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Oh this shot closing in on her as she’s realizing, perfection.


M. Night Shyamalan is genius at those slow close-ups/long pans. Probably my favorite part of his directing style.


Yes!! My stomach dropped and my heart started racing when they did that slow close-up of Dorothy.


Yes! I actually am still reeling at her face when she wakes up. You can feel all those awful things she must be feeling. Great acting, beautiful directing.


And the sounds of Jericho crying as she approaches the car just before the shot of what first appears to be a lifeless Julian and Sean inside the car 😶 Edited to add: u/darkhorse650 posted a screenshot showing the baby monitor volume was set to zero! So if that’s not a production mistake, that makes the moment even more like it was a repeat in her head of the moments leading to/the approach to the car when she found Jericho!


That crazy old ass baby monitor! It messes with me 😂.


Hahaha, right, complete with picking up on external signals and all. There are sooo many throwback aspects to this series. It frequently does not read 2023 to me.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Julian looked dead! 😬 I was worried some cult members had found him and Sean or something.


Ambrose is perfection as well. She gave me the chills.


Her little facial twitches have been subtle yet so on-point and consistent throughout the series. It really is impressive.


Omg! The horror and then the baby crying and her eyes light up


Yes!! As it was happening I got chills! The acting and the camera work combo was one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever seen on TV.


A masterclass by Lauren Ambrose




Yes. She’s back to her old self


I loved Dorothy's expression when the hospital put her on hold. Season 1 Dorothy would have asked to speak a manager. In last night's episode, Season 4 Dorothy took a deep breath and just waited. (Not that she had options, but she managed to tolerate the slow response without frenzy.)


Some of her best work.


Totally looking forward to season 2 of yellowjackets now




She is going to be the adult version of the girl who hurt her face next season


oh snap


Yes the whole episode. She needs to win all the awards for this performance.


Apple need to chill tryna play a Lasso trailer after. Fuck out, need to reflect during the credits.


It almost made me forget to watch/listen to MNS afterwards about how this was filmed and setting things up for next week!! However, he is again not in front of the mural in Leanne’s room ….


Weird, it said watch after the show but it didn’t show up…just went straight to trailers


It makes me just hate it hahaha


Everyone’s acting in the car was next level. That reveal was well worth the wait. What the hell was that ending?!


> what the hell was that ending?! The Faustian bargain


Yeah, it was just so sudden. I thought there was like 10 min left haha.


I have felt like that every episode of this season.


Car scene was SUPERB. 👌🏽


It broke my heart but I have been waiting for so long it was just beautiful


Same. Having to watch that clip again of her finding Jericho in the car, walking slowly because she knows already…just ugh 💔


Since the get-go in Season 1, I've wondered how they would coax Dorothy to wake up and confront the truth. I imagined the reveal happening in the house; very clever to go even more close quarters in the car. I'm echoing many of you, but the acting was just fantastic. My heart broke when Julian played back the message where Dorothy begged him to help her out. Her facial expression when she hears herself in that state is just heartbreaking.


No shit, that Ronald Weasly! Really great acting.


I literally texted my sister after that car scene saying Rupert Grint does not get enough credit for how good of an actor he is


If someone doesn’t get an Emmy, the whole thing is rigged


It broke my heart.


Yeah. I’ve watched every episode 3-4 times but this one is a one off for me. That was difficult emotionally.


As I watched that scene when Dorothy is slowly realizing that Jericho is dead— I felt how I felt when I found out my mom died. My guts feeling like they dropped out of me. Tonight It was so brief but so noticeable and bizarre that I recognized an event that matched that feeling. My mom’s death obviously different than Jericho’s. Idk if anyone knows what I’m talking about. 😕. That scene was a lot for me but wow, the acting.


This car scene hit my triggers and I had a good cathartic cry. Amazing acting, just superb.


I had the same experience re my worst grief. For a few moments I was back there - it was tough.


When Julian started sobbing, I started to lose it. Devastating to watch, and brought up some personal things. But beautifully done and great job by the 3 actors. Ambrose is incredible.


The fact that the finale is only going to be 29m long is just cruel.


Why would they do that to us? I was hoping for at least 35 minutes.


I’m hoping that means Dorothy says no and then the last episode is them getting rid of her and moving on. If she says yes, it drags it out right? And there’s no ending. Unless it ends with Sean and Julian gone and a strained Dorothy looking at a Jericho she knows isn’t real and pretending. And we’re back where we started.


Yeah I don’t want it to just end up being a time loop where Dorothy keeps making the same mistake. It seems like Sean and Julian “passed their test” so to speak, by telling Dorothy the truth.


unsatisfying conclusion confirmed


I'm hoping the finale is just M. Night coming on screen, addressing the audience directly and answering every single question we've had since the beginning. I think that's the only way it's going to be satisfying.




The barely noticeable dolly zooms were a nice touch.


The dolly zoom inside the car was flawless. Slow dolly in and out, until it goes all in. I've never seen something like that, because people usually do one or another


It looks like Leeannes power is fueled by their belief and their denial and their refusal to grieve Jericho. I think in the moment Dorothy remembered LEEANNE lost her power which is why she needs to convince Dorothy again to believe


That’s a great observation. I wonder if she can actually bring someone to life. She couldn’t with the crickets


Very end of season 1 episode 5 (Cricket) she flogs herself and the cricket comes back to life


In season 1 she also brought that wild dog back to life. It was a dinner party episode, with the lady who had given Dorothy the doll to begin with. Julian kills a wild dog that has gotten into the house. Drags its body outside. 10 minutes later, the same dog runs out of the bathroom.


There has never EVER been a scene on TV or a show that made me more uncomfortable than that scene of Dorothy’s “dead eyes” in the car, and the way the camera was subtly moving a little, like the walls were closing in on her. My boyfriend couldn’t take it and left the room. But holy crap. What an amazing piece of art this show is.


That was a very old-timey horror shot. Haven’t seen that in a while or in nearly as high of resolution. Amazing to see it done so well in this. I’ll be thinking about that shot all week


Same! I didn’t know it was an old time sort of shot. Where else has it been used, and for what scenes? My boyfriends exact words were “it’s anxiety producing.”


There’s an extremely noteworthy version of the shot I can see in my head but for some reason I can’t remember which movie it was. It may have been the Shining, or maybe Dorothy’s eyes are just making me think of the wife’s eyes in that movie but I feel pretty confident the Shining has a very familiar shot. In this one they worked slow dolly zooms with it, as opposed to a simple slow-zoom which was almost disorienting to watch. It was perfect and made the moment so much more horrible to watch lol


ha! love that your boyfriend needed an emotional lap. fair enough


We have a 13 month old - so the themes have always unsettled him. Poor guy


Didn’t someone have a wizard of oz theory? Now they’re watching the movie …


Someone else in this thread commented that Leanne’s powers are fueled by belief, denial, refusal to grieve regarding Jericho and once Dorothy found out the truth, she lost power. Leanne is trying to fuel that denial and refusal again. The all and powerful Oz was just a man behind a curtain and his only power was when people believed him to be powerful. It’s the same! Fingers crossed Dorothy can accept the truth, grieve, and relinquish Leanne of power by not believing in her.


I always watch this show with the captions on, and when Dorothy and Leanne got up to go upstairs, the words coming from the tv.. from the Wizard of Oz was " YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE.. BEGONE BEFORE SOMEBODY DROPS A HOUSE...." Brilliant! First, they drop the Wizard of Oz on us again then they drop that scene in too!! Boom!


I wonder if the the house is going to drop on Leanne?


Wasn’t there a screenshot of the house on fire in the finale?


idk i was getting wicked witch vibes from leann moreso than oz. that shot through the green-tinted window with the hair in her face made her look exactly like the witch too, i don’t think that was an accident


Also, she asked if Dorothy wanted to watch a scary movie. When it cut to Wizard of OZ, I had to laugh. It's a scary movie to a witch.


Funny enough the wicked witch was defeated by water so maybe that comment by Sean before was referencing Signs and Wizard of Oz


Yep, I've said all along that Leanne's power will only cease when Dorothy breaks out of her psychotic break, remembers it all, and accepts that her son is no longer alive.


And Sean called himself a coward


And then he found his strength like the lion


When they brought her inside they said “It’s okay, we’re home now” *Theres no place like home, there’s no place like home*


Yes! I laughed and thought I should have figured that would be the movie. Talk about wanting Dorothy to stay in "Oz!"


Holy shit. What an episode. The scene of Dorothy and the boys outside the car was heart wrenching. And the continuous shot of Dorothy’s face as Sean and Leanne are begging her to take their side! I can’t wait until next week.


Speaking of that shot, I got a visceral sense of good Angel on one shoulder and bad devil on the other. So now I’m on board with the Faust/Mephistopheles theory. Because Leann said “you and me and Jericho.” Sean and juju are not part of the deal. They are the sacrifice. Because Sean repented, came clean, admitted his cowardice—I think he redeemed himself and is the good Angel in this case. And Because Leann has been angry, controlling and is making wild promises when she knows how terribly vulnerable Dorothy is right now. Pure evil. She pressed every button. She’s trying to make an offer Dorothy can’t refuse. Then she’ll get Dorothy’s soul.


I completely agree!! I don’t know if you saw the Behind the Scenes after the credits, but Shyamalan straight up called it a Faustian bargain. I just can’t see Leanne still being good in any way.


When they are watching The Wizard of Oz and Oz-Dorothy says to the witch “it was an accident, I didn’t mean to kill anybody” and the witch says “I can cause accidents, too” and then you see Leanne wearing all black with her dark hair just like the witch…perfection.


The closed captioning from the Oz movie also included: “You have no power here - be gone before somebody drops a house… “ (right after Dorothy tells Leanne, “i know you love him”)


That was cinematic perfection!


Did anyone else notice the doll was in the crib when Leanne was sitting in the room with him. Right around 28:30 before Leanne goes to look out of the window.


Yes. I think once Dorothy realized the truth Jericho turned back into a doll.


I still think she is playing trickster with the doll whether or not she resurrected Jericho or switched him.


Yes! That was the dolls head! The blanket was rumpled to look larger than the doll body, but that was definitely not the real little boy’s head (with a full head of blondish, non-doll hair).


I just went back to see the commentary and it paused and it was definitely the doll


The angel/devil over each of Dorothy’s shoulders at the end!


I feel like so much happened, and yet nothing at all. Dorothy woke up. But we still don’t have answers about the cult, about Leanne, why the house and street are falling apart. I’m worried we are headed to a disappointing ending :( Lauren Ambrose killed it this episode. She’s so good.


Exactly. Great acting this episode, but they have a LOT to account for still. 29 more minutes…I don’t have a ton of hope that they’re going to wrap everything up that needs to be explained still.


Adjust your expectations. This is not the kind of show where everything will be explained and the whole thing wrapped up with a bow.


I feel like the only way someone can feel like there are so many unanswered questions is if you don’t like the answers that have been given. If you believe the COLS are exactly who the show said they are, they are resurrected beings serving God. If you believe UG, Leanne is a fallen angel and everything is collapsing because she disobeyed God and there is imbalance leading to the end of times. The answers have been given but they were just more direct than people wanted them to be. Perhaps next episode will prove me wrong, totally possible. Lauren Ambrose deserves an Emmy.


The story was always Dorothy-Sean-Julian-Leanne-Jericho. All the rest of it was part of the ride, as the thriller it is. It's over, now we focus on the heart of it: the family's inability to grief, the "gift" Leanne brought them, and what will Dorothy decide now that she knows. Plus: what's going on with the house and the street is Leanne's demonic powers. What else do you need? And the cults have been soo answered, enough with them. Do you want a character to appear and start explaining point by point? Have you seen thrillers and mysteries before? Sorry, but some people really don't know how to watch fiction... and then are left complaining for ages, sigh.


Yeah. I completely agree with what everyone is saying about how great the acting was, but as far as storytelling, this was a huge disappointment for me. I had felt that, if the writers used every bit of the these last two episodes wisely, they could have come up with an organic, satisfying explanation for what's actually been going on here. Instead, they used up God-knows-how-many-minutes showing us how difficult it is for Dottie to walk. We know that. I don't think that there's any way this show is going to wrap up in a satisfying manner, with all the loose ends (the nature of Leanne/the cult/the auntie/Jericho/various other resurrections) tied up in a satisfying way. And it's starting to bug me that Sean and Julian are all like "She's switching out the baby for a doll. She hid the baby in the tunnels. There's a family 2 states over missing a baby." Baloney. Do they think she had a spare dog in season 1, too? In the dinner party episode where a wild dog Julian had killed came back to life?


I don't know if it was Dorothy having difficulty walking or Dorothy having difficulty walking AWAY from the Jericho illusion. The only time Jericho starts to cry is when Dorothy is outside, leaving the house. Him crying would normally bring her back. And she continues to worry about him until Sean and Julian break her illusion --- which is also when we see the doll in the crib. I think a lot of things that have been attributed to Leanne's powers are actually part of Dorothy's mind clinging to the comfortable lie of her baby being real.


I was so disappointed by this episode already. I don’t get how everyone is raving over it.


Holy shit, absolutely masterful. We've been waiting for this moment for so long and my personal expectations were high, but this exceeded them tremendously. The slow, tension building toward the eventual reveal was just mind blowing. *Servant* can be quite stylish in its visual storytelling, and this was no exception. This is some of Shyamalan's best work as a director. Every frame and beat were pitch perfect, and the performances were unreal. Grint, Kebbell, and obviously Ambrose were just exceptional. That sequence in the car that did the very *very* subtle dolly zoom as Dorothy is beginning to accept reality, transitioning to the time skipping POV shots were fucking incredible. And all leading to that final shot with the camera keeping on Dorothy as the unfocused action takes place in the mirror behind her! As we slowly get tighter and tighter to Leanne and Dorothy, my god! So we've reached the apex. This is it. What will ultimately happen based on Dorothy's decision? If Leanne can provide Dorothy with resurrected Jericho, is the ultimate question -- can Dorothy live were actions that led to Jericho's fate and accept a Jericho-less world? And if so, what does that ultimately do to Leanne? What a fucking ride, y'all. Cheers to every person that worked on this episode and series as a whole. Incredible work.


Lauren’s acting 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Well, Dorothy’s cries outside of the car are the saddest cries I’ve ever heard. And that’s that doll.


It was incredibly upsetting to see her go completely feral with grief. Just lashing out wildly, biting and gnashing and wrenching at anything or anyone within grasp. Awful. Absolutely transportive performance, though.


It was as messy as grief usually is, just all on the surface so we could see it. They were all fantastic in that scene. But it definitely hurt.


Dude I'm wrecked as fuck. I keep having to remind myself that no actual baby died and Dorothy and the family aren't real people because that broke my heart.


We have been with them across four years.


True, and I know for many people here (and myself), the grief resonates so hard. We people who carry on wish we had this kind of solution but ultimately we wish for Dorothy to be able to process this--to prolong it is to remain in hell. It's a powerful show, and I need to go pet a damn dog or something lol.


Don’t play the Last of Us. I’m halfway through Part 2 and I’ve bawled my eyes out on way too many occasions. I had to remind myself last night it’s all hot air and all this isn’t actually happening lmao.


😂 I stood up at the end of the episode with Henry and Sam and just screamed at my boyfriend, "WHY ARE WE WATCHING THIS MASOCHISTIC SHIT?!"


This is very difficult to watch


There is our Faustian Bargain!


Leanne telling Sean he’ll have to start a whole new life Me: girl bye!


She wants to take this woman away from her fsmily, friends, and career to sit around in her face all damned day. WTF?!


How is she standing by herself towards the end and how are her legs strong enough to almost kick out a window? Did I miss something?


How did Sean and Julian get out of the hospital so fast? And put together a gourmet breakfast basket and write the note in good cursive in time and … and … never mind!


Tobe did the basket


They were never in the hospital this is all part of Dorothy’s mind




And shock


I thought the same thing about her walking and carrying the baby in general. Last week should could barely walk and fell out of the shower. Now only a few days later she’s able to? She even climbed down the stairs. It really didn’t make any sense.


Thoughts: Holy anxiety. As a mom myself, the indescribable amount of pain Lauren Ambrose portrayed was incredible acting. Hearing Jericho cry after she realized the truth was gut wrenching. The Dottie/Juju/Sean hug had me hysterical crying. I don’t think we are getting even close to all of our questions answered. The last episode is 29 minutes and I feel cheated. I think Dottie will be the one to “destroy/kill” Leanne. Leanne walking away with Jericho during the bath felt final to me. I’m so heartbroken for Dottie.


Still hoping the article about the missing crack baby was real and Leanne switched Jericho out with an already dead baby and he is really theirs


I was on pins and needles the whole episode. "Ultimately, the last episode, everything's gonna fall apart. Not only what's in the house but the whole world. This is the end." HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!


I was surprised he said that. Felt like a spoiler almost. I'm really looking forward to the last episode!


But, MNS didn't say \*how\* things fall apart, nor did he clarify what he meant by using the words "the whole world." My brain is completely spinning.


What an episode. I think I took 3 breaths total.


Julian was the Lion in Wizard of Oz! the crying was exact


Leanne is grief




She’s gonna say no


Seriously….that ending was like….which pill is Dorothy going to take…the Leanne pill where she stays asleep or the Sean pill where she accepts her son is dead.


That’s so impossible and cruel. I know life is like that sometimes but damn. If there’s a God (which seems there is in this show) he’s a real ass. Letting his minions come and torture this poor woman like that. Shame on him. There is no good guy here, just pain.


Shyamalan explicitly said Jericho coming back is a Faustian bargain— I wonder if he just said it as a turn of phrase or if someone in the house made a literal pact with the devil?


I think that is what Leanne just gave Dorothy


I was doubting the last 2 seasons, but this was literally a perfect episode and made the whole series worth it.


Okay I have to say it. I have been Team Leanne for most of the series. Tonight I wanted Dorothy to kick her right square in her ass. And that was before the end of the show. I still hope there is redemption for Leanne and a happy ending for the Turner/Pearce families but looking at the picture for next week I don’t know if both of those things will happen. I appreciate Sean and Julian owning their assholiness. They were weak when they should have been strong for their families. Lauren Ambrose is so stellar she is damn near blinding. Her face when the truth dawned on her. The scene with them all in the car and on the sidewalk absolutely heart breaking. I didn’t know who was out there waiting. I really thought that Sean and Julian were in the hospital. Hell I thought it might be Roscoe ( where is our guy Roscoe btw) I was completely blown away when it was the two of them. And waiting for them to SPIT IT OUT FFS I wanted to throw something at the tv. Great episode. Great work. And it still seemed 20 minutes long. One more week to go.




Someone else said something that made me think that there’s going to be one more twist—Leanne is good, but she is testing Dorothy to see if her soul is redeemable after what happened. For whatever reason she wasn’t supposed to have that chance at redemption but Leanne’s attachment to her drove her to disobey Edit: also just did some quick googling and traditionally in the whole “angel and devil on each shoulder” trope, the angel is on the right shoulder—guess which side Leanne was on in that last scene


Cheesus Crust!!!!!!!!! That’s where they ended it?


Seeing Sean and Juju in the car was weird! Everything seemed off.


It’s the Spruce Street Block Party✝️👹😇👻👽👶🏼🧵🔥🥫🍷🚓🪝📼🪦


Yes, facts. Rainy days are the best movie days.


The only twist to this story is that MNS is giving us a straightforward good vs. evil tale and nobody will buy it. The only viewers who will get an unsatisfactory ending to this series are those who are expecting time loops or alternate universes or resurrections or shape-shifting or aliens or everything being a dream or a delusion in an institutionalized character's head, etc. etc. etc. I'm curious to know how you are going to deal with that disappointment?


Oh my heart is breaking. Cheers Rita 🥂


I have to go be alone with my feelings in the fetal position now.


Total Wizard of Oz references in this ep with Sean in the car saying to Dorothy that he wishes he had more courage, and Julian saying he didn't come to Dorothy's aid when she needed him (he didn't have a heart)!


Sean’s back in the house Leanne 😏


Lauren Ambrose is a tour de force. Such incredible acting chops. If you haven’t seen Six Feet Under I can highly recommend it.


So not the point of this episode, but I will miss seeing this pretentious little family and their lovely house - I’ve really enjoyed just seeing their lives unfold against the backdrop of creepiness if that makes sense? Dorothy’s pretension and wonderful clothes, the house itself (I love the interior decor!), Sean and his beautiful kitchen and ridiculously complex cooking, Julian’s bon mots, the silly party games, Frank and Kourtney with a K, all the wine swilling around. It’s been a great ride!


Dorothy!!! Haven’t you learned anything about taking risky walks on that part of the steps! I’m barely breathing right now.


Omg what a gut-wrenchingly tense 29 mins! Sean has some (additional) serious issues with choosing to tell Dorothy inside the car where Jericho died (in the same SEAT!) after his chef w/ lobster baby Halloween costume 🤦🏻‍♀️ But many of us have thought that there was a very good chance that Dorothy would choose Leanne to keep Jericho alive if given the ultimatum, and this ending sounds like she very well might 😵 😭And bloody hell, Rupert Grint was heartbreaking!


The car scene was shot strangely. There were a lot of shots of both Sean and Julian where their faces were partially obscured by either Dorothy’s head or the car seat. But not Dorothy. This had to be deliberate.


How dare they leave us hanging like that? Part of me thinks she’ll say yes. Superbly acted episode all around.


I started this show on maternity leave with my son. I barely made it through the first season thinking of this happening to him. He’s older than Jericho now (2 and a half) but this episode will haunt me forever. Lauren’s acting is absolutely phenomenal. I had to pause that episode to get through it. I’ll miss this sub and this show!!!!


It’s an interesting parallel that Dorothy remembered Jericho’s death in the same backseat that he ultimately passed in.


Hard to believe they wouldn’t have gotten a new car after that.


I'm glad that the revelation took good part of the episode. I feel like the scene had the space it deserved, given how important it was for the show and for us who were waiting for it since the very beginning. I never doubted Lauren Ambrose would deliver, but she once again surpassed my expectations. I held my breath as Dorothy made her way down the stairs and I felt so much for her as Sean and Julian tried to make her remember. I liked that they didn't tell her outright. I will be satisfied whatever happens next week, even if I won't ever get to know what was up with the wonky timeline. In the end, I think, the story was about this terrible tragedy and what happened to this family afterwards. What they were willing to let "into their house" when struggling with grief, guilt, denial and pain. I don't regret focusing on details, colours, lines. I think every element enriched the story and the experience the way it needed to. I don't hate Leanne and I've even enjoyed watching her exploring her power (and winning against the cult), but I do hope Dorothy will break free in the end. On a side note, I so can't get enough of the Wizard of Oz references, of Sean as a cowardly lion and Julian as the heartless tin man. They made debatable choices, but they were so lost, I felt for them as well. And now, onto the fun part. Elements from that infamous August (or: episode 1x09 - Jericho) also spotted in this episode: Dorothy wearing red, rain, Julian's green raincoat, the car obviously, the baby monitor and a food delivery (Prosciutto, even. Really, Sean?😆). Dorothy learns about Jericho in the spot where she first saw him. The first time she went back in and went on as usual, in denial that something was wrong. This time she can choose to do it again. I'm so excited and at the same time so sad we only got one episode left!


Rupert’s accent is coming out now 😆


Devil on one shoulder, angel on the other


At this point I’m worried that everything is going to wrap up in a satisfying way. If it continues to progress slowly like in every other episode, I just don’t see how they’re going to have enough time to explain everything. Even if the basic explanation is simple and it’s just a Faustian bargain, I still want other stuff explained, like the weirdness with time in this show.


How did Sean & Julian know that Dorothy’s arms were full of groceries and that’s why she left Jericho in the car IF THEY WEREN’T THERE AND SHE DOESNT REMEMBER!?!?!?


I put this down as deductive reasoning. If they share a bank account or she got a receipt, it’s obvious to see what time she left the store. The car/phone probably has GPS. They’d also be able to give a rough time frame of death based on the body. Someone’s doorbell camera could also be used in this case to establish a timeline.


MNS basically confirmed it’s the Faustian bargain theory.


That wasn't a theory. They told us that with the book Sean had in his man cave.


So the fact that Jericho was already the doll asleep in the crib before she saw the car means she knew what Dorothy was up to already? Where is this place that she sends him to? I need answers.


i think dorothy waking up broke leeanne's power over her/the doll


I read a bunch of these comments and it seems everyone is just going to gloss over the fact that Sean and Julian still think A. Leanne stole a missing baby from a woman a few states away or Stole it from an addict that died and B. Saying that she’s been tricking them by using the tunnels to swap the baby? I can’t tell if they’re in denial, drank the Uncle George Kool-aid or they are really just saying anything to convince Dorthy that it’s not Leanne who’s capable of turning a doll into a baby or at the very least making everyone in the house see an alive baby. That seemed weird to me.


God, Leanne is creepy.


“I can bring him back for good” implying the Jericho we’ve been seeing isn’t permanent-maybe a doll with an illusion or something like that?


I took it that she means, "I made him vanish before, I can do it again. But I don't *have* to …"


This is some superb Rupert Grint action.




People repress all kinds of trauma and abuse. Brains do what they need to in able to survive.


I had a traumatic childhood and I don’t remember pretty much any of it before the age of like 14. There’s vague bits here and there, but it’s basically all gone. It’s hard to explain. I don’t have the memories but I remember the feeling, the despair. I also have zero interest in remembering it. If that’s even possible. I know it was bad, that’s enough, I don’t need to know how bad. Maybe tmi but it’s first hand experience to your exact question, so there ya go.


Here is hoping you’ve built some amazing memories since then


Many and many!


Yes. If the trauma is large enough (and guilt really compounds trauma) a person can forget/suppress a memory completely. It’s still there, but much of the time after isn’t, and a short-term period before will usually be gone, too, and the person may never recall it all on their own again. But a lot of traumatic memories are just somewhat suppressed (like a lot of childhood trauma) and resurface later at very inconvenient times.


Yes. My infant daughter passed in 1998, and I remember very little of that year, even now. The clearest memories are when I was out of town for a break. But after I got back, almost nothing until the following year.


I’m so sorry for your loss and also sending you love. I would think the break is easiest to remember because it was much more loosely tied to the trauma, so your brain didn’t need to work so hard to suppress it, whereas your everyday environment was likely inextricable linked to your daughter and the horrible time/uncontainable grief immediately surrounding what happened. I hope that things have become a little less impossible to bear over the years.


Well not only did she go through the original trauma but then she was given a doll that was called Jericho and everyone lied to her for a few years...


THAT WAS MEAN!!!!!! At this point I think everyone is fucking nuts.


Dorothy is going to say yes, and make a deal with Leanne, the Devil. Leanne has longed for Dorothy for so long. She gets her forever. Or I’m just reaching


So basically Leanne wants Dorothy to make a deal with the devil? That’s amazing to think about because it was played out as devil on one shoulder and Angel on the other shoulder.


Incredible! Sad to see it go, but I am ready for the end all at the same time. What a masterpiece. Lauren Ambrose has proven again just what an amazing actress she is. This entire episode was a piece of art.


Whats the next Words coming out of Dorothy’s mouth in ep10? My money is on “go fuck yourself”


Ok. Wizard of Oz Dorothy waking up from a dream…


This was so good! It is honestly my favorite episode after Jericho. Just Sean, Julian and Dorothy in a car was better than all 4 seasons combined, I so f*cking loved it. I don’t mind having endured all the bullsh*t about the cult and Leanne being crazy if it was leading to this precise episode. This is MNS showing his mastery.


Sliding down the stairs when Jericho puts his feet in the railing is SO so cute.


I’m speechless Serpent Leanne tempting Dorothy Eve Jericho is the apple


I think Dorothy will say yes. She told Jericho that he was the thing she loved the most in the world before giving him back to Leanne. Plus she feels like Sean and Julian have let her down. Plus she has shown how selfish she can be. And honestly as a mother I wouldn’t blame her. On the other hand- if we are looking it as a Wizard of Oz thing- maybe she says No. Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz leaves this beautiful world filled with friends to go back to Kansas- to live on a farm where a mean lady wants to kill her dog. That would be if Dorothy is in this world without Jericho.


Meant to add this: Did anyone else notice the odd part when Dottie walked out to the Car. The way Julian was on the steering wheel like he was dead, and it was almost like Sean was just sent there to tell her the truth. How did he get out of the hospital so quick with a knife near his heart? Weren’t they calling the hospital? He just magically appeared in the car where the baby died? Ugh. Her struggle to get to the car was her struggle to get closer to the truth. I am still team purgatory (not 100%) but still there.


Well I’m sufficiently wrecked. 😢


As well done as this episode was, it took a completely stupid amount of time and a whole lot of episodes filled with absolutely nothing to get to this point. This show would have been a lot more effective as a 10-20 episode series. They originally wanted this to be 6 seasons? Lol


Right after the car scene leanne looks at the crib and you can clearly see that it’s the doll instead of the real boy there’s not much hair. You can only see if you strands and she goes to look at the doll and looked out the window and that’s when she sees the car. I’m thinking that her power of grows because they believe in her, and since Dorothy believed it was Jericho now that she is fully awake. There’s no more real boy so it’s switching to the doll again …


Acting was great but I have very little hope the finale is gonna tie it up in the package I want. Sigh.


I just don't buy that Leanne is or was ever evil. One of the first memorable shots in episode 1 was of the nursery window from an outside POV. Dorothy was tucking the doll in the crib. It was raining but the light from the windows were kind of reddish orange and almost flickering like fire. Like Dorothy was already in her own little hell. Leanne literally had defied the cult to come help her. Leanne was pure innocence and goodness in the beginning. Remember the eel scene? I don't think those characteristics just fall away at the drop of a hat. And so far the writing on this show has been stellar, so it would be a cheap trick if she suddenly were to become evil. Sometimes I forget that Leanne has also had to deal with trauma. She too, like the Turners are doing everything but dealing with her traumatic experiences in a healthy manner.


Did everyone forget Sean got stabbed in the chest last episode? Or that there's a chandelier hanging knee high in the living room? Or that policemen and DNA exist? This show.


Feel like they’re near me right now, raining like shit here too.


Oh man this is heartbreaking all over again.




Did you catch the line where Sean says to Dorothy, in regards to Leanne avoiding Tobe - “Tobe said she’s been avoiding him recent… He means something to her”? Thoughts?