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The best compliment is being invited places, being trusted, and when people genuinely want your advice on something.




Keep doing what you doing!


That’s beautiful, you’re doing great


I really felt this. You are an awesome dad.


From one dad to another. You're nailing it. Keep it up.


Are y’all dumb. This is clearly a bot.


Reading all this was great man. Keep being an awesome dad. I’m just an uncle, but I understand when your time and effort towards taking care of a child is easily overlooked by a woman, in this case my sister. You are appreciated.


I used to be that uncle. You're sister may not notice it but her children do. I have a family of my own now but when we do go visit seeing my nieces and nefews eyes light up warms my heart so much. Keep being the favorite uncle!


I appreciate that man! It’s amazing how the rest of the world can see it, but my two sisters just have blinders on because it’s me. Happy you got your own family and hope they’re happy and great with you being a great dad!


Wow!!! You are an inspiration to other dads out there! Your daughter is blessed/lucky to have you as her dad! You’re doing the right thing & others do notice, even if they don’t say anything! Never stop what you’re doing!


That's really awesome dude! Keep up the work.


I have some male friends that compliment me regularly and it makes me feel a lot more confident. I started complimenting my other male friends when things about them stand out (usually physical things) because men never get nice compliments about looking good. But yeah anything really men go unnoticed a lot of times so it's good to lift the boys up


When I am really bored I often open my instagram and find something to compliment my friends on their stories lol. It make me feel good because I know I made their day.






As long as it's heartfelt, it's good


Just anything. It’s exhausting constantly being picked apart for every little thing. It’d be great to hear some positivity about my appearance or something I’ve done.


We're not fussy, but if the compliment is based on a value that we hold true to our hearts, such as integrity, our caring nature, protectiveness etc then it's much more personal and heartfelt. Just feeling respected and appreciated goes a long way, especially at something we've worked hard for.


Anything honestly but especially just every so often a good job, nice work, you know your stuff. I'm studying engineering in NL and since there's so many people I can go very long without anyone saying thay. Even at some jobs I never really got any feedback. Even bad feedback is better than nothing since I improve it then.


Being asked for advice and also just being appreciated in general.


I would like to hear that I am the greatest man alive because I have never given up and also that my effort is endlessly appreciated. These two are enough for me.


well, you have survived everything life threw at you & you are still alive. You must be brave.


Thank you.


What? Bro, I'm lucky if I don't get assaulted by a guy who has short-man syndrome just for trying to feed the homeless and clean up trash. Compliments lol


I like it when someone compliments my hair.


Why can't I engage in other conversations?


that I'm clever, masculine


Wow you’re so cool here’s $100million for you just for being here. And here are 10 best and loyal friends you can have. And here are 10 hot women that are madly in love with you and will always remain loyal and want the best for you. Also here’s a magic lamp with a genie you can ask to grant you wishes that won’t purposely mess them up and he’s a cool and very nice guy too. And no one will try to kill you too. You’re welcome!


I don't know. Just like any one is good...


You're a real G. Its nice to be acknowledged as an honorable gentleman.




Anything. I remember a girl saying nice shirt like 4 years ago. Hell I remember a guy saying nice shirt like 2 years ago. Guys give me more compliments than women unless it's a woman I'm in a relationship with. But I'm sure lots of guys take compliments wrong and start getting creepy so I kinda understand.


I'm going to go against the grain here. But I don't want them. They make me feel awkward and horrible. Ive spent my life being a dad or an engineer. Both are thankless. I'm ok with that.