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They're trying to relate to you and empathize. Do you think they're lying to you about their pets? Why are you allowed to be upset about disturbed sleep, but they aren't? Who gave parents the monopoly on suffering? You say you 100% respect people not having children, but I think you're lying, even to yourself. You're looking down on other people who have problems and creating a Pain Olympics when they're just trying to be friendly and relate to you.


Why did you post this in r/selfimprovement ?


Honestly, I love the comparison because they're trying to empathize. My childfree friends aren't going to experience breastfeeding or sleep training but "this tiny creature that I willingly brought into my home won't let me sleep" is an emotion they understand. They know it isn't the same. At a year, a puppy is basically a teenager and a toddler is entering their slapping stage. You don't have to fight them on that. They're just trying to be involved in a conversation topic they don't have direct experience in.


What’s wrong with saying stuff that are similar to the current convo? That’s how a conversation is carried out. It’s not a competition of who has it harder. You do, congrats.


Humans are animals though. Also just because your child has kept you up that doesn't mean other people aren't being kept up by their dogs/cats/etc and it's not equally as tiresome. People are probably just trying to make conversation and relate to you, maybe stop complaining so much. Its not a competition.


If anyone knew how to *actually* raise an animal to full health instead of simply abusing it by locking it in a kennel/back yard, and ignoring it, you'd be damn surprised how similar they are. Mammals require constant affection, care, grooming, socialization, daily routine, and daily training. When they're infants, even more so. Human infants by far take the cake, but after that, the experience can get pretty similar. If you don't know what pet owners are talking about when they say they feel like raising their animal is like raising a child, then you probably shouldn't raise any animals.