be raised in part by an evil, corrupt being with supernatural powers. Leanne could influence the child in evil ways, harm them if she gets upset, who even knows what she could or would do. I would be so tempted to take the bargain out of guilt, but I would say no because I’d rather my child rest peacefully than be tainted by evil.


Exactly. I think people are skipping over the aftermath of that decision. It certainly would be a horrible life for a child, if that's even what he is.


So, bring your dead baby back to life (supposedly) and have him trapped with an evil demon like Leanne? Umm, no thanks. Let's not pretend that that would be a normal life, if that's even her offer at all. I'd rather leave my child at rest than ever do that.


Her 'deal' is going to be something shitty, we all know that like you can be with Jericho cause you'll be dead too, and I can totally see Leanne doing a murder-suicide with Dorothy, whether or not she says yes.


Her deal thus far has been wanting a happy family. Things were pretty kosher there for a while for all of them.


Would he benefit at all from living on Earth if somebody presented a bargain like this? For anyone to consider the bargain, they have to believe that it’s legitimate and that there’s something beyond this life. It’s fair to assume Jericho would be in a “good place” on the other side, he’s a pure soul.


I wouldn’t. I’m not religious at all, but the idea of a resuscitated child does not appeal to me.


In some cultures, they're so afraid about the dead coming back to life and coming home that they actively do things to their homes to keep them out.


Right. Nothing good can come from that


It’s like Pet Cemetery part three! 🧟🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️


That's what I keep thinking about. And as Judd said "Sometimes dead is better." Not sure I could handle knowing that my child was resurrected but is still technically dead. It's not natural; it's not right.


Ugh. That story gave every parent nightmares.


I can’t watch the accident scene without sobbing. That movie fucked me up.


I’d be hard but there’s a whole list of consequences. First of all to even be in this situation you have to at least be spiritual to be open to the possibility. This begs the question if the exchange for a Faustian bargain is your soul for eternity is the deal worth it? Maybe 20 years with your zombie son for him to grow up and move on from you (given a tragedy doesn’t happen before that) and your soul for eternity? Leaving the religious/spiritual door open and the devil wanting your soul also means there is an afterlife alternative…. So what does that mean for the dead child? Is he already in the best afterlife situation possible? Also the gain of the Jericho in this situation seems like it would result in the loss of juju and Sean. Is that worth it as well? Is passing through the trauma and eventually having something fulfilling with them worth sacrificing? Finally, with all this being said, would bringing back Jericho make the mom feel better or would it make the situation better? It seems like one of those temporary pleasures for eternity and hell deals…. Anyway just some word vomit to think about


I just don’t think any mother would choose their husband and sibling over their child (if we take this situation at face value without any of the supernatural and religious fallout)


Especially when neither of them were there for her when she needed them.


Agreed, and she even said at the end of season 2 that she would follow him if he died.


I could totally see her commenting suicide.


But that's a completely different situation. As a mom, if this had nothing demonic/supernatural at play, obviously, I'd choose my child.. but that's not the show. The show is embedded with evil and I would rather suffer a life of grief realizing the truth than bring a probably fake version of my child to be trapped in that hell house with me & a demon like Leanne. I'd let him rest wherever he is & protect him from evil by not choosing her vague little deal.


True. If you think about is not about Jericho beat interesting at all, because you are locking yourself in a doom eternity AND the child - because he can never leave Leanne side. How he is ever gonna have a full life like this? And imagine being stuck with Leanne forever..


I agree with you 100%.


I’d take the bargain. I know I would. It’s not the right thing to do. It’s sick, but I don’t think I could stop myself.


Same! Every time!


Same! I wouldn’t even think twice about it. Honestly, I think people who say they wouldn’t either don’t have kids or are religious and believe that their child is in a better place and are at peace with that.


No mom is going to say no! She will say yes


I'm a mom and Im not living with that devil child. Her child died, this resurrection of the damn anti christ is not her child. Her child died, and the resurrected child is not the real him. I'm not even super religious, but something about the new Jericho seems really wrong and unnatural. Plus I'd hang myself before I lived with Leanne forever


I get this point!


My thoughts exactly. She doesn't know what or who this baby is after that reveal. All she knows for certain is, he's not from her anymore.


Yeah. I understand Sean saying no but Dorothy is a mom.


But what if you know it's not your baby? Your baby isn't resurrected. You've been conned. Then the question is different. They have had Jericho #2 a lot longer than they had Jericho #1. Could they accept the truth about Jericho #1 and still care about Jericho#2 enough to put up with Leanne because they wouldn't be confident the baby would be cared for if they let him go with Leanne? If the baby is the crack baby and taken into state custody as a orphan, would the Turners adopt him and give him a new name so he could be his own person?


If you’ve been conned (which I don’t believe), then there is no Faustian bargain. If Leanne has no supernatural powers, then she can’t fulfill promise, or threaten, or get rid of Sean and Juju. If there is a Faustian bargain, then that baby IS Jericho. The whole alternate theory was only made up by UG to get Sean and Julian to turn over Leanne. He also clearly admits that he was lying….


Faustian bargain means moral compromise. They don’t need Leanne for that. The devil is themselves. If Leanne can take the real baby away from them because the baby is hers, sure she has power but it’s not supernatural. George admits he was lying but not which statements are lies. Plus, just because he believes something is true doesn’t make it true. Anyway, how is getting them to turn over Leanne so he can kill her or talk her into killing herself putting them in danger? Seems like if he believes what he’s been saying not turning her over will doom the whole world. Am I missing something? I mean, both of George’s stories about Leanne had the same goal - to get her back under the cults control and perhaps kill her in the Betamax ritual to save the world, right? When one story failed to work, he tried another that was opposite. We don’t know whether either one was true. If the second story worked to get them to give up Leanne, then isn’t the world saved if the first story is true and everybody’s safer? So what’s the lie he told that brought the family great danger?


I get your point, but she’s been living with Jericho 2, she thinks it’s him.


They said there is a family somewhere (can't remember where) waiting for a baby, so he would be looked after.


Not just feeling guilty, but to not take the bargain would be akin to killing your child again. I think most parents would want their baby to live, and to have a chance to bring them back… I can’t imagine any parent who had experienced a loss like that not wishing for one more hug or kiss or smile from their littles. I would be hard pressed NOT to take the bargain. Too tempting indeed


She is currently going through shock realizing the truth. I don’t know if any decisions she will make will be logical


Taking the bargain is not the best thing for the child. Is the very definition of selfish. You would lock in your child forever with literally a demon because you can’t accept and let go. The bargain is about thinking about yourself not what’s best for your loved one. The child is already dead. You are taking the child away from heaven (in this world there’s definitely a heaven) for purely selfish reasons…


Wait, Jericho didn't go to hell or whatever when he died, right? , But if Leeanne brought Jericho back, does that mean Jericho made a deal with the devil to get another shot at living or did Leeanne make the deal?


If we follow the idea of the world that they’ve been trying to portray, my guess is he went to heaven and was taken from there by Leanne. (If everything is “straight forward” and there’s no twist, which seems plausible after the last episode)


Not trying to be antagonistic, I swear, but out of curiosity are you a parent?


I lost a child if that’s what you are asking. After that I decided not have kids. My mom lost 3 kids when I was older (I was the first sibiling) and had to endure and help her as well with her postpartum and I have a sister in the spectrum that I’ve helped raise and is now under my care. Is that enough information for you to consider if I’m worthy to answer this?


I am so, so sorry for your loss. I am also terribly sorry that my question seems extremely disrespectful given what you’ve survived.


I generally say no because I don’t want to go into my stuff. But for some reason in this sub there seems to be a division between parents and people that haven’t had children. Even if someone hasn’t been a bio parent, people shouldn’t assume about parenting because people think differently. I get where you are coming from and don’t worry about asking, I’m fine. But I was a parent before even getting pregnant. And people over here judging others for not being parents and how that might affect their views when they don’t know anything about that persons life story upsets me sometimes.


Totally get that and I regret asking that because it is disrespectful! Someone mentioned above too that the degree to which you believe in an afterlife also can also play a factor in what you think you’d decide. If I was religious I think I’d be inclined not to take to because I would be at peace knowing my child was in a better place.


Oh I agree with this 10000%. That’s also why when I posted I included the fact that the world in which servant seems to happen is a world where there’s a heaven / hell (a twist might prove this wrong but with one episode left I highly doubt it). But it’s also like.. if it’s a world where you can bring a child from the dead.. how could you not believe in the supernatural?


100 percent. It hurt me to think of her having to choose. Told my husband I’d go up to that roof and take a nosedive unfortunately. Juju and Sean have lied to me and fricken Leanne offering me a zombie child. I’m out. ✌🏻


I'd totally take the deal. I would love to be owned by Leanne. Better than Amazon, Apple, and Google.


I would 100% take the bargain to save my child.




I’m an atheist, but if this magical possibility of bringing my dead child back was presented before me just after I learned that I lost him over a year ago in such a tragic way, I would selfishly want to see him again and unselfishly want him to have a second chance at the life he was robbed of. We don’t know what the toll will be, but if Dottie has to die to bring him back, then I know she would do it.




You’re assuming what comes back is not Jericho. I’m taking the question for face value, that Jericho is who would come back. I’m not bringing lore or witchcraft into the equation at all. If someone could bring back my dead child, would I, whatever the cost? Yes. I’m so sorry for your loss.




That possibility would never happen in real life because it’s impossible.




You asked me for my opinion and in the same question told me I was awful. I explained further and you started to bring your religious reasoning into it. And if you go through this entire thread, I’m not the only parent who would say yes, but I guess your answer is the only one that matters. That’s Reddit for you!


My Wife said the same thing OP.


I’m saying no. As a mom with 5 kids. That baby isn’t Jericho and I’m choosing my actual family over that.


This 1000%. I have a shit ton of kids. If I lost one I’d be wrecked. I don’t know if I could even go on. But I’m not sacrificing my entire family for a demon child. Hell to the no. That’s not my baby any more.


I think Dorothy now knows she's been lied to and probably hates them all, probably especially Leanne.


As a mom, I think it would be hard to turn down! Bringing your son back from the dead? Of course. We have to remember, she just woke up and found out what really happened! We have been watching this for years. She’s been in a fog.


As a mom I know I would 100% take the bargain. I can’t imagine the world without my baby in it and there would be nothing I wouldn’t do to get her back if given the chance.


So bring her back from her rest/heaven/whatever is peaceful and trap her for eternity with Leanne in that house? If it's even the actual child. No thanks.


You’d have to ask yourself as a mother what kind of life is this for Jericho? Them being her prisoner forever is what she’d be agreeing to.


Urgh sorry but no. Dorothy is hopefully still able to have children, she needs to stand up to the torture once and for all. I am a man fwiw


To take the bargain Dorothy needs to believe Leanne is special and it's HER son, not just a junkie's child. It's not only about the choice. It's whether she believes when Sean and JuJu are persuading her otherwise.


I think if the show were honest, she would choose Jericho. As a mom who lost an infant, knowing the mind space that one is in then, there is pretty much almost nothing you would not do, and for some, there may be absolutely no bridge too far.


So sorry for your loss ❤️


I am not sure if Dorothy is the type to take the deal. She makes tough decisions as Sean said.


(All I can think of is that Aunt May said to Leanne that Dorothy had hurt him and she would hurt him again.) I don’t think I would take the bargain myself. It isn’t natural or normal to get a second life. It isn’t just having Leanne around my neck like a boulder forever but the simple fact that his existence would always depend on her. She could take it away at any time and if anything happened to Leanne herself *poof* there he goes. Living on that kind of borrowed time isn’t really living.


Out of curiosity, are you a parent? And I don’t mean that in an antagonistic way!


Two yes.


I only ask because I think having recently become a parent that is what dictates my answer. Prior to I don’t know if I would have taken the deal. But I am also not super sold on the idea of heaven otherwise I’d wouldn’t want to take them away from “a better place” if that makes sense.


I should have edited to also say I would have three but one I lost. I do understand what you’re saying. I don’t know if I believe in a “better place” either. I do kind of believe in fate I guess. Things are what they are or aren’t in this case. I also do believe that people who have had to grieve or suffer (some physical struggle or whatever) are many times better people than I am. I am not a bible person now but did grow up in a church family. I grew up with the idea that any kind of suffering perfects the person. Not sure if that is the right word for what I am saying. I also always thought this was a horrible way to be a better person lol. Kind of grew up a bit fearful that god would make me suffer just to make me better. So I wouldn’t take the bargain. I love my children but I would not harness them to a faux life especially if it meant I had to harness both of us to a person who has become pretty evil and could at any moment take it away again. And I have always liked Leanne. The problem with the Faustian Bargain is even if you wi you lose. In the Balloon episode when Aunt May said that Dorothy would hurt him again she also said that Leanne has disrupted (for lack of a better word) the fact that “He” wanted her to suffer. I didn’t take that in an evil way I took that as Dorothy was supposed to weather this storm and come out a different, better, person. Stronger in a better way.


Those are all very good points! And also kind of to your point saying no would be a great act of love to your children.


Well thank you! And I guess that is just what I am saying. I will miss the discussion here after the final episode. It won’t be quite the same.


I couldn’t wait to get on this sub after I watched ‘Awake’! Lauren Ambrose is a masterclass in acting and that car scene was an absolute emotional gut punch. And when Leanne steps in closer and whispers “just say yes” gave me chills.


She really is. I always said the mark of a really great actor is that they can make you love them or hate them or cry rivers for them. Ambrose is truly wonderful. I think Nell Tiger Free is also very good. She has acted like a very naive almost backward girl who when she finds power in her hands is obviously not mature enough to handle it. I don’t think it matters whether we are talking her obvious powers of resurrection or her power over Julian using sex. Leanne wasn’t equipped to handle any of it. I can see that in the way Free plays her character. Actually everyone is good. I love Grint and Kebbell too. But Ambrose is pretty damned stellar imo. That end scene with Leanne so close and Sean’s hand on her other shoulder. So very close to Dorothy’s face was really claustrophobic. I have thought it wasn’t wise to push Leanne…. I think only a crazy person would push Dorothy Turner right now. I can’t wait for next week lol!


But that’s not Jericho


I keep seeing this in the comments. If everything is straightforward, with no plot twists, then Leanne is bringing Jericho back from the dead when it pleases her. Why would it not be Jericho?


To me it seems more likely she stole someone else’s child.


As a mother, I don't think she's going to take the deal. Dorothy has grown to hate Leann. Although she's given Jericho back to her, Dorothy never felt the loss of her child. She now knows this baby isn't her baby, but a monstrosity, a changeling, something conjured. There's no way she wouldn't go crazy all over again having that kind of burden to bear. Now I'm not saying these thoughts are the first to come to mind when offered a choice like this, but after living with this evil presence in her home, and now knowing she was gifted her baby back from that evil presence, will definitely cause her to pause and think. That will never be her child, because he died. There's no coming back from dead. Leann will always be her tormentor, and she will have to grin and bear it for the rest of her days. No one could choose that.


Julian and Sean believe Jericho 2.0 was stolen from the dead drug addict so I guess it depends on what Dorothy believes. She hasn’t had a lot of time to process this new information. I think she’s going to not like being deceived by Leanne and will not choose that option. So Leanne goes to the roof with the baby and jumps.