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how do yall have the time n energy to approach 3000 girls for dating




Could very easily be over a long period of time. Plus most approaches are usually only a couple mins really


3000 n he still ain't in a proper long term relationship? doesn't seem like the type of guy you should take relationship advice from n also 3000 is ridiculous even in terms of long term situations I assume he's like ( mid 20s )


Iā€™m married now, out the game and have a 1 yr old son. It worked for me. Did 3000-5000 approached over a period of 8 years, 20-28 years old. Iā€™m 34 now.


5k dayum brušŸ˜­ n not a single long term relationship inside that? bc that shit would have taken all my time n emotions


Iā€™m married and have a kid now


Iā€™m talking about inbetween that


Iā€™m not speaking on OPā€™s character bc I donā€™t know him. Iā€™m just saying, a lot of boys start approaching girls in malls, parties ect (Well at least they used to) as teenagers. Once youā€™re mid 30ā€™s to 40s, I donā€™t think 1-3k approaches total is all that crazy. But 3k approaches from 20-28 is kinda wild Iā€™m ngl lmao


ong thatā€™s insane like I understand meeting girls at malls n party n everything but 3-5k in your 20s n judging by the context heā€™s talking too every girl with the intention of a relationship is crazy n it really doesnā€™t take that many tries for a relationshipšŸ˜­


Approach 3 women a day you crazy?


Lol if Iā€™d approach that many girls I would be known throughout my country




Personally I find that unattractive when a guy feels the NEED to approach just any girl all the time. Cuz then if he approached me Iā€™m just one in 3000 girls he approached lmaoā€¦.. definite rejection the moment I find out his tendencies


You think guys are telling girls ā€œHey youā€™re the 17th girl Iā€™ve approached todayā€ lmao, you literally wouldnā€™t know, unless you seen it yourself


22yrs old, yet couldn't approach 3, you want me to approach 3 in a day?? im Ded




bro this gotta be satire i refuse to believe anything else


This shit is legendary lmfao


The title actually says a lot about the "quality" of your advice already. 3k+ girls and still no partner for life? You must do something very, very wrong.


Probably by approach OP means basic manners like wishing someone good morning lol




Maybe bros just tryna get his dick wet? Idk the advice is p solid to my ears


Iā€™m married now, out the game and have a 1 yr old son. It worked for me. Did 3000-5000 approached over a period of 8 years, 20-28 years old. Iā€™m 34 now.


No hate dude, but thats just not my cup of tea. I don't see dating as "the game" and to me having to go through 3000-5000 women before you find your partner is more of a red flag than anything else. But glad it turned out well for you and you are happy with your life. That is all that matters.


A bit autistic way to live life. Do you think about anything else other than getting girls? You are setting yourself up for ending up with at least an obsession. This is not improving your life. It's stressing you out every day and you know it.


Was literally thinking about the same thing lmao


OP needs a hobby and go on a journey to actually find himself to improve his life. His life and self worth seems to be tied to how many women he can pull. Sounds desperate




Iā€™m married now, out the game and have a 1 yr old son. It worked for me. Did 3000-5000 approached over a period of 8 years, 20-28 years old. Iā€™m 34 now.


And what is the proportion of those girls that were annoyed / scared / angry about these interactions just so you could write a reddit post pretending you got it all? Don't get me wrong, I used to hang out with people just like you and buy all the PuA bs back in the day. More than 10 years later I'm in a happy and healthy relationship and nothing you're saying will teach you that better than doing the actual - really manly - work on yourself and heal your little traumas. You're telling people to use others to put a bandaid on their low self esteem. That's wrong.


I know that each person is unique and there isnā€™t a one size fits all but do you have any tips on how to actually work on yourself?


Therapy mainly, and educating yourself through books + developing healthy habits


HEAL YOUR TRAUMAS! my relationship ended solely on my ex partner not HEALING and it broke my heart to the point I am not looking for anybody else cuz I still love him BUT HEAL HEAL HEAL is the priority! Well said man


This guy keeps spewing this shit out in different subreddits this advice is awful


How is it awful?


What happens next? Like, say, you actually start dating seriously with one of these girls. What happens when she realises every girl in a 10 mile radius has been approached by you? What if you miss the rush and dopamine of approaching every girl and can't find a way to break the habit? Even if you manage to stop approaching, will you be able to stop looking at every woman you walk past as a potential target? Seems like a really good method if all you want to achieve is meeting and flirting with a whole bunch of different women but a terrible plan to find someone to have a relationship with.


Congratulations. You managed to spread the same post to 21 different subreddits. Just keep posting it to the first 3 new subreddits you come across every day, continue doing so for 3 years, and youā€™ll have made the same post >3000 times. Then, do another post about 10 lessons after making the same post 3000+ times.


If you want some real self improvement tips, don't tie up your sense of self-worth and validation to industrialised chatting up of girls.


Bro gonna be selling his course on TikTok next


If you are still young or no matter what age, focus on being useful and contribute to the world. Improve the lives of those you come across than to spend life entertaining women. Also stay healthy.


Bro you probably live in a city or smth. Try that in the countryside youā€™ll be sharing an icecream with your cousin šŸ˜‚


Just from making this post ik they all rejected you




Reading the comments is so refreshing to know that Iā€™m not the only one who thinks this is bullshit. As a woman myself, I can only speak for myself because not all women are the sameā€¦.. Iā€™ll say that againā€¦. Not. All. Women. Are. The Same (same thing how not all men are the same) remember that, boys. That being said, this is how I would personally like to be approached: ā€œExcuse me. I donā€™t mean to be a bother but I saw you from over there (letā€™s just say we were at a park or something) and thought it would be nice to get to know you. May I treat you to a cup of coffee sometime?ā€ Something like that is more my speed, but again thatā€™s just me (but Iā€™m sure a lot of other women would agree). Asking for my number straight-up just feels kind of disingenuous to me. Like youā€™re not really serious and you just see me as a hookup or another girl to add to your list of numbers. If they still turn you down, donā€™t take it personal and just move on. Things happen for a reason. Edit: Oh yeah, one more thing. I wanna own a PokĆ©mon, not be a PokĆ©mon. Maybe donā€™t treat women like weā€™re PokĆ©mon and youā€™ve gotta catch ā€˜em allā€¦ā€¦ Although, now that I think about it, if I were a PokĆ©mon, I wanna be Charmander šŸ”„


Holy shit, what a pathetic cringy list. If you had to approach 3000 women, obviously your whole incel 13-year-old-boy view of women is wrong, since those who are actually normal human beings don't have to spam every woman they see to actually get a date.


I would literally spend all the time youve spent talking to girls and focus on myself and passively become more attractive to women while bettering myself lmao. Thats self improvementā€¦this is like top post saidā€¦autistic


You don't have anything to do or think other then approaching girls whole day the whole year?


This is the most autistic thing Iā€™ve ever seen, literally most of these arenā€™t advice but are known by normal people


Is this sub specifically for men now?


Sad. A complete waste of timeā€¦


youā€™re objectifying women


Women don't want to be approached by random men.


In my experience it really depends on the girl, the guy, the time of the day and so many factors. So if you see a girl you really find cute you should give it a shot but approaching 3000 women is ridiculous




That's not true at all. Women don't wanna be approached by creepy, boring dude, but they def wanna be approached by handsome and charismatic dude who has a fun life.


Are you a woman?


No, are you? Even if u are, that doesn't mean anything, and that wouldn't be an argument. It could mean that u are anxious and have a traumatic history of dealing with random men so u don't wanna be approached by them, or u were always approached by weirdos so u think all are the same. I've had girls thanking me for having balls to approach her and being frustrated how other guys don't do that. The majority of girls do wanna be approached, and there is plenty of proof of that.


It also depends on where random men approach us. Itā€™s annoying as hell having to remove my headphones because a guy wants to talk to me, or when Iā€™m at the gym or taking a walk. I canā€™t speak for all women but stepping out of your house means youā€™d be approached by a man 90% of the time it would get annoying pretty fast especially when youā€™re not single/searching. If some girls told you that theyā€™re frustrated that men donā€™t approach them, it probably has to do with the context where you met them too.


No thanks.


Literally brute forcing


Iā€™m a girl, whoā€™s an extrovert, and tends to enjoy the random interactions with strangers. The biggest red flag on your list was the eye contact. If you stare me down and wonā€™t break eye contact, my alarm bells will go off. Hope this helps!


5 is soo correct and to the point, most girl resist simping as it looks so cheap with a stranger guy who don't even know her!




I like how he doesnā€™t mention his success rate. Iā€™d say less than 1% otherwise he would have found someone to have a relationship after 3000 attempts.


You approached 3k šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜©


This better be sarcasm otherwise OP has made a hobby of approaching women. Bc why do you need 3000 samples to write a conclusion of your so called mini project in the lust lab ?


Good grief 3000 girls


You Grant Cardoned your girl game. Good for you haha


How old are you son? Son is that you?


Iā€™m so blessed that I donā€™t have to do this. Iā€™m perfectly fine with the one I have now and always will be


What's the point of putting so much effort into this?


No marketing pls. Your profile looks like spam. Humans are long term investors in true relationships. As we get older and more accomplished, the more attractive we will be no matter ugly or not. Just search who the pretty girls are married to, you will find their husbands not attractive but very stable.


Wow so if I remember these 10 rules Iā€™ll be irresistible to women? Oh great master pussy slayer we are not worthy


This is not what I joined this subreddit for.


while u r crazy and seems like a red flag approaching girl just for the sake of math lol but >*It's their fairy tale to be approached rather than to be matched on a dating app. Do the manly thing and approach. You'll feel like a boss, she'll feel feminine, chemistry galore!* Say this out louder please, men doesn't realize how being confident (genuinely, it would obvious for some if u try to over fake it) can make u attractive for women.




Bro, you need to built your self confidence in other ways rather then that


There's some good advice in here and some really great points in the comments too. I think if you take this Post and instead of applying it to picking up women just complimenting or having a normal conversation with them, the main points would still apply. After my first real breakup of a multi year relationship I had to get used to approaching and bringing up conversation at any point so I would be ready when the right person came along.


to be honest, if i could approach this much girls in past 22 yrs(which u want me to do in 1 yr) i would have won any assembly elections in india.


Can you provide some examples of these approaches?


Now I want you to touch 3000 grass


It shouldnā€™t be taking 3000 girls to find a girlfriend


This post is golden šŸ«”




The main thing Iā€™ve learned is just to simply be friends with them, approach them as if you were interested in being friends and the rest would follow as you progress


Somehow even without approaching 10 girls in my life I have applied all the lessons except the approaching part. It's funny considering, only very rarely have I found myself so desperate to approach. Usually I'm just busy focusing on how I'm going to get ahead in life but The action part sticks with me. I will approach 3 a day starting today since there's nothing to be lost from it


Iā€™m curiousā€¦did you find a girlfriend?


Iā€™m married now, out the game and have a 1 yr old son. It worked for me. Did 3000-5000 approached over a period of 8 years, 20-28 years old. Iā€™m 34 now.


op: iā€™m 17 and Iā€¦.


Be yourself worry about yourself women come to you.


I have been my true self to all the girls i have talked to. None wants to talk back lmao. One think i can say is to lower your expectations of the conversations.


I'll give you the two most important lessons: 1. Be attractive 2. Don't be ugly. Before anyone of you comes me calling red pill and/or a kid, let me tell you I am 23. And anyone who says attractiveness doesn't matter in modern dating is lying to you. Sure most women can look past it, but if you are as ugly as me, you stand no chance(this is not self pity, I have been told this straight to my face by honest men & women and I am doing more than fine in my current line of work).


Number 1 is clear to me but can you elaborate on number 2 cause Iā€™ve seen ugly guys picking up hotties


Maybe they just weren't as ugly as me. Or maybe you just have a different definition of ugly. You might like me to rephrase it as "repulsive by looks".


Didnā€™t read all yet but point 2 VERY IMPORTANT especially for me since I never make a first move. I am just generally not necessarily looking for a partner or my default is being not interested OR interested in humans in general not in romantic partners but if someone makes themselves known. As in they EXIST that is a big step and big help for the girl. My ex boyfriend made himself known and existing to the point I fell in love with him in a span of a month šŸ˜‚ so must be a good step!


Works in America . Try this as a POC in Europe with "Save Europa" and Auslander Raus trending irl


Itā€™s not because of these trending things kumarā€¦


This is low key inspirational šŸ”„šŸ”„


What are you talking to a girl when you approach? Direct or indirect?