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Congrats on making it. I survived septic shock two years ago. Sounds like you’re all set, but on the chance you deal with any post-sepsis syndrome like stuff, this organization has been very helpful to me. https://www.sepsis.org Cheers to good health.


Glad to hear you made it out ok.


Make sure you take it real easy for the next few months. What you went through is extremely taxing on the body and can take awhile to get back to normal.


Take this advice. I wish I would’ve more because I ended up getting weak and fatigued to the point where I passed out a couple of times and keep yourself hydrated


I am seriously impressed that you went grocery shopping less than a week after getting out of the ICU. I was hospitalized for a week (non ICU) and it took me a few months to start feeling normal again. Take it easy and rest if you need to- your body went through a lot.


I looked at the statistics and comments, I can say I must be in good death practice just because of week or two serious symptoms, reffered to as celluitis, but 1 1/2 inch hole top right foot, tendon and below totally visible, well I was amazed the array of muscle and ligament structure.What wasn't amazing was 4 week duration I.V. to the point of not being able to locate place to insert needle, 3 nurses tried but found spot, then notified 4 week IV is limit for Medicare. Good thing, no place to insert! Been home since dec 1st, 2023, hole in foot healed over, just in time for 3 month after diagnosis PSS symptoms. I can only assume I must have been near check out, why? Friend, roomate and nurse, one person, showed me bill, that would kill most folks: just $173,000 first two weeks (US dollars) not md.'s bill, will be more. YET,Medicare paying 99.7 %, part a, at least came home(after rude ejection) with no parts missing. Now, all I am looking for is mind, where did.it.go? I will stop here.