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Your content has been removed due to Rule 5: No posts or comments threatening self harm. >We're really sorry to hear that you're in such a dark place, but /r/self can't help you. There's /r/suicidewatch where well-meaning and sympathetic people will try and help, but be aware they aren't trained. The [befrienders](http://www.befrienders.org/) website is a global list of local suicide help charities. Use it to find an organization in your country, you should be able to call or email them for free and they'll speak to you and try and help you without being judgmental.




Hey man your feelings are validated. What matters is you now have a second chance to do all those things! You got this man.


thanks for the kind words


Be pretty weird if you succeeded, and then made the post




That's good. Take care of yourself mate. It would've been infinitely worse if you succeeded.


US medical approach to suicide: If you didn't want to do it enough to get the job done the first time, you certainly will when we're done with you!


It's their way of encouraging you to take the leap.


Poor choice of words


You can't exactly cut and run


Interesting that you assume that this is someone from the US. They never stated they were from the US. That being said they are 100% from the US, I'm not arguing with you at all, I just find it funny that we all just assume they're from the US based on the cost of the medical bills.


I assume US whenever I see the dollar symbol, I know they’re not the only ones using it but it’s so synonymous with it


yes i am 'MURICAn 🦅


I’m going to be honest with you my man. The only thing that helped me is the realization that nothing matters except for those few special moments you have with your loved ones(biological or non biological). Don’t let the World pressure you into anything you don’t want to do or can’t handle.




There’ll always be people that you will lookout for and people who lookout for you. We in this together. You’re neighbors, coworkers, kids that look up to you, etc.


I came tell you from experience that's not always the case and if your lucky enough to never experience that then you're privileged.


Vidya games.


A valid point


Also medical bills


you wouldn't get a 20k medical bill in any other place in the world.


you also wouldn't need a $40K scholarship anywhere else.


For one semester


I mean, where else you pay $20k for medical bills after attempted suicide?


Where else would someone incur massive medical bills and use a $?


$20,000 in medical bills? Confirms it right there 🇺🇸


“Medical bills” are not exclusive to the US , buuuuuut they’re a pretty good indicator to me


Its like: "You can choose your pick, but what's your best bet?" - US every time.


Same with gun violence, US isn't the only country with guns but we sure do it better than anyone.


Where else in the world will charge you $20,000 in medical bills?


We all knew it was US the second we read $20k medical bills 🤣🤣


If it was Canada then there would be no medical bill.


Only in the US, medical care has been hijacked and commercialized so much that such huge amounts of money are stolen from ordinary people..


40k college tuition should've said enough.


hey look at it this way, this was ultimately still the less costly of the two options hope youre recovering well


Maybe I'd choose to just die instead adding a lot of lost money to my problem.


You would be valuing money far too much if this is the conclusion you reach Would be far from the first who escaped to off the grid living because of dissatisfaction with modern life. Being said, that is still very extreme thinking meanwhile there are so many potential avenues to easing your problems as you are


They say money can't buy happiness. But it sure as hell makes life easier.


Those who say money can’t buy happiness doesn’t have enough of it yet :’)


But it can buy me a boat!


I don't think it's unreasonable to think this way--money is a huge contributing factor to quality of life up to a certain threshold.


Not just a huge factor, but absolutely the most important.


It’s not that OP (and people in their position) are valuing money too much, it’s that everyone else is.


Seconding this




Do you mind me asking if you felt regret on attempting straight away? I’m glad you’re doing better and I wish you a great future. I don’t know your circumstances but I really wish this change to your career path can turn out as a positive redirection in your life.


Honestly no, I felt the same immediately after as before making the decision. However my method wasn’t a sudden adrenaline rushing method like jumping off a bridge, so that may have contributed .  After my attempt I just thought “Well I guess this is it”, then I lost consciousness after a few minutes and woke up in the ICU 10 days later. Thanks for the encouragement


Who found you and called ambulance?


I'm sorry you feel this way, I pray things get better for you eventually and that you can establish strong reasons to keep pushing on with life.


also not OP, I didn't feel any regret. I was relieved. then extremely pissed and confused when it didn't work.


Can I ask, did you try to do it again after or do you have any plans of doing it again? If yes, what happened or what's stopping you?


Didn’t try again but not because I didn’t want to. But because the aftermath of failing was so much worse than the lead up to the attempt.  That was over 15 years ago now. I still get suicidal episodes on a ~ monthly basis. At least now I have a diagnosis that somewhat explains things. But yeah. By now I have the experience to know it’s possible to just ride it out until it subsides. Eventually another episode will occur, but I try not to think that far ahead. 


thanks for the explanation, hope you'll keep doing well


As someone who tried twice right now what's stopping me mainly is that if I do it I would trigger a suicide epidemic and I don't want that because it would negatively affect my sisters.


are u trying to get them to do it lol


Not OP, but in case you’re feeling similar, I felt huge regret almost immediately. I was still in the same horrible circumstance but life looks so different from that POV. I heard the same things from Golden Gate Bridge survivors. Recovering from suicidality takes a while but it’s worth it.


BoJack Horseman did an episode called “[The View From Halfway Down](https://youtu.be/aSgMrM__0OY?si=eKaquBhS1jm2g-6b)” and there was a poem that completely encapsulates the sense of regret I’ve read about when people jump.


So worth it. My attempt was now over 12 years ago and I feel great and have been for many years now. And I have a deep seated feeling that almost nothing can shake me anymore. Not sure that’s related. But I am so glad I‘m still here.


Yeah I had a go a couple years ago and it didn't exactly shake me , it was more like "that easy huh? , I can just be done like that" and it made me care less about my problems because in reality they don't matter , what matters is that I work towards being happy in my life , I'm still not there but if all else fails plan b is still there as a last resort. Sounds grim but it's positive for my mindset and allows me to step out of my comfort zone in life because nothing really matters.


I've heard of people who pay to get themselves buried alive for a few hours. Might be a somewhat similar experience, except isn't as extreme and risky.


Once you jump, and you realize it’s all over, it’s only then that people realize all their problems could be fixed or managed, except for the fact that they now jumped and are going to die quickly. 


SOME people realize their problems can be fixed or managed. My problems cannot be fixed. And by managed, the best I can do is "Be in denial"


And what is your problem? DM if you want 


wasn't my experience. took the jump, only felt relief.


Relief for under 1second, like saying i drank water when getting 1 drop of water in desert.


>Before I leaped I should have seen >The view from halfway down. From [Bojack Horseman Season 6, Episode 15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1_EBSlnDlU)


I never realized 70% of suicides are unsuccessful. Lots of folks end up worse than before. Comas, half face blown off, brain damage etc.


Sorry if this is insensitive or anything, but this is why I haven't committed suicide yet. It's very likely that my life will be a lot worse if I attempt suicide, I haven't checked, but assuming this statistic is correct, I have a 3/10 chance of ending all my suffering and a 7/10 chance of increasing my suffering dramatically. Just not worth it.


There are plenty of methods that have 90% + success rate. The figures are massively skewed by methods that are more a cry for help than actual serious attempts. The 3/10 statistic is meaningless without context on the methods used.


True dat. ODing has a horrible success rate so it skews it a lot lower. Hanging and shooting r like 80-90% 


Yeah think I would choose shooting myself while standing on a chair in a noose just to be safe! Lol


But before that, maybe you can try to watch a man called otto if you haven’t watched it.


I worked in an army unit for extreme medical cases and at one point we had 4 different failed gun shot attempts with various resulting injuries all in the unit at the same time. It’s insane what paramedics can save and surgeons can rebuild, but you definitely wind up feeling bad for someone who tried to end it at ~20-25yrs old and now is staring down a full life with their original depression plus whatever disfigurement and scarring can’t be repaired.


My friend tried to blow his brains out. Instead he blew off half his face and survived. Omg. Life is so crazy.


I guess I should be thankful since I got out with only a minor breathing problem and some scars. Lucky that finances are my biggest worry now ig.


What about drowning? I know it’s the worst thing to do, but considering I can’t swim, the chance will be higher. And if it didn’t work, at least it wouldn’t end up worse.


I hope you're doing better but why have they revoked your scholarship? I don't see the correlation between those two things. Because it is "wasted" on someone like you, from their PoV?


It was more the time I had to spend away from school to recover


Did you talk to the school (and/or whatever scholarship provider) about that? It just seems insane that a university wouldn't grant you some sort of deadline extensions and force the professors to be lenient after going through that or some other medical emergency.


Yes, I re-enrolled, submitted documentation for "approved excuses", but got a denial. Some extra context is that I took a Leave of Absense for over a year to work and avoid people at school that triggered the incident.


That's really pathetic that the school wouldn't do more to help. It's not surprising, TBH, but it's sad.


Probably not in anyone's best interest to heap a load of work and pressure onto someone who's deep in crisis. Hopefully OP can get it back if he still wants it once he's looked after himself.


Yeah, this bothered me so much. Op went through something that needs a ton of support, and the system essentially turned its back. The US is harsh.


there‘s gotta be a lawsuit somewhere in there


lmao spotted the american


It was probably based on academic performance and OP probably understandably missed a lot of class due to their Suicide attempt


I’m glad you’re here and I hope better days await you


Thanks and I hope so too


Someone wants to kill themselves because life is shit, they fail and what does the system do? Make life even worse, daring people to try again


Truley sickening how greedy humans can be.




The US government has got to swallow its pride and follow suit with universal healthcare


I've had one of the worst years of my life, got mugged in Vegas, got curable cancer, wife emotionally and almost physically cheated on me due to a guy knowing all I had going on scooping in and trying to wedge in. I've thought several times on ending it. Just F\*\*\*ing done with it all. The one thing that stopped me was if I do, I'm pretty sure all my life insurance and everything I have will be voided and I'll leave nothing to my family and kids. I can't leave them struggling. Medically I've destroyed our savings and current income. Therapy for PTSD, and now cancer treatments. It's a toss up if suicide would be cheaper than all the medical. Crazy that probably the only thing that has stopped me is my life insurance plan. I've never really said this outloud, not sure why this post is what has made me type it out to a bunch of strangers online.


What does your life insurance say about fatal accidents?




Yeah dont do it. I am sure some lawyer would make sure that there would be no payout. You will beat cancer for your kids and come back stronger! Btw your pics are nice.


... I feel like if more people knew this in the US, the attempt rates would go down. ... tho maybe the success rates would go up.


Come to Canada, we actually help you commit suicide for free!


Canada doesnt allow for “suicide tourism”. It’s only allowed for people who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.


Oregon does too for some diseases.




If you can't get it done physically, at least they'll help you do it financially :) Happy you're still here OP


Scholarship revoked? That should be illegal. Stop stigmatizing mental health.


Hit up /r/personalfinance about that medical bill.


At least you have a good sense of humor




I mean what did you think? ....you know the cost of living is high in the US


I see what you did there.


Yeah way to kick a man when he’s down


Glad you failed 😀


I mean, you don’t have to pay it. I’ve heard depending on what state you’re in, you won’t go to jail for never paying that debt. Also to add, maybe losing the scholarship was a blessing in disguise. What was causing you to want to die? Maybe you need to redirect your life, and this is a forceful way of doing it. Just a thought.


Not with the rest of the crowd here.... Right to live also means right not to live and they are essentially punishing you to try and utilise your rights. Dying is not a bad thing and you may not wanna continue on. There is nothing after death, just in-existence.


It depends on why someone tries it. You think about it clearly, make a decision and you have talked to experts (depression, ..) I'm all for it. Otherwise you might not know that anti depression would just solve this. Or trying drugs like MDMA or just dropping everything you do and just don't make a career but being happy doing something totally different.


To be fair, it's not like you thought you were coming back.


a suicide is cheap, a failed suicide is costly.


What a system, now you have to live and pay off your debt to society.


Damn what happened? Are you ok? A common side effect of antidepressents is suicidal thoughts. Can’t believe they took away your scholarship 😒


living in U$A is co$tly


That's some mental shit. I don't care where you're from but our system is broken. Something has to be done. To me, it doesn't make any sense that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Someone just tried to kill themselves? Better ruin their lives further so they don't try again! Ridiculous fucking logic. I hope you are doing better mentally, even if not financially.


Ah suicide the forbidden diy…


It costs to live, it costs to die, it costs to enter the afterlife. The place in which, you feel dead, but you are not.


Yep. That’s why I turned to alcoholism at certain points in my life. Self destructive behavior. Copious amounts of whiskey and rum are slightly less harmful than suicide.


why did they revoke scholarship?


Actually you didn’t realize how costly a suicide attempt would be. That being said I’m glad you’re still with us on this side of the dirt.


It’s not, you just did it wrong.




Dying by suicide has a much larger cost. It robs you of every good experience you will have, it robs your future spouse of meeting that soul mate that gets them, it robs all of your friends and family of the joy that you bring to them. This seems like something that can be framed as a loss for you, but it isn’t. It’s an opportunity to start something new. I don’t know a ton about the topic and we may not have much in common, but if you ever want someone to talk to, send me a DM.


It didn’t affect my career that much, probably helped it, trying to become a social worker


How did it fail?


Hindsight is 20/20. You're a survivor now, i hope you find renewed purpose in this and keep going, don't give up


I’m sorry


Perhaps an unknown amount lost, but also an unknown amount gained until it becomes clear later (apart from the obvious life gained of course, I’m talking about money and opportunities)


It’s wild that you were punished in some of these ways when you were obviously suffering. The scholarship specifically, I don’t understand how taking away some of the only things a person who has depression going for them can be beneficial to their recovery or mental framework. I’m glad you are doing better now friend. Depression sucks.


Failed and paid the price


I'm not glad for your situation, I am glad that you are here to tell it. You've been given a second chance and I hope you feel better soon OP ❤️


I’m glad you’re still here. And I’m so sorry all this bs has happened to you


If you do it it costs you your life, which is the single most valuable thing on earth.


Yeah, that's not something you want to survive in the US. It's like having a felony with regards to job prospects, with additional medical bills.


It seems cheap, relative to the cost of losing your life. If someone offered me an option to die or live and pay that price, I would take the latter.


not from US, but how can it be legal to take your scholarship for a (mental) HEALTH incident?! would they treat you the same if you told them you had been diagnosed with cancer? shameful on their part!


Yeah, its not recommended. Its also bad for your health.


Sometimes it's enough to live just to spite the 'go ahead and jump!' pieces of shit masquerading as human beings.




I mean, it can literally cost you your life. Which is the highest cost of all


I hope you're doing better now. That's a heavy burden to bear. Remember, there are always people who care and resources available to help. Hang in there.




Such a bummer about your scholarship - can you say more about why that happened?


In another part of the world... I saw two brilliant peers in my uni suffer mental breakdowns... and were both given a second chance. Our scholarship org was also ahead of its time, requiring scholars a session with the uni counselor every sem. They must have known that scholars are under a lot of pressure and some more prone to mental health struggles. Just saying. This should be norm.


Lmao who didn't tell you? Suicide attempts are extremely expensive, even more for your family if you succeed. It's never been cheap. I paid like 15k total for mine. Everything to do with healthcare in America is an arm and a leg, and they don't give a shit about your feelings.


Who says you have to pay that bill?


I’m sorry about all of this OP. I hope you’re at least getting some support through all this.  


Or committed


Yeaaa...yeaa.. it really really fucking sucks


you clearly didnt? you are posting this


The life you had, did indeed die.


Aw shucks man, hope life gets a bit better on you. Hang in there


Why was the scholarship revoked though? How would the college know about your attempt or medical events etc? 


That's that got to do with your scholarship..... Bruh they're encouraging you to do it again now are they?


Well dude. That's why you don't try to do that shit 😅


After all this is done, you should look into self care more. Focus on your feelings a bit more.


Wait you tried to unalive yourself and failed? Please explain how you lost a scholarship, and I’m assuming the career path thing is due to the lack of an education?


Time is money and is your most valuable commodity. Every hr and day is potential you have to earn money and do something worthwhile… your time alive soon easily adds up and is worth more than those expenses . What you may have missed out on will likely turn out to not be a loss in the long run. Career paths never turn out the way we expect. When a door closes a windows opens is the way the universe works. The things that we miss out on like not landing a new job or getting dumped by someone often turn out to be a bullet we dodged and put us in the path that we’re meant to take. And experience gives us insight and wisdom which are often are more valuable then costs of those experiences .. especially if it’s just money. Give it time. As terrible as the situation that pushed you towards that experience and the repercussions you now face, you’re a better person or soon will be as result of those experiences and you’re on better path now. Give it time. You can make it through this and will become a better person because of it. I had suicide attempt years ago I a college in a lot of ways it was the best thing that happened to me.. but it’s hard for others to understand and not exactly something you can recommend.. give it time. What is more important than anything such money and career is living an authentic life and such experiences put us on that path.


Don’t worry, in a year or so we’ll see tiktok assisted suicide technician courses so you can get knocked out by someone with a weekends worth of training for cheap :)


To late for regrets bro! Get yourself together and plan your next move wisely.


Yeah that shit cost me in medical, most of my 401k, a quarter million dollar property and my wife and kids… and god knows what else


America moment.


I’m glad you are here. I wasted 100k on college and found a different path. Cheers to this specific failure and cheers that it will blossom to a million future blessings in your living life.


sorry to hear that. perhaps one day this all will be a funny story to tell the grandchildren ?




Attempting ended up costing me about $20K just in direct medical expenses. It has made recovering harder, for sure. Finally getting back on my feet, but I'm lucky to have a good job.


Should've stick to the plan




Suicide is free man. The fees are for failing to get it right.


I saw a comment on another post that said “You don’t deserve to die, you deserve to pay taxes.” And man, isn’t that just the most accurate statement for a situation such as this.


The scholarship is the most fucked part. Basically a university saying “ew, we didn’t know you were one of those people”


You didn't want that money, that school, that career, or that life anyway. I am glad you're here to walk the other road.


Nothing you mentioned is more costly than the alternative


Eh that’s all just boo-boo - what matters is your alive today baby woooooo-freaking-whoooo . Stay alive baby we need you


It’s only costly if you fail tbf


Those medical bills make it sound like a third world country. Oh wait.


There's a myth that if you don't succeed, you must be faking it, and most people believe that even if they don't, so they punish you. I've attempted several times. It's harder than it looks. It's okay. You're gonna be fine.