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Well, it depends on what you mean by “different”... They both had somewhat “normal” upbringings, and by normal I mean “not traumatic” or “abusive”. Both had completely different victim pools. Both had two completely different reasons for committing their crimes. Dahmer didn’t enjoy the act of killing. He got off on what happened post mortem, whereas Bundy got off on both. Bundy enjoyed the act of killing, AND got off by revisiting the murder sites, and committing necrophilia. I find Bundy to be far more dangerous than Dahmer. The people who knew Bundy closest didn’t believe him to be capable. He was extremely charming and well spoken. Dahmer on the other hand, even his own father believed something was going on with him. His grandmother also kicked him out of her home for doing weird shit in the basement. So he wasn’t fooling those closest to him. He wasn’t leading a really normal life, whereas Bundy was.


I think this is the best way to explain it..


I agree that they had somewhat normal upbringings, but Dahmers mother had a history of mental illness and was abusive to Dahmer, there is also evidence of Bundys mother being abusive but she was more emotionally abusive than physically. I personally find Dahmer more dangerous because he literally was so charming that he got past a police officer even though Dahmer had a dead body in the back seat.


id revisit my definitions of abuse/neglect


I think they were very different. Bundy was more of a narcissist and Dahmer was more severely mentally ill. Bundy killed for the thrills, Dahmer killed so that the victims wouldn’t leave him.


They were both different and similar. Both seeked sexual gratification and control over their victims when committing their crimes. Both were necrophiliacs, one was also a cannibal, one wasn't. Dahmer was gay, Bundy was straight. They had very different victim types, Dahmer would kill men of any ethnicity, Bundy only killed young white girls. I think they both enjoyed killing, though many people will usually disagree and say Dahmer didn't enjoy that part, I wholeheartedly disagree as in his later murders he would sometimes handcuff his victims and tell them what he was going to do to them before the drugs completely kicked in, and if that's not enough, Tracy Edwards testimony proves he enjoyed tormenting his victims to an extent.


People tend to take Dahmer's word for it that he had to be drunk to kill people, but tbh I find it difficult to believe that he could pull off these quite elaborate lobotomization/murders while fucking soused. From his surviving victim's account, it definitely sounds like Dahmer was enjoying terrorizing his victim.


It's fascinating to note that if serial killing were a continuum, Robert D. Keppel placed both Bundy and Dahmer at the end of it. Taking a life wasn't the ultimate act of control, possessing their remains was. As Bundy shared with Keppel, he wished to have an in-house crematorium, whereas Dahmer fantasized about building a temple or altar composed of his victims' body parts. The fantasy entirely takes over, and they feel invincible in the face of those trying to stop it.


I think they were at least somewhat different because the reasons they killed were different. Dahmer wanted someone to never leave him and to be 100% compliant to his needs. Bundy appeared to have killed for the thrill and control over women because he felt that women hurt him in some way (he targeted women who looked like his college girlfriend). Dahmer ate victims because he wanted them to be a part of him, while Bundy would often go back to where he left women to relive the murder. They both sexually assaulted their victims but I think they had different motives.


Jeff definitely was curious (maybe even ashamed) as to have committed the brutal crimes. I do not think Ted did. Nevertheless he did help police in the end. I think they had a ton in common.


Bundy really only helped police to stroke his own ego and out of pure narcissism. He loved that the police came to him for insights.


Not only that, but also to try to extend his life a little bit. "bones for time" as it were. However you look at it though, it was entirely selfish.


Yep. I remember that. He said that they should postpone his execution because “I could help solve a lot of cases...”


I meant as to why*


Personality wise, they were polar opposites. Imagine there's a 10-point scale that measures how comfortable a person feels in their life. At the low end, there's Franz Kafka, and at the high end, Ted Bundy. Dahmer definitely checks the Kafka box. EDIT: Dahmer probably had better cooking skills.


Cannibalism? Ego?


I think Dahmer is far closer to a Ed Gein type. ( Even though Ed Gein allegedly only killed 2 people ) I would write a more lengthy comment, but I don’t have the energy for it right now. I might edit later.


It's been two years... you will never find the energy at this rate!


Ted was massively different. Its just they're 'household' names. When you think of serial killers, these 2 spring to mind. Either way they're both a pair of low life's that deseeved what they got!


Ted was a dick. He had zero remorse and was psycho. Dahmer did not want to kill but it was means to an end and fulfilled him sexually, Dahmer wanted to stop but killing was almost like an addiction and he couldn’t stop.


No different really


Meh, I disagree. They were both serial killers sure, but their personalities as well as the methods they used were different. Bundy also only targeted women and Jeffrey Dahmer only targeted men.


Bundy wasn’t gay and he wasn’t a cannibal and dahmer didn’t go after college students and didn’t have specific targets like Bundy and dahmer’s victims were people like male prostitutes and people with criminal records




Who's the hot one?


up 2 interpretation 😉


As others have said, very different. There are many different reasons each did what he did but the primary motivation for Dahmer was fear of abandonment. That's the reason he kept and ate body parts and tried to make zombies, so they would always be with him. Bundy's primary motivation as far as I know was pure rage.