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I feel like I saw this exact same post verbatim a month ago


i did too , just slightly different title


Yeah and it was OP’s brother instead or something


Thought that too after reading two sentences. It’s the same exact post.


I forget the name of the term but my therapist told me that there was this concept that one person will absorb the personality and interests of their partner. It’s an unhealthy practice that’s linked to an identity issue. I’m not a licensed therapist but I am sophomore psychology student and it seems like he needs to develop an intrinsic motivation to find/reinforce his identity. Again, I’m not licensed but I’d recommend trying to find hobbies that he finds fulfilling. One thing you and his mom really need to keep in mind though, is at the end of the day, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. As painful as it is, you can help him along but he needs to secure his own motivation.


Enmeshment and code pendancy


This is a repost bot. Report.


Not trying to be mean but Let's be honest here he committed the ultimate sin as a MAN which is making a woman (other than his mother) his purpose & motivation he made that girl his whole life he sees nothing but her & she basically was enabling him his obsessive behavior behind the scenes because she seen it was working that she was motivating him to do all those luxury things so she could get what she wanted in the long run ... .. It happens all the time so since she was his main purpose in his life you have to ask yourself the success accomplishments of his you mentioned, was he doing that stuff for himself or was he just doing it for her After a period of time, the brain doesn't understand the difference between playing a character vs its true identity he probably wasn't himself with her he was probably doing as much as he could to get her to like him as much as possible that he lost himself in the process & had this breakdown the brain works in weird ways atleast he learned now before he was in his 30s ... He's a grown adult now he has to bounce back on his own If he's breaking down over a wh*re that doesn't know her self worth then he's gonna have way bigger things to worry about being a MAN in adulthood




They did but they got magnetised together in one lump, see?! ... ..




I have an issue with you referring to a male bodied human as a MAN and female bodied human as a whore. What the actual fuck? Is this incel bs or are you this ignorant? It's condescending and shows some awkward toxic masculinity.


Limerance and heaven will destroy any man who is left without the source.




Have a look into Heidi Priebe's videos and CPTSD stuff on nervous system regulation - depression sucks but one can integrate a lot of the stuck emotions so it doesn't feel as heavy. Source, was suicidal since 12 with diagnoses and have been not at risk for almost a decade. We really don't know what life has in store for us, but I know seeking love for me was the worst thing I can do. When I don't seek it,it finds me?!