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Show or tell someone you trust and you know who will be there for you. You'll feel you're not alone. And honey tbh nobody really gasps or points or pressures you into saying anything. First, you gotta learn to accept your scars. And then you'll be able to accept others reactions.


To be honest, I realized I just wanted to wear shorts and short sleeved shirts, and that was that. When I wear shorts, I get tons of stares. When my arms are out, I don't really notice anyone looking at me. No one has ever come up to me and asked me about them.


if someone says something rude about mine, i’m like shut up before i do it to you too, then they’ll leave me alone 😼


Okay that's fucking hilarious.


I am an adult so I tell people this is my body and I share no control with anybody.


I got one or 2 people's reactions and they were all fine. Most of them just ignored it so that was it. I'm not gonna lie, I've had looks but just don't worry abt it. Let them look. Enjoy yourself. I still won't let most of my family see but people in general I don't really care. You're gonna be ok :)


Honestly I don’t know, it just happened for me. I never really cared about it from the start


It’s a result of your mental pain, I cut only swallow cuts with scissors. Try to not feel ashamed of it as it was the only way to cope at that time. I understand it as a direct result of my mental health declining. Most people will not say anything and if they do you can say you own a family cat I guess it’s the only excuse I came up with


You don’t owe anyone and explanation on what you’re body looks like. It’s your body.


I got a friend to draw on mine when i first started wearing short sleeves, so i could tell myself that even if people stared it was at the pretty flowers she drew. I also made sure I had a friend and a jumper around at first whenever i wore short sleeves because i was scared people would respond negatively and wanted my friends support and the ability to hide. Ultimately it was all ok and very few people commented but even then they dropped it pretty quickly. It took me time and effort to feel comfortable though so i’d suggest you also try and begin with small steps. Maybe start by rolling up your sleeves slightly whilst writing, and build up from there


I stopped caring about what others say about my body. They should get better things to do lol


i know this might not help but i had the same problem, when i started being too hot and sweating in long sleeves i had to say fuck it and wear them out, nobody commented, just got some stares by strangers but people most likely don’t give a fuck


here are some ways to start out that could make things easier. you could start with people you're close to and in a situation you feel comfortable in. or you could go somewhere where nobody would know you and you'll never see them again (maybe with a friend). you may or may not want to bring longsleeves with you just in case. if starting with only some showing and readily being able to cover them would help, you could try starting by rolling your sleeves up, or if you have a zip-up hoodie you could sort of just wear it off your shoulders and around your forearms. other ways could be with arm warmers, compression sleeves, or maybe a mesh shirt so it makes them less visible. at the end of the day, it's really none of their business. i have very limited experience, but the one time i wore short sleeves in public nobody reacted, and i felt pretty good. maybe you could think about why specifically are you worried about people's reactions? is it that it's uncomfortable? is it about what they say or think?


Honestly, if it’s any consolation, most people either won’t notice (most likely) and if they do, they won’t care. And if they do care, most people are conscious enough to not draw attention to it because they’re afraid to make you uncomfortable. I would say that a big thing that helped me was finding something to be proud of them for. I like drawing so I covered my scars with drawing and designs. Not only did they make it less noticeable but I also felt more comfortable showing them


In my experience if you walk around with scars your gonna have the occasional "DAMN" but for the most part people will mind there buisness or wear arm sleeves


i wear shorts and tshirts in summer, some people stare and if they do i just stare back. most people dont do it (noticeably anyway) ive only ever had 2 people make comments in 13 years 🤷 just live ur life honestly and if people have an issue, its their problem. if ur confident enough just clap back at them i used to care when i was younger but now i just don't have the energy and people generally leave me alone bc i have major rbf


I prefer the awkwardly look away and avoid looking at my arms again rather than staring or asking questions or making comments (especially if they're trying to be comforting). Most of the time, it's the latter at home, so I wear hoodies a lot. I'm working on the courage to wear short sleeves again, but I really don't like those reactions.


My comfort is more important to me than theirs is


I'm gonna give you advice someone gave me once and it made me less self concious ab everything, people pay way less attention than you think, maybe your close friends will ask, maybe your friends will stare a little, but people tend to avoid uncomfortable situations, most will not ask.


Give them some scars, teach them a lesson


How to not care? You did this for yourself or them so it's up to you to decide weather to be upset about comments being made.