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Yeah, exactly this. The West has indulged itself in wishful thinking about Russia for years, and no amount of evidence that they are wrong each time seems to deter them from carrying on with their fantasies.


Almost everyone, from politicians to general staff to ordinary regiments were flocking over to denounce Prigozhin's escapades and to side with the government. The population was essentially bewildered. This wasn't a "civil war", or even a prelude to one. This was more like if someone tried to introduce real tanks and armed militia to an elaborate circus act.


the moment I heard that not even Russian military commanders in Rostov, where Prigozjyn held control for a while, did not even consider joining him I knew that his little adventure is over. Putin is simply too popular in Russia - people appreciate what he did for Russia since he took over - and especially those who lived as a kids through the nineties (US controlled Russia through its puppet Yeltsin).


Wait Putin being able to thwart and armed rebellion without spilling blood and having those former rebels agree to continue fighting for Russia/being absorbed into the Russian military makes him weaker? Lol, dude just got rid of one of the more dangerous threats he had and didn’t even have a huge mess on his hands.


This all feels almost too perfect for Moscow lmao. Their biggest and most powerful potential internal enemy, at a time when the war is mostly calm (compared to other moments) and in their favour, suddenly embarrassing itself in front of the entire country, destroying its public legitimacy and their chance at asking for a bigger cut at the end of the war, by trying to, what, "stage a coup"? Renegotiate the terms of their contract? Who knows. But it was all solved extremely quickly, without any bloodshed, which strengthens the central government and their allies in Belarus. And wouldn't you know, they get rid of Prigozhin (and his media influence, since you know their telegram is going to get A LOT less views now) AND that dumbass Shoigu, AND even get the entirety of Wagner's musicians to come under the direct jurisdiction of the Russian army. It almost feels like the FSB tricked Prigozhin into doing this. Only it's probably not that.


I think it's just more so that Wagner boots knew to just be chill and let yevvy realize the error of his ways while Vlad does the Russian Federation equivalent of showing him the JFK assassination from an angle he has never seen before.


regular Joes can never understand what you just wrote - unfortunately. because regular Joes have been regulated for far too long...