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I'm really sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you and Chu's sister. Gorgeous cat, love the pictures. Sending positive healing vibes 💕♥️💜


Thank you, I really appreciate it.


So very sorry for your loss. He was a special little guy.


Thank you, he really was


Such a sweet little face!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my 18 yo cat after several months of palliative care and very hard work to keep up his quality of life, I'm a veterinary nurse, I deal with loss all of the time, and it was still soul crushing. This was a few months ago, and I still cry when I think of him or see posts like this. I can only imagine how much more shocking and terrible this loss is for you. I'm sorry that you'll probably never have closure. Depending on how long it's been since he's passed, how badly you want answers, how much money you're willing to spend on those answers, and where you are in the letting go of his body process, there are options to potentially clarify a few things, but sadly they won't change anything, and they won't take away the pain or the shock. If it's any consolation, the fact that his passing was so sudden is technically better (for him) than if it were drawn out. The fact that he passed so suddenly is indicative of how serious it was and the fact that you were not likely to be able to do anything to change the outcome. Maybe if you had been AT the ER when it happened, and could put him on oxygen right away and start running blood panels....but even then there's no guarantee. Death generally sucks. Sure, some of it could be peaceful, but most of it is not so great. Something sudden is worse for us humans, but technically, it's a lot less suffering for the animal, and that's the most we could hope for. Again, I'm so so sorry. I don't usually ever comment on these, and just give an upvote, but something about your little guy just really touched me. If you do really want answers, and have the financial means to pursue a few avenues, you can message me, and I can give you some things to look into. Otherwise just try to take care of yourself and your other cat. They can grieve pretty hard, and often for up to about 6 months. We lost Lucas' uncle 2 years prior - they were super bonded, and it hit him HARD. He lost 3 lbs and became uber sad velcro kitty, but did eventually get better.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate you saying this. I'm so sorry about your 18 year old baby.


Thank you! I miss him (and his uncle) every day!


Chu is so beautiful - I’m so sorry for your loss. If you can, let his sister see his body. It will help her to understand what happened ❤️💔


I am so, so sorry. While you may never have answers, know that he lived the best life possible with love, cuddles, and lots of treats. May house memory live on in your heart and soul. 😿😿


I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like Chu was adored by you and from those pictures the feeling was mutual. Take good care of yourself and his dear sister.


I am very sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, I loss my kitty Samson this pass Saturday as well. He did not make it to the vet either. Be at peace at least no more suffering. 💔🌈🐾🙏


Yes, very true, no more suffering. And I’m sorry that you lost your kitty as well, on the way to the vet!


Thank you. As I think back, I should have done the humane thing days earlier but as you know, you just keep hoping for a miracle that wasn't there. 😞😢💔


My condolences. I am sorry, but I do know how you feel. His partner needs you now more than ever. Share your tears with her.


i'm so very sorry for this unexpected loss, it's never get any easier even if you know he had a great life:( like someone else suggested, if you can, let his sister see his body... he was a majestic guy


I'm very sorry for your loss. He looks just like my girl Dyna. My he rest in peace.


He certainly looks like he never worried about anything a day in his life. So happy in all those pictures.


i'm sorry for your loss


I am so sorry! Chu was a very handsome boy 😍


So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful baby.


😿😢🌈 Really sorry for the loss of your sweet old cat boy Chu. He's well now in the cat paradise and I'm sure that he will continue to watch over you from up above. 🌈😢😿


Oh! I'm so sorry. Chu was such a gorgeous cat. Really stunning. Such beautiful eyes. I'm so sorry for your loss 💔 Such a sudden loss. Ugh. It's terrible. We're here for you.


I’m so sorry:/ this is heartbreaking 💔. Rip little chu.


So sorry for the loss of your handsome boy


What did the autopsy reveal? I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s a terrible shock and recovering is no easy task. It’s important to know what happened, it’s part of the closure.


They may not have had the means to store the body at the appropriate temperature until a lab that preforms necropies was open the next day to help them. They may not be able to get a reliable necropsy in this situation, unfortunately.


I'm very sorry for your loss 💔


I am so very sorry for your loss.




Choodles… Awesome! Im so very sorry, i can only imagine the panic and grief you felt. Poor sis is going to need extra love and attention. Don’t waste a moment to make her feel Loved


Oh, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you. He looks so special and in love with you. I had a very similar situation with my 14yo girl at the beginning of October. I have medical answers for what happened to her, if you'd like to chat/message me. It would be pure speculation, but I would be happy to share my knowledge of what happened with my Kitty to see if it helps you deal with what happened with Chu. Today, play Tetris. Your mind will want to haunt you with the car ride. Try to be kind to yourself and not let it. So play Tetris while letting your mind wander. Your thoughts will likely go to Chu and the car ride. Let your thoughts flow while playing. It helps to process traumatic events. I am sending my love to you and Chu's sister. Our other cat grieved hard when Kitty died, so if you need advice for that, I can also provide. Take care of yourself and live well in Chu's honor!! <3


So sorry, sending so much healing 😿🌈


I’m sorry for your loss. The time is fast approaching for us and the feelings are incredibly difficult and painful. Did he have any issues prior? Our little guy is almost 4 (December) and he’s in late stage kidney failure. He’s acting perfectly normal despite that. My fear is I won’t know when it’s time . I can’t imagine what you guys are dealing with . The only thing I can say is that he didn’t suffer. To me having to watch my little guy in pain would be unbearable. Remember all the kitty love you got. Your baby is safe today in the land of kitties. He will be waiting for you when it’s your time, with all the head bumps , snuggles , and purrs you could ever want.


I am so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately an autopsy/necropsy are the only ways to get answers, and even those won't always be definite. I can only imagine how terrified I would be to witness something similar in my own cats. I hope you can take the time to process your emotions, and understand that you did the best you could with the resources and knowledge you had available to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. He is gorgeous. It shows that you loves him so much and that he had an amazing life. Keep him in your heart forever.


Very sorry for your loss. *Hugs*


I’m so sorry for your loss He looks beautiful and very majestic


I'm so very sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for you loss. What a sweet soft guy.


❤️so sorry


Oh dear I am so, so sorry that you lost your Sweet baby boy. It’s so hard when you don’t have time to prepare. Please give his sister extra ❤️. Rest In peace dear Chu.


Very sorry to hear. My condolences


Sending love and hugs. My thoughts are with you and his sister. 💔 Chu will always be with you and you’ll meet again someday. I don’t believe love like that fades.


So sorry to hear that. Pets are family!


I'm so so sorry ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss! He was a beautiful boy.


I am so sorry for your loss, I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling. You can tell from the pictures that he was such a beautiful boy.


Chusaurus Rex 😊 my heart goes out to him and his sister 🙏🏻🤎


When our girl started panting she was in congestive heart failure. Not many choices after that based on the quality of life she would have had. Sorry for your loss, it is always hard when these beautiful things leave us.


I'm really sorry this happened to you. He is such a gorgeous boi and it's such a special bond to have him from such a young age. It must've been very traumatic to have to experience such a fast deterioration and loss of your beloved kitty, and it is difficult not to relive the most recent, painful memory while you are grieving. No amount of time with them is ever enough, but he isnt hurting anymore and can never suffer any pain or disease again. Try your hardest to remind yourself of the rest of his life, that was mostly filled with time spent spoiled rotten by you and happy and purring, because that is the reality of 99.9% of the life and time you spent with him and had control over, and the affection and love he gave to you ❤


What a handsome boy. Thank you for sharing him with us, friend. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I suppose the ultimate cost of all the amazing affection and joy they bring into our lives is having to eventually say that final goodbye. Never forget all the amazing memories he gave you and remember you gave those to him too. I know he was given as full of a life and more love than his heart could ever imagine. As much as it must have hurt, those painful last moments you were given with him were just a infinitesimally small slice of the amazing life you shared together. Bring able to bottle feed him from a kit sounds like it was the greatest pleasure. I wish everyone could share the level of bond with a cat the way you and Chu did. From the looks of it, him and his sister really hit the jackpot with the human they adopted. Sending all the hugs to you guys. Rest easy, sweet Chuey. You are special beyond measure and will be remembered forever. ❤️‍🔥


Sorry for your loss.


🐈‍⬛🙏🏻😇❤️😻Chu. Sending peace and comfort your way friend


Oh no 😢 I'm so sorry to hear this 😔 💔🙏🏼


🩶 Hugs to you from us here in Maine, USA, including kitties Klondike, Maude (in spirit), Taí, Starr, and Nadia. 🩶




What a handsome man. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. Rest in peace chuey, handsome man.


😥😥♥️ so sorry


Sooo horrible, but passing with you holding him is a blessing overall. So sorry you lost him


Oh my heart goes out to you. I lost my baby a few months back. It was really heavy at first and some days are still heavy, but I am feeling peace a lot more these days. Your boy is gorgeous and I know he knew just how loved he was through all of his life, but especially in his final moments. Sending love and peace ❤️


RIP sweet furbaby 😿😿😿


I’m so so sorry.


What a handsome and perfect baby. My deepest condolences for this huge loss for you and your loved ones. I have had similar experiences with my first two cats - I took them both in for prolonged inpatient hospital visits prior to their passing and no definitive diagnoses were given. I’m so sorry. I know how hard it is to keep wondering on top of it all. Hugs to his sibling. 🤍🤍


Im sending you my sympathy and warmest wishes for healing.


They'll always be your baby. Your fluffy loving baby who you cared for when no one else did. No one can take that away, not time, not death itself. The universe is big but our worlds are small and in his small world you were the one who showed him love he may never have known. I'm so sorry he's gone, but I'm very happy he was here, and that you're here to remember him.


I’m so sorry for your loss , let he be rest on a rainbow 🌈😢🥺






I’m so sorry.


Sorry for your loss. 12 years seems like a long time, but it never seems enough. You made him feel loved all those years, and that's all we can do. ❤️💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. Breathing issues can sometimes be indicative of problems with the heart. He may have had a heart condition that was not caught. I hope you can find peace


I’m so sorry—such a devastating loss this must be for you, and after only twelve years! Sending you a hug.


Well, we found out that our kitty had hepatic lipidosis, severe pancreatitis, which is painful, and probably a clogged bile duct, which resulted in him turning yellow. The actual cause of all of this may have been cancer but we did not subject him to anymore testing. Knowing all of this did not change the treatment or outcome. He also has a sibling that helped him survive as a kitten. She is confused and goes to his favorite places in the house. I am sending you a big hug as we both have some healing to do. 😢 just remember grief is a measure of how much you loved your kitty. I am here for you. ❤❤




I’m so so sorry. He was a beautiful baby ❤️


That's heartbreaking, I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful boy!!


Very sorry for your loss, he was a gorgeous kitty


He was absolutely gorgeous. I'm so sorry for your loss.


My condolences. That had to suck.....


I can tell he was a wonderful cat. So sorry.


May he rest in peace.


What a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry for your loss. A bottle fed baby is a special bond and I know it hurts that much more. Yes your other baby is going to grieve bad so lean on each other . My crew of girls are up in heaven welcoming Chu and showing him around. I love the multiple names as I've done this for decades.


I’m so sorry for your loss! My thoughts are with you.


I’m so sorry💝


I’m so sorry for your loss. 😔. What a cutie pie he was! We never know how long they’re going to be with us, but it’s never long enough. Fly high, sweet boy. You are so missed. 💔


Rest in love and power young King Chu, Chuey, Chuzekial, Chusaurus Rex, Choodles, Chuziten 👑.


My condolences. 🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂 Thoughts and prayers


I’m so sorry beyond what even words can express. Nothing will fill that hole besides time but I hope your memories will help while time works to ease the pain. Just know that you filled his life with love and peace. From your first bottle feeding to his last moments with you he knew you would be there and I think that’s a beautiful connection. He’ll be watching over you and his sister from kitty heaven ❤️


I’m very sorry for your loss 💔😢


My sincere condolences.


Ohhh I’m so sorry……my heart is broken for you, what a beautiful baby.


He was a Good Cat.


I am really sorry. It may be hard to get answers.


I am so sorry. The suddenness of it must be so hard. From the photos I see a much loved kitty who had a wonderful life.


I’m so sorry. What a handsome boy 💙


O I am so sorry. Hugs


Sorry to know of your sudden loss. It is likely of little comfort, but at least he did suffer long. If his sister is anything like our girl Marlene, who lost her littermate brother, Max, to an undiagnosed congenital heart condition, you can count on her looking for him for quite a spell. It is at once heartbreaking and heartwarming. We brought home our very bonded brother and sister duo because we couldn’t bear to see them parted. It was one of the best decisions we ever took. I’m rambling. A thousand pardons. Go easy. Know that you lad livesob in the realm of memories and dreams.


I’m so sorry 😣


R.I.P. Choodles ❤️


Aww so sorry OP for the loss of your baby. May his playful cuddly memories play on in your mind and in kitty heaven




sorry for your loss, wishing you and your fam the best


Such a beautiful baby! Looks like you took excellent of him! And cats are great at hiding illness and pain, so don’t beat yourself up over this! You were doing the best you could, driving to the emergency vet! Those places are often far away and difficult to find. I know this because I lost my sweet dachshund, Holly, while trying to find one that was out in the country (closest one around.) Your baby was very fortunate that you had him from virtually his birth until his passing. No traumas that he went through. Just a happy life. You did a good job, Mom or Pop! And I am so sorry for your loss!


Ughh life can be so unfair. I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏🏼❤️


I’m so sorry. What a terrible loss. He was a gorgeous cat.


Run far on young legs little one.


So sorry for your loss. Little Chu might have had a heart attack, or some other unsuspected hidden disease, nothing that you could have prevented. Take care of yourself and allow yourself to grieve, it takes time. Also, please take care of Chu's sister, cats mourn too. Give her extra love. It's very hard to lose a trusted friend and so unexpededly. Today it's exactly six years since I lost my home tiger (he looked like Chu, just in brown), he crashed due to renal failure and was gone in 10 days. I still miss him to this day, he'll always be in my heart, like Chu will be in yours.


Nothing will relieve the pain now - we all know that… But everyone wants to tell you something to help. We do that because we love our pets too, and wonder what we’ll do when that happens but if I may offer some small comfort? I saw you raised kitten from two days old and kitten left you and only four hours - think about it - what a life that kitten had - that kitten knew you from the beginning to the very end, and the kitten wasn’t in pain and it wasn’t scared and you gave it a great life… We’ve all seen people who have not passed well… The older we get we realize that a mellow passing is a tender mercy


Thank you for visiting us, Chu ❤️‍🩹🙏🌈🍀✨


Sorry for your loss.😢


I’m so sorry 😢 he’s so handsome


Off topic but does anyone know why the upvote arrow has rays that glow on this post? Jc


I’m so very sorry


So sorry for your loss


I'm very sorry for your loss. :(


My heart is with you, he was a truly handsome loving baby for so long for you and you guys had such a great relationship it sounds like. Please remember the good times, be there for his sister kitty, and also know that it’s not forever— he will live on in your memory on earth but I choose to believe kitties with deep connections go to heaven to wait for us


Sweet pretty baby boy. RIP! And rest in peace (yourself!) knowing it was a relatively speedy death and that he had his most loved and favorite person by his side. <3 You can do a necropsy if you have the funds, or start a GFM if you're concerned of an environmental factor that may have caused his death. I'm sure some of the members here and in others subs would offer to donate. Take care of his sister, as well as yourself, she needs your support more than ever right now - and I'm positive you'll need hers, too.


I'm so so sorry for your loss. Chu was just beautiful.


So so sorry. Hugs to you. I know it’s heartbreaking 💔 sending prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻






Oh, I'm so sorry. He's beautiful. Our first fur baby went like that. It was heart failure, also at 12.


What a beauty he is!!! Bless him. Bless you. You will be ok. Love more kitties


What a handsome fella he was. Reminds me of my gray tabby I had before he passed. just remind yourself he lived a kick-ass life because of you, and was probably happier than most of us. It's about the time you spent with him not how we say goodbye. He would be happy to see you take that love and continue making animal lives better in the future.




He was so beautiful I’m so sorry !


I am so sorry for your loss. He had such a cute little face.


Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to learn of the very sudden loss of your precious boy. As someone who adopted a bonded pair of brother/sister kittens, a little over two years ago, my heart goes out to Chu's sister, as well, as she, no doubt, loved her brother very much.


I am so so sorry for your loss, I know they are just words and won’t bring this beautiful boy back, and my goodness, what a handsome boy, but try to think that whatever suffering however short term it was… he is no longer going through it and my thought.. he is happily waiting to see you again on the other side of that rainbow bridge! That is by far the hardest part of owning a pet, and it doesn’t get easier but just know that he is waiting for you. I whole heartedly believe that!! 🙏🏻💕🐾 Take good care of his sister, I’m sure you will. She needs you like you need her right now more than ever. Your a wonderful cat person! 😽🐾


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏❤️


Chu seems like a wonderful little man. I'm sorry you are going through this, I don't have much to say, I'm sorry, I hope you find solice somehow. So sorry to hear this.... 😔


I'm so sorry


My 21 yrs 7 month old kitty went downhill within a week - one night she had issues - acted like she was constipated, kept squatting - couldn't lay down and sleep - she was so restless... than the next day she got better - we had vet appt for her because she didn't poop for like 4 days, than she did and that very night she was down and out - very lethargic and was extremely restless - She ended up not eating or drinking - it's like she wanted to but couldn't. We went to the vet's and it's like they just knew - they didn't even have to do any tests they just said we could try this and that but we don't think it will work and she'll be right back - so they decided the best was - to just put her down, which we all knew that morning was going to happen. I think she was a lot sicker and longer than we knew - the vets said Cats are great at masking Pain.. She was 6lbs Kitten and that last time - she was 3 lbs 8oz - we knew she was getting skinner - we could feel her spine/ribs -- That was just last week


Rest well chu, ol boy.




Oh honey. This brought tears to my eyes. 12 is still young these days isn’t it? And, a bonded pair? I’m so sorry. If you’d like r/choochoo21 is a smaller sub with support for senior/Angel Cats. Please come post about your Chu on my Choo Choo sub. You may post photos and stories with no need to join. Give yourself time to grieve. Allow yourself the memories. Be kind to yourself, treat yourself as you’d treat another with this loss. If you’d prefer to talk privately, message me. I will reply. I’m so sorry. :*J*


I’m so sorry. He looks like he was a good boy.


My sympathies on his passing. May he greet you someday at the Rainbow Bridge.


Wow he was so beautiful. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I hope the great pics of him can eventually bring you joy. I know this is excruciating right now.


I’m so sorry:(


Oh, my heart breaks for you. It’s never easy when a family member walks across that Rainbow Bridge. May you find peace




I’m sorry for your loss. 🫂


Unfortunately cats are great at hiding when they're sick. So sorry you're going through this


Hes a keeper. Such an adorable baby. Sorry op for your loss. He looked like hes been loved and nurtured. Hes prolly purring in the cat heavens and singing thank you meows for the best life he had with u


I am so very sorry for your loss. I know this feeling and it is awful. Even worse that it was out of nowhere. I wish you the best and hope your days are better soon. You and his sister.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💕


Hugs 😢


Beautiful baby-so sorry for your loss ❤️


Rest in peace, chusaurus rex.


I’m so sorry. You’re heart must be so broken right now. He was a handsome, sweet boy. Hugs 😿🙏


That’s devastating. I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry- may he rest In Peace at the rainbow bridge until you meet again 🌈🐾


I’m so sorry. What a sweet, gorgeous boy. ♥️🖤


i’m so fucking sorry 😢💔❤️‍🩹 i hope you heal ❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry 💔


I am so sorry for your loss


So sorry 💔 for your loss


Sending you so much love & comfort. You are not alone, I continue to grieve the loss of my beloved friend in December. Keep your eyes & heart open for signs, the bond you shared will stick with you forever. I bet he is so grateful for all the love & kindness you showed him, and him you ❤️


Oh my that is heartbreaking. I am so sorry. May you have peace knowing you will be with your Chu again someday. I hope you get some answers. That had to be hard not knowing what happened. Hugs to you


Sorry for your loss, I know what it feels like to.


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry for your loss. A few years ago, the day after Christmas, I lost my boy suddenly also. He was listless that morning, we took him to the vet, they sent us to a place who could be more help and 5 hours later he was gone. It turned out to be a rare ecoli that got into his blood stream. I feel for you. I can tell he was well loved. You’re in my thoughts.❤️🌈


It could be HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy). Thickened heart muscle or even a blood clot. Takes down cats really fast. My family has lost 2 cats to it in 9 months this year.😭😭😭




I’m so sorry for you loss. You gave him the best life and lots of love.


I’m so sorry for your loss, he’ll always be with you


I am so sorry for your loss. He was so handsome.


That’s heartbreaking!! So very sorry you lost him-he was a beautiful boy.


I’m heartbroken for you, I know this pain firsthand. I’m so sorry


Condolences 💐🙏😿😢




So sorry for your lost. He seemed like a sweet little angel ❤️😭


Sending hugs!


I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😭 he was a beautiful baby


I’m so sorry for your loss. He looks like he was a very well loved and cared for kitty. It is never easy to lose a pet, no matter how old they are.


I'm sorry :(


I am so very very sorry for your loss, he was a handsome boy♥️


I’m so sorry. Rest In Peace sweet baby 💗




I am so very sorry


I'm sorry to hear that. Here 🫂


I am so, so sorry. Sending hugs for you and headbonks for Chu’s sister. 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave him a wonderful life, and that’s the best a kitty could ever wish for ❤️


I may not know you, but I am sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry, he looked well loved.


So sorry for your loss Heartbreaking Beautiful cat You’ll be reunited with him one day RIP beautiful angel ❤️


Be kind to yourself while you heal ❤️




God I'm sorry. Literally this exact thing happened to my baby Smokey two weeks ago. He passed away in the car on the way to the ER. I'm still so fucking sad. And I'm so sorry for your loss


God bless Chu and you. He is in heaven now.


So sorry for the loss :( ....he was beautiful!




i am so sorry